Liberalism is making it in the news again, are you suprised?

Is liberalism a cancer to the world and making life much harder for NORMAL citizens?

  • Hell, yeah, when the liberals turn everyone into victims then they cannot succeed.

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • No, i am a liberal who sucks seed from Obama, and no matter what he did no wrong.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
A Target store in San Francisco is keeping tents behind locked cases — and the internet thinks it's because homeless people are stealing them
"Target in San Francisco has to lock up its tents. Just sit with that thought for a minute," Natoli said.

In San Francisco, an estimated 7,499 people were homeless in 2017, according to a point-in-time count. The city has long run out of shelter beds to keep them. Tent cities are forming in alarming numbers, spreading from parks and underpasses to tourist-magnet neighborhoods.
WATCH: Pelosi Gets Defensive When Heckled At Town Hall About Her Net Worth
“These are kitchen table issues for America’s families,” the California Democrat said. “Most people are not in deadening poverty, but some are. But most people have to struggle to make ends meet.”
At that moment a woman in the crowd shouted at Pelosi: “How much are you worth, Nancy?”
Pelosi then tried to deflect, saying, “No, we’re not talking about that,” before getting defensive, adding, “I’m a mother of five, I can speak louder than anybody.”
Haunting photos of an Ohio mall that became a hotbed of crime before it was demolished
American malls are dying out.
  • More than 6,400 stores closed in 2017, and another 3,600 are expected to shutter in 2018. According to a report done by Credit Suisse, this will result in 20% to 25% of malls closing in the next five years.
  • These empty buildings make ideal places for crime.
How could it be after 8 year of Obamanomics, and HIS great economic recovery could such things still be happening in the United States? Well we know all about San Fran Nan, but people stealing tents in San Fransicko, and malls shuttering?

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