Liberal Censorship - via career destruction

Is Political Correctness destructive of liberty?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Read this well documented and attested destruction of a man for not toeing the liberal PC line:

Differential IQ among the races The West s Darkest Hour

By the time I returned from the conference to my home in London, Ontario, and my job as professor of psychology at the University of Western Ontario, the uproar was in full swing. “Canadian Professor Provokes Uproar With Racial Theories,” proclaimed Canada’s national newspaper, the venerable Globe and Mail. “Theory Racist: Prof Has Scholars Boiling,” declared the influential Toronto Star. “UWO Professor Denies Study Was Racist,” trumpeted the local London Free Press.

Newspapers took my views to hostile social activist groups and got their predictably hostile opinion. They said I should be fired for promoting hatred. The press then took this idea to the president of the university who upheld the principle of academic freedom. The ongoing conflict was serialized for weeks. Student activist groups soon entered the fray, demanding that I meet with them in a public forum.

TV coverage of my theories juxtaposed photos of me with footage of Nazi storm troops. Editing and voiceovers removed any mention of my qualification that the race differences I had identified were often quite small and could not be generalized to individuals and didn’t mention that like any decent human being I abhor Nazi racial policies. Newspapers caricatured me as wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood or talking on the telephone to a delighted Adolf Hitler. The Toronto Star began a campaign to get me fired from my position, chastising my university and stating “This protection of a charlatan on grounds of academic freedom is preposterous.” Later, the same paper linked me to the Holocaust saying, “[Thus] there emerged the perverted ‘master race’ psychology of the 20th century, and the horror of the Holocaust. Oddly, the discredited theories of eugenic racism still are heard, most recently from an academic at an Ontario university.” I had no choice but to hire a prestigious law firm and issue notices under the Libel and Slander Act against the newspaper. This brought the media campaign against me to a halt.

Hate Crime Laws

In the U.S. there is a First Amendment to protect the right of every citizen to free speech and there is not much the government can do to silence unpopular ideas. In Canada and many Western European countries, however, there are laws against free speech, ostensibly enacted to inhibit “hate” and the spreading of “false news.”

Two weeks after my AAAS presentation, the premier of Ontario denounced my theories. My work was “highly questionable and destructive” and “morally offensive to the way Ontario thinks,” he said. It “destroys the kind of work we are trying to do, to bring together a society based on equality of opportunity.” The premier told reporters he had telephoned the university president and found him in a dilemma about how to handle the case. The premier said that he understood and supported the concept of academic freedom, but in this particular case dismissal should occur “to send a signal” to society that such views are “highly offensive.”

When the university failed to fire me, the premier asked the Ontario Provincial Police to investigate whether I had violated the federal Criminal Code of Canada, Chapter 46, Section 319, Paragraph 2, which specifies: “Everyone who, by communicating statements, other than private conversation, willfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of an indictable offense and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.”

The police questioned my colleagues and members of the administration and professors at other universities, demanded tapes of media interviews, and sent a questionnaire to my attorney to which I was obliged to reply in detail. (There’s no Fifth Amendment in Canada either.) After harassing me and dragging my name through the dirt for six months, the Attorney General of Ontario declined to prosectue me and dismissed my research as “loony, but not criminal.”

This did not halt the legal action. Eighteen students, including seven Black students, lodged a formal complaint against me to the Ontario Human Rights Commission claiming that I had violated Sections, 1, 8, and 10 of the 1981 Ontario Human Rights Code guaranteeing equality of treatment to all citizens of the province. In particular, I was charged with “infecting the learning environment with academic racism.” As remedy, the complainants requested that my employment at the university be terminated and that an order be made requiring the university to “examine its curriculum so as to eliminate academic racism.”
PC is nothing more than thinly veiled tyranny
Hate is also...

No, hate is pure, up front, and do the point. Nothing veiled about it.
Sure buddy, I am glad the rioters could speak so loudly and up front in Baltimore.

What do rioters in Baltimore have to do with anything here?
Just an example...

.....No, it's not.
Wow...another teaper race baiting thread! Isn't everyone tred of the teapers crying racism. What a bunch of n1ggers.
Dafuck does this thread have to do with "Liberal" anything?

The term doesn't even appear in the article. At all.
"Hate" is an emotional term used by intellectually limited people to describe concepts which trigger cognitive dissonances that they are unable to resolve.
Liberal Censorship - via career destruction
An excuse for being a failure.

And on the completely unrelated subject of the poll:

Is Political Correctness destructive of liberty?
PC has no effect on "liberty", one way or the other.

Grow up, take responsibility for your own life and quit blaming others for your failures.

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A person exercises his freedom of expression to say what he believes.

The PC Police exercise their freedom of expression to destroy that person and intimidate others.

The PC Police have made an art form out of using our own freedoms against us.


When you post about things you know nothing about, you look like a fool.

Phillipe Rushton was not "destroyed, in fact he's essentially worshiped by racists all over the world. He didn't lose any of his professorships, died wealthy, and will live on through racists on the internet until the end of time.

You guys are really good at picking heros, aren't you?
A person exercises his freedom of expression to say what he believes.

The PC Police exercise their freedom of expression to destroy that person and intimidate others.

The PC Police have made an art form out of using our own freedoms against us.


When you post about things you know nothing about, you look like a fool.

Phillipe Rushton was not "destroyed, in fact he's essentially worshiped by racists all over the world. He didn't lose any of his professorships, died wealthy, and will live on through racists on the internet until the end of time.

You guys are really good at picking heros, aren't you?
The post was general, not specific.

It's done with great regularity by the PC Police.

Now, who are "you guys"?

A person exercises his freedom of expression to say what he believes.

The PC Police exercise their freedom of expression to destroy that person and intimidate others.

The PC Police have made an art form out of using our own freedoms against us.


When you post about things you know nothing about, you look like a fool.

Phillipe Rushton was not "destroyed, in fact he's essentially worshiped by racists all over the world. He didn't lose any of his professorships, died wealthy, and will live on through racists on the internet until the end of time.

You guys are really good at picking heros, aren't you?
The post was general, not specific.

It's done with great regularity by the PC Police.

Now, who are "you guys"?



Of course you're post was "general", you post the same exact post every time you see your favorite trigger words About "PC".

After all, who cares if they're true - all that matters is how outraged you think you should be.
A person exercises his freedom of expression to say what he believes.

The PC Police exercise their freedom of expression to destroy that person and intimidate others.

The PC Police have made an art form out of using our own freedoms against us.


When you post about things you know nothing about, you look like a fool.

Phillipe Rushton was not "destroyed, in fact he's essentially worshiped by racists all over the world. He didn't lose any of his professorships, died wealthy, and will live on through racists on the internet until the end of time.

You guys are really good at picking heros, aren't you?
The post was general, not specific.

It's done with great regularity by the PC Police.

Now, who are "you guys"?



Of course you're post was "general", you post the same exact post every time you see your favorite trigger words About "PC".

After all, who cares if they're true - all that matters is how outraged you think you should be.
You didn't answer my question.

Who are "you guys"?

Your words, surely you know.

And by "you guys", I'm referring to you and all the other posters here who have decided to focus all your energies on protecting racists from people being mean to them.
And by "you guys", I'm referring to you and all the other posters here who have decided to focus all your energies on protecting racists from people being mean to them.
Well, you're right on that one.

I want to know who the racists and other crazies are, what they're thinking, and who agrees with them.

I'm a big fan of defending speech, even speech with which I disagree. I'm not afraid of it.

You'd rather just shut them up and make them worse.


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