LIberals should thank the rich, thank capitalism


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Average income worldwide is $7,000 - The Boston Globe
How "Poor" are America's Poor? | The Heritage Foundation

Liberals, this is your chance to respectfully thank the rich and thank capitalism for all they both have provided this great nation. The lifestyle of comfort and safety the rich people and capitalist system has provide for Americans and all who can sneak in here is incredible. For example:

- The avg global income is $7,500
- The median global income is $1,500

Now, the average poor American gets over $10,000 just in welfare, food stamps, free education, free healthcare and free housing. Then add in what they can make at a small, part time job on top of that, and they are easily among the "rich" of the world. They are "above average" just from gov't handouts alone. Further....

38 percent of the persons whom the Census Bureau identifies as "poor" own their own homes with a median value of $39,200.

* 62 percent of "poor" households own a car; 14 percent own two or more cars.
* Nearly half of all "poor" households have air-conditioning; 31 percent have microwave ovens.
* Nationwide, some 22,000 "poor" households have heated swimming pools or Jacuzzis.
*The missing welfare spending that is excluded from the Census Bureau poverty reports comes to $158 billion, or over $11,120 for every "poor" U.S. household. The total comes to $5,790 for every poor person in the U.S., or $23,160 for a family of four.

Example: In Massachusetts in 1988 a welfare mother with three children could receive welfare benefits in the form of AFDC, food stamps, public housing, Medicaid, and school lunch and breakfast programs costing the taxpayers $18,765 per year. The poverty income threshold for such a family that year was $12,092. But the family would still be counted as poor by the Census Bureau.

^^$18,765 a year in handouts alone. Not counting any earned income she makes. Yes, captialism is such an EVIL thing and American rich people who fund these handouts are so greedy and evil.

So, with an average income globally of $7500, in 1988 a welfare mother would be handed 2.5X the avg global income in free gov't handouts alone, funded by the rich, made possible by capitalism.

With an median global income of $1500, in 1988 a welfare mother would be handed over TEN TIMES the median global income in handouts alone. Add to that $18,765 she got in handouts a possible $10,000-$12,000 she could earn with a part time job, and her total income would be pushing upwards of $30,000 with only a part time job.

Now, I'm awaiting a few explanations on:

- Why should we tax the rich even more?
- Why is capitalism such an evil system?
- Why do any Americans really have a gripe with the hand they've been dealt in America?

(And to head off the obvious, I'll pre-answer. YES, just because we are so well off, we should still try to improve. I'm just sick of the heated and vulgar attacks on capitalism and the rich when both have been so good to us. Lets change the tone to one of thanks, and improvement when possible.)
(Hint to right wingers) The answer to the above riddle is pure envy. They hate the rich and capitalism because despite their wonderful life as Americans, they are so jealous and envious of those who have more that they want to play the role of the oppressed. The facts simply dont' buy that though!!
(Hint to right wingers) The answer to the above riddle is pure envy. They hate the rich and capitalism because despite their wonderful life as Americans, they are so jealous and envious of those who have more that they want to play the role of the oppressed. The facts simply dont' buy that though!!

What about the incredibly large number of very rich liberals? Do they envy themselves?

The 2 richest men in the country are VERY liberal. Who is it that they envy?
This is a thread about 20-year-old unsourced assertions made by the Heritage Foundation. :eusa_eh: And without much of a point to make.
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I envy myself, but I'm more lucky than good. I think we are all lucky to have been born here vs Russia or Africa etc.
There are rich people in virtually every country in the world, even the poorest.

The difference between those poor countries and us??

We made the rich fork it over. If we hadn't, we'd just be another dirt poor country with rich people at the top like all those other poor countries.
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This is a thread about 20-year-old unsourced assertions made by the Heritage Foundation. :eusa_eh: And without much of a point to make.


The heritage foundation only posted the findings. As usual a liberal attacks the source, not the data.

So who was the source for the heritage foundation? The US Census Bureau, you know, that evil, far right entity the Census Bureau. Mostly staffed by local left wingers like ACORN.

Thats the source. It's all fact.
There are rich people in virtually every country in the world, even the poorest.

The difference between those poor countries and us??

We made the rich fork it over. If we hadn't, we'd just be another dirt poor country with rich people at the top like all those other poor countries.

HA! Wrong also.

The difference between those poor countries and us? We have FAR more rich people, almost an absurd statistic to even bring up really in comparison. And when a poor/middle class American lands on the soil of 95% of the rest of the world, that American automatically becomes one of the richest in that nation. Stats don't lie.

The USSR made "the rich fork it over". Capitalism doesn't. Thats why capitalist nations attract the best and brightest, because they see opportunity to earn wealth.

In your fantasy world of "make the rich fork it over" the state would go bankrupt because the rich would flee. Wait, it's not fantasy, it's called California, Illinois and New York. Thats why rich people are starting to leave those states.

So, now I'll await the left's real response to this thread. You know, the one in which they justify how the poor of this country are extremely well off relative to the whole human population, but somehow are still the victims of the rich and are owed even more, despite living a global standard middle class lifestyle off government handouts alone.
(Hint to right wingers) The answer to the above riddle is pure envy. They hate the rich and capitalism because despite their wonderful life as Americans, they are so jealous and envious of those who have more that they want to play the role of the oppressed. The facts simply dont' buy that though!!

What about the incredibly large number of very rich liberals? Do they envy themselves?

The 2 richest men in the country are VERY liberal. Who is it that they envy?

No, they are an evolved class of liberals. They've overcome their financial envy, but then become obsessed with social envy. The Hollywood liberal for example. They then want to be seen not as an "evil rich person" as they once viewed the rich, and as the left views the rich, but rather a person of the people who despite being rich, can relate to the common man of the world. Thats why they adopt babies from Bumphukistan when there are American babies that need adopting. Thats why they see themselves as globalists rather than Americans. It's why they do so many drugs, because their mind cant wrap around the thought of hating the rich, while also hating themselves, thus the subconcious effort to destroy the self through drugs and wild behavior.

But some like Soros are rich, and still believe the rich are evil, thus takes the side of the left to use his money for what they collectively see as the just cause: Destroying what enables the rich to exist- the USA.

The lefties are a sick and demented bunch, I'll give 'em that.
There are rich people in virtually every country in the world, even the poorest.

The difference between those poor countries and us??

We made the rich fork it over. If we hadn't, we'd just be another dirt poor country with rich people at the top like all those other poor countries.

HA! Wrong also.

The difference between those poor countries and us? We have FAR more rich people, almost an absurd statistic to even bring up really in comparison. And when a poor/middle class American lands on the soil of 95% of the rest of the world, that American automatically becomes one of the richest in that nation. Stats don't lie.

The USSR made "the rich fork it over". Capitalism doesn't. Thats why capitalist nations attract the best and brightest, because they see opportunity to earn wealth.

In your fantasy world of "make the rich fork it over" the state would go bankrupt because the rich would flee. Wait, it's not fantasy, it's called California, Illinois and New York. Thats why rich people are starting to leave those states.

So, now I'll await the left's real response to this thread. You know, the one in which they justify how the poor of this country are extremely well off relative to the whole human population, but somehow are still the victims of the rich and are owed even more, despite living a global standard middle class lifestyle off government handouts alone.
Are you trying to make an argument that the poor should be dismissed because they have it so good? Is this your rationale?
So who was the source for the heritage foundation? The US Census Bureau, you know, that evil, far right entity the Census Bureau. Mostly staffed by local left wingers like ACORN.

Thats the source. It's all fact.

Can you link me to the Census Bureau data set showing the distribution of car ownership, microwave ownership, Jacuzzi ownership, etc by income level?
Well, the left never produces anything except new government programs and wealth redistribution schemes, which of course payment for is always the responsibility of someone else (the "rich"?), I tend to agree.

The Obama regime is a prime example, is there anyone in the regime that has ever made a dollar anywhere except the public trough?
There are rich people in virtually every country in the world, even the poorest.

The difference between those poor countries and us??

We made the rich fork it over. If we hadn't, we'd just be another dirt poor country with rich people at the top like all those other poor countries.

HA! Wrong also.

The difference between those poor countries and us? We have FAR more rich people, almost an absurd statistic to even bring up really in comparison. And when a poor/middle class American lands on the soil of 95% of the rest of the world, that American automatically becomes one of the richest in that nation. Stats don't lie.

The USSR made "the rich fork it over". Capitalism doesn't. Thats why capitalist nations attract the best and brightest, because they see opportunity to earn wealth.

In your fantasy world of "make the rich fork it over" the state would go bankrupt because the rich would flee. Wait, it's not fantasy, it's called California, Illinois and New York. Thats why rich people are starting to leave those states.

So, now I'll await the left's real response to this thread. You know, the one in which they justify how the poor of this country are extremely well off relative to the whole human population, but somehow are still the victims of the rich and are owed even more, despite living a global standard middle class lifestyle off government handouts alone.
Are you trying to make an argument that the poor should be dismissed because they have it so good? Is this your rationale?

No. I'm making the argument that the poor who have it relatively good should quit bitching about how bad they got it. They (liberals) bitch and whine about how the rich have screwed the poor so much, and how capitalism is so bad, when in fact, American Capitalism has produced a "poor" class that by global standards isn't just living among the most well-off humans on the planet, but largely doing so on government handouts.

By global standards, a "poor" American is living a comfortable middle class lifestyle off government handouts. The Census facts in the links prove that without question. A woman on welfare can earn $18,000+ in government handouts. Add to that an extra $12,000 a year (just $1,000 a month) through a small part time job at fast food or convenience store, and her total income would be $30,000. Off gov't handouts and part time work.

But hey, I'm sure some rich guy is out there in his yacht, and we can't have that when there are poor people living safe, comfortable lives off government handouts now can we? VOTE OBAMA!!!!
We made the rich fork it over.

WTF???????????????? So.. NY Carbohydrate sits on his ass waiting for someone else to "fork it over"

Sounds like he's nothing more than a common beggar. Typical NY'r..... tax the shit outta everybody... everybody else. BTW... how's NY doing these days? When they aren't cowering to an Islamic cleric and running Rush Limbaugh outta town and then whining about losing his tax $$.
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Liberals, this is your chance to respectfully thank the rich and thank capitalism for all they both have provided this great nation. The lifestyle of comfort and safety the rich people and capitalist system has provide for Americans and all who can sneak in here is incredible.
Yeah, let's Hear It! for wealth; via Imperiali$m & Genocide!! :rolleyes:

(....Especially when someone-else is doing the actual work!)​

"Mark Twain faced the onset of European and American imperialism at the end of the 19th century with an acute understanding that white racism denied the very humanity of people of darker skin. He was aware that vile theories were then either being generated or revived by the educated hirelings of the European and American ruling classes, to justify their piratical conquests in Africa and Asia. These depraved bourgeois scientists posited that the single human race was actually comprised of several different “races,” and that these “races” could be ranked in a hierarchy based upon intelligence and culture. Not surprisingly, they placed their own “race”...the “white race” the top of the hierarchy and therefore deserving of world domination."
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So who was the source for the heritage foundation? The US Census Bureau, you know, that evil, far right entity the Census Bureau. Mostly staffed by local left wingers like ACORN.

Thats the source. It's all fact.

Can you link me to the Census Bureau data set showing the distribution of car ownership, microwave ownership, Jacuzzi ownership, etc by income level?

Read the article that is linked. Do your own research. If you lefties were any good at research, you wouldn't have voted for Obama.

I'm done doing you libs research for you, you have damn near earned a college education just by my posts informing you on all this stuff, I should've charged you all tuition.

No better time than now to begin, look it up, I provided you with the starting point on those links. Now do your research, and please, do it before you ever vote for a president again also.
Liberals, this is your chance to respectfully thank the rich and thank capitalism for all they both have provided this great nation. The lifestyle of comfort and safety the rich people and capitalist system has provide for Americans and all who can sneak in here is incredible.
Yeah, let's Hear It! for wealth; via Imperiali$m & Genocide!! :rolleyes:

(....Especially when someone-else is doing the actual work!)​

"Mark Twain faced the onset of European and American imperialism at the end of the 19th century with an acute understanding that white racism denied the very humanity of people of darker skin. He was aware that vile theories were then either being generated or revived by the educated hirelings of the European and American ruling classes, to justify their piratical conquests in Africa and Asia. These depraved bourgeois scientists posited that the single human race was actually comprised of several different “races,” and that these “races” could be ranked in a hierarchy based upon intelligence and culture. Not surprisingly, they placed their own “race”...the “white race” the top of the hierarchy and therefore deserving of world domination."

Hey, funny you should bring that stuff up. It's called Eugenics. And it's the darkest of dark secrets of the left. That whole spill about Mark Twain you listed? It's all Eugenics. Cleansing humanity of unwanted races and individuals. Guess what people were fascinated by the positive possibilites of eugenics? None other than liberal heroes Karl Marx and George Bernard Shaw. Hell, even the leftist of all liberals, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg, stated her disappointment that the abortion act in America wasn't used as a tool to "rid America of unwanted populations" as she thought it would be when she voted on it.

SO................thanks? For bringing up the genocidal fantasies of the left?????
Liberals, this is your chance to respectfully thank the rich and thank capitalism for all they both have provided this great nation. The lifestyle of comfort and safety the rich people and capitalist system has provide for Americans and all who can sneak in here is incredible.
Yeah, let's Hear It! for wealth; via Imperiali$m & Genocide!! :rolleyes:

(....Especially when someone-else is doing the actual work!)​

"Mark Twain faced the onset of European and American imperialism at the end of the 19th century with an acute understanding that white racism denied the very humanity of people of darker skin. He was aware that vile theories were then either being generated or revived by the educated hirelings of the European and American ruling classes, to justify their piratical conquests in Africa and Asia. These depraved bourgeois scientists posited that the single human race was actually comprised of several different “races,” and that these “races” could be ranked in a hierarchy based upon intelligence and culture. Not surprisingly, they placed their own “race”...the “white race” the top of the hierarchy and therefore deserving of world domination."

Hey, funny you should bring that stuff up. It's called Eugenics. And it's the darkest of dark secrets of the left. That whole spill about Mark Twain you listed? It's all Eugenics. Cleansing humanity of unwanted races and individuals. Guess what people were fascinated by the positive possibilites of eugenics? None other than liberal heroes Karl Marx and George Bernard Shaw. Hell, even the leftist of all liberals, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsberg, stated her disappointment that the abortion act in America wasn't used as a tool to "rid America of unwanted populations" as she thought it would be when she voted on it.

SO................thanks? For bringing up the genocidal fantasies of the left?????

Sheman is notorious for making the case of the person he is attempting to refute.
$7000 is about what my gardener makes.He has 15 acres and 3 concrete 2 bedroom houses. He rents two of them out for $200 a month each.
No mortgages or credit cards.
A beef filet is $3.50 a lb.
Tilapia is . 75 cents a lb.
A fifth is $7
A pack of smokes is $1.25
Dental exam and cleaning $30
Health insurance is part of S.S of which he pays 9% of his salary. I pay 23%.

Don't try that in your empire unless you make 40K plus


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