Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”

it's the absurdity of it all, why wear that T shirt ...what will she gain, apart from the contempt of the world!

why would somebody grab whatever she has there?

So pathetic.

Your post is why people marched. Who gives a shit what she looks like. Is her opinion any less important?

Just because your life turned out to be shit sandwich, doesn't mean you have to make everyone else hate life too.

And YOUR post is why Hillarous Clinton lost. ;)

So there you have it.

That doesn't make any actual sense. It's ok though, we don't expect anything else from you.

Why don't you post a real picture of yourself so we can judge your value.

Skye's beautiful. weve all seen her real pictures
What were they protesting???
That is a great question. The simple answer: the fact that the American people rejected socialism.
Probably the fact that we have an admitted pervert in the oval office.
I don't think that's it. Progressives love perverts. Progressive females explicably live to be treated as sex toys. The left worships Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner, Anthony Weiner, etc.

Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.

CandyCrone weighs in.......... but wait...where were these stalwart women when Bill was abusing "his" women and Hillary was sitting by enabling those horrible situations....there is more.....Hillary was further victimizing these poor women.

but alas no march
I agree that it was a Soros march ...a march of freaks :cuckoo:

freaks like this one....and this is just one example of the stupidity and vulgarity of those who attended the march! I found this, below elsewhere online...

.....legs open for refugees ....meh....

that will make the refugees run for the hills. :confused:

^ dumb broad fell for photoshop
it's the absurdity of it all, why wear that T shirt ...what will she gain, apart from the contempt of the world!

why would somebody grab whatever she has there?

So pathetic.

Your post is why people marched. Who gives a shit what she looks like. Is her opinion any less important?

Just because your life turned out to be shit sandwich, doesn't mean you have to make everyone else hate life too.

And YOUR post is why Hillarous Clinton lost. ;)

So there you have it.

That doesn't make any actual sense. It's ok though, we don't expect anything else from you.

Why don't you post a real picture of yourself so we can judge your value.

Skye's beautiful. weve all seen her real pictures
We know she is gorg.....the clown was asking me....hoping for a date.
it's the absurdity of it all, why wear that T shirt ...what will she gain, apart from the contempt of the world!
Ever notice how the left lacks all grace and sophistication? For the side that claims to be all about "education", they sure are a bunch of crass, vulgar, classless, Neanderthals. Even at my age now, if either of my parents saw me wearing something like that they'd cave my skull in. You have to wonder who raises liberals?

I've got $100 right now that says she comes from a broken home.
We can deduce that the furniture is broken.:biggrin:

That wacky poster is in this photo.
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Trump is a pervert.
For starters - you are the party of perverts. You celebrate, advocate, and advance every and all forms of sexual deviance. Why is it a wondrous site to behold for the left to engage in everything from homosexuality to bestiality but suddenly "offensive" when someone you don't like simply speaks about sex? :dunno:
You’re okay with that.
You're ok with that. Not me. You are the one who worships Bill Clinton in every thread.
So are a ton of other people. Hence the protest.
Why would you "protest" what you support the most?!? :uhh:

That wacky poster is in this photo.
Who would bring children to this? Fucking retarded ignorant assholes.
How do you think those people grew up to be that immature and disturbed? Their parents did this to them in the 60's. It's an ugly and vicious cycle which they continue to this day. None of them actually give a shit about their children - they are just more "useful idiots" for their own selfish cause.
What were they protesting???
That is a great question. The simple answer: the fact that the American people rejected socialism.
Probably the fact that we have an admitted pervert in the oval office.
I don't think that's it. Progressives love perverts. Progressive females explicably live to be treated as sex toys. The left worships Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner, Anthony Weiner, etc.

Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

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