Let’s Give Them Her


Sep 23, 2010
Jerome Corsi’s piece on the Clinton Foundation is a must-read full of facts if you are following the story.

I do not know your knowledge of legalese, but ‘private inurement’ was a new term for me. I fell in love with it as soon as I learned what it means:

Ortel believes that once his findings have been studied, state and local law enforcement authorities will initiate multiple criminal investigations and charge the Clintons with “private inurement,” the crime of enriching themselves through a nonprofit organization.

He explained that the burden of proof, under state and federal laws, will be on the Clintons to demonstrate that their foundation was not operated as a systematic fraud designed to enrich themselves and their associates.​

Without exaggerating, I can say the prison population will triple if every charity hustler does time for private inurement:

“The question is no longer whether Hillary Clinton can win the Democratic primaries for president,” Fitton told WND. “The question now is whether Bill and Hillary Clinton can stay out of jail.”

Wall Street analyst: 'Shut down Clinton Foundation'
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 05/11/2015 @ 8:02 pm

Wall Street analyst Shut down Clinton Foundation

My question: How many charity hustlers ever did a day in jail for private inurement?

I do know that United Nations charity hustlers engaging in a bit of private inurement are protected by diplomatic immunity. From what I’ve been learning about the Clinton Foundation it did some business through the United Nations. Admittedly, the connection is shadowy:

Former US President Clinton appointed UN special envoy for Haiti


You can wager that Clinton’s special envoy title will give him more than enough cover. The State Department, the Justice Department, the Congress, and the entire machinery of the federal government provide former senator, and former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton more cover than the Devil has in Hell.

Incidentally, spouses are not compelled to testify against one another. Not so with Chelsea. Her name is on the Clinton Foundation. Looking at this picture, I got the feeling that Bill is telling Hillary “Let’s Give Them Her.”


Hillary, Chelsea, and Bill Clinton

Even with all of the cover protecting the Clintons they felt compelled to send out Lanny Davis with a line of horseshit that fools no one. Listening to Davis you get the impression the Clintons did not establish their foundation for the sole purpose of private inurement:

Crooks who do business with a gun do not lay down a legal defense before they commit a crime. People like the Clintons know exactly what they can steal before they commit a crime, and exactly how to do it. In addition to the criminal expertise of two lawyers the Clintons consult with experts to cover every contingency. By the time they set the foundation in motion, God forbid anyone dare accuse them of not knowing how to beat the rap before they got started.

Finally, I wonder if all of those donors to the Clinton Foundation who took a charitable tax donation are guilty of private inurement, or is it simple tax fraud? Donors sure as hell do not have the cover the Clintons enjoy.

I was joking when I said:

Incidentally, spouses are not compelled to testify against one another. Not so with Chelsea. Her name is on the Clinton Foundation. Looking at this picture, I got the feeling that Bill is telling Hillary “Let’s Give Them Her.”


Hillary, Chelsea, and Bill Clinton

Maybe it is not a joke. I may have stumbled on a serious possibility. The global government crowd has so much time and money invested in President Hillary Clinton and UN Secretary General saving the world together they may have to blame Chelsea for everything.

NEW YORK – The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation’s explanation for why it was divided into three, legally separate tax-exempt organizations is “misleading and false,” according to a Wall Street analyst who has conducted an in-depth investigation.​

NOTE: Top UN officials had to be sharing the swag with the Clintons:

In his first report, Ortel found what he characterizes as an elaborate system devised by the Clintons to enrich themselves through schemes such as skimming tens of millions of dollars from U.N. levies imposed on airline travelers.​

Skimming from the United Nations is not the same as a one-time stickup. Money changing hands has to occur repeatedly over a long period of time.

Indeed, to assume that United Nations’ charity hustlers are stupid is absurd. They have been in the game too long to fall for the line of crap the “caring” Clintons lay down. You might just as well say that skimming from a Mafia-owned casino without the professionals knowing about it is as easy as shoplifting. The only other possibility makes the Clintons so clever they were looting the treasury right under the noses of UN crooks.

And here comes recently departed Marble Mouth:

Clinton Library fund morphs to combating AIDS

There is no record that any of these changing mission statements, other than the original mission statement to create and fund a Clinton presidential library, was ever completely explained to the IRS or ever formally filed under IRS guidelines for reporting changes, including changing the name of the tax-exempt organization.


Put simply, Ortel questioned how it is that a foundation granted federal tax-exempt status by the IRS for creating a presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas, should suddenly come to have federal tax-exempt authorization for combating HIV/AIDS in numerous foreign nations?


Ortel traced the origin of the idea to create CHAI to a conversation Bill Clinton had with Nelson Mandela that Clinton relates starting on page 179 of his 2007 bestselling book “Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World.”

There, Clinton wrote: “After Nelson Mandela and I closed the World AIDS conference in Barcelona in [July] 2002, Prime Minister Denzil Douglas of St. Kitts and Nevis asked me to help the Caribbean nations establish and fund systems for the prevention, care, and treatment of HIV/AIDS.

What is the Clinton Foundation NOT doing?
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 05/12/2015 @ 8:42 pm

What is the Clinton Foundation NOT doing

Sad to say, everybody involved in the Clinton Foundation is too big to get caught.

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