Let’s pretend we shut down the border and deport anyone republicans want to deport, then what?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
What happens next? If your answer is that legal citizens would fill the jobs left behind, then you must realize how dumb you sound. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Many of those people are not looking for jobs to begin with.
What happens next? If your answer is that legal citizens would fill the jobs left behind, then you must realize how dumb you sound. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Many of those people are not looking for jobs to begin with.
Democrats start losing elections, which means better times for everyone.
What happens next? If your answer is that legal citizens would fill the jobs left behind, then you must realize how dumb you sound. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Many of those people are not looking for jobs to begin with.
Democrats start losing elections, which means better times for everyone.
Do you have solid proof illegals vote ?
“Let’s pretend we shut down the border and deport anyone republicans want to deport, then what?”

Might as well shut down he entire country – if Republicans have their way the Republic, he rule of law, and the Constitution will be dead.
What happens next? If your answer is that legal citizens would fill the jobs left behind, then you must realize how dumb you sound. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Many of those people are not looking for jobs to begin with.

Shut the border and deport illegals.
VERY simple.
Come legally or don't come at all.
What happens next? If your answer is that legal citizens would fill the jobs left behind, then you must realize how dumb you sound. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Many of those people are not looking for jobs to begin with.
Democrats start losing elections, which means better times for everyone.
Do you have solid proof illegals vote ?

Trump told him so, and Trump is never ever, ever, ever wrong in the eyes of his worshipers.
Put a better LEGAL immigration process in place to vet immigrants, and use a merit based system to fill jobs LIKE EVERY OTHER COUNTRY DOES.
What happens next? If your answer is that legal citizens would fill the jobs left behind, then you must realize how dumb you sound. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Many of those people are not looking for jobs to begin with.

We save billions and billions and BILLIONS of dollars a year supporting people who are in our nation illegally.
What happens next? If your answer is that legal citizens would fill the jobs left behind, then you must realize how dumb you sound. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Many of those people are not looking for jobs to begin with.

We save billions and billions and BILLIONS of dollars a year supporting people who are in our nation illegally.
we save billions w/ cheap labor too....~S~
I would deport the entire territory known as the State of Texas.

Fuck off, commies!!!

Bu Bye...

What happens next? If your answer is that legal citizens would fill the jobs left behind, then you must realize how dumb you sound. The unemployment rate is, what, 3%? Many of those people are not looking for jobs to begin with.
a. we find out which low-end jobs are truly important and which ones aren't

b. we invest in technology to replace the slave-labor

c. we raise pay scales for some of those jobs (back) to livable-wage levels, to attract citizen worker-bees

d. we reboot guest-worker programs and execute them better - including foolproof personal tracking technology
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