Lets talk REALITY on the Corona virus economically for once

The reality is that the market drop is due in part to the lead Bernie Sanders has acquired in the primaries.
The real reality is Bernie recognizes the fraud that underlies Wall Street and corrupt crony-capitalists like Trump.

"Senator Bernie Sanders has come closer than anyone on the Presidential campaign trail in defining what Wall Street actually does.

"Sanders has repeatedly stated at his rallies that 'the business model of Wall Street is fraud.'

"That analysis is correct but abbreviated. Sanders needs to go further.

"It’s not just Wall Street’s business model that has left the United States with the greatest wealth inequality since the Roaring Twenties (a time when Wall Street investment banks were also allowed to own deposit-taking banks).

"It’s how Wall Street is monetizing that fraud that poses an existential threat to the solvency of the United States and the impoverishment of millions of Americans."

Bernie Sanders Hasn’t Quite Captured What Wall Street Does: It’s Actually a Fraud-Monetization System with a Money-Printing Unit Called the New York Fed
Fascinating, all the whiny economy "experts" come out when the market takes a hit.

sort of like all you Trump worshipers that come out after a new record high and give Trump all the credit for it

And what do you do when the market hits a record high....thank Obama?

I will send you a 1000 bucks for every post you can find me doing so.

Unlike you, I do not give the government credit for all good things in my life.

Well, if I recall, we already played that game. You don't send to a P.O. box. Soooo....you could cut the bravado bs, I also doubt if you could afford $1000.

I have no problems with PO Boxes. This is just your pathetic attempt to run like a puss because you know such a post does not exist

I sure know a post denying payment to a PO Box certainly does exist, anything else you'd like to lie about?
sort of like all you Trump worshipers that come out after a new record high and give Trump all the credit for it

And what do you do when the market hits a record high....thank Obama?

I will send you a 1000 bucks for every post you can find me doing so.

Unlike you, I do not give the government credit for all good things in my life.

Well, if I recall, we already played that game. You don't send to a P.O. box. Soooo....you could cut the bravado bs, I also doubt if you could afford $1000.

I have no problems with PO Boxes. This is just your pathetic attempt to run like a puss because you know such a post does not exist

I sure know a post denying payment to a PO Box certainly does exist, anything else you'd like to lie about?

:linky: :link:
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
are you saying I didn't hear the news? there was no one here when I heard it. How did you hear what I heard and how did you hear it differently?
Guess I missed the part about somebody wanting to destroy America. I probably changed changed channel to something more educational like reruns of Andy and Barney, since the Three Stooges wasn't on.
Just heard that any further announcement or government information put out by any federal government organization, regarding Coron Virus will have to be cleared by Mike Pence. Guess we are going back to top down management and information control. Good luck everybody.

He may be able to stop CDC from releasing info but he can't stop the states or personal experiences.

UA students, professor possibly exposed to coronavirus on study abroad trip

BTW when I'm reading without signing in I see the only person I have on ignore post but cannot see when signed it and that is JC.

The gov of CA said 8300 or 8400 are being monitored for the virus he said nothing about anyone of them having it yet.
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
are you saying I didn't hear the news? there was no one here when I heard it. How did you hear what I heard and how did you hear it differently?
Guess I missed the part about somebody wanting to destroy America. I probably changed changed channel to something more educational like reruns of Andy and Barney, since the Three Stooges wasn't on.
Just heard that any further announcement or government information put out by any federal government organization, regarding Coron Virus will have to be cleared by Mike Pence. Guess we are going back to top down management and information control. Good luck everybody.

He may be able to stop CDC from releasing info but he can't stop the states or personal experiences.

UA students, professor possibly exposed to coronavirus on study abroad trip

BTW when I'm reading without signing in I see the only person I have on ignore post but cannot see when signed it and that is JC.

The gov of CA said 8300 or 8400 are being monitored for the virus he said nothing about anyone of them having it yet.
Interesting comments and accurate about the 8300 to 8400 being monitor. I actually figure we would quickly learn any thing held back that we needed to know. Truth comes out. There is no stopping it. They could not stop the whistle blower and I understand there is a new whistle blower, specifically about DHS handling or mishandling aspects of meetings with possible infect patient at the air force base in CA, where the administration brought back the Americans from the cruise ship. People like JC do not bother me. I am getting used to seeing it on the board. I am not a Trump fan, but I live in the real world. Some here are so anti or pro DJT, that reality on the subject doesn't matter. Sort of like all's fair in love, war and politics, especially the politics of Trump. I do not like the TDS designations as they often are a false accusation hurled by the religious frenzied of Trump supporters, but it is getting hard to deny that TDS does to some extent exist.
A shortage of test kits are due to a bi-partisan shortsightedness!
This may be news to a Big Gov't proponent like you, but the Gov't cannot save you.
Good luck!
Who gets the blame for this, "Crooked Hillary?"

Coronavirus Live Updates: Cases Soar in Italy and Iran; U.S. Workers Possibly Exposed, Complaint Says

"Federal government health workers were not given proper medical training or protective gear when they were sent to assist Americans who had been quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus, according to a whistle-blower complaint.

"Staff members entered quarantine areas at Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in California, interacted with the people who were in isolation and then moved freely around and off the bases, the complaint said.

"The whistle-blower, described as a senior leader at the Department of Health and Human Services, said at least one worker stayed in a nearby hotel and left California on a commercial flight."

I suppose MAGA Morons will run out of excuses for their ignorant, arrogant messiah at some point, but that will likely happen after he dies in prison.

You're 'shot out', dude.

MAGA yet?
are you saying I didn't hear the news? there was no one here when I heard it. How did you hear what I heard and how did you hear it differently?
Guess I missed the part about somebody wanting to destroy America. I probably changed changed channel to something more educational like reruns of Andy and Barney, since the Three Stooges wasn't on.
Just heard that any further announcement or government information put out by any federal government organization, regarding Coron Virus will have to be cleared by Mike Pence. Guess we are going back to top down management and information control. Good luck everybody.

He may be able to stop CDC from releasing info but he can't stop the states or personal experiences.

UA students, professor possibly exposed to coronavirus on study abroad trip

BTW when I'm reading without signing in I see the only person I have on ignore post but cannot see when signed it and that is JC.

The gov of CA said 8300 or 8400 are being monitored for the virus he said nothing about anyone of them having it yet.
Interesting comments and accurate about the 8300 to 8400 being monitor. I actually figure we would quickly learn any thing held back that we needed to know. Truth comes out. There is no stopping it. They could not stop the whistle blower and I understand there is a new whistle blower, specifically about DHS handling or mishandling aspects of meetings with possible infect patient at the air force base in CA, where the administration brought back the Americans from the cruise ship. People like JC do not bother me. I am getting used to seeing it on the board. I am not a Trump fan, but I live in the real world. Some here are so anti or pro DJT, that reality on the subject doesn't matter. Sort of like all's fair in love, war and politics, especially the politics of Trump. I do not like the TDS designations as they often are a false accusation hurled by the religious frenzied of Trump supporters, but it is getting hard to deny that TDS does to some extent exist.

A shortage of test kits are due to a bi-partisan shortsightedness!
This may be news to a Big Gov't proponent like you, but the Gov't cannot save you.
Good luck!
Who gets the blame for this, "Crooked Hillary?"

Coronavirus Live Updates: Cases Soar in Italy and Iran; U.S. Workers Possibly Exposed, Complaint Says

"Federal government health workers were not given proper medical training or protective gear when they were sent to assist Americans who had been quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus, according to a whistle-blower complaint.

"Staff members entered quarantine areas at Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in California, interacted with the people who were in isolation and then moved freely around and off the bases, the complaint said.

"The whistle-blower, described as a senior leader at the Department of Health and Human Services, said at least one worker stayed in a nearby hotel and left California on a commercial flight."

I suppose MAGA Morons will run out of excuses for their ignorant, arrogant messiah at some point, but that will likely happen after he dies in prison.

You're 'shot out', dude.

MAGA yet?

Is this reporting true---------------->Israeli scientists say they are just WEEKS away from developing a vaccine to beat coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

Hmmmm, Israel, another Capitalistic country, what do you know!

Where is the Cuba solution? Venezuela? Russian?

Well, if this report is true, we can see that the SOCIALIST response is to whine, cry, and blame. The CAPITALISTIC response is...…..to SOLVE THE PROBLEM!
When the hell are we going to decouple from China? These communists developed this virus, probably for biological warfare. They lied about everything, every step of the way. They are our enemies who want to conquer us militarily and economically. Free trade with them never helped our country one bit. Much to the contrary. Their government can't be trusted at all. They're a lot like what Bernie is offering. We need to take our lumps for stupidly putting too many eggs in one basket and decouple from China because they're a totally evil country. Remember way back in the beginning when the jive talking point was that we had to engage them in order to get them to become more human rights oriented? What a fucking crock of shit. That's even worse than "we have to pass it to see what's in it", or "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" or "we have to pass comprehensive immigration reform to be able to secure our border". When our government has the balls to feed us totally illogical BS like this, it shows how little respect they have for the American people. We need to decouple from China immediately and do everything we can to keep the virus in their country. China sucks
Hmmmm, Israel, another Capitalistic country, what do you know!

Where is the Cuba solution? Venezuela? Russian?
What role did governments play in funding this research; what guarantee is there any viable vaccine will be sold at affordable prices (since capitalist$ always put $hareholder$ fir$t.)

About | Migal

"MIGAL was recently awarded a 4.5 million Euros grant from the European Union as well as significant sums from the Israeli government to establish a new center of excellence within its' premises.

"This generous funding is being used to upgrade MIGALs' infrastructure, purchase state-of-the-art equipment and hire new researchers who complement and fortify our existing staff.

"One of our new recruits, who is studying artificial photosynthesis and protein design, was recently awarded a prestigious 2 million Euros ERC grant."
Hmmmm, Israel, another Capitalistic country, what do you know!

Where is the Cuba solution? Venezuela? Russian?
What role did governments play in funding this research; what guarantee is there any viable vaccine will be sold at affordable prices (since capitalist$ always put $hareholder$ fir$t.)

About | Migal

"MIGAL was recently awarded a 4.5 million Euros grant from the European Union as well as significant sums from the Israeli government to establish a new center of excellence within its' premises.

"This generous funding is being used to upgrade MIGALs' infrastructure, purchase state-of-the-art equipment and hire new researchers who complement and fortify our existing staff.

"One of our new recruits, who is studying artificial photosynthesis and protein design, was recently awarded a prestigious 2 million Euros ERC grant."

See, they should have given the cash to a SOCIALIST country. Wonder why they didn't-)
The reality is that the market drop is due in part to the lead Bernie Sanders has acquired in the primaries.
The real reality is Bernie recognizes the fraud that underlies Wall Street and corrupt crony-capitalists like Trump.

"Senator Bernie Sanders has come closer than anyone on the Presidential campaign trail in defining what Wall Street actually does.

"Sanders has repeatedly stated at his rallies that 'the business model of Wall Street is fraud.'

"That analysis is correct but abbreviated. Sanders needs to go further.

"It’s not just Wall Street’s business model that has left the United States with the greatest wealth inequality since the Roaring Twenties (a time when Wall Street investment banks were also allowed to own deposit-taking banks).

"It’s how Wall Street is monetizing that fraud that poses an existential threat to the solvency of the United States and the impoverishment of millions of Americans."

Bernie Sanders Hasn’t Quite Captured What Wall Street Does: It’s Actually a Fraud-Monetization System with a Money-Printing Unit Called the New York Fed

No he doesn't recognize anything. He was singing praises for a third world dump to the south of florida. Again, he's a hypocrite and he's got you fooled. The dude is more lost than biden.
A shortage of test kits are due to a bi-partisan shortsightedness!
This may be news to a Big Gov't proponent like you, but the Gov't cannot save you.
Good luck!
Who gets the blame for this, "Crooked Hillary?"

Coronavirus Live Updates: Cases Soar in Italy and Iran; U.S. Workers Possibly Exposed, Complaint Says

"Federal government health workers were not given proper medical training or protective gear when they were sent to assist Americans who had been quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus, according to a whistle-blower complaint.

"Staff members entered quarantine areas at Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in California, interacted with the people who were in isolation and then moved freely around and off the bases, the complaint said.

"The whistle-blower, described as a senior leader at the Department of Health and Human Services, said at least one worker stayed in a nearby hotel and left California on a commercial flight."

I suppose MAGA Morons will run out of excuses for their ignorant, arrogant messiah at some point, but that will likely happen after he dies in prison.
Kinda been missing that farce

Alex Azar admitted this late last evening.
Dude, I just heard the governor of CA is about to start announcing thousands of his people have the virus. Are you ready for the political end to turn? Ready or not. They want to destroy america. It really isn't more evidenced than this new threat to the world. they will make it about trump.
Trump did not cause the virus and there is no conspiracy behind the virus. Trump can fuck up the response to the virus but that remains to be seen. Will he takes some lumps for the virus,yes. When you are in charge you blamed for things you had nothing to do with and get credit for things you had nothing to do with. It has never been any different.

Thank you.
Black Swan events are best handled in a bi-partisan effort; but the Dimms hate Trump so much that it ain't happening!
Well I c an not blame the democrats for taking thier swings it is the way the game is played. As long as a response is funded they have done thier job and they have funded the issue. Trump even said they offered more money than needed. I hope he was right. What I did not hear was how the money was going to be spent. That is what I am most interested in. The sad reality is they could give me a list of expendatures and I would not know if they were needed. I don't know shit about stopping pandimics. All I can hope is that the right people get the money and this situation is taken care of as soon as possible. I make a living on tourism so I am a bit worried about my pay check at the moment.
60 cases and no deaths. What now?
When the hell are we going to decouple from China? These communists developed this virus, probably for biological warfare. They lied about everything, every step of the way. They are our enemies who want to conquer us militarily and economically. Free trade with them never helped our country one bit. Much to the contrary. Their government can't be trusted at all. They're a lot like what Bernie is offering. We need to take our lumps for stupidly putting too many eggs in one basket and decouple from China because they're a totally evil country. Remember way back in the beginning when the jive talking point was that we had to engage them in order to get them to become more human rights oriented? What a fucking crock of shit. That's even worse than "we have to pass it to see what's in it", or "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" or "we have to pass comprehensive immigration reform to be able to secure our border". When our government has the balls to feed us totally illogical BS like this, it shows how little respect they have for the American people. We need to decouple from China immediately and do everything we can to keep the virus in their country. China sucks

Where did the new coronavirus come from? Past outbreaks provide hints.
A shortage of test kits are due to a bi-partisan shortsightedness!
This may be news to a Big Gov't proponent like you, but the Gov't cannot save you.
Good luck!
Who gets the blame for this, "Crooked Hillary?"

Coronavirus Live Updates: Cases Soar in Italy and Iran; U.S. Workers Possibly Exposed, Complaint Says

"Federal government health workers were not given proper medical training or protective gear when they were sent to assist Americans who had been quarantined for possible exposure to the coronavirus, according to a whistle-blower complaint.

"Staff members entered quarantine areas at Travis Air Force Base and March Air Reserve Base in California, interacted with the people who were in isolation and then moved freely around and off the bases, the complaint said.

"The whistle-blower, described as a senior leader at the Department of Health and Human Services, said at least one worker stayed in a nearby hotel and left California on a commercial flight."

I suppose MAGA Morons will run out of excuses for their ignorant, arrogant messiah at some point, but that will likely happen after he dies in prison.
and that's on trump how?
When the hell are we going to decouple from China? These communists developed this virus, probably for biological warfare. They lied about everything, every step of the way. They are our enemies who want to conquer us militarily and economically. Free trade with them never helped our country one bit. Much to the contrary. Their government can't be trusted at all. They're a lot like what Bernie is offering. We need to take our lumps for stupidly putting too many eggs in one basket and decouple from China because they're a totally evil country. Remember way back in the beginning when the jive talking point was that we had to engage them in order to get them to become more human rights oriented? What a fucking crock of shit. That's even worse than "we have to pass it to see what's in it", or "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" or "we have to pass comprehensive immigration reform to be able to secure our border". When our government has the balls to feed us totally illogical BS like this, it shows how little respect they have for the American people. We need to decouple from China immediately and do everything we can to keep the virus in their country. China sucks

Where did the new coronavirus come from? Past outbreaks provide hints.
all from China. yes sir, let's get out of there. huh?
The reality is that the market drop is due in part to the lead Bernie Sanders has acquired in the primaries.
The real reality is Bernie recognizes the fraud that underlies Wall Street and corrupt crony-capitalists like Trump.

"Senator Bernie Sanders has come closer than anyone on the Presidential campaign trail in defining what Wall Street actually does.

"Sanders has repeatedly stated at his rallies that 'the business model of Wall Street is fraud.'

"That analysis is correct but abbreviated. Sanders needs to go further.

"It’s not just Wall Street’s business model that has left the United States with the greatest wealth inequality since the Roaring Twenties (a time when Wall Street investment banks were also allowed to own deposit-taking banks).

"It’s how Wall Street is monetizing that fraud that poses an existential threat to the solvency of the United States and the impoverishment of millions of Americans."

Bernie Sanders Hasn’t Quite Captured What Wall Street Does: It’s Actually a Fraud-Monetization System with a Money-Printing Unit Called the New York Fed
so what is it that wall street does exactly? your words.

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