Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”


march leader Linda Sarsour a Pro-Palestine Muslim activist.

She also advocates for Sharia Law in America and has ties to terrorist organization, Hamas.
Trump is a pervert.
For starters - you are the party of perverts. You celebrate, advocate, and advance every and all forms of sexual deviance. Why is it a wondrous site to behold for the left to engage in everything from homosexuality to bestiality but suddenly "offensive" when someone you don't like simply speaks about sex? :dunno:
So what you're saying is Trump being a pervert is okay because the Democratic party supports Same Sex Marriage? Weird that you support pervert because people you hate support Same Sex marriage.

You’re okay with that.
You're ok with that. Not me. You are the one who worships Bill Clinton in every thread.
Weak even for you....I do not know when the last time I mentioned Bill Clinton.
But even if I did...are you saying that your support of a pervert is okay since Bill Clinton was a pervert? Strange. I thought you guys were supposedly "better" somehow.

So are a ton of other people. Hence the protest.
Why would you "protest" what you support the most?!? :uhh:

That our President is a pervert? I'm not sure that the protestors support anyone...but I do think they are protesting that our current president is a pervert.
What were they protesting???
That is a great question. The simple answer: the fact that the American people rejected socialism.
Probably the fact that we have an admitted pervert in the oval office.
I don't think that's it. Progressives love perverts. Progressive females explicably live to be treated as sex toys. The left worships Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner, Anthony Weiner, etc.

Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
What were they protesting???
That is a great question. The simple answer: the fact that the American people rejected socialism.
Probably the fact that we have an admitted pervert in the oval office.
I don't think that's it. Progressives love perverts. Progressive females explicably live to be treated as sex toys. The left worships Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner, Anthony Weiner, etc.

Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
If he were a liberal democrat, supporting abortion, the women groups that protested him would give it a pass (ref. Bill Clinton). It seems that democrat perverts are acceptable as president and republican perverts are not. FDR, JFK and WJC were perverts and are beloved by democrats. Seems like a big double standards to me......but that's politics.
That our President is a pervert? I'm not sure that the protestors support anyone...but I do think they are protesting that our current president is a pervert.
Nah...they are "protesting" that socialism has been rejected and that they can't have their way.
Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert. Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
You still haven't explained why your side of the aisle would "protest" what they love the most. Why do you feel the need to lie about why they marched? Bizarre.

march leader Linda Sarsour a Pro-Palestine Muslim activist.

She also advocates for Sharia Law in America and has ties to terrorist organization, Hamas.
Does anyone else find it mind boggling that the party of feminists - which universally rejects all other religions - highly supports the one religion that is extremely oppressive to women? :uhh:
Madonna offered to give men BJs for voting for HRC, and she was part of the protest. That's perverted. Madonna has a documented history of being a pervert. So the protest was perverts protesting a "pervert".

Bunch of self admitted "Nasty Women"
Madonna offered to give men BJs for voting for HRC, and she was part of the protest. That's perverted. Madonna has a documented history of being a pervert. So the protest was perverts protesting a "pervert".

Bunch of self admitted "Nasty Women"
So instead of opening her mouth to advance the cause of women with intelligent comments, she opens her mouth to be a sexual toy for men - setting women back 200 years. Nice going Madonna. :eusa_doh:
What were they protesting???
That is a great question. The simple answer: the fact that the American people rejected socialism.
Probably the fact that we have an admitted pervert in the oval office.
I don't think that's it. Progressives love perverts. Progressive females explicably live to be treated as sex toys. The left worships Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner, Anthony Weiner, etc.

Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
If he were a liberal democrat, supporting abortion, the women groups that protested him would give it a pass (ref. Bill Clinton). It seems that democrat perverts are acceptable as president and republican perverts are not. FDR, JFK and WJC were perverts and are beloved by democrats. Seems like a big double standards to me......but that's politics.

Speculation that they would let it pass.
Not speculation that Trump is a pervert.
Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert. Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
You still haven't explained why your side of the aisle would "protest" what they love the most. Why do you feel the need to lie about why they marched? Bizarre.

You still haven't offered any proof of such love. I guess we could just assume since Larry Craig and you support the same things...that you like playing footsie in bathroom stalls as well?
They are "horrified" over Trump's comments but completely support islam. Just proves this has nothing to do with women, sex, etc. and everything to do with socialism.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert. Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
You still haven't explained why your side of the aisle would "protest" what they love the most. Why do you feel the need to lie about why they marched? Bizarre.

You still haven't offered any proof of such love. I guess we could just assume since Larry Craig and you support the same things...that you like playing footsie in bathroom stalls as well?
What are you talking about? Now you're going to deny that the left supports, advocates, and advances the cause for sexual deviance?!? Are you serious? :uhh:
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”

It would had been more accurate to call it the "million abortions march"
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”
^ This is why we marched.
What a shame... you marched because you feel society owes you abortions, birth control, and tampons. Just think if all of you selfish creatures used that time to read to a child, volunteer at a battered women's shelter, or worked at a food shelter. Just think how much better the United States would be this morning.
just think about how many poor people could be given just basic medical checkups with the money wasted on free abortions, birth control and tampons?
But to be honest, and please nobody take this as an insult, some thing just are what they are.
Just judging from what I saw on the television as far as these women go, most of them already have free birth control, and in my opinion it would be effective enough to keep them from worrying about abortions, and the best part is that these women were born with this free birth control, its called their face.
That's right, there is no way any man could get hard after seeing those faces, so I am not actually sure what it is they are concerned about. I have not read about too many blind men engaging in the past time of rape. some of these women were so blatantly ugly that most men's winkies would go soft for a month or so after seeing them.
What were they protesting???
That is a great question. The simple answer: the fact that the American people rejected socialism.
Probably the fact that we have an admitted pervert in the oval office.
I don't think that's it. Progressives love perverts. Progressive females explicably live to be treated as sex toys. The left worships Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner, Anthony Weiner, etc.

Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
would you consider one guy giving another guy a blow job in the back seat a little bit of a perversion or does your master obama get a free pass for eating Sinclair's baby batter?

march leader Linda Sarsour a Pro-Palestine Muslim activist.

She also advocates for Sharia Law in America and has ties to terrorist organization, Hamas.
Does anyone else find it mind boggling that the party of feminists - which universally rejects all other religions - highly supports the one religion that is extremely oppressive to women? :uhh:
Because terrorist organizations do what they can't. Kill Christians.
What were they protesting???
That is a great question. The simple answer: the fact that the American people rejected socialism.
Probably the fact that we have an admitted pervert in the oval office.
I don't think that's it. Progressives love perverts. Progressive females explicably live to be treated as sex toys. The left worships Bill Clinton, Hugh Hefner, Anthony Weiner, etc.

Yes it it.
Trump is a pervert.
You’re okay with that.
So are a ton of other people.
Hence the protest.
A precedent was set with Bill Clinton that is okay for a pervert to be president. It has just taken the republicans 25 years to catch up.

Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert.
Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
would you consider one guy giving another guy a blow job in the back seat a little bit of a perversion or does your master obama get a free pass for eating Sinclair's baby batter?

When you were giving it, did he smile?
Glad you're admitting Mr. Trump is a pervert. Sounds like it was a valid protest (those who were protesting that anyway).
You still haven't explained why your side of the aisle would "protest" what they love the most. Why do you feel the need to lie about why they marched? Bizarre.

You still haven't offered any proof of such love. I guess we could just assume since Larry Craig and you support the same things...that you like playing footsie in bathroom stalls as well?
What are you talking about? :uhh:

If you are a product of who you support politically, you must like playing footsie in the bathroom with other boys. It's precisely the argument you're making.

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