Liar Liar, Pants on Fire!

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

From Obama's non-existent "apology tour"s to lies about immigration ad health care -

Romeny is

While I find this beyond shocking, what follows is not suitable reading for rw's. Rather than the pages of name calling and insults, how about if we all just stipulate that even though its all FACTUAL and WELL REFERENCED, its from a liberal source and therefore should be ignored by rw's.

There. See now? Isn't that easier than page after page of potty mouthed children throwing tantrums?

The link is at the bottom as well as links to even more of Mitts lies -

(This is the second longest list of the year -- and the quotes below are entirely real, not satire.)

1. At a town-hall forum in Mount Vernon, Ohio, Romney said of President Obama, "He said he was going to cut the deficit in half; he's doubled it."

Romney is still having trouble with the definition of "double." The deficit on Obama's first day was $1.3 trillion. Last year, it was also $1.3 trillion. This year, it's projected to be $1.1 trillion. When he says the president "doubled" the deficit, as he has many times, Romney's lying.

2. At the same event, condemning the Affordable Care Act, Romney said, "We'll let people choose the plans they want, as opposed to the plan that the president thinks he and the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., are going to impose on the American people."

As Romney surely knows -- his state-based policy works the same way -- the whole point of the Affordable Care Act is to provide consumers with choices of private plans, made available through regulated exchanges. Giving people choices in place and "imposing" a plan are opposites.

3. Romney added, "[W]hen I went to the Olympics and helped guide the Olympics, I learned as well you got to balance the budget here or we'll be in real trouble."

In context, Romney made it sound as if he balanced the Olympics' books through skill. In reality, he balanced his budget at the Olympics thanks to a taxpayer bailout.

4. In an interview with the editorial board of the Des Moines Register, Romney argued, "I know the Obama people are excited about trying to find a way to say, 'Oh, you're going to raise taxes on middle-income people,' and I keep pointing out, 'No, no.'"

Yes, yes.

5. In the same interview, Romney said that under his proposed plan, "[W]e get to a balanced budget in eight, 10 years."

No we don't. Romney says his plan "can't be scored," but independent budget analysts have found his agenda would make the deficit bigger, not smaller, and add trillions to the national debt.

Chronicling Mitt's Mendacity, Vol. XXXVIII - The Maddow Blog

At the bottom of that page you'll find 37 more links to Mittens' lies.

Forum copyright policy, to be found HERE, prohibits posting of pieces in their entirety.

There are literally hundreds of references in the 39 lists. Do rw's believe that ALL of them are unreliable and biased?

First of all, the "list" is a compilation from the message board, not even an actual list from the far left Politifact. Secondly, let's look at some of the "references."

Let's start with

{Says Barack Obama began his presidency "with an apology tour." }

Which the far left Politifact calls a lie;

BUT the more reliable Heritage foundation points out;

{So we must be honest with ourselves. In recent years we've allowed our Alliance to drift. I know that there have been honest disagreements over policy, but we also know that there's something more that has crept into our relationship. In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.} - Speech by President Obama, Rhenus Sports Arena, Strasbourg, France, April 3, 2009

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower

So it is actually Politifact who is "pants on fire" lying.
wow, what a sham thread, first they have Politifact then post crap from the Maddcow blog

do liberals ever try and not deceive people or is it in their make up as a person?
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There are literally hundreds of references in the 39 lists. Do rw's believe that ALL of them are unreliable and biased?

First of all, the "list" is a compilation from the message board, not even an actual list from the far left Politifact. Secondly, let's look at some of the "references."

Let's start with

{Says Barack Obama began his presidency "with an apology tour." }

Which the far left Politifact calls a lie;

BUT the more reliable Heritage foundation points out;

{So we must be honest with ourselves. In recent years we've allowed our Alliance to drift. I know that there have been honest disagreements over policy, but we also know that there's something more that has crept into our relationship. In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.} - Speech by President Obama, Rhenus Sports Arena, Strasbourg, France, April 3, 2009

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower

So it is actually Politifact who is "pants on fire" lying.

Okay, now THAT is truly funny.

I'm not only supposed to accept your OPINION about the veracity of the links I posted but I'm also supposed to believe the blog opinion on the far far radical right Heritage and that Heritage is "more reliable".

More reliable about what? They might be more reliable than reading chicken bones but I doubt it.

Either you don't know what Heritage is or you're even more radical than they are.

How about the other HUNDREDS of references in the 38 or so pages of Mitt's lies?

The FACT is that Mitt lies more easily than he tells the truth. His cult religion taught him to lie and he does it with terrifying ease. If we don't count any of the other reasons why this corrupt man is not president material, just his pathological aversion to the truth should be more than enough to completely disqualify him.
There are literally hundreds of references in the 39 lists. Do rw's believe that ALL of them are unreliable and biased?

First of all, the "list" is a compilation from the message board, not even an actual list from the far left Politifact. Secondly, let's look at some of the "references."

Let's start with

{Says Barack Obama began his presidency "with an apology tour." }

Which the far left Politifact calls a lie;

BUT the more reliable Heritage foundation points out;

{So we must be honest with ourselves. In recent years we've allowed our Alliance to drift. I know that there have been honest disagreements over policy, but we also know that there's something more that has crept into our relationship. In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.} - Speech by President Obama, Rhenus Sports Arena, Strasbourg, France, April 3, 2009

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower

So it is actually Politifact who is "pants on fire" lying.

Okay, now THAT is truly funny.

I'm not only supposed to accept your OPINION about the veracity of the links I posted but I'm also supposed to believe the blog opinion on the far far radical right Heritage and that Heritage is "more reliable".

More reliable about what? They might be more reliable than reading chicken bones but I doubt it.

Either you don't know what Heritage is or you're even more radical than they are.

How about the other HUNDREDS of references in the 38 or so pages of Mitt's lies?

The FACT is that Mitt lies more easily than he tells the truth. His cult religion taught him to lie and he does it with terrifying ease. If we don't count any of the other reasons why this corrupt man is not president material, just his pathological aversion to the truth should be more than enough to completely disqualify him.

well it's evident Obama's cult members have no problems lying for him...Jim Jones Obama

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cyanide Kool aid anyone
The OP was prophetic... but then, it was like prophecying that the sun will rise and that rain will fall sooner or later.

what follows is not suitable reading for rw's. Rather than the pages of name calling and insults, how about if we all just stipulate that even though its all FACTUAL and WELL REFERENCED, its from a liberal source and therefore should be ignored by rw's.

There. See now? Isn't that easier than page after page of potty mouthed children throwing tantrums?

They don't even bother to read it, they just go straight to diatribe. Otherwise they'd realize they were making themselves look like Jackass circus clowns by responding to it at all.
The OP was prophetic... but then, it was like prophecying that the sun will rise and that rain will fall sooner or later.

what follows is not suitable reading for rw's. Rather than the pages of name calling and insults, how about if we all just stipulate that even though its all FACTUAL and WELL REFERENCED, its from a liberal source and therefore should be ignored by rw's.

There. See now? Isn't that easier than page after page of potty mouthed children throwing tantrums?

They don't even bother to read it, they just go straight to diatribe. Otherwise they'd realize they were making themselves look like Jackass circus clowns by responding to it at all.

shut up horses ass or leave you don't like things, please
TP only came up with 31 lies. They must be slipping.

At Last Night's Debate: Romney Told 31 Myths In 41 Minutes | ThinkProgress

I thought this one was especially cynical:

1) “I want to make sure we keep our Pell grant program growing. We’re also going to have our loan program, so that people are able to afford school.” Paul Ryan’s budget could cut Pell Grants for nearly 1 million college students and even Romney’s white paper on education, “A Chance for Every Child,” suggests that he “would reverse the growth in Pell Grant funding.” It says: “A Romney Administration will refocus Pell Grant dollars on the students that need them most and place the program on a responsible long-term path that avoids future funding cliffs and last-minute funding patches.”
The OP was prophetic... but then, it was like prophecying that the sun will rise and that rain will fall sooner or later.

what follows is not suitable reading for rw's. Rather than the pages of name calling and insults, how about if we all just stipulate that even though its all FACTUAL and WELL REFERENCED, its from a liberal source and therefore should be ignored by rw's.

There. See now? Isn't that easier than page after page of potty mouthed children throwing tantrums?

They don't even bother to read it, they just go straight to diatribe. Otherwise they'd realize they were making themselves look like Jackass circus clowns by responding to it at all.

shut up horses ass or leave you don't like things, please

I like it just fine. Clowns are highly entertaining.
The OP was prophetic... but then, it was like prophecying that the sun will rise and that rain will fall sooner or later.

what follows is not suitable reading for rw's. Rather than the pages of name calling and insults, how about if we all just stipulate that even though its all FACTUAL and WELL REFERENCED, its from a liberal source and therefore should be ignored by rw's.

There. See now? Isn't that easier than page after page of potty mouthed children throwing tantrums?

They don't even bother to read it, they just go straight to diatribe. Otherwise they'd realize they were making themselves look like Jackass circus clowns by responding to it at all.

shut up horses ass or leave you don't like things, please

I like it just fine. Clowns are highly entertaining.

yeah we know, we had a few join just recently

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