Lets say someone from 1995 time traveled to today


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Lets say someone ran into a “wormhole” or micro-black hole that shot them into the future from 1995 to 2015. Yep, they found time travel and now they're in our current time...The question is, would they be impressed with today’s tech or let down once they discovered the time was now 2015?

I think the quality of our computer hardware(it is cheap! What I mean is my first computer was strong enough to last 7 fucking years through my teenage years. I didn't treat it very well! Good luck doing the same with my current laptop.) has gone done since the mid 1990's and I am of the opinion that medical advances have been extremely slow. Good luck thinking as someone with cancer or a failing heart could just travel 20 years into the future and BAM you're saved!!! My dad died from cancer in 2006 and I doubt I'd live more then another 3 months with the same here in 2015.

I'll admit of course that cordless(Wifi,) and “speed”(RAM, CPU's,) like technological devices have advanced but when you consider what was promised...Well,


Honestly, I think it is time to spend more to attempt to regenerate the innovation so someone else 20 years in our future doesn't regret.
My friends from that timeline would be horrified to learn that the music industry died and all there is now is corporate teenpop.
Internet service is still very slow up here too, and the cell phone does not work from our home without going outside and walking a mile.
I might of had dial up internet then, and the cell phones were huge. No not disappointed.
I did not even own a computer until 1997, and my cell phone was so big it could be used as a weapon,

I expected medical advances to be farther, and technology....

Where are the Hover Boards, and the Cubs winning the world series, ala Back to the Future 2????
Lets say someone ran into a “wormhole” or micro-black hole that shot them into the future from 1995 to 2015. Yep, they found time travel and now they're in our current time...The question is, would they be impressed with today’s tech or let down once they discovered the time was now 2015?

I think the quality of our computer hardware(it is cheap! What I mean is my first computer was strong enough to last 7 fucking years through my teenage years. I didn't treat it very well! Good luck doing the same with my current laptop.) has gone done since the mid 1990's and I am of the opinion that medical advances have been extremely slow. Good luck thinking as someone with cancer or a failing heart could just travel 20 years into the future and BAM you're saved!!! My dad died from cancer in 2006 and I doubt I'd live more then another 3 months with the same here in 2015.

I'll admit of course that cordless(Wifi,) and “speed”(RAM, CPU's,) like technological devices have advanced but when you consider what was promised...Well,


Honestly, I think it is time to spend more to attempt to regenerate the innovation so someone else 20 years in our future doesn't regret.

If you make it through a wormhole alive travelling 20 years into the future and anything in the world can still impress you you didn't understand what just happened. :)

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