Liberal icon Samantha Bee calls Ivanka a ****

Think she'll be fired ? More likely the leftist media will give her an award.

During last night’s Full Frontal, Samantha Bee took some time to recap the New York Times’ recent report that the government has lost track of approximately 1,500 migrant children — or as Bee put it at the top of the show, “We are going to talk about racism and I just popped an Ambien, so buckle up, everyone!” While it’s true that terrible immigration policies and mistreatment of migrant kids are, horribly enough, not strictly Trump-era problems, Bee pointed out that Trump is “just making it so much worse.” After singling out Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen for their involvement in supporting such cruel immigration policies, Bee shifted her focus to Ivanka Trump and the tone-deaf photo she tweeted over the weekend. “Ivanka Trump, who works at the White House, chose to post the second-most oblivious tweet we’ve seen this week,” Bee says with Roseanne reference No. 2. “You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child

She didn't say "fuckless".

Reading many of the comments by the leftist members, makes me ask myself why I bother coming here.
You people are disgusting pigs.
But calling someone a c**t isn’t racist! So it’s not so bad.

And Ivanka really is one. Then again, when your dad pays a porn star for sex because she looks like you, that's the point where you run screaming away from him.

You sick prick.
Ugly stuff. But not surprising.
Mac, I think it may be time for me and you and a few others here, to find a new place to hangout. The left members on this board are twisted sick people.
Yknow, the stuff I see here can be pretty concerning, but at the same time it's educational and useful. I look at this place as a valuable amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study, into which I occasionally belch out my stupid little unsolicited opinions.

It's a great example of why I'm such a freedom of expression advocate: I want to know who the crazies are, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. And it's actually helped me in "real life" in dealing with people like this.

But calling someone a c**t isn’t racist! So it’s not so bad.

A). It was an overtly crass, ignorant remark made against a Trump. So no harm no foul to the Left. They wallow in their own hypocrisy. Let Laura Ingraham call Hillary a Feckless C*nt' or call David Hogg a little commie fag and Fox would have her off the air in 15 minutes with profuse apology.

B). Roseanne's remark had some basis in accuracy! That is really bad. Being accurate really pisses off the Left. Valery Jarrett really is black and so were those apes on the movie--- black. And Africans were pretty much, until brought to the west, at least stereotypically seen as backward, primitive, headhunters living in thatch huts and wearing grass skirts. So the analogy of Roseasnne's wasn't at least a totally false one whether you liked it or not. So ABC really had to apologize.

TBS, for their employee calling one of the most decent, beautiful, dignified, reserved women in this country also daughter of the president a Feckless C*nt? If TBS fired her, sanctioned her or even phoned Trump to apologize, the Leftist goonsquad would go ape (sorry) rioting in the streets.

The Leftist Hypocrisy of Colossal Double-Standards lives on.
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Ugly stuff. But not surprising.

That people are saying bad things about a corrupt family that has hijacked our democracy and is selling our country off to the highest bidder?

Oh, let's bring out the fainting couch for Stormy Mac, he's getting the vapors.

Here's the thing about Ms. Bee. If you watched her show, she actually does bring up a lot of valid points about Trump's corruption and policies. But man, she calls Ivanka the C-word, and you get the vapors.

And you? Limp as always.

Again, the party of inclusion shows it's true colors. Why any woman would want to be associated with the wreck that the dems have become is beyond me.

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