Liberals Attack POTUS Trump After Scalise Shooting: “It Should Have Been His Dumb Ass to Get Popped”


Look at the name of the newspaper whose article in linked below. Then what'll it be? An eye-roll? A wink-wink-nudge-nudge? Maybe just a ho-hum, it's just the new normal....... Oh, to see the name of the newspaper you'll have to open the link. If you can figure out how, liberals.....

Belleville suspect killed in congressional shootout wanted to ‘terminate the Republican Party’

Belleville suspect killed in congressional shootout wanted to ‘terminate the Republican Party’
BY DANA RIECK, KELSEY LANDIS, JOSEPH BUSTOS, GEORGE PAWLAWCZYK, BETH HUNDSDORFER, AND ELIZABETH DONALDThe shooter who was killed during gunfire at practice for a congressional baseball game Wednesday morning was from Belleville.

The shooter was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, who
belonged to a number of anti-Republican groups, including one called “Terminate the Republican Party.”
I'm more and more positive that liberalfilth are such physically dysfunctional sexual failures, as well as sadists by nature, their murderous, delirious hatred & violence is the only manner in which these ghouls can keep their little dicks from going limp. How did complex carbon compounds go SO WRONG while creating liberalfilth?
How about the rather glaring double standard here for a second.

Two people knifed to death in Portland and where was the outrage over that?

I mean, a White Male Conservative Ass Hat killed two people with knife after they took it upon themselves to intervene when Jeremy Joseph Christian began harassing Muslim Two Teenage Muslim Girls.

Not one fucking word from the right. The girls were Muslim and they deserved it.

I hope the people shot will recover. I wish them well.

But turn off the double standard. "Second Amendment Remedies" was used by a Republican in Nevada and the Cons did not say shit.

GroppenFuhrer supporters used shooting targets with Hillary Clinton's face on them and Sarah Palin put out screen grabs that had cross hairs on Democratic Congressional Districts.

Trump Fans Use Hillary Clinton's Face For Target Practice.

Sarah Palin's PAC Puts Gun Sights On Democrats She's Targeting In 2010 | HuffPost.

I will be as outraged as the Cons are about this shooting, when they get off their collective asses and stop using Guns and Gun Violence as a prop in their campaigns.

How all those GroppenFuhrer rallies where people beaten and kicked....yep no problem there.

And there was the "I can shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and People would vote for me." the Lying, Lowlife, Misogynistic, Fascist Draft Dodger-In-Chief.

After years of hearing how, "We should not politicize shootings", you Dead From The Neck Up ConJobs are doing exactly that.

I believe the shootings are fake, they never happened. I am soft ball game truther.

there was outrage, it wasnt a congressman, its a little differrent. but hey lets kill all these killers you good with that?

It's different because congressmen? Aren't they all human beings? Were any of the congressmen shot dead or knifed? Don't think so. Congressman put their clothes on the same as everyone and I hold no higher standard to them than others.
I'm more and more positive that liberalfilth are such physically dysfunctional sexual failures, as well as sadists by nature, their murderous, delirious hatred & violence is the only manner in which these ghouls can keep their little dicks from going limp. How did complex carbon compounds go SO WRONG while creating liberalfilth?

You must have penis envy.

Look at the name of the newspaper whose article in linked below. Then what'll it be? An eye-roll? A wink-wink-nudge-nudge? Maybe just a ho-hum, it's just the new normal....... Oh, to see the name of the newspaper you'll have to open the link. If you can figure out how, liberals.....

Belleville suspect killed in congressional shootout wanted to ‘terminate the Republican Party’

Belleville suspect killed in congressional shootout wanted to ‘terminate the Republican Party’
BY DANA RIECK, KELSEY LANDIS, JOSEPH BUSTOS, GEORGE PAWLAWCZYK, BETH HUNDSDORFER, AND ELIZABETH DONALDThe shooter who was killed during gunfire at practice for a congressional baseball game Wednesday morning was from Belleville.

The shooter was James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, who
belonged to a number of anti-Republican groups, including one called “Terminate the Republican Party.”

He was a nut case and should never have had a license since he had troubles with the law before regarding a gun.

I'll say it again. The Democrats, all of their circuitous hearings and investigations going nowhere, all of their vile incitement of partisanship and hatred, from Obama and Holder attacking the police, fomenting riots, right down to the present situation, all of these "RESIST" people, all of this is adding up to sedition at a national level, stirring up all of the crazies who are now going to start shooting at every GOP, every conservative in the streets, all of the professors have the students rioting in the schools, all of the media writing untrue articles making Trump out as Beelzebub, all of this adding up to a national crisis of sedition and domestic terrorism. The Dems have gone mad with self-destructive loathing and hatred. They had it all built up inside and had planned to vent it with Hillary in the WH; her losing has really screwed up their plans.

The Democratic Party has become an anti-American, anti-tolerant, anti-liberty, anti-free speech party like a tumor on the side of Uncle Sam and like ISIS, the longer it is left to keep growing the harder it will be to get rid of once gotten entirely out of control.

The funny thing is that those ball games in the park was one of the few opportunities where republicans and democrats just got together and put their party politics to the side.

America is in a crisis and you watch! The Democrats will say it is all Trump's fault, it is because of him, it is HIS doing, meantime, all of the crazy people actually CAUSING THE PROBLEMS are democrats!
The gunman worked for Bernie Sanders. It's clear the radical left must be treated as terrorists.

I'll say it again. The Democrats, all of their circuitous hearings and investigations going nowhere, all of their vile incitement of partisanship and hatred, from Obama and Holder attacking the police, fomenting riots, right down to the present situation, all of these "RESIST" people, all of this is adding up to sedition at a national level, stirring up all of the crazies who are now going to start shooting at every GOP, every conservative in the streets, all of the professors have the students rioting in the schools, all of the media writing untrue articles making Trump out as Beelzebub, all of this adding up to a national crisis of sedition and domestic terrorism. The Dems have gone mad with self-destructive loathing and hatred. They had it all built up inside and had planned to vent it with Hillary in the WH; her losing has really screwed up their plans.

The Democratic Party has become an anti-American, anti-tolerant, anti-liberty, anti-free speech party like a tumor on the side of Uncle Sam and like ISIS, the longer it is left to keep growing the harder it will be to get rid of once gotten entirely out of control.

The funny thing is that those ball games in the park was one of the few opportunities where republicans and democrats just got together and put their party politics to the side.

America is in a crisis and you watch! The Democrats will say it is all Trump's fault, it is because of him, it is HIS doing, meantime, all of the crazy people actually CAUSING THE PROBLEMS are democrats!
The gunman worked for Bernie Sanders. It's clear the radical left must be treated as terrorists.

He volunteered for his campaign. You make it sound like he worked directly for Sanders. I bet the shooter was a one time member of this board and went nuts reading the hatred.
Yes, as I figured, he was an uber-liberal Sanders supporter, said he just couldn't take Trump being President (like several people here), and said that Republicans were ruining the planet (just like several people here). Those damn evil Republicans want to kill us all, ruin the air, water and are for no one but the rich!

The funny thing is that the Democratic Party has more super rich people in it than the GOP! Ha.

Watching the news, I saw some solidarity, but no where did I see one person say the real truth--- this violence has been spurred on by years of trash talking Democrats beating it into sick minds as TALKING POINTS that the GOP wants to destroy the world. Trump's a crook! Sessions is a spy! Kushner is a secret agent! They stole the election! They are going to bring plagues of locusts on us! You can't shout "fire" in a theater and maybe it is about time some of these people get charged with inciting violence as well. There is no doubt in my mind at all that all of this shit being splattered about from Washington DC to late night with Colbert and Griffin, all of that crap fills up some people's brains and drove this guy to this!!! Without a doubt. The Democrats constantly egg people on with deliberate if reckless behavior.

Tolerance? Republicans are working overtime to screw millions of Americans out of healthcare. How many hundreds of thousands will die because the GOP wants to give a tax cut to the rich? That's what we are supposed to be tolerant of?

And look at Joe Barton. Remember him? He was the guy who apologized to BP. He felt Obama was shaking them down because Obama wanted BP to pay for the mess they created in the Gulf. Joe said it was an "act of God" and it was a the middle class who should pay for the clean up. That's who the Republican Party is. What they have become.

And now Republicans are calling for "unity"? The f*ckers. They ruin the lives of millions of Americans and now they are crying for "unity"?
This is why we will have many more political assassins. Good. It's what we need. Democrat fuckers should be hunted down and shot in the street the same way this guy was.

Let the games begin. No unity. Not now not ever.
I'm more and more positive that liberalfilth are such physically dysfunctional sexual failures, as well as sadists by nature, their murderous, delirious hatred & violence is the only manner in which these ghouls can keep their little dicks from going limp. How did complex carbon compounds go SO WRONG while creating liberalfilth?

You must have penis envy.

To have penis envy, one must first be able find it.
I'm more and more positive that liberalfilth are such physically dysfunctional sexual failures, as well as sadists by nature, their murderous, delirious hatred & violence is the only manner in which these ghouls can keep their little dicks from going limp. How did complex carbon compounds go SO WRONG while creating liberalfilth?

You must have penis envy.

No, YOU have penis envy because you're the first one to bring up MY penis, my dainty little girl. As a quiet, law-abiding citizen, I'm NOT the one inflicting violence on innocent people just so I can get a hard-on. I get a natural INSTANT erection every time I watch Sigourney Weaver's little strip-tease at the end of Alien. So why would I need to inflict suffering on random people to get sexual gratification? Unlike you.
I'm more and more positive that liberalfilth are such physically dysfunctional sexual failures, as well as sadists by nature, their murderous, delirious hatred & violence is the only manner in which these ghouls can keep their little dicks from going limp. How did complex carbon compounds go SO WRONG while creating liberalfilth?

You must have penis envy.

No, YOU have penis envy because you're the first one to bring up MY penis, my dainty little girl. As a quiet, law-abiding citizen, I'm NOT the one inflicting violence on innocent people just so I can get a hard-on. I get a natural INSTANT erection every time I watch Sigourney Weaver's little strip-tease at the end of Alien. So why would I need to inflict suffering on random people to get sexual gratification? Unlike you.

I bet if you tried really hard you could count all the way up to Two without using your fingers.
What goes around comes around...

All we have heard from mouth breathing Cons is how we should never Politicize shooting. No....Orlando should not be politicized. No....Columbine should never be politicized.

The man today acted alone. NO evidence he was part of a group, that would a RePuBliKlkan wet dream, if they knew how to have them.

Get over yourself Cons, your not really that important. Kinda a misplaced fart.
I'm more and more positive that liberalfilth are such physically dysfunctional sexual failures, as well as sadists by nature, their murderous, delirious hatred & violence is the only manner in which these ghouls can keep their little dicks from going limp. How did complex carbon compounds go SO WRONG while creating liberalfilth?

You must have penis envy.

No, YOU have penis envy because you're the first one to bring up MY penis, my dainty little girl. As a quiet, law-abiding citizen, I'm NOT the one inflicting violence on innocent people just so I can get a hard-on. I get a natural INSTANT erection every time I watch Sigourney Weaver's little strip-tease at the end of Alien. So why would I need to inflict suffering on random people to get sexual gratification? Unlike you.

I bet if you tried really hard you could count all the way up to Two without using your fingers.

That facile, childish turd of a reply is what you liberalfilth call "wit"? Jesus, you people are as stupid as you are evil! I notice that a special-needs-child like you can't even specifically address any of the points I made, whiny little girl.

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