Liberals Defend Charlie Hebdo but Wouldn't Allow it on Campus in America


The hardcore American Left is more than ready to punish people for offending them.

The similarities are obvious.


Why aren't you blaming the cartoonists for getting themselves shot? Didn't they instigate it?

You blamed the protestors over Garner in NY for getting the 2 cops shot. You said they were to blame...
The writers at the magazine were not doing anything illegal when they were shot.

Neither were the cops. Thanks for reinforcing my point.

The hardcore American Left is more than ready to punish people for offending them.

The similarities are obvious.


Why aren't you blaming the cartoonists for getting themselves shot? Didn't they instigate it?

You blamed the protestors over Garner in NY for getting the 2 cops shot. You said they were to blame...
The writers at the magazine were not doing anything illegal when they were shot.

Neither were the cops. Thanks for reinforcing my point.
GArner and Brown were hence they got themselves shot.

Muslim terrorists cannot be compared to cops
That's the argument David Brooks makes

The journalists at Charlie Hebdo are now rightly being celebrated as martyrs on behalf of freedom of expression, but let’s face it: If they had tried to publish their satirical newspaper on any American university campus over the last two decades it wouldn’t have lasted 30 seconds. Student and faculty groups would have accused them of hate speech. The administration would have cut financing and shut them down.

Public reaction to the attack in Paris has revealed that there are a lot of people who are quick to lionize those who offend the views of Islamist terrorists in France but who are a lot less tolerant toward those who offend their own views at home.

Just look at all the people who have overreacted to campus micro-aggressions. The University of Illinois fired a professor who taught the Roman Catholic view on homosexuality. The University of Kansas suspended a professor for writing a harsh tweet against the N.R.A. Vanderbilt University derecognized a Christian group that insisted that it be led by Christians.

Americans may laud Charlie Hebdo for being brave enough to publish cartoons ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad, but, if Ayaan Hirsi Ali is invited to campus, there are often calls to deny her a podium.

So this might be a teachable moment. As we are mortified by the slaughter of those writers and editors in Paris, it’s a good time to come up with a less hypocritical approach to our own controversial figures, provocateurs and satirists.

"Steven Salaita was fired from his position as associate professor in the American Indian Studies program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) apparently over views critical of Israel, especially its current massacre in Gaza."

Blaming liberals for that too? lol

The hardcore American Left is more than ready to punish people for offending them.

The similarities are obvious.


Why aren't you blaming the cartoonists for getting themselves shot? Didn't they instigate it?

You blamed the protestors over Garner in NY for getting the 2 cops shot. You said they were to blame...
The writers at the magazine were not doing anything illegal when they were shot.

Neither were the cops. Thanks for reinforcing my point.
GArner and Brown were hence they got themselves shot.

Muslim terrorists cannot be compared to cops

You have no idea what I posted. Have someone read it to you and explain it.

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