Liberals STILL Aren't Getting It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Actions, as they say, speak louder than words, but in the political world they don't speak as loudly as MONEY! The American people are speaking, but the Democrats / snowflakes still refuse to listen....

DNC Falls Further into Debt in August with Abysmal Fundraising Haul

"The Democratic National Committee (DNC) may be in trouble, according to its latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing showing it raised only $4.3 million in August and is $4.1 million in debt. The Republican National Committee (RNC) did much better, raising a whopping $7.3 million in August with no debt. The DNC has raised less than half of what the RNC has raised so far this year.

The DNC's $4.35 million fundraising figure is their second worst August fundraising figure in the past 11 years, coming only slightly ahead of the $4.3 million that the DNC raised in August of 2013.

As Democrats look to the future and the 24 seats the need to retake the House as well as the three states needed for control of the Senate, some in the party are calling for more unity and attempts to appeal to alienated blue collar workers.

Time noted that in the meantime the Democrats are in the red and “Republicans are outraising it by a margin of roughly 2 to 1.”

D-Schumer told /warned his Party, 'Drop the 'Hate' / 'Anti-Trump/Get Trump At Any Cost' Single-Issue Crusade
- Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate ignored him

The American people told them in several polls now that they are tired of the Democrats' personal political war with Trump for power and to focus on everyday issues that effect them
- - Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate have ignored them

Now DONORS are telling the hate-driven, anti-Trump consumed Democrats to knock the shit off because they are not continuing to financially back such a proven 'loser' strategy...

Their new DNC Chairman STILL isn't listening...

Liberals still be like....

Don't give up, DNC! I have faith in this strategy! Keep pushing 'Hate'! It's a guaranteed 2018 'winner'.

Russian troll farmers don't get it. The party in power always gets the lions' share of the money donated in non-election years. Political contributions are to buy influence and votes for legislation special interest groups want passed and the Republicans hold all branches.

Party while you can boys. Meuller's flipping Flynn and Manaforte. Charges will soon be filed.
Actions, as they say, speak louder than words, but in the political world they don't speak as loudly as MONEY! The American people are speaking, but the Democrats / snowflakes still refuse to listen....

DNC Falls Further into Debt in August with Abysmal Fundraising Haul

"The Democratic National Committee (DNC) may be in trouble, according to its latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing showing it raised only $4.3 million in August and is $4.1 million in debt. The Republican National Committee (RNC) did much better, raising a whopping $7.3 million in August with no debt. The DNC has raised less than half of what the RNC has raised so far this year.

The DNC's $4.35 million fundraising figure is their second worst August fundraising figure in the past 11 years, coming only slightly ahead of the $4.3 million that the DNC raised in August of 2013.

As Democrats look to the future and the 24 seats the need to retake the House as well as the three states needed for control of the Senate, some in the party are calling for more unity and attempts to appeal to alienated blue collar workers.

Time noted that in the meantime the Democrats are in the red and “Republicans are outraising it by a margin of roughly 2 to 1.”

D-Schumer told /warned his Party, 'Drop the 'Hate' / 'Anti-Trump/Get Trump At Any Cost' Single-Issue Crusade
- Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate ignored him

The American people told them in several polls now that they are tired of the Democrats' personal political war with Trump for power and to focus on everyday issues that effect them
- - Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate have ignored them

Now DONORS are telling the hate-driven, anti-Trump consumed Democrats to knock the shit off because they are not continuing to financially back such a proven 'loser' strategy...

Their new DNC Chairman STILL isn't listening...

Liberals still be like....
View attachment 150565

Don't give up, DNC! I have faith in this strategy! Keep pushing 'Hate'! It's a guaranteed 2018 'winner'.

No kidding... If they got it they wouldn't be liberals...
Actions, as they say, speak louder than words, but in the political world they don't speak as loudly as MONEY! The American people are speaking, but the Democrats / snowflakes still refuse to listen....

DNC Falls Further into Debt in August with Abysmal Fundraising Haul

"The Democratic National Committee (DNC) may be in trouble, according to its latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing showing it raised only $4.3 million in August and is $4.1 million in debt. The Republican National Committee (RNC) did much better, raising a whopping $7.3 million in August with no debt. The DNC has raised less than half of what the RNC has raised so far this year.

The DNC's $4.35 million fundraising figure is their second worst August fundraising figure in the past 11 years, coming only slightly ahead of the $4.3 million that the DNC raised in August of 2013.

As Democrats look to the future and the 24 seats the need to retake the House as well as the three states needed for control of the Senate, some in the party are calling for more unity and attempts to appeal to alienated blue collar workers.

Time noted that in the meantime the Democrats are in the red and “Republicans are outraising it by a margin of roughly 2 to 1.”

D-Schumer told /warned his Party, 'Drop the 'Hate' / 'Anti-Trump/Get Trump At Any Cost' Single-Issue Crusade
- Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate ignored him

The American people told them in several polls now that they are tired of the Democrats' personal political war with Trump for power and to focus on everyday issues that effect them
- - Liberal extremists who have hijacked the party and snowflakes consumed with hate have ignored them

Now DONORS are telling the hate-driven, anti-Trump consumed Democrats to knock the shit off because they are not continuing to financially back such a proven 'loser' strategy...

Their new DNC Chairman STILL isn't listening...

Liberals still be like....
View attachment 150565

Don't give up, DNC! I have faith in this strategy! Keep pushing 'Hate'! It's a guaranteed 2018 'winner'.

No kidding... If they got it they wouldn't be liberals...

You can be a liberal but not agree with the democratic party.
Mueller and his Russian troll's aka investigators are getting it. As soon as the get it all they're going to shove it up somebodys ass - sideways.

RW's might as well lube up, and bend over.
Yes, ONE DAY snowflakes will be able to stand tall and actually provide evidence of a crime and evidence Trump had anything to do with it....

Of course when they do they will be standing on top of the large stack of evidence of Democratic party crimes they have ignored this whole time....


One day....
Yes, ONE DAY snowflakes will be able to stand tall and actually provide evidence of a crime and evidence Trump had anything to do with it....

Of course when they do they will be standing on top of the large stack of evidence of Democratic party crimes they have ignored this whole time....


One day....

who needs the Democratic Party ?

RW's self destruct while Dems sit back and watch .... FOR FREE !!!!!!!!

who needs the Democratic Party ? RW's self destruct while Dems sit back and watch .... FOR FREE !!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, as opposed to your LIE, the Democrats have only succeeded in incriminating themselves during all their failed attempts to manufacture evidence against Trump.
Mueller and his Russian troll's aka investigators are getting it. As soon as the get it all they're going to shove it up somebodys ass - sideways.

RW's might as well lube up, and bend over.

You mean like you leftist told us to do the last eight months?
Russian troll farmers don't get it. The party in power always gets the lions' share of the money donated in non-election years. Political contributions are to buy influence and votes for legislation special interest groups want passed and the Republicans hold all branches.

Party while you can boys. Meuller's flipping Flynn and Manaforte. Charges will soon be filed.


Bet in a year from now you will be telling us the same thing. You remind me of that novice fisherman who's hook is stuck in the weeds but thinks he has a fish because it's tugging thanks to the waves.
Mueller and his Russian troll's aka investigators are getting it. As soon as the get it all they're going to shove it up somebodys ass - sideways.

RW's might as well lube up, and bend over.

You mean like you leftist told us to do the last eight months?

I didnt tell you to do jack shit. Last time I checked the dems werent under a federal investigation or getting repeal/replace shoved up their ass by their own party.

damn good thing RW's get it huh ?
Mueller and his Russian troll's aka investigators are getting it. As soon as the get it all they're going to shove it up somebodys ass - sideways.

RW's might as well lube up, and bend over.

You mean like you leftist told us to do the last eight months?

I didnt tell you to do jack shit. Last time I checked the dems werent under a federal investigation or getting repeal/replace shoved up their ass by their own party.

damn good thing RW's get it huh ?

Oh please, go through USMB since Trump took the White House and read any of the 500 Russian topics you leftists created all telling us of the inevitable destruction right around the corner.

The thing is we are just trying to help you out, just like we did when the Democrats and MSM had you all riled up about the recount. You people just keep setting yourselves up for disappointment, then rinse and repeat. We're trying to stop you, but i guess you can't stop a run away dog from running into traffic on the street and getting splattered.
who needs the Democratic Party ? RW's self destruct while Dems sit back and watch .... FOR FREE !!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, as opposed to your LIE, the Democrats have only succeeded in incriminating themselves during all their failed attempts to manufacture evidence against Trump.

Incriminated themselves? You mean that the DNC is being investigated? By whom and for what?

Here's the thing Evgeny: despite your claims that Hillary is a criminal, she's not the one under investigation by the FBI. She's been there and done that so many times we've lost count and there's been nothing. That's because none of the investigations were based on anything but Republican lies and rumours.

Trump has bragged about his crimes and been flat out caught pulling shady stuff all of his adult life. He bragged about walking away from his first bankruptcy with $40 million in his pocket. He brags about bribing politicians. He brags about sexually assaulting women. His charity has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fined for illegal campaign contributions, and using donations to settle business law suits.

Trump has a long history of playing fast and loose with the law, and of thinking the rules don't apply to him. Settling law suits without admitting guilt doesn't mean he isn't guilty. $25 million on the Trump University fraud case. Disgusting.

This "Russia thing" is going to bite him in the add big time, Evgeny. Your boss is already pissed that Trump can't lift sanctions against him. Imagine how he's going to feel when Trump is impeached.

If Putin's goal is simply to disrupt American politics, he might be pleased but it still falls far short of getting those pesky sanctions lifted which was his real goal. Otherwise your boss stands to lose billions that he stole from legitimate Russian businesses. And all of his election meddling will have been for nothing.

And you'll be unemployed, Evgeny.
On their best day, leftardz own abortion and the fallout from it. The blood of more than 50 million children is on their hands and it doesn't wash off.

No amount of finger pointing at others over race, slavery, sex identity, etc. Will ever rival the stigma of their denial of children's rights and personhood.
Mueller and his Russian troll's aka investigators are getting it. As soon as the get it all they're going to shove it up somebodys ass - sideways.

RW's might as well lube up, and bend over.

You mean like you leftist told us to do the last eight months?

I didnt tell you to do jack shit. Last time I checked the dems werent under a federal investigation or getting repeal/replace shoved up their ass by their own party.

damn good thing RW's get it huh ?

Oh please, go through USMB since Trump took the White House and read any of the 500 Russian topics you leftists created all telling us of the inevitable destruction right around the corner.

The thing is we are just trying to help you out, just like we did when the Democrats and MSM had you all riled up about the recount. You people just keep setting yourselves up for disappointment, then rinse and repeat. We're trying to stop you, but i guess you can't stop a run away dog from running into traffic on the street and getting splattered.
Republicans trying to help Dems is like the fox trying to help the chicken You help only billionaires and your crooks in congress

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