Liberal Lies About Homelessness: A Pattern


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Your photo illustrates the American Dream, Democrat-style. People of sound mind don't permit this.

They are clinically insane.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Did you figure out that thing you said during an orgasm of team worship or hatred about Democrats being racist against whites and blacks so they can win the hispankc vote yet?
I guess there are no social problems in GOP strongholds like Alabama and Mississippi. Fix that cesspool of generational poverty and then maybe you can criticize.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Another typical PoliticalChic thread - designed for as much attention towards her as possible. Over dramatic typing...liberal use of line spacing...and lots of bold type to make all the semi-nonsense seem like substance.

LOL, and yet your thread title is erroneous...and I guarantee that you do not even know why?

I suggest you become better acquainted with something called a 'dictionary'.

Have a nice day.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.
You know nothing. Nobody knew at that time. There were rumors of it starting as a science virus released to Africans phu kn monkees. The men who came down with AIDS suffered. The worse pain I ever seen in humans. The gay community massively reduced their sex with many others. Then a medicine appeared to quell the symptoms and pain and the same behavior returned. Tell me who is owed and who is not. Reagan did nothing wrong. God is about warning us all about our ways of living. And we do not pay attention. The we get into hissy fits when we are not supported for our transgressions.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Did you figure out that thing you said during an orgasm of team worship or hatred about Democrats being racist against whites and blacks so they can win the hispankc vote yet?

Of course I did, you moron....Democrats would throw any under the bus to accrue votes.

Like principles.

What I said was that Democrats/Liberals would throw anyone under the bus when it added to their power....

And I proved it here:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found


And at the same time…. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.
“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”

White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.

Now.....see if you can scrape the egg off your face.

Now that we've settled that....please don't infect my threads again.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.
You know nothing. Nobody knew at that time. There were rumors of it starting as a science virus released to Africans phu kn monkees. The men who came down with AIDS suffered. The worse pain I ever seen in humans. The gay community massively reduced their sex with many others. Then a medicine appeared to quell the symptoms and pain and the same behavior returned. Tell me who is owed and who is not. Reagan did nothing wrong. God is about warning us all about our ways of living. And we do not pay attention. The we get into hissy fits when we are not supported for our transgressions.

Not sure how someone can type full English words on a chat forum if they know 'nothing'?

As for Reagan - whom, judging by your extremely strong reaction, means a TON to you - let's let the media tell it like it was.
Listen to the Reagan Administration Laughing at the AIDS Epidemic
The Reagan administration's unbelievable response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic

The evidence is clear - Reagan handled the AIDS epidemic absolutely pathetically.

You have a problem with that - take it up with those who wrote the articles.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
I guess there are no social problems in GOP strongholds like Alabama and Mississippi. Fix that cesspool of generational poverty and then maybe you can criticize.

The point is the lies the Left/Liberals/Democrats tell to blame the other side for the problems they create.

And you believe them.

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

Rule #1

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Another typical PoliticalChic thread - designed for as much attention towards her as possible. Over dramatic typing...liberal use of line spacing...and lots of bold type to make all the semi-nonsense seem like substance.

LOL, and yet your thread title is erroneous...and I guarantee that you do not even know why?

I suggest you become better acquainted with something called a 'dictionary'.

Have a nice day.

"Another typical PoliticalChic thread - designed for as much attention towards her as possible. " worked, huh?

Now beat it, worm.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.
You know nothing. Nobody knew at that time. There were rumors of it starting as a science virus released to Africans phu kn monkees. The men who came down with AIDS suffered. The worse pain I ever seen in humans. The gay community massively reduced their sex with many others. Then a medicine appeared to quell the symptoms and pain and the same behavior returned. Tell me who is owed and who is not. Reagan did nothing wrong. God is about warning us all about our ways of living. And we do not pay attention. The we get into hissy fits when we are not supported for our transgressions.

There was no such thing as AIDS when Reagan became President.

"...1980s. April 24, San Francisco resident Ken Horne is reported to the Center for Disease Control with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Later in 1981, the CDC would retroactively identify him as the first patient of the AIDS epidemic in the US. He was also suffering from Cryptococcus."
Timeline of HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia
6.Tucker Carlson had this prototypical Liberal on the other night, who uttered one of those lies which Liberals accept, and believe, as it fits the template, and solves one of the problems Liberals created….but I’m gonna explode it today.

Here, discussing the disgusting and astoundingly widespread homeless problem in California, the Liberal Utopia, with Carlson, is Liberal radio host Ethan Bearman, who blithely offers the lie.

According to Bearman, the homeless problem is due to “conservative Republican Ronald Reagan when he was governor, he turned everybody loose from the psychiatric institutions…..” (start at 1:30 of the vid).

That’s not what happened: the problem was started by a Democrat President, and the Democrats who run California have magnified it.

Proving the point……next.
The Truth about Reagan and AIDS - IGF Culture Watch

So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.
California has a booming economy, places the GOP runs without opposition are shitholes. Every place has it's problems but I always wonder why conservatives criticize California when they would give their right arm for the kind of economy California has in their shitty little flyover state.
California has a booming economy, places the GOP runs without opposition are shitholes. Every place has it's problems but I always wonder why conservatives criticize California when they would give their right arm for the kind of economy California has in their shitty little flyover state.

Let's keep you on topic:

Who and which party, flooded California with the mentally ill, and the homeless????

If you'd like to know.....stay tuned.
California has a booming economy, places the GOP runs without opposition are shitholes. Every place has it's problems but I always wonder why conservatives criticize California when they would give their right arm for the kind of economy California has in their shitty little flyover state.

Let's keep you on topic:

Who and which party, flooded California with the mentally ill, and the homeless????

If you'd like to know.....stay tuned.
People go to California to look for work because ambition is a liability in every conservative Hooterville. I had to leave my home town to find prosperity just like millions of others.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the
No what Reagan did was even worse and it has to do with AIDS...But I know you can't because that would make your God immoral.
You know nothing. Nobody knew at that time. There were rumors of it starting as a science virus released to Africans phu kn monkees. The men who came down with AIDS suffered. The worse pain I ever seen in humans. The gay community massively reduced their sex with many others. Then a medicine appeared to quell the symptoms and pain and the same behavior returned. Tell me who is owed and who is not. Reagan did nothing wrong. God is about warning us all about our ways of living. And we do not pay attention. The we get into hissy fits when we are not supported for our transgressions.

Bull shit.
So many Liberal lies, so little time.

1.Repetition of a lie doesn’t make it true….but the advantage of owning the media and the schools allows that sort of representation for and by Liberals.

As Liberal, but honorable, journalist Lara Logan revealed this week, the media lies for the Left. Those who treat media pronouncements as gospel are simply dopes. What they ‘know’ isn’t reality.

“Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horses**t" Low Standards” Lara Logan Slams Media For Becoming Left-Wing "Propagandists" With "Horseshit" Low Standards

2.The supreme advantage the Left has is that they can not only ignore their faults and foibles, but they can assign blame to the Right.

The finest and most successful President in a century put it this way: “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”
And because Reagan was so successful, Reagan is their target with metronomic regularity. Today…an example of what they do, and the truth.

3. You’ve seen the mess and near universality of California’s homeless problems…they actually give maps to tourists so they can avoid mounds of human feces.
"Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces?"
Why is San Francisco ... covered in human feces? | Nathan Robinson


A homeless man (center) sleeps at a homeless encampment along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim, California, on January 23. January 22 reports said authorities planned to clear out Orange County's largest homeless encampment, with some 500 people living in tents. Hundreds of needles and tons of trash are being removed from California homeless encampment following a lawsuit

4.Bet you’ve heard the lie that ‘conservative Republican Ronald Reagan started the problem when he was governor….flooding the streets with the mentally ill from the asylums.’
It’s just one of those Liberal lies.

5. Difference between what Liberals say and truth is akin to the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.

This thread will prove that there are lies, damn lies, and Liberal propaganda.
And you are inundated with 'em every single day (cough.....Smollett)!
Refuting the

Another typical PoliticalChic thread - designed for as much attention towards her as possible. Over dramatic typing...liberal use of line spacing...and lots of bold type to make all the semi-nonsense seem like substance.

LOL, and yet your thread title is erroneous...and I guarantee that you do not even know why?

I suggest you become better acquainted with something called a 'dictionary'.

Have a nice day.

So, you were offended by the dramatic typing, liberal use of spacing and the bold type? But not the homeless guy? Dumbass liberal.
Liberal lies...

You can keep you plan..
I did not have sex with that woman
My server had no classified on it
Those Catholic Kids started it
I was attacked by MAGA Trump supporters
Single Payer isn't Socialism
Blah, blah, blah....

'Liberal Lies...'
-- You could have stopped there...


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