Liberal Media- NBC's Brian Williams is NOW under fire

Btw, to the OP article that claimed the French Quarter "was not impacted by flood waters"....

This is Canal Street, the western (upriver) boundary of the French Quarter, looking west -- in other words looking across Canal from the French Quarter toward the CBD:

The picture, published by the Houston Chronicle, is dated September 1 (3 days after Katrina landfall).


Brian Williams was reportedly staying at the Ritz Carlton -- which is on Canal Street. This would be almost exactly the view looking southwest from that hotel. You're looking down Baronne Street; the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz Carlton is 921, across the street. So it's not accurate to say flood waters didn't touch the FQ. The RC itself suffered significant flood damage and was closed for repairs for I believe at least a year.

You'd think a poster from Louisiana would know this.
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Williams is a canuck and they're all's their national pastime. But he's not even in the same league as Walter Cronkite...that old drunk made up pretty much every report he sent from got so bad he was disinvited to press briefings.
Oh my, the Right is at war with Canada now.
Peter Jennings was born in Canada and is dead. Brian Williams is from Elmira, NY.
Again the height of irony from a poster whose sigline is infested with fake quotes.

How do we "fire" Steve McRacist?
Is he the face of NBC News?


What are you saying-- everybody except NBC Nooz is allowed to lie?

The "NEWS" isn't allowed to lie, period. That would be called propaganda.

The news isn't, no. And I've seen no evidence of that here. But I do see bogus quotes.

The poster implied that Steve McRacist gets a pass for those because he isn't "the face of NBC News".
I mean it's right there in his words. Read a little.
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported". Pretending there even existed a police force or official-anything is just hackitude. We residents weren't even allowed back into the city until OCTOBER.

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was (and still is)...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from. In other words your standing on the edge OF the French Quarter looking downtown.

That hotel, sitting on the edge of the French Quarter, didn't reopen for over a year after that because it had extensive..... wait for it.... flood damage.

So much for "high ground".
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Williams is a canuck and they're all's their national pastime. But he's not even in the same league as Walter Cronkite...that old drunk made up pretty much every report he sent from got so bad he was disinvited to press briefings.

Brian Williams is from New Jersey, moron.

Not the other one, moron....worlds collided on that one....kind of like "pogo rocks" getting his climate-change ass handed to him on another board.

Peter Jennings was born in Canada and is dead. Brian Williams is from Elmira, NY.

Yep, I slipped up on that one.

You sure as fuck did. This thread is, and always has been, about the Brian Williams from New Jersey.

As I said -- moron.

And btw I don't even have a "climate-change ass". You'll have to pull your next wacko post out of your own.
You know, as usual.
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

Are you insinuating that Americans have no interest in watching a fat smelly bull duke lie and bitch constantly about people who suffer mental normalcy? Is that what you're insinuating, hater?
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

Are you insinuating that Americans have no interest in watching a fat smelly bull duke lie and bitch constantly about people who suffer mental normalcy? Is that what you're insinuating, hater?

Paula Deen is fat and a liar but no reason to think she smells.
Now, he is on tape saying he watched a body float by in the French Quarter of New Orleans after Katrina.

But, the French Quarter is high ground, and New Orleans police say the only body they got out of the French Quarter after Katrina was one who died at a restaurant of a heart attack...and they didn't let him float off.

Lots of people, particularly pinheads in the Northeast and California, have moderate personality disorders...Brian Williams is obviously one. Out of a sense of cowardice, probably, he has become a Liar and he has to now held a position which requires complete trust. I don't think even NBC can overlook this. They should send him off for treatment and then let him be a commentator...maybe let him replace Rachael Maddow. Her audience numbers in the hundreds.

The French Quarter isn't "high ground". It's about 6 to 8 feet AMSL tops, pun intended.
And the police were all but nonexistent -- all their horses died, their radio communication was out, and they were pretty much on their own to do what they could individually. There's a lot of shit that went down that never got "officially reported".

Btw this is a view looking across Canal Street -- the upriver border of the French Quarter and looking from the exact block where Williams' hotel was...


That's from the Houston Chronicle September 1, 2005. Looking down Baronne Street -- the Walgreen's is 900 Canal Street. The Ritz-Carlton where Williams was is at 921 Canal Street -- right where this picture is looking from.

So much for "high ground".

The French Quarter is the high ground in New Orleans along with the Garden District and besides, bodies don't "float by" in 3 or 4 inches of water. Your little picture there proves he is a Liar. Hell, he has admitted he is a Liar...the question now is whether he is a serial Liar. And whether news anchors who are admitted Liars can stay on as news anchors. Its supposed to be a position of high trust.

You've never been to New Orleans, have you.

There is no "high ground" and the photo proves nothing.

As for it being "a position of high trust", RWs watch fox so they have no room to talk. You remember fox, right? They tell the truth in only 18% of their stories so you can come down off your high horse now.

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