Lets talk REALITY on the Corona virus economically for once

Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.

Thank you.
Black Swan events are best handled in a bi-partisan effort; but the Dimms hate Trump so much that it ain't happening!
Well I c an not blame the democrats for taking thier swings it is the way the game is played. As long as a response is funded they have done thier job and they have funded the issue. Trump even said they offered more money than needed. I hope he was right. What I did not hear was how the money was going to be spent. That is what I am most interested in. The sad reality is they could give me a list of expendatures and I would not know if they were needed. I don't know shit about stopping pandimics. All I can hope is that the right people get the money and this situation is taken care of as soon as possible. I make a living on tourism so I am a bit worried about my pay check at the moment.
60 cases and no deaths. What now?
If you are a liberal, pray for more
More people have died from pneumonia in the USA in the last 24 hours than any of this fakery
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.

Thank you.
Black Swan events are best handled in a bi-partisan effort; but the Dimms hate Trump so much that it ain't happening!
Well I c an not blame the democrats for taking thier swings it is the way the game is played. As long as a response is funded they have done thier job and they have funded the issue. Trump even said they offered more money than needed. I hope he was right. What I did not hear was how the money was going to be spent. That is what I am most interested in. The sad reality is they could give me a list of expendatures and I would not know if they were needed. I don't know shit about stopping pandimics. All I can hope is that the right people get the money and this situation is taken care of as soon as possible. I make a living on tourism so I am a bit worried about my pay check at the moment.
60 cases and no deaths. What now?
If you are a liberal, pray for more
More people have died from pneumonia in the USA in the last 24 hours than any of this fakery
yep, I posted those figures yesterday.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.

Thank you.
Black Swan events are best handled in a bi-partisan effort; but the Dimms hate Trump so much that it ain't happening!
Well I c an not blame the democrats for taking thier swings it is the way the game is played. As long as a response is funded they have done thier job and they have funded the issue. Trump even said they offered more money than needed. I hope he was right. What I did not hear was how the money was going to be spent. That is what I am most interested in. The sad reality is they could give me a list of expendatures and I would not know if they were needed. I don't know shit about stopping pandimics. All I can hope is that the right people get the money and this situation is taken care of as soon as possible. I make a living on tourism so I am a bit worried about my pay check at the moment.
60 cases and no deaths. What now?
If you are a liberal, pray for more
More people have died from pneumonia in the USA in the last 24 hours than any of this fakery
yep, I posted those figures yesterday.
Stunning how it’s ignored over their pet end of mankind meme
Thank you.
Black Swan events are best handled in a bi-partisan effort; but the Dimms hate Trump so much that it ain't happening!
Well I c an not blame the democrats for taking thier swings it is the way the game is played. As long as a response is funded they have done thier job and they have funded the issue. Trump even said they offered more money than needed. I hope he was right. What I did not hear was how the money was going to be spent. That is what I am most interested in. The sad reality is they could give me a list of expendatures and I would not know if they were needed. I don't know shit about stopping pandimics. All I can hope is that the right people get the money and this situation is taken care of as soon as possible. I make a living on tourism so I am a bit worried about my pay check at the moment.
60 cases and no deaths. What now?
If you are a liberal, pray for more
More people have died from pneumonia in the USA in the last 24 hours than any of this fakery
yep, I posted those figures yesterday.
Stunning how it’s ignored over their pet end of mankind meme
BTW, the count is still 60 in the US and no deaths. Two of those are recovered in Chicago and no one else here got it. how the fk is that even fking possible? Oh, and no one went out and bought masks then.
Is this a virus to be feared or dismissed? The dow dropped roughly 10 percent. Eventually, one cant cover up the disconnect in the supply chain huh?

Neither. It should be respected and attacked.

There has been no major disruption of the supply chain, but there has been a shit ton of fear. And the people with the resources are loving it and pushing it along.
At my local diner, they have the tv news on the flat screen with the volume down. This a.m., 90% of newstime was dedicated to the coronavirus. I think the MSM is also soaking this for all it's worth. The information they are providing isn't going to panic anyone in the US if they listen carefully, but the constant focus on it is resulting in a panic, I think. Look at the stock market. That's not healthy. Not even the mass shooting at Coors is moving the virus out of the #1 slot. Bad news sells.
Is this a virus to be feared or dismissed? The dow dropped roughly 10 percent. Eventually, one cant cover up the disconnect in the supply chain huh?

Neither. It should be respected and attacked.

There has been no major disruption of the supply chain, but there has been a shit ton of fear. And the people with the resources are loving it and pushing it along.
At my local diner, they have the tv news on the flat screen with the volume down. This a.m., 90% of newstime was dedicated to the coronavirus. I think the MSM is also soaking this for all it's worth. The information they are providing isn't going to panic anyone in the US if they listen carefully, but the constant focus on it is resulting in a panic, I think. Look at the stock market. That's not healthy. Not even the mass shooting at Coors is moving the virus out of the #1 slot. Bad news sells.
and at the end of the day:

The count is still 60 in the US and no deaths. Two of those are recovered in Chicago and no one else here got it. how the fk is that even fking possible? Oh, and no one went out and bought masks then.
Is this a virus to be feared or dismissed? The dow dropped roughly 10 percent. Eventually, one cant cover up the disconnect in the supply chain huh?

Neither. It should be respected and attacked.

There has been no major disruption of the supply chain, but there has been a shit ton of fear. And the people with the resources are loving it and pushing it along.
At my local diner, they have the tv news on the flat screen with the volume down. This a.m., 90% of newstime was dedicated to the coronavirus. I think the MSM is also soaking this for all it's worth. The information they are providing isn't going to panic anyone in the US if they listen carefully, but the constant focus on it is resulting in a panic, I think. Look at the stock market. That's not healthy. Not even the mass shooting at Coors is moving the virus out of the #1 slot. Bad news sells.

OL, it is what is known as a circular firing squad.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is this a virus to be feared or dismissed? The dow dropped roughly 10 percent. Eventually, one cant cover up the disconnect in the supply chain huh?

Neither. It should be respected and attacked.

There has been no major disruption of the supply chain, but there has been a shit ton of fear. And the people with the resources are loving it and pushing it along.
At my local diner, they have the tv news on the flat screen with the volume down. This a.m., 90% of newstime was dedicated to the coronavirus. I think the MSM is also soaking this for all it's worth. The information they are providing isn't going to panic anyone in the US if they listen carefully, but the constant focus on it is resulting in a panic, I think. Look at the stock market. That's not healthy. Not even the mass shooting at Coors is moving the virus out of the #1 slot. Bad news sells.
and at the end of the day:

The count is still 60 in the US and no deaths. Two of those are recovered in Chicago and no one else here got it. how the fk is that even fking possible? Oh, and no one went out and bought masks then.

Mask are sold out around the country. My wife's hospital had to lock them up because the employees were stealing them and taking them home.
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.

You stupid Russian. This isn't about Trump, this is about the utter incompetence and lack of preparation on the part of the Trump Administration.

Korea has tested tens of thousands of it's citizens. As of yesterday, the USA has tested fewer than 500 people because the CDC hasn't distributed any tests. The CDC is just starting to ship the approved testing kits to testing centres next week. They should have had them a month ago. So there are literally thousands of people who are "under observation" in the USA, but that doctors and hospitals have no ability to test for Colvid19.

The pandemic response team which had an office in the White House to co-ordinate the government response to a global outbreak, to co-ordinate the CDC work with the United Nations, the State Department, and co-ordinate American resources within the global framework, has been disbanded by the Trump Administration and the head of the CDC and their department heads, have all been fired, so there is no experienced leadership within the White House or CDC with experience in responding to a crisis.

As someone who lived through the SARS crisis in Toronto, and who is alreading hunkering down for this round, I can tell you what is already starting to happen, just from my personal point of view:

During the SARS outbreak in Toronto, the United Nations issued a travel advisory not to travel to Toronto. SARS was another disease which arrive out of China, and Toronto has 3 large "Chinatowns". I was living 2 blocks from one of them, and fully half the kids at my daughter's schools were Asian, of some description (Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Thai). My older daughter lived smack dab in the middle of our largest Chinatown. Every day, I took the streetcar to and from work on the busiest streetcar line in the entire city. Cattle cars.

I started taking a car service to work in the morning, and bringing a lunch, which I ate at my desk. My husband picked me up after work so I wasn't taking public transit. We didn't use our membership to the local movie theatre (free parking, reduced admission, discounts on snacks), and instead stayed home and watched TV. Nor did we do our usual "Dinner and a movie". Our favourite local restaurant being right across the street from our local theatre.

Public events - live theatre, symphony and ballet performances were cancelled due to low ticket sales. So were sporting events at every level. People just stopped going out unless they absolutely had to. There were enough cases that everybody knew somebody who got sick. Our normally thronging city turned into a ghost town. Everyone in the public service industry took a huge hit. Restaurants, lunch counters, movie theatres, sporting events - the everyday fabric of life for most North Americans, just stopped.

Toronto is a destination city. Conventions, meetings, were cancelled. People who planned vacations in Toronto, cancelled. When we visited family outside the city, people jokingly said they were afraid to hug us. I don't think some of them were joking. Hotels, catering services, and places like the CN Tower had no business either.

Toronto is the economic engine of Ontario, but the hit we took, economically, was entirely local, because the outbreak was confined to just one city. Had this thing gotten loose in the entire country, it would have been an economic catastrophe.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.

Total insanity.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.

Total insanity.
In times like this, I always see the stock market as John Belushi's character in this clip:

"A little bit softer now...a little bit softer now...a little bit softer now...a little bit louder now...a little bit louder now..."
You can’t impeach Trump over the virus, or anything else for that matter, so what’s your skin in the game?
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?
Yes. Very bad. 6 trillion dollars has been wiped out this week. It's very bad for your 401(k).

God only knows how many derivatives are tied to bond spreads and interest rate swaps and how many trillions in nominal value they are. There could be a bank or hedge fund out there about to go all LTCM on us and threaten the entire financial system.
The panicked herd has caused the Dow to drop another thousand points today.

The Dow is down 16% from its high. We are a little over a thousand points from an official bear market.
Is that bad?

Yes that is bad! And understand---------->by the time the market rights itself if/when Corona craziness stops for a while, because of the economic slowdown, the market is going to respond to BERNARD having a better chance of getting elected.

The market will not see any new highs till next year, and that is only if BERNARD is defeated.
the market isnt the economy - consumer confidence is a bigger part of our economy than stocks,

supply and demand.

if Goldilocks takes credit for good days on wall street, he get credit for bad ones too.


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