Liberals Cry About Mass Incarceration; the Problem is Crime

Without crime there would be no criminals. Without criminals there would be no need for incarceration. The problem is the degradation of our societal norms and sense of decency. Biggest factor with this is single mother homes and welfare. Democrat politicians thrive on poverty. They need poverty to speak of a victim class, yet do nothing to help them. To call out single parent homes brings shouts of “racism” and “sexism” from the left. Criminals are produced by their environment in most cases. Who needs that environment for votes? Democrats.
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year
We could be solving simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States. But, that would take ethics, and the right wing is struggling with morals.

An Iron Age, "work or die" ethic was never conducive to civil Order. Only less civil Chaos.

The right wing prefers to eschew Capitalism at every opportunity, for their socialism on a national basis.

And, we have a Second Amendment and should have, no security problems in our free States.

Yet, the right wing is unwilling to "show-case" their alleged work ethic from the Age of Iron, for it. The right wing alleges learning how to fish important as an ethic from the Age of Iron, but Only seem to provide red herrings for their alleged and vaunted, "work ethic".
The most unethical thing of all is to make someone dependent upon the state.
abolish our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
Abolish welfare, increase 5 fold the number of crimes that can receive the death penalty. Execute them out of existence. They will never be productive for society.
A right wing paradise?

The left knows, a Commune of Heaven on Earth, requires social morals for free, even under our form of Capitalism.
1. Child is born into a single parent home in government housing. Taxpayers $$$
2. Child goes to school for free and has free school lunch. Taxpayers $$$
3. Child get in trouble with the law, goes to court, and receives public defender. Taxpayers $$$
4. Goes to prison and is provided basic necessities including health care. Taxpayers $$$
5. Gets out of prison as an even more violent criminal.
6. Repeat process until they murder someone.
Why is there any poverty in alleged, Right to Work States?
There is. They just don’t cry about it.
The point is, a Right to Work, to avoid poverty, should be what is accomplished.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.
We have huge swaths of the public who believes in a right to commit any number of crimes.

The increase in police action is a direct result of the limitations placed on the public for self help. We don't have vigilantes, or lynch mobs. We have call the police.

When I was little and a creepy guy was hanging around the playground a few Dads would confront him and remove him. No police necessary.
We have huge swaths of the public who believes in a right to commit any number of crimes.

The increase in police action is a direct result of the limitations placed on the public for self help. We don't have vigilantes, or lynch mobs. We have call the police.

When I was little and a creepy guy was hanging around the playground a few Dads would confront him and remove him. No police necessary.

Nah, there's actually too many laws and the Police State is rapidly expanding. Americans should be very concerned. Big Brother isn't their friend.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.
Restore the normal functions of individual self help.
We have huge swaths of the public who believes in a right to commit any number of crimes.

The increase in police action is a direct result of the limitations placed on the public for self help. We don't have vigilantes, or lynch mobs. We have call the police.

When I was little and a creepy guy was hanging around the playground a few Dads would confront him and remove him. No police necessary.

Nah, there's actually too many laws and the Police State is rapidly expanding. Americans should be very concerned. Big Brother isn't their friend.
Let people enforce their own community standards. Big brother isn't your friend. Tar and feathering is.
Liberals Cry About Mass Incarceration; the Problem is Crime

but but but Shitforhair PROMISED TO END CRIME

  • I’ll be able to make sure that when you walk down the street in your inner city, or wherever you are, you’re not gonna be shot. Your child isn’t gonna be shot.” — August 2016
  • “The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20, 2017, safety will be restored.” — July 2016 at the Republican National Convention
  • “This chaos and violence will end, and it will end very, very quickly.” — August 2016
  • “A Trump administration will end this long nightmare of violence.” — Multiple speeches in November and December 2016
he forgot to promise to lie his ass off ,,,,,,,,,,
Get the hell off his back and let him work.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.

That is rather abstract and neglects the actual crimes committed. That is a problem.
Does this mean that violent crime is on the decline ?? Hey gotta keep the paychecks rolling in for the overblown justice system, so pot is on the plate or menu of the year now.. OK, so that's better than violent crime leading the stats. Pssst, a little secret, don't do drugs or drink and drive, and trouble will pass right on by every time.

Driving drunk is a crime, using drugs isn't. Adult Citizens should have the right to decide whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It isn't a Government issue. Smoke all the weed you want, snort all the coke you want, drink all the alcohol you want. Just don't hurt others.
all of you RW kooks better concentrate on setting your own house straight and stop trying to solve the rest of the worlds problems -- youre not exactly setting examples you can be proud of.
So it is your wish that the right wing kooks (your label), will give up and let the all knowing OZ left wing kooks solve the world's problems ?? What makes the left any better ??
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.

That is rather abstract and neglects the actual crimes committed. That is a problem.

We may still live in the freest nation, but our freedoms are eroding fast. This Police State is expanding incredibly quickly. So folks shouldn't be surprised when more Citizens are incarcerated in a Police State. It's what Police States do.

I have a solution!

Start hanging violent offenders one week after their trial is over.

Pedos, violent rapists, robbers that killed people, and murderers.

No sense in feeding them and paying for a babysitter for them for the rest of their natural lives.

Hang them sumbitches and be done with it!

I agree and I'll take it one step further.

Make the parents of these offenders responsible to some degree.
To some degree if found to be negligent.
Does this mean that violent crime is on the decline ?? Hey gotta keep the paychecks rolling in for the overblown justice system, so pot is on the plate or menu of the year now.. OK, so that's better than violent crime leading the stats. Pssst, a little secret, don't do drugs or drink and drive, and trouble will pass right on by every time.

Driving drunk is a crime, using drugs isn't. Adult Citizens should have the right to decide whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It isn't a Government issue. Smoke all the weed you want, snort all the coke you want, drink all the alcohol you want. Just don't hurt others.

Toddler ingests methamphetamine, parents charged in Jones County

$90 million worth of liquid meth found in fuel tank of semi-truck

Elkton man gets second heroin arrest this year

Can't play in the abstract.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.
The only way to do it is to end the denial of what is wrong, and then change it.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.
The problem is Police State. It's grown so large, so quickly. After 9/11, most Americans were willing to cede their rights to Big Brother. They applauded awful Un-American legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA. And they've been virtually silent while the NSA has been allowed to expand domestic surveillance exponentially. More Americans need to become familiar with what Benjamin Franklin had to say about rights and safety...

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't see the connection here with this issue. Could you point it out?

Mass Incarceration always comes with becoming a Police State. Why would anyone expect different? The US now ranks #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. It's shocking. Certainly not something you'd expect from the 'Freest Nation in the World.' Something's very wrong. We need to reverse this Police State trend... Before it's too late.

That is rather abstract and neglects the actual crimes committed. That is a problem.

We may still live in the freest nation, but our freedoms are eroding fast. This Police State is expanding incredibly quickly. So folks shouldn't be surprised when more Citizens are incarcerated in a Police State. It's what Police States do.

Or not.
GOP reps seek to impeach Salem judge who gave heroin dealer no jail time; ICE reviewing case
Does this mean that violent crime is on the decline ?? Hey gotta keep the paychecks rolling in for the overblown justice system, so pot is on the plate or menu of the year now.. OK, so that's better than violent crime leading the stats. Pssst, a little secret, don't do drugs or drink and drive, and trouble will pass right on by every time.

Driving drunk is a crime, using drugs isn't. Adult Citizens should have the right to decide whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It isn't a Government issue. Smoke all the weed you want, snort all the coke you want, drink all the alcohol you want. Just don't hurt others.

Toddler ingests methamphetamine, parents charged in Jones County

$90 million worth of liquid meth found in fuel tank of semi-truck

Elkton man gets second heroin arrest this year

Can't play in the abstract.

The parents should have been arrested. They committed a crime. They were responsible. If you harm others, you should be held accountable. But the act of engaging in drug use, isn't a criminal act. It's an adult decision. It isn't a Government issue.

Check out this video. The Police State is here, and it's rapidly expanding. Sending a police officer to a home of a 5yr old little girl for possessing overdue library books? Crazy.


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