Lets Hear Your Ideas....

Wind farms fail to perform every week unannounced. You need a link for that? Any plan that doesnt allow for cheap and abundant energy is a non starter. And quit trying to screw the poor folks in the third world into suboptimal energy systems just because you think you can deny them what you have.
I'm a free market guy myself. Carbon credits.

But being it's about the free market, most deniers won't be able to understand it.

How exactly do carbon credits prevent pollution? All they have ever been shown to do is enrich corrupt corporate fat cats, and raise the prices on everything people buy.
OK, boys and girls. Let's try this again. Address the OP or don't post. Hit and run flames will be dealt with quickly.

So, I can be accused of willfull genocide, but cannot reply. Nice even handed policy. Actually, solar for the poorest countries is a godsend. Most of those nations are where there is ample sunshine, and there is little to no grid in any case.

What to do to address the coming problems. We cannot really address what is already in the atmosphere and ocean, but we can stop putting more there. We already know how to do it, wind, solar, and geothermal are all usable as they are at present. Nuclear is good, very expensive, and must be sited very carefully.

We need more R and D on grid scale batteries, and on batteries capable of powering EV's for at least 300 mi. Geothermal has yet to be exploited to any degree, and would supply power 24/7 as well lithium and rare earth minerals.

I see you can't understand simple English either. I said "ADDRESS THE OP! NO HIT AND RUN FLAMES" Where exactly does it say you can't respond to accusations? Hmmm?
1. Invest 100 billion into fusion. This would be a good idea rather global warming is true or not.

100 billion in tax money? Do you think money diverted into that program might result in less money going into humanitarian programs for the poor in the third world?

. Support nuclear and find lower carbon replacement for current oil based goods.

Support? Does that mean the same thing as invest? i.e. spend tax money that will result in less money for humanitarian programs in the third world?

. Plan ahead for protecting our cities from the realities of sea level rise. We all know there's enough ice to flood most coastal cities that could melt. Have a plan to protect them.[/qipte]

Sea level has been rising for thousands of years and it will continue to rise, just a little bit at a time till there is no ice left. Cities have been dealing with sea level rise for hundreds of years...there is no reason to spend tax money on a problem that has been being delalt with for hundreds of years already. Sea level rise is not a massive surge...it is a slight creep and can be dealt with over time just as it always has.

. Invest more in science in order to understand these charges.

Not possible at this time. All the money flows into alarmism...money that could be used for programs that benefit the poor.

...We spend trillions on worthless war, but this would be spending it for the benefit of our country.

Or tax breaks leaving more money in the pockets of the people who earn it.

Like I said, there are no decent ideas which don't result in killing the poor in the third world.
OK, boys and girls. Let's try this again. Address the OP or don't post. Hit and run flames will be dealt with quickly.

Obeying your instructions, I'll address the OP in the same manner SSDD does.

Deniers clearly salivate at the though of slowly torturing every brown person on the planet. They spend their days dreaming up new lampshade patterns to make from human skin, feasting on tasty recipes that use human flesh, and profiting from the gold extracted from the teeth of their victims.

Hence, the way to solve the problem is to have them tried for war crimes.

Look, I tried to steer the conversation away from blanket accusations of genocide, but Westwall jumped in to demand I cease. So I'm complying. I am curious about one thing. Is that an official USMB policy, that blanket accusations of genocide are perfectly acceptable and it's forbidden to criticize them in any way? To me, it seems such accusations should go in the Flame Zone. Is there a rule change that I'm unaware of?

Interesting how your mind works. Guess you have thought of those sorts of things before...simply blame the other side for the things your side has done.

You were asked for ideas that don't result in the deaths of poor people....clearly you don't have any.
I'm a free market guy myself. Carbon credits.

But being it's about the free market, most deniers won't be able to understand it.

Who benefits from carbon credits and where does the money go? Answer: mostly to the very people you just accused of making lamp shades from the skin of poor brown children.
OK, boys and girls. Let's try this again. Address the OP or don't post. Hit and run flames will be dealt with quickly.

So, I can be accused of willfull genocide, but cannot reply. Nice even handed policy. Actually, solar for the poorest countries is a godsend. Most of those nations are where there is ample sunshine, and there is little to no grid in any case.

What to do to address the coming problems. We cannot really address what is already in the atmosphere and ocean, but we can stop putting more there. We already know how to do it, wind, solar, and geothermal are all usable as they are at present. Nuclear is good, very expensive, and must be sited very carefully.

We need more R and D on grid scale batteries, and on batteries capable of powering EV's for at least 300 mi. Geothermal has yet to be exploited to any degree, and would supply power 24/7 as well lithium and rare earth minerals.

You were asked for ideas to reduce CO2 that do not result in the death's of poor people. Clearly you don't have any and I suppose are offended that someone would bring attention to that fact.
We became first in science because we invested in it. You are a clueless fool SSD.

We would make 3-4 times back for selling the fusion reactors to other countries. Oh'yeah, you don't understand capitalism as your a fucking losertrian.
MMMmmm, there wouldn't be 7 billion humans beings if it wasn't for capitalism and the medical cures Europeans brought to the world. Sorry, to burse your hatred for western civilization.

Fusion would help everyone, no matter what color they're. The goal at the end of the day should be the improvement of living standards for all and a energy source that limits our carbon emissions while doing it.

Mathew, I like the idea of fusion. But it is still something far in the future. Major problems yet to be solved. And another point, we really need to have more than just point sources for power. Here on the west coast, when the inevitable subduction quake hits, the point sources will be off grid. Only stand alone, such as wind, local, and solar will be available for power locally. I also like the idea of the homeowner being able to be both a consumer and producer of power.

They won't be available as they will be the first to crumble when the shaking starts...
I'm a free market guy myself. Carbon credits.

But being it's about the free market, most deniers won't be able to understand it.

How exactly do carbon credits prevent pollution? All they have ever been shown to do is enrich corrupt corporate fat cats, and raise the prices on everything people buy.

Which ultimately results in more poor people dying. All their ideas ultimately result in higher prices which hurt the people who can least afford it.
Replace the 92 million acres of ethanol-dedicated corn with trees

Sent from my ass using USMessageBoard.com

Or keep the corn and stop burning it for fuel. Corn is a grass and grass fixes CO2 more efficiently than trees. It is a much more dense biomass than trees and processes much more air.

A study some years back found that a project which resulted in covering prairie land with trees resulted in less efficient absorption of CO2 than had they left the prairie grasses intact.
We became first in science because we invested in it. You are a clueless fool SSD.

Actually, if you look at your history, we became first in science because there was a profit motive in it and individuals invested. Government has done little towards advancing science beyond weaponry....the only government program which has genuinely advanced science was the space program and it is dead now...replaced by an inefficient bureaucracy dedicated to climate alarmism.

would make 3-4 times back for selling the fusion reactors to other countries. Oh'yeah, you don't understand capitalism as your a fucking losertrian.

Contrary to your belief...the best and brightest are not in government. Fusion won't come out of a government program...it will come out of private investment when there is a profit motive for it.

Today, fusion is a pipe dream...and every penny government spends on it is wasted.
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Government has done little towards advancing science beyond weaponry....the only government program which has genuinely advanced science was the space program and it is dead now...replaced by an inefficient bureaucracy dedicated to climate alarmism.

Governments do spend lots of money developing armaments. That's because defense is their most critical and most expensive responsibility. Our government has also accomplished tremendous progress in medical science, agriculture, theoretical physics, transportation and others. Accusing bureaucracies of being inefficient is pursuing the lowest of low hanging fruit but what US bureaucracy dedicated to climate alarmism do you believe has replaced the space program?

Contrary to your belief...the best and brightest are not in government.

The best and brightest are not reliably found anywhere in particular. Goverment salaries for productive researchers are not skimpy and the government provides the advantage that much of its research work is unapplied: researchers are not bound to produce profitable results. The primary motivation of the best and the brightest is often not making their employers richer - nor even making themselves richer as they are typically not hurting for money.

Fusion won't come out of a government program...it will come out of private investment when there is a profit motive for it.

The vast majority of fusion research taking place now and for the past several decades has been funded almost entirely by governments. Whatever and whenever a workable fusion system appears, it will owe that much of its existence to government research.

Today, fusion is a pipe dream...and every penny government spends on it is wasted.

That, of course, assumes that a workable system will never be produced. Given that assumption, it wouldn't matter who did the research, would it.
I'm a free market guy myself. Carbon credits.

But being it's about the free market, most deniers won't be able to understand it.

I'm for the free market, common sense, and efficiency. No sense in investing in solar or wind farms when they fail so routinely.

Link? What is the last river that wind poisoned? I can think of two that coal has poisoned in just the last two years. And I am not even speaking about what the mountain top removal mining is doing. And where is the failure of wind? Of solar?

Is this what you call failure;

Wind Energy Facts at a Glance

increase in solar in the US;

New Report: U.S. Solar Market Grows 41%, Has Record Year in 2013 | SEIA

WASHINGTON D.C. AND BOSTON, MA – Continuing its explosive growth, the U.S. solar industry had a record-shattering year in 2013. According to GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association’s (SEIA) Solar Market Insight Year in Review 2013, photovoltaic (PV) installations continued to proliferate, increasing 41% over 2012 to reach 4,751 megawatts (MW). In addition, 410 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP) came online. Solar was the second-largest source of new electricity generating capacity in the U.S., exceeded only by natural gas. Additionally, the cost to install solar fell throughout the year, ending the year 15% below the mark set at the end of 2012.
At the end of 2013 there were more than 440,000 operating solar electric systems in the U.S. totaling over 12,000 MW of PV and 918 MW of CSP.

Here's a list of failed solar farms:

Solar Trust of America: FAIL - Filed Bankruptcy in Oakland, CA, April 3, 2012 – On April 2, 2012

Bright Source: FAIL - Bright Source warned Obama’s Energy Department officials in March 2011 that delays in approving a $1.6 billion U.S. loan guarantee would embarrass the White House and force the solar-energy company to close. Lost Billions of dollars but Getting More Money To Keep Trying. Can you say, “This isnt working?”

Solyndra: FAIL - Obama gave Solyndra $500,000,000 in taxpayer money and Solyndra shut its doors and laid off 1100 workers in August 2011 After Billions in Losses due to failure to make a solar product that works!

LSP Energy: FAIL - LSPEnergy LP filed bankruptcy protection and a sale of its assets in Feb 2012

Energy Conversion Devices: FAIL – On February 14, 2012 Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. and its subsidiaries filed for bankruptcy

Abound Solar: FAIL - Abound Solar received a $400 million loan guarantee from Barack Obama announced in June, 2012 that it would file for bankruptcy

SunPower: FAIL – SunPower stopped producing solar cells last year at near bankruptcy restructured only with help of, get this, oil giant TOTAL who owns 60% stake. Irony! Still

Beacon Power: FAIL – Beacon Power Corp filed for bankruptcy Oct 2011 just a year after Obama approved $43 million loan Government loan guarantee

Ecotality: FAIL - ECOtality, a San Francisco green-tech company that never earned any money on the verge of bankruptcy after receiving roughly $115 million in two loan guarantees from Obama

A123 Solar: FAIL-A123 received $279 million from taxpayers thanks to President Obama’sDepartment of Energy loan guarantees and after Solyndra bankruptcy is getting another $500M from Obama and it has lost $400M

UniSolar: FAIL - Uni-Solar filed for Ch 11 bankruptcy in June 20 this year laid off hundreds got more Obama money still failing but still in business

Azure Dynamics: FAIL - Azure Dynamics files for bankruptcy in June ter millions in Obama “Stimulus”

Evergreen Solar: FAIL - Evergreen Solar received $527 Million in Taxpayer money from Obama filed bankruptcy

Ener1: FAIL received more than $100 million in government funding from the Obama administration filed for bankruptcy January 2012
Long List of Failed Obama Green Energy & Solar Companies in the Billions

Failed wind farms:

Texas Wind Energy Fails, Again | National Review Online

Iowa?s failed wind energy project | Iowa Environmental Focus

14,000 Idle Wind Turbines a Testament to Failed Energy Policies


WindAction | Feeble wind farms fail to hit full power

You get the point. Wind and solar "may" become viable alternatives to fossil energy at some distant point in the future but the current technology is horrible in most cases. Environmentalists are trying to pound a square peg into a round hole. Create efficient equipment before destroying the landscape with a bunch of junk.
Ever see a Whippet, dingleberry?


What does that have to do with the conversation? You ask me to post some links then you ask if I've seen this breed of dog then you call me a name. Thanks for revealing your thought patterns.
Governments do spend lots of money developing armaments. That's because defense is their most critical and most expensive responsibility. Our government has also accomplished tremendous progress in medical science, agriculture, theoretical physics, transportation and others. Accusing bureaucracies of being inefficient is pursuing the lowest of low hanging fruit but what US bureaucracy dedicated to climate alarmism do you believe has replaced the space program?

No, government has purchased those things mostly from the private sector...again, the only government program that has advanced science beyond weaponry has been supplanted by an inefficient bureaucracy dedicated to climate alarmism.

vast majority of fusion research taking place now and for the past several decades has been funded almost entirely by governments. Whatever and whenever a workable fusion system appears, it will owe that much of its existence to government research.

Which explains why we don't have it. Had private enterprise felt that there was profit to be made and had that much money been spent by the private sector, it would exist today.
According to the UN, we are talking an investment of 76 trillion.( only:D )

LMAO......Im hearing pins drop in here!!!

Far left assholes are famous for identifying problems to solve but never come up with any solutions to solve them!! That's what makes posting in the forum so much fun......you are deliberating on issues with fantasy dwellers.
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All you warmers seem to want to do something about climate change but are remarkably short on ideas when you are asked what.

Lets hear your ideas....what do you want to do? Do any of you have any ideas that would actually reduce CO2 without killing millions of poor people across the globe? Or, is killing millions of poor people perhaps, part of the plan?

Lets hear it...whatcha got?

My solution? You, and people LIKE you get an open mind on the subject. That might work wonders. How is reckoning with the effects of human pollution "killing" anyone? dealing with this now will save billions of lives and dollars. You are making the wrong people the boogieman here.

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