Liberals: There's No Racism In This Country


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY least the way you mean it.

No....really. There isn't. It's pun intended, a made up bête noire designed to fill Democrat fund risers, and ballot boxes.

1. As with all intellectual discussions, it is best to define terms. To be a description of something worth fighting, becoming violent about, or using all sorts of punishment against, need be something that can be shown to cause physical or monetary harm.

If it means not liking some other entity, well....that is both protected by the first amendment, as 'thought crimes' are the sort found under totalitarian authorities....

....and is a pretense that the target of the dislike is too weak to shrug it off.
We conservatives are targets of such contumely constantly.....and simply continue on.

2. As Victor Davis Hanson points out, ....
'The smears "racist," "fascist," "white privilege" and "Nazi" -- like "commie" of the 1950s -- are so overused as to become meaningless.'

3. In the next several posts, John Hawkins gives an astute explanation of what Liberals mean by the term 'racism.'
- 7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry “Racism”

a. "You disagree with me: "The Republican Party is racist." "Sarah Palin is racist." There's a famous Tea Party sign that reads, "It doesn't matter what this sign says. You'll call it racism anyway!" Why are these people and groups racist? They JUST ARE. "Everybody" knows it.

In other words, liberals believe they can't be racist by virtue of being liberal; so people or groups that oppose them must be "racist" by default. It's about as intellectual as a five year old calling someone a "poopy head," but it's how they think."

[Remember that definition of racist as a conservative winning an argument? Yup.]

b. " I need more attention and/or money: There are an awful lot of people in the Democrat Party who make a living calling people "racist." Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Melissa Harris-Perry, Toure, Joy Reid, Eric Dyson, the NAACP, Tavis Smiley, Cornell West and Ben Jealous rely on finding new and intriguing ways to accuse people of bigotry to fill their pockets and get in front of cameras. If they couldn't find enough things to call "racist," they'd be nobodies and worse yet, some of them might have to get real jobs instead of pretending to be offended for a living."

c. "Let’s take a choice away from black Americans: No group in Congress does less to make the lives of its constituents better than the Congressional Black Caucus. Furthermore, no ethnic group in America has been more loyal to a political party with less to show for it than black Americans. So how can it be that the Democrat Party has been an absolute disaster for black Americans, yet it can count on 90% of the black vote every election?

Simple; liberals have falsely convinced black Americans that Republicans hate them. That means no matter how bad it gets, Republicans can't even be considered as an option. This is how Democrats have managed to utterly destroy cities like Detroit without the populace even considering the Republican Party as an option."

Yup, yup....and yup!! simple-minded folks who have been persuaded to vote against the imagined 'racism'....don't you feel stooooopid?
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now.... least the way you mean it.

No....really. There isn't. It's pun intended, a made up bête noire designed to fill Democrat fund risers, and ballot boxes.

1. As with all intellectual discussions, it is best to define terms. To be a description of something worth fighting, becoming violent about, or using all sorts of punishment against, need be something that can be shown to cause physical or monetary harm.

If it means not liking some other entity, well....that is both protected by the first amendment, as 'thought crimes' are the sort found under totalitarian authorities....

....and is a pretense that the target of the dislike is too weak to shrug it off.
We conservatives are targets of such contumely constantly.....and simply continue on.

2. As Victor Davis Hanson points out, ....
'The smears "racist," "fascist," "white privilege" and "Nazi" -- like "commie" of the 1950s -- are so overused as to become meaningless.'

3. In the next several posts, John Hawkins gives an astute explanation of what Liberals mean by the term 'racism.'
- 7 Things Liberals REALLY MEAN When They Cry “Racism”

a. "You disagree with me: "The Republican Party is racist." "Sarah Palin is racist." There's a famous Tea Party sign that reads, "It doesn't matter what this sign says. You'll call it racism anyway!" Why are these people and groups racist? They JUST ARE. "Everybody" knows it.

In other words, liberals believe they can't be racist by virtue of being liberal; so people or groups that oppose them must be "racist" by default. It's about as intellectual as a five year old calling someone a "poopy head," but it's how they think."

[Remember that definition of racist as a conservative winning an argument? Yup.]

b. " I need more attention and/or money: There are an awful lot of people in the Democrat Party who make a living calling people "racist." Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Melissa Harris-Perry, Toure, Joy Reid, Eric Dyson, the NAACP, Tavis Smiley, Cornell West and Ben Jealous rely on finding new and intriguing ways to accuse people of bigotry to fill their pockets and get in front of cameras. If they couldn't find enough things to call "racist," they'd be nobodies and worse yet, some of them might have to get real jobs instead of pretending to be offended for a living."

c. "Let’s take a choice away from black Americans: No group in Congress does less to make the lives of its constituents better than the Congressional Black Caucus. Furthermore, no ethnic group in America has been more loyal to a political party with less to show for it than black Americans. So how can it be that the Democrat Party has been an absolute disaster for black Americans, yet it can count on 90% of the black vote every election?

Simple; liberals have falsely convinced black Americans that Republicans hate them. That means no matter how bad it gets, Republicans can't even be considered as an option. This is how Democrats have managed to utterly destroy cities like Detroit without the populace even considering the Republican Party as an option."

Yup, yup....and yup!! simple-minded folks who have been persuaded to vote against the imagined 'racism'....don't you feel stooooopid?

A classic BIG LIE in the grand tradition of the BIG LIE.
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Who is forcing these women to have an abortion?
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
the abortion thing is spot on. genocide paid for with tax payer money. sick.
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Who is forcing these women to have an abortion?

the dems are. you don't know this? where have you been. Dems hate blacks.
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Who is forcing these women to have an abortion?

the dems are. you don't know this? where have you been. Dems hate blacks.

And just how are they forced to have abortions for black babies only?
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Who is forcing these women to have an abortion?

Conservatives don't like poor black women to have abortions because they believe that poor black women aren't having enough children.
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
the abortion thing is spot on. genocide paid for with tax payer money. sick.

The above, in a way, is why we shouldn't really fear conservatism. It's too stupid to ever get anywhere.
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Who is forcing these women to have an abortion?

Who is telling these young girls to fuck like liberals like Harvey Weinstein or Anthony Weiner? You guys, then when the young girls of 13 and 14 get pregnant, you liberals are there telling them that they need to abort the baby because those girls would not be able to have fun or afford the child.... Yep, you created this mess of a society , and now the Conservatives have to clean it up once again.
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
the abortion thing is spot on. genocide paid for with tax payer money. sick.

The above, in a way, is why we shouldn't really fear conservatism. It's too stupid to ever get anywhere.
They do tend to walk far out on the limb to grab any nut they can get...
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Who is forcing these women to have an abortion?

Who is telling these young girls to fuck like liberals like Harvey Weinstein or Anthony Weiner? You guys, then when the young girls of 13 and 14 get pregnant, you liberals are there telling them that they need to abort the baby because those girls would not be able to have fun or afford the child.... Yep, you created this mess of a society , and now the Conservatives have to clean it up once again.

When did I ever do such a thing that your perverse mind can assimilate?
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Who is forcing these women to have an abortion?

Conservatives don't like poor black women to have abortions because they believe that poor black women aren't having enough children.

I do think that abortion has it good points, since only liberals seem to be aborting their future democrat voters. Why else would Obama allow millions of future democrats to come into America, to fundamentally change it to prevent whitie from staying in power? 33,000 liberal voters die every month, please keep on aborting them for soon with those illegals going back to their own countries, there wont be any democrat voters anymore.. See Abortion is a good thing.....
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....

Which party champions abortion and which doesn't?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
the abortion thing is spot on. genocide paid for with tax payer money. sick.

The above, in a way, is why we shouldn't really fear conservatism. It's too stupid to ever get anywhere.
who invented the KKK. Who owns the cities with the most blacks in poverty? yep, you got it, the dems. Who puts up the good abortion fight to limit black babies? yep you got it dems. no one else. it's amazing the stupid that is a lib.
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
the abortion thing is spot on. genocide paid for with tax payer money. sick.

The above, in a way, is why we shouldn't really fear conservatism. It's too stupid to ever get anywhere.
They do tend to walk far out on the limb to grab any nut they can get...

Do they make idiotic claims like abortion is genocide because they really believe it, or because they are addicted to trolling?

And which would be worse?
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....
Let those, who abortion most affect, tell you how it really is. | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide
The Nazis justified killing "useless eaters" based on the fact that they were using up resources needed by the German people.

Pro-slavery advocates justified the continuation of slavery because they said the slaves, if emancipated, could not take care of themselves and would be a drain on society's resources.

Pro-abortion advocates attempt to justify abortion by stating that there are inadequate resources to care for all unwanted babies if they are not killed by abortion.
Southern White Democrats , Nazi's and todays Democrats all think the same.....When it comes to blacks and their babies..

Abortion As Birth Control - Life Dynamics

Who is forcing these women to have an abortion?

Conservatives don't like poor black women to have abortions because they believe that poor black women aren't having enough children.

With arguments like that, it's no wonder...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Riiiight but according to people like you there is a genocide of black babies through abortion...Yeah love that two faced two step rhetoric...Everyone dance now....

Which party champions abortion and which doesn't?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you believe that poor women already financially burdened with several children should be encouraged NOT to have an abortion? Why?

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