Liberals Reach New Low: 'Texans DESERVE Harvey Disaster Because They Voted For Trump'

Cruz Wrong on Sandy Relief -
We consulted a detailed report on the funding in the legislation by the Congressional Research Service in February 2013. We found that at least $35 billion of the $50.5 billion provided by the bill was related to Sandy — that’s 69 percent of the bill.

You're "fact checker" is still using ACTUAL ORIGINAL Sandy proposal. Again --- THAT NEVER PASSED. Never had a prayer. BECAUSE it was a pork fest. The quote refers to that HISTORY of the conflict.

The PASSED and stripped Sandy bill was 1/6 the size and was GENERALLY focused on Sandy. Except (IIRC) there were some "patriotic" provisions for 9/11 workers relief fund and other probably worthy stuff tossed in..

In the quote above -- ALL THAT meat by product NEEDED to be stripped. And Cruz/GOP did the right thing..

"Cruz wrong on Sandy" --- :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He was PROVEN to be right. And Congress EVENTUALLY, at a snail pace, did the right thing.

SUE your "fact checker" for making you stupid and lying to you.....
I just gave you 2 items in that $50.5Bill that were COMPLETELY unrelated to "disaster relief" amounting to MOST of what Ted Cruz claimed. It DIED. Because it was embarrassing to hold up victims while lobbying for "block grants" for community development in Oregon....
all related to disaster relief and repubs played politics F them and F texas ,,A New Yorker

Funny to watch you dense partisan puppets try to ignore the facts. Truely is. That's how you REMAIN dense....

$10.78 billion for public transportation, most of which is allocated to future construction and improvements, not disaster relief.
$17 billion for wasteful Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), a program that has become notorious for its use as a backdoor earmark program.

And money for Alaskan Fisheries???? Read the list -- educate yourselves, go blame your "fact checkers" --- not me or the ole meany Repubs.

ha ha ha!! You should have proof read the bullshit you just posted. When your list labels something as "wasteful" then I know it's not an official list of things.

Where is your link?

The Daily Wire is an American conservative news and opinion website founded in 2015 by political commentator Ben Shapiro. He currently serves as editor-in-chief; Michael Knowles is managing editor.

That's where i found your garbage.

And don't just take their word for it. What was the wasteful spending on? Or do you just assume politicians are telling you the truth as long as they have a R after their name?

You need a helper animal.. The link I gave was NY Post. You can find the debate as the Pork roast was sliced from $60Billl to $9Bill in any number of sources. It HAPPENED. THat's the history of the conflict over the 10lbs of shit in a 1lb bag "stimulus" that Obama and the Dems tried to slide in while folks were desperately trying to recover from a storm..

Do you think that was the first bill to ever have pork in it? I bet there's never been a bill with zero pork in it and that includes any bills the GOP pass this year. When they finally pass something that is.

OH !!! GREAT !!! ---- So if the Texas Relief bill is fully stuffed with meat by products, you're just gonna sit on your hands and STFU and tell us all --- "that's just the way it is".. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

This is why my political life is dedicated to helping both your dying parties to smoke an exhaust pipe..

No pork in Sandy
Cruz: Two-thirds of Sandy relief money was unrelated pork
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....

They hate Trump's supporters, eventhough that the majority of Texans are Blacks and Hispanics in that area. Corpus Christi is filled with Hispanics. Corpus Christi when there, it is like being in the country of Mexico. Especially down further, McAllen's area. They only has one English speaking T.V. channel. The rest are Spanish speaking channels. Corpus Christi is where that singer, Selena is from. I guess a good Mexican is a dead Pres.Trump's supporter or a living Hillary's supporters. But the people knows the truth, and they are starting to come out of their shells.

Actually, it hasn't

No legitimate scientist believes climate change is a myth....Only Republicans

Actually it has. In order to have a "consensus" -- you have to have a SPECIFIC question. And the question in the case of the 97% survey (which was fatally flawed in methodology anyways) was a general question. Like -- Is the Planet warming and does CO2 and man play a role in that warming.

I believe that statement is true. So there probably IS some kind of "consensus" on that PARTICULAR question.

But your problem is that CATASTROPHIC AGW, like was advertised in the 1980s,, is a WHOLE BUNCH of important questions. Like what will be the MAGNITUDE of that warming, and how MUCH is due to CO2 and man. NONE of the more IMPORTANT claims of GW are tested or broached by ONE FUCKING QUESTION. It doesn't answer what the temperature will be in 2100. It doesn't say there's a consensus on "trigger temperatures", or runaway GW, or whether "feedbacks" dominate as net negative or positive.

So with ONE simple question -- any "consensus" is horseshit and meaningless when compared to the scope of the science REQUIRED to make any political/societal planning or mitigation..

The 97% thingy is pure noise and smoke.. There IS NO 97% consensus on the OTHER 80 or 100 vital questions. Look for instance at the series of polls by Bray and von Storch. Over 70 to 100 questions asked about 3 different times over 10 or 12 years.

Consensus is a big deal, even with a broad question
We live in a country where our own President still claims it is a myth. Where the head of the EPA claims global warming does not exist. Where government scientists are not even allowed to mention it in their studies

Global warming IS occurring. The models and projections can be argued, the fact that man is contributing should not still be up for discussion

There is not ONE "broad question" that covers the MAGNITUDE or PREDICTIONS made for GW since the 1980s. Can't write it as ONE question.. That's a disservice to the complexity of the science and research. And it's the kind of thing that the media and politicians ATTEMPT to push in lieu in of any productive DEBATE or discussion --- which was NEVER allowed to happened. The broad question says NOTHING about the temperature anomaly in 2100 or whether there is an unpassable 2DegC "trigger temp" -- beyond which this "junker of a Planet" would literally destroy itself. Says nothing about "oceans boiling" as CBS once reported for instance. It' was all a campaign of EXAGGERATION and fear..

I adhere generally to what's called the 97% question. Because to dismiss it as "a myth" would be denying atmospheric physics and the GreenHouse effect. BUT -- I dismiss as totally unproven, maybe even a bad myth most all of the CATASTROPHIC theories about accelerated, uncontrollable warming that are the MORE SALIENT points of the GW Scare.. To paraphrase Al Gore ----- "THEY PLAYED ON YOUR FEARS".....

Again, I see the bigger issue the total denial by the Trump administration

I see Republicans moving through four phases

Phase 1.: Total denial of global warming (this is where the Trump administration is)

Phase 2: Admitting there is global warming but denying that man has anything to do with it (where most Republicans are)

Phase 3: Admitting that man is contributing, but since we can't agree on how much, we should wait for more studies before we take any action

Phase 4: Admitting there is serious man made global warming but claiming it is too late to do anything about it

Like I said, very few are stupid enough to deny atmos physics and the GreenHouse Effect. So CO2 is a factor. But mankind is charged with emissions that don't make sense. Like land use or domestic cattle. And NATURE puts 20 times the amount of new CO2 into the Atmos every year that man does.

The whole effect of CO2 in the Greenhouse is logarithmically bounded. Meaning that to get the same surface increase of 1degC again --- you need TWICE the amount of CO2 to get that "next degree". So it's nowhere near a linear "unbounded" effect.

I don't think Trump Admin is at Phase1. That's pure DenierVille. MOST serious skeptics are at PHase 3 -- but with some confidence the effects will be more like 1.2degC per Doubling of CO2.. And since we've not even DOUBLED CO2 since the beginning of the Indust Era -- it's a very safe bet that by 2100 -- we won't actually hit the FOLLOWING doubling of CO2 in the atmos.. Not with science and technology still advancing..
Our president is stupid enough
Funny to watch you dense partisan puppets try to ignore the facts. Truely is. That's how you REMAIN dense....

$10.78 billion for public transportation, most of which is allocated to future construction and improvements, not disaster relief.
$17 billion for wasteful Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), a program that has become notorious for its use as a backdoor earmark program.

And money for Alaskan Fisheries???? Read the list -- educate yourselves, go blame your "fact checkers" --- not me or the ole meany Repubs.

ha ha ha!! You should have proof read the bullshit you just posted. When your list labels something as "wasteful" then I know it's not an official list of things.

Where is your link?

The Daily Wire is an American conservative news and opinion website founded in 2015 by political commentator Ben Shapiro. He currently serves as editor-in-chief; Michael Knowles is managing editor.

That's where i found your garbage.

And don't just take their word for it. What was the wasteful spending on? Or do you just assume politicians are telling you the truth as long as they have a R after their name?

You need a helper animal.. The link I gave was NY Post. You can find the debate as the Pork roast was sliced from $60Billl to $9Bill in any number of sources. It HAPPENED. THat's the history of the conflict over the 10lbs of shit in a 1lb bag "stimulus" that Obama and the Dems tried to slide in while folks were desperately trying to recover from a storm..

Do you think that was the first bill to ever have pork in it? I bet there's never been a bill with zero pork in it and that includes any bills the GOP pass this year. When they finally pass something that is.

OH !!! GREAT !!! ---- So if the Texas Relief bill is fully stuffed with meat by products, you're just gonna sit on your hands and STFU and tell us all --- "that's just the way it is".. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

This is why my political life is dedicated to helping both your dying parties to smoke an exhaust pipe..

No pork in Sandy
Cruz: Two-thirds of Sandy relief money was unrelated pork
Fake news
And another thing is where that Professor lives at, in the State of Florida. That the whole State is a flood zone, and which the majority of the State is right at or even below sea level.
Cruz Wrong on Sandy Relief -
We consulted a detailed report on the funding in the legislation by the Congressional Research Service in February 2013. We found that at least $35 billion of the $50.5 billion provided by the bill was related to Sandy — that’s 69 percent of the bill.

You're "fact checker" is still using ACTUAL ORIGINAL Sandy proposal. Again --- THAT NEVER PASSED. Never had a prayer. BECAUSE it was a pork fest. The quote refers to that HISTORY of the conflict.

The PASSED and stripped Sandy bill was 1/6 the size and was GENERALLY focused on Sandy. Except (IIRC) there were some "patriotic" provisions for 9/11 workers relief fund and other probably worthy stuff tossed in....

You mean the bill that Cruz voted against?

The one that the Congressional Research Office report showed that $35 billion of the $50.5 billion was related to Sandy?

Unlike Cruz's lie that 2/3 was not for Sandy?
Actually it has. In order to have a "consensus" -- you have to have a SPECIFIC question. And the question in the case of the 97% survey (which was fatally flawed in methodology anyways) was a general question. Like -- Is the Planet warming and does CO2 and man play a role in that warming.

I believe that statement is true. So there probably IS some kind of "consensus" on that PARTICULAR question.

But your problem is that CATASTROPHIC AGW, like was advertised in the 1980s,, is a WHOLE BUNCH of important questions. Like what will be the MAGNITUDE of that warming, and how MUCH is due to CO2 and man. NONE of the more IMPORTANT claims of GW are tested or broached by ONE FUCKING QUESTION. It doesn't answer what the temperature will be in 2100. It doesn't say there's a consensus on "trigger temperatures", or runaway GW, or whether "feedbacks" dominate as net negative or positive.

So with ONE simple question -- any "consensus" is horseshit and meaningless when compared to the scope of the science REQUIRED to make any political/societal planning or mitigation..

The 97% thingy is pure noise and smoke.. There IS NO 97% consensus on the OTHER 80 or 100 vital questions. Look for instance at the series of polls by Bray and von Storch. Over 70 to 100 questions asked about 3 different times over 10 or 12 years.

Consensus is a big deal, even with a broad question
We live in a country where our own President still claims it is a myth. Where the head of the EPA claims global warming does not exist. Where government scientists are not even allowed to mention it in their studies

Global warming IS occurring. The models and projections can be argued, the fact that man is contributing should not still be up for discussion

There is not ONE "broad question" that covers the MAGNITUDE or PREDICTIONS made for GW since the 1980s. Can't write it as ONE question.. That's a disservice to the complexity of the science and research. And it's the kind of thing that the media and politicians ATTEMPT to push in lieu in of any productive DEBATE or discussion --- which was NEVER allowed to happened. The broad question says NOTHING about the temperature anomaly in 2100 or whether there is an unpassable 2DegC "trigger temp" -- beyond which this "junker of a Planet" would literally destroy itself. Says nothing about "oceans boiling" as CBS once reported for instance. It' was all a campaign of EXAGGERATION and fear..

I adhere generally to what's called the 97% question. Because to dismiss it as "a myth" would be denying atmospheric physics and the GreenHouse effect. BUT -- I dismiss as totally unproven, maybe even a bad myth most all of the CATASTROPHIC theories about accelerated, uncontrollable warming that are the MORE SALIENT points of the GW Scare.. To paraphrase Al Gore ----- "THEY PLAYED ON YOUR FEARS".....

Again, I see the bigger issue the total denial by the Trump administration

I see Republicans moving through four phases

Phase 1.: Total denial of global warming (this is where the Trump administration is)

Phase 2: Admitting there is global warming but denying that man has anything to do with it (where most Republicans are)

Phase 3: Admitting that man is contributing, but since we can't agree on how much, we should wait for more studies before we take any action

Phase 4: Admitting there is serious man made global warming but claiming it is too late to do anything about it

Like I said, very few are stupid enough to deny atmos physics and the GreenHouse Effect. So CO2 is a factor. But mankind is charged with emissions that don't make sense. Like land use or domestic cattle. And NATURE puts 20 times the amount of new CO2 into the Atmos every year that man does.

The whole effect of CO2 in the Greenhouse is logarithmically bounded. Meaning that to get the same surface increase of 1degC again --- you need TWICE the amount of CO2 to get that "next degree". So it's nowhere near a linear "unbounded" effect.

I don't think Trump Admin is at Phase1. That's pure DenierVille. MOST serious skeptics are at PHase 3 -- but with some confidence the effects will be more like 1.2degC per Doubling of CO2.. And since we've not even DOUBLED CO2 since the beginning of the Indust Era -- it's a very safe bet that by 2100 -- we won't actually hit the FOLLOWING doubling of CO2 in the atmos.. Not with science and technology still advancing..
Our president is stupid enough

He's smart enough to know there IS NO "consensus" on the aspects of GW theory that actually AFFECT public policy or planning. That's all that's required here.

If the 2100 outcome is 1.5degC "caused by man" --- it NEVER would have the dominant Enviro issue of the past 4 decades.. It was the 80's predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 -- that incorporated this propaganda circus.. And those days are gone now..

Consensus is a big deal, even with a broad question
We live in a country where our own President still claims it is a myth. Where the head of the EPA claims global warming does not exist. Where government scientists are not even allowed to mention it in their studies

Global warming IS occurring. The models and projections can be argued, the fact that man is contributing should not still be up for discussion

There is not ONE "broad question" that covers the MAGNITUDE or PREDICTIONS made for GW since the 1980s. Can't write it as ONE question.. That's a disservice to the complexity of the science and research. And it's the kind of thing that the media and politicians ATTEMPT to push in lieu in of any productive DEBATE or discussion --- which was NEVER allowed to happened. The broad question says NOTHING about the temperature anomaly in 2100 or whether there is an unpassable 2DegC "trigger temp" -- beyond which this "junker of a Planet" would literally destroy itself. Says nothing about "oceans boiling" as CBS once reported for instance. It' was all a campaign of EXAGGERATION and fear..

I adhere generally to what's called the 97% question. Because to dismiss it as "a myth" would be denying atmospheric physics and the GreenHouse effect. BUT -- I dismiss as totally unproven, maybe even a bad myth most all of the CATASTROPHIC theories about accelerated, uncontrollable warming that are the MORE SALIENT points of the GW Scare.. To paraphrase Al Gore ----- "THEY PLAYED ON YOUR FEARS".....

Again, I see the bigger issue the total denial by the Trump administration

I see Republicans moving through four phases

Phase 1.: Total denial of global warming (this is where the Trump administration is)

Phase 2: Admitting there is global warming but denying that man has anything to do with it (where most Republicans are)

Phase 3: Admitting that man is contributing, but since we can't agree on how much, we should wait for more studies before we take any action

Phase 4: Admitting there is serious man made global warming but claiming it is too late to do anything about it

Like I said, very few are stupid enough to deny atmos physics and the GreenHouse Effect. So CO2 is a factor. But mankind is charged with emissions that don't make sense. Like land use or domestic cattle. And NATURE puts 20 times the amount of new CO2 into the Atmos every year that man does.

The whole effect of CO2 in the Greenhouse is logarithmically bounded. Meaning that to get the same surface increase of 1degC again --- you need TWICE the amount of CO2 to get that "next degree". So it's nowhere near a linear "unbounded" effect.

I don't think Trump Admin is at Phase1. That's pure DenierVille. MOST serious skeptics are at PHase 3 -- but with some confidence the effects will be more like 1.2degC per Doubling of CO2.. And since we've not even DOUBLED CO2 since the beginning of the Indust Era -- it's a very safe bet that by 2100 -- we won't actually hit the FOLLOWING doubling of CO2 in the atmos.. Not with science and technology still advancing..
Our president is stupid enough

He's smart enough to know there IS NO "consensus" on the aspects of GW theory that actually AFFECT public policy or planning. That's all that's required here.

If the 2100 outcome is 1.5degC "caused by man" --- it NEVER would have the dominant Enviro issue of the past 4 decades.. It was the 80's predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 -- that incorporated this propaganda circus.. And those days are gone now..

The idiot we have entrusted our future to....

Cruz Wrong on Sandy Relief -
We consulted a detailed report on the funding in the legislation by the Congressional Research Service in February 2013. We found that at least $35 billion of the $50.5 billion provided by the bill was related to Sandy — that’s 69 percent of the bill.

You're "fact checker" is still using ACTUAL ORIGINAL Sandy proposal. Again --- THAT NEVER PASSED. Never had a prayer. BECAUSE it was a pork fest. The quote refers to that HISTORY of the conflict.

The PASSED and stripped Sandy bill was 1/6 the size and was GENERALLY focused on Sandy. Except (IIRC) there were some "patriotic" provisions for 9/11 workers relief fund and other probably worthy stuff tossed in....

You mean the bill that Cruz voted against?

The one that the Congressional Research Office report showed that $35 billion of the $50.5 billion was related to Sandy?

Unlike Cruz's lie that 2/3 was not for Sandy?

I'm certain the CBO was more complex than that. Even IF that was their conclusion, the bill did not FOCUS the remainder of the money on disaster RELIEF. It was a lot of money that would not be even be ALLOCATED until YEARS after the disaster. I KNOW the CBO also said that 1/2 or MORE of the "sandy related funding" would not be EVEN ALLOCATED until more than 2 years after the storm.

30% pork by a Federal Govt bureaucracy is equivalent to the Ag Dept determining how much by product can exist in a package labeled 100% White Meat Trukey. :badgrin:
There is not ONE "broad question" that covers the MAGNITUDE or PREDICTIONS made for GW since the 1980s. Can't write it as ONE question.. That's a disservice to the complexity of the science and research. And it's the kind of thing that the media and politicians ATTEMPT to push in lieu in of any productive DEBATE or discussion --- which was NEVER allowed to happened. The broad question says NOTHING about the temperature anomaly in 2100 or whether there is an unpassable 2DegC "trigger temp" -- beyond which this "junker of a Planet" would literally destroy itself. Says nothing about "oceans boiling" as CBS once reported for instance. It' was all a campaign of EXAGGERATION and fear..

I adhere generally to what's called the 97% question. Because to dismiss it as "a myth" would be denying atmospheric physics and the GreenHouse effect. BUT -- I dismiss as totally unproven, maybe even a bad myth most all of the CATASTROPHIC theories about accelerated, uncontrollable warming that are the MORE SALIENT points of the GW Scare.. To paraphrase Al Gore ----- "THEY PLAYED ON YOUR FEARS".....

Again, I see the bigger issue the total denial by the Trump administration

I see Republicans moving through four phases

Phase 1.: Total denial of global warming (this is where the Trump administration is)

Phase 2: Admitting there is global warming but denying that man has anything to do with it (where most Republicans are)

Phase 3: Admitting that man is contributing, but since we can't agree on how much, we should wait for more studies before we take any action

Phase 4: Admitting there is serious man made global warming but claiming it is too late to do anything about it

Like I said, very few are stupid enough to deny atmos physics and the GreenHouse Effect. So CO2 is a factor. But mankind is charged with emissions that don't make sense. Like land use or domestic cattle. And NATURE puts 20 times the amount of new CO2 into the Atmos every year that man does.

The whole effect of CO2 in the Greenhouse is logarithmically bounded. Meaning that to get the same surface increase of 1degC again --- you need TWICE the amount of CO2 to get that "next degree". So it's nowhere near a linear "unbounded" effect.

I don't think Trump Admin is at Phase1. That's pure DenierVille. MOST serious skeptics are at PHase 3 -- but with some confidence the effects will be more like 1.2degC per Doubling of CO2.. And since we've not even DOUBLED CO2 since the beginning of the Indust Era -- it's a very safe bet that by 2100 -- we won't actually hit the FOLLOWING doubling of CO2 in the atmos.. Not with science and technology still advancing..
Our president is stupid enough

He's smart enough to know there IS NO "consensus" on the aspects of GW theory that actually AFFECT public policy or planning. That's all that's required here.

If the 2100 outcome is 1.5degC "caused by man" --- it NEVER would have the dominant Enviro issue of the past 4 decades.. It was the 80's predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 -- that incorporated this propaganda circus.. And those days are gone now..

The idiot we have entrusted our future to....


As long as you put him in the same boat as Al Gore and those great Climate Scientists at East Anglia warning that "your children will never KNOW -- what snow is"..

There HAS been a hoax. Because of the LACK of openness and debate. And the highly political nature of the UN IPCC conferences. Which were ALWAYS ALL about beggars demanding checks from developed countries.

It's been a hoax because a dozen "activists in labcoats" have given cover to the media and politicians to GROSSLY misrepresent and spin the actual scientific knowledge on the subject.
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


One pissed off professor does not represent ALL liberals.

Is it fair to say that *ALL* Trump followers supports KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist, ALT RIGHT and other hate groups?
Again, I see the bigger issue the total denial by the Trump administration

I see Republicans moving through four phases

Phase 1.: Total denial of global warming (this is where the Trump administration is)

Phase 2: Admitting there is global warming but denying that man has anything to do with it (where most Republicans are)

Phase 3: Admitting that man is contributing, but since we can't agree on how much, we should wait for more studies before we take any action

Phase 4: Admitting there is serious man made global warming but claiming it is too late to do anything about it

Like I said, very few are stupid enough to deny atmos physics and the GreenHouse Effect. So CO2 is a factor. But mankind is charged with emissions that don't make sense. Like land use or domestic cattle. And NATURE puts 20 times the amount of new CO2 into the Atmos every year that man does.

The whole effect of CO2 in the Greenhouse is logarithmically bounded. Meaning that to get the same surface increase of 1degC again --- you need TWICE the amount of CO2 to get that "next degree". So it's nowhere near a linear "unbounded" effect.

I don't think Trump Admin is at Phase1. That's pure DenierVille. MOST serious skeptics are at PHase 3 -- but with some confidence the effects will be more like 1.2degC per Doubling of CO2.. And since we've not even DOUBLED CO2 since the beginning of the Indust Era -- it's a very safe bet that by 2100 -- we won't actually hit the FOLLOWING doubling of CO2 in the atmos.. Not with science and technology still advancing..
Our president is stupid enough

He's smart enough to know there IS NO "consensus" on the aspects of GW theory that actually AFFECT public policy or planning. That's all that's required here.

If the 2100 outcome is 1.5degC "caused by man" --- it NEVER would have the dominant Enviro issue of the past 4 decades.. It was the 80's predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 -- that incorporated this propaganda circus.. And those days are gone now..

The idiot we have entrusted our future to....


As long as you put him in the same boat as Al Gore and those great Climate Scientists at East Anglia warning that "your children will never KNOW -- what snow is"..

There HAS been a hoax. Because of the LACK of openness and debate. And the highly political nature of the UN IPCC conferences. Which were ALWAYS ALL about beggars demanding checks from developed countries.

It's been a hoax because a dozen "activists in labcoats" have given cover to the media and politicians to GROSSLY misrepresent and spin the actual scientific knowledge on the subject.
It may be a question of when....but not that urgent action is required

Denying that it is happening and proclaiming the whole thing is a hoax is irresponsible
Like I said, very few are stupid enough to deny atmos physics and the GreenHouse Effect. So CO2 is a factor. But mankind is charged with emissions that don't make sense. Like land use or domestic cattle. And NATURE puts 20 times the amount of new CO2 into the Atmos every year that man does.

The whole effect of CO2 in the Greenhouse is logarithmically bounded. Meaning that to get the same surface increase of 1degC again --- you need TWICE the amount of CO2 to get that "next degree". So it's nowhere near a linear "unbounded" effect.

I don't think Trump Admin is at Phase1. That's pure DenierVille. MOST serious skeptics are at PHase 3 -- but with some confidence the effects will be more like 1.2degC per Doubling of CO2.. And since we've not even DOUBLED CO2 since the beginning of the Indust Era -- it's a very safe bet that by 2100 -- we won't actually hit the FOLLOWING doubling of CO2 in the atmos.. Not with science and technology still advancing..
Our president is stupid enough

He's smart enough to know there IS NO "consensus" on the aspects of GW theory that actually AFFECT public policy or planning. That's all that's required here.

If the 2100 outcome is 1.5degC "caused by man" --- it NEVER would have the dominant Enviro issue of the past 4 decades.. It was the 80's predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 -- that incorporated this propaganda circus.. And those days are gone now..

The idiot we have entrusted our future to....


As long as you put him in the same boat as Al Gore and those great Climate Scientists at East Anglia warning that "your children will never KNOW -- what snow is"..

There HAS been a hoax. Because of the LACK of openness and debate. And the highly political nature of the UN IPCC conferences. Which were ALWAYS ALL about beggars demanding checks from developed countries.

It's been a hoax because a dozen "activists in labcoats" have given cover to the media and politicians to GROSSLY misrepresent and spin the actual scientific knowledge on the subject.
It may be a question of when....but not that urgent action is required

Denying that it is happening and proclaiming the whole thing is a hoax is irresponsible

Given that EVERY enviro problem has been blamed on GW -- and the frenzy has literally WIPED OUT all the other enviro issues -- it HAS been --- an over-hyped hoax.

There has not a healthy debate over the projections or the outright propaganda. That's not how public policy should be determined. The "hoax" has been the unholy alliance of govt collusion with a handful of radical activist researchers to frame and wrap the propaganda to the media for over 30 years..
Professor: Texans 'Deserve' Harvey Because They Voted For Trump

"A sociology professor at the University of Tampa published a tweet on Sunday afternoon suggesting that Texas residents deserve the death, destruction and suffering caused by Hurricane Harvey because a majority of Texas voters supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election."

What a piece of fecal matter.....


You think one crazy crackpot in FloriDuh deserves your attention? Can't you find anything else to post about? Bored much?

You are an attention whore. Your thread title is a fucking lie, too.

What else would you expect from a Russian troll? He's paid to post sensational headlines about his enemy.
There is not ONE "broad question" that covers the MAGNITUDE or PREDICTIONS made for GW since the 1980s. Can't write it as ONE question.. That's a disservice to the complexity of the science and research. And it's the kind of thing that the media and politicians ATTEMPT to push in lieu in of any productive DEBATE or discussion --- which was NEVER allowed to happened. The broad question says NOTHING about the temperature anomaly in 2100 or whether there is an unpassable 2DegC "trigger temp" -- beyond which this "junker of a Planet" would literally destroy itself. Says nothing about "oceans boiling" as CBS once reported for instance. It' was all a campaign of EXAGGERATION and fear..

I adhere generally to what's called the 97% question. Because to dismiss it as "a myth" would be denying atmospheric physics and the GreenHouse effect. BUT -- I dismiss as totally unproven, maybe even a bad myth most all of the CATASTROPHIC theories about accelerated, uncontrollable warming that are the MORE SALIENT points of the GW Scare.. To paraphrase Al Gore ----- "THEY PLAYED ON YOUR FEARS".....

Again, I see the bigger issue the total denial by the Trump administration

I see Republicans moving through four phases

Phase 1.: Total denial of global warming (this is where the Trump administration is)

Phase 2: Admitting there is global warming but denying that man has anything to do with it (where most Republicans are)

Phase 3: Admitting that man is contributing, but since we can't agree on how much, we should wait for more studies before we take any action

Phase 4: Admitting there is serious man made global warming but claiming it is too late to do anything about it

Like I said, very few are stupid enough to deny atmos physics and the GreenHouse Effect. So CO2 is a factor. But mankind is charged with emissions that don't make sense. Like land use or domestic cattle. And NATURE puts 20 times the amount of new CO2 into the Atmos every year that man does.

The whole effect of CO2 in the Greenhouse is logarithmically bounded. Meaning that to get the same surface increase of 1degC again --- you need TWICE the amount of CO2 to get that "next degree". So it's nowhere near a linear "unbounded" effect.

I don't think Trump Admin is at Phase1. That's pure DenierVille. MOST serious skeptics are at PHase 3 -- but with some confidence the effects will be more like 1.2degC per Doubling of CO2.. And since we've not even DOUBLED CO2 since the beginning of the Indust Era -- it's a very safe bet that by 2100 -- we won't actually hit the FOLLOWING doubling of CO2 in the atmos.. Not with science and technology still advancing..
Our president is stupid enough

He's smart enough to know there IS NO "consensus" on the aspects of GW theory that actually AFFECT public policy or planning. That's all that's required here.

If the 2100 outcome is 1.5degC "caused by man" --- it NEVER would have the dominant Enviro issue of the past 4 decades.. It was the 80's predictions of 6 or 8degC by 2100 -- that incorporated this propaganda circus.. And those days are gone now..

The idiot we have entrusted our future to....

Ask twitler how much Texas is costing.

Is that schmuck still calling it a hoax? That's ok because Trump only speaks for himself, not America. Just ask rex tillerson

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