Liberal Protestors Terrorize Trig Palin At Phoenix Rally: Shout "Go Home","You Stink"

What utter disrespect to do this. This clearly shows the blind hatred and diseased brains the liberals ate afflicted with. Do you people approve of something like this? Code Pink was there at the Tea Party Phoenix rally. Palin is not running for anything so why are these people so uptight at her and her son?


DSC03116 The Radio Patriot

Protesters being blocked by a counter-protester. Two protesters waiting near the bus were holding an anti-Gov. Brewer sign and banner. Andrea Shea King was right there waiting at the bus door. The protesters started screaming at Sarah Palin as she walked by with baby Trig in her arms, surrounded by police. Trig started crying. Andrea says Trig looked terrified when Sarah got him on the bus

Protesters tell Sarah Palin to go home and she "stinks&q... on Twitpic
You're one of the most disingenuous posters on here, no one has a problem with her son.

I don't know why you don't bash the woman for taking her son out to a rally of that nature instead. I really hate everything she stands for.

Aside from those facts, that woman is truly an attractive female specimen.

....Which is fine.....if your primary, future-pursuit is pole-dancing.

If Palin doesn't want her kids in the crossfire she should leave them home.

I'm sure she can afford a housekeeper, nanny or au pair no problem.

If the kids are at home then they aren't fodder for the media or anyone else. Very simple.
Wow, the article is, like, totally different than your thread title.

If Sarah Palin doesn't want her children to be caught in the crossfire of the rhetoric she actively stokes for a dollar, she shouldn't take them on her public speaking trail.

She actively chose to be a public persona and to go around the country spreading vitriol. She shouldn't expect much sympathy from the people she pisses on regularly, even if she is using her kids as rhetorical human shields.

So it's ok to frighten a child as long as the family is public?

Or is it ok to frighten the children of people you don't like?

Either choice us utterly pathetic.
She uses this little child to further her political carreer and ignores his needs by parading him arround like a prop.
If Palin doesn't want her kids in the crossfire she should leave them home.

I'm sure she can afford a housekeeper, nanny or au pair no problem.

If the kids are at home then they aren't fodder for the media or anyone else. Very simple.

Or in the bus. I am certain she can afford to have a traveling nanny.

Honestly, I think this is just a bunch of whining from both sides.

First, she should not have brought Trig to the event under any circumstances. She knows she is not America's favorite mom and she knew that there was likely to be hecklers. Second, those who heckled her (if the story is accurate) were wrong whether or not Trig was with her. Third, Trig was not in any danger and will not suffer any lasting trauma over having been at the event.

What is sad is to see that some people think that the behavior of the crowd was justified for any reason. There is just no justification for treating another human being the way that has been described in the article and I would say that if the politician were Nancy Pelosi as well.

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If Palin doesn't want her kids in the crossfire she should leave them home.

I'm sure she can afford a housekeeper, nanny or au pair no problem.

If the kids are at home then they aren't fodder for the media or anyone else. Very simple.

Or in the bus. I am certain she can afford to have a traveling nanny.

Honestly, I think this is just a bunch of whining from both sides.

First, she should not have brought Trig to the event under any circumstances. She knows she is not America's favorite mom and she knew that there was likely to be hecklers. Second, those who heckled her (if the story is accurate) were wrong whether or not Trig was with her. Third, Trig was not in any danger and will not suffer any lasting trauma over having been at the event.

What is sad is to see that some people think that the behavior of the crowd was justified for any reason. There is just no justification for treating another human being the way that has been described in the article and I would say that if the politician were Nancy Pelosi as well.


It isn't whining by both sides. Palin has been consistently wrong dragging that child to all of these rallies. She needs to stop using the baby as a prop and find someone responsible to take care of him when she is out attention ho'ing..
If Palin doesn't want her kids in the crossfire she should leave them home.

I'm sure she can afford a housekeeper, nanny or au pair no problem.

If the kids are at home then they aren't fodder for the media or anyone else. Very simple.

Or in the bus. I am certain she can afford to have a traveling nanny.

Honestly, I think this is just a bunch of whining from both sides.

First, she should not have brought Trig to the event under any circumstances. She knows she is not America's favorite mom and she knew that there was likely to be hecklers. Second, those who heckled her (if the story is accurate) were wrong whether or not Trig was with her. Third, Trig was not in any danger and will not suffer any lasting trauma over having been at the event.

What is sad is to see that some people think that the behavior of the crowd was justified for any reason. There is just no justification for treating another human being the way that has been described in the article and I would say that if the politician were Nancy Pelosi as well.


It isn't whining by both sides. Palin has been consistently wrong dragging that child to all of these rallies. She needs to stop using the baby as a prop and find someone responsible to take care of him when she is out attention ho'ing..

Have to disagree with you.

The whining I see from the left is more in the responses to this story. The fact that they would justify that kind of treatment of any human being is down right sad. I don't care who the "opponent" is or what he/she is doing. It is this kind of behavior that make liberals look so much worse than conservatives. At least conservatives are up front about their beliefs. Liberals lie about being tolerant and then they behave like barbarians.

I agree Palin uses Trig as a "shield" and I find it sad that she would, but that in no way justifies this kind of crap.

She uses this little child to further her political carreer and ignores his needs by parading him arround like a prop.

So when obama broke his kids out. You were upset that he was using them?

or is it that Palin doesn't think like you that makes her bad and therefor anything she does is bad even though liberals didn't have to scream at her when she was carrying him.

I think I understand now;

Palin has to keep her kids hidden, so that you can riducule her for being ashamed of her handicapped kid. And then you can tell the world what a bad mom she is for not dotting on the child.

And the people that scream at a child get a pass, and that doesn't bother any of you on the left.

Why is that? Why do you not want those people help even a little accountable for their actions?
You dont bring an innocent child to keep people from critizing you.

No you don't but than a decent human being would not behave as is described in the OP. However, I would not put that kind of behavior past you.


No I wouldnt so you have just lied

Lied? You are the dumbest son of a bitch who has ever posted on the internet.

I did not say you would... you frigging idiot. I said, I would not put it past you.

Are you that frigging stupid? Don't answer that... we all know the answer to that question.

Wow, the article is, like, totally different than your thread title.

If Sarah Palin doesn't want her children to be caught in the crossfire of the rhetoric she actively stokes for a dollar, she shouldn't take them on her public speaking trail.

She actively chose to be a public persona and to go around the country spreading vitriol. She shouldn't expect much sympathy from the people she pisses on regularly, even if she is using her kids as rhetorical human shields.

So it's ok to frighten a child as long as the family is public?

Or is it ok to frighten the children of people you don't like?

Either choice us utterly pathetic.

No one "frightened the child".

The insults were directed at Palin who decided to stick her kid in the middle of it.

I agree, that is pathetic.
Wow, the article is, like, totally different than your thread title.

If Sarah Palin doesn't want her children to be caught in the crossfire of the rhetoric she actively stokes for a dollar, she shouldn't take them on her public speaking trail.

She actively chose to be a public persona and to go around the country spreading vitriol. She shouldn't expect much sympathy from the people she pisses on regularly, even if she is using her kids as rhetorical human shields.

So it's ok to frighten a child as long as the family is public?

Or is it ok to frighten the children of people you don't like?

Either choice us utterly pathetic.

First of all the story is bullshit. Second of all, to a kid that young,at a rally where hundreds are yelling things and waving their arms around and jumping up and down and making all sorts of ruckus,

that kid wouldn't know an insult from a cheer. How the fuck would he? Were his feelings hurt because supposedly someone said he stinks?

He comprehended that and reacted to it by crying?

lolololol every day you wingnuts take it one step further.
You dont bring an innocent child to keep people from critizing you.

and if she left the kid behind all the time, you would accuse her of being a bad mother.

No, this was discussed a few weeks ago.

When a woman who supposedly believes in family values, ignores what's going on within her own family, you have to question her motives.

During the 2008 election, she had a newborn who was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome, which requires nonstop concentrated care. She had a pregnant teenage daughter, who probably should have been undergoing counseling and life preparation classes, instead of being paraded around like Lady Madonna. If I was a mother of a teenage girl, I would have resented how this seemed to be a lark, rather than a serious family problem that should have been dealt with in private. Perhaps the outcome of the relationship may have been different.

Being a parent is a serious commitment, and should come first before anything else. Palin always seems to put herself first over the rest of the family. Not a great example for future generations. And unfortunately, her daughter is now embarking on the same path.
One hand: Protesters, liberal or conservative, should have some bounds and respect to not yell at a person when she is carrying her child, esp a special needs one.

On the other hand: Palin should have never put her child into that situation. She is a polarizing figure and she should have known classless lliberals, who preach civility when it comes to Tea Partiers, but act like out of control children when it comes to protesting conservatives!

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