Liberal's communist ideology continues to grow more radical


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
From idiot liberal dumbocrat Frances Fox-Piven:

"I think that we need to re-elect Barack Obama, not because he’s going to respond just because we have a dialogue with him, but we need to re-elect him because he is vulnerable to the kind of momentum pressure leverage that a movement like Strike Debt can exert. He will have to respond, and he won’t be able to respond by calling out the National Guard. We don’t want to elect—we don’t want Romney, a Republican Senate, a Republican House, because they might well respond with repression."

“She’s saying there’s going to be riots on the street,” Glenn explained, “and you don’t want a President that will suppress it.”

The connections between radical progressives and Islamists grow stronger – Glenn Beck
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From idiot liberal dumbocrat Frances Fox-Piven:

"I think that we need to re-elect Barack Obama, not because he’s going to respond just because we have a dialogue with him, but we need to re-elect him because he is vulnerable to the kind of momentum pressure leverage that a movement like Strike Debt can exert. He will have to respond, and he won’t be able to respond by calling out the National Guard. We don’t want to elect—we don’t want Romney, a Republican Senate, a Republican House, because they might well respond with repression."

“She’s saying there’s going to be riots on the street,” Glenn explained, “and you don’t want a President that will suppress it.”

The connections between radical progressives and Islamists grow stronger – Glenn Beck
We need to do a. Because we don't want to do b, he is vulnerable to c, c is bad. We don't want d because they will do e.

^This is an argument? :eusa_eh:
And they quote "Glenn Beck"?

The same Glenn Beck who asks teenage girl if he can take naked pictures of her? That guy?

[ame=]Glenn 'The Creep' Beck - YouTube[/ame]
I was there on the Mall for Beck's rally a couple of years ago. I listened to him and I've watched him prancing around on TV belaboring simple points for his simple audience to finally understand.

What I CAN'T figure out is why anybody would give that Mama's boy the time of day, let alone believe anything he says. Good Lord! He's so.....OBVIOUS that even my grandkids ask, "Papaw. Who's that idiot?"
I was there on the Mall for Beck's rally a couple of years ago. I listened to him and I've watched him prancing around on TV belaboring simple points for his simple audience to finally understand.

What I CAN'T figure out is why anybody would give that Mama's boy the time of day, let alone believe anything he says. Good Lord! He's so.....OBVIOUS that even my grandkids ask, "Papaw. Who's that idiot?"

Maybe because his research is impeckable. Howed you like that rally there at the base of the Washington monument?
Maybe because his research is impeckable. Howed you like that rally there at the base of the Washington monument?

I wasn't at the base of the Washington Monument and neither was the rally. I was sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, behind the stage, which overlooked the reflecting pool. From there, I could see the backsides of the "performers," and watch the goings on around the tents set up to my right, where the "personalities" were housed until they were cued.

How did I like it? It was theater and not too badly done. In fact, it was tightly scripted and went off without much of a hinderance. I looked about at all the port-pottie's and security and barriers, bus loads of fans and such and could not help but wonder who paid for it all. It was a first class, very expensive undertaking and I have my doubts as to whether or not Beck paid for it out of his own pocket. If so, he must have VERY deep pockets! SOMEBODY spent a LOT of money to put on that show. I'd like to know who and why. Wouldn't you?

Before, during and after the official rally, I went down and mingled with the crowd, listening, watching and asking questions and, frankly, I was absolutely appalled at the lack of knowledge I found among Beck's supporters. They knew what they didn't like, mostly could articulate what they wanted, but to a man (or woman) they were completely oblivious to the Constitution, what it means, what it's principles are, how their government works, or why, and could not fathom that what most of them wanted was either illegal, un-Constitutional or impractical. They had lots of rage, but no clear idea of how to accomplish changes. Their blind acceptance of anything Beck or Palin or whoever else adorned the stage said was frightening. I don't have the slightest doubt that had Glenn Beck pointed to the White House and said, "There is the enemy," the whole 200,000 of them would have marched off to overthrow the government. No doubts whatsoever.

I'm sorry, I don't wish to offend anyone, but I could not help but compare that rally to one of these. The bright, shining, mostly white faces exuding trust and confidence in their leader was just too obvious a connection not to make:


  • $ZeppRAD.jpg
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Democrats just seem to grow more radical because they are being compared to Republicans.

Radical is:

Anti science

Every man for himself.

Let them die.

Feed the poor and they will breed.

Brutal rapists should have a path to "fatherhood".

Bomb every where in the Middle East.

Bring over immigrants with degrees and do nothing to help US Citizens.

Tax the Middle Class.

Cut taxes for billionaires.

Education is for snobs.

We don't want smart people in the Republican Party.

See what I mean? Compare Democrats to a party that is moving farther and farther into "Zanyland" and it seems it's the Democrats that are changing, relatively speaking.

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