Lets get off of gas, oil and coal!!!!

Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Never happen. Not as long as the big money is in oil, coal, gas.

And, until we have a way to dispose of the waste, you should remove nuclear from your list.

I get it, I think. The U.S. cities in question will continue to use fossil fuel as much as they ever did but they will not invest in fossil fuel related companies as part of their various financial and pension issues. I imagine Seattle will continue to kiss the asses of every rich Arab who throws a buck around the city though. That's how those hypocritical a-holes work.
I wish we could go back to horse and cart days, myself. Cooking in a huge fireplace with a big ol kettle. Pa huntin' while Ma mended his trousers by that fire as the stew cooked. Horses cozy in the barn, chickens clucking in their pen. Weeks before a letter arrives and nobody knowing what anyone else is doing at the click of a button.

We were able to make the huge leap to horseless carriages but its different now. Those disgusting photos of then-president George Bush with his tongue down the throat of an oil sheik and the FACT that a Muslim Arab oil sheik controls the propaganda network for the GObP/Repubs/t-potties is proof that big money, big oil will never allow us to move forward.

That's not all that surprising but what always makes me feel sick is that those people all have families. They have children. Money is more important the right than their own family's future.
I wish we could go back to horse and cart days, myself. Cooking in a huge fireplace with a big ol kettle. Pa huntin' while Ma mended his trousers by that fire as the stew cooked. Horses cozy in the barn, chickens clucking in their pen. Weeks before a letter arrives and nobody knowing what anyone else is doing at the click of a button.

LOL. Nice cozy image. And one trip to the outhouse at -20 F will cure that. Been there, done that. However, we can, with present technology, produce most of our power in non-toxic ways. Nuclear is very feasable, just spendier than hell. By the time you store the spent fuel rods in dry casks, it will be really costly. And, if we continue to store as much as five times as many spent rods as the pools were designed for, eventually we will see a Fukashima type disaster here.
We'll hear from Matthew when the next tide comes into Portland -- or the clouds part..
Whichever comes first..

Geothermal is a dirty mining operation.

Interesting. How so? I drill a hole to someplace warm (done that plenty of times before), case and cement the hole, put in water, let it get hot in the bottom, circulated up tube similar to how I run a plunger lift system, except I only want the hot fluid on the surface to do stuff with, rather than produce as I might oil and gas. Then I send the now colder water back down to bottom. How might this be mining?

Would be great if you want to review my defense of that statement at the link below.

feel free to revive the thread if you wnat to discuss. Dont want to derail this thread or repeat myself.


short answer is ---- that steam and water is extremely corrosive and toxic. Rots out the sream plants, prone to blowouts, and the effluent is reinjected into the ground some distance from the active well.. read the link and continue there ---- Kay?
I wish we could go back to horse and cart days, myself. Cooking in a huge fireplace with a big ol kettle. Pa huntin' while Ma mended his trousers by that fire as the stew cooked. Horses cozy in the barn, chickens clucking in their pen. Weeks before a letter arrives and nobody knowing what anyone else is doing at the click of a button.

We were able to make the huge leap to horseless carriages but its different now. Those disgusting photos of then-president George Bush with his tongue down the throat of an oil sheik and the FACT that a Muslim Arab oil sheik controls the propaganda network for the GObP/Repubs/t-potties is proof that big money, big oil will never allow us to move forward.

That's not all that surprising but what always makes me feel sick is that those people all have families. They have children. Money is more important the right than their own family's future.

Wow man.. You are just full of useful solutions ---- arent you? How would we ever survive without political zealots? You got a list of failed 30 yr old "ALTERNATIVES" too?
Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Never happen. Not as long as the big money is in oil, coal, gas.

And, until we have a way to dispose of the waste, you should remove nuclear from your list.

I've got a great way to dispose of it. Put it on the tips of our fast-mover ammo and fire it at Iran.
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Nuclear????? :eek: Nuclear is no choice! Where is your radioactive waste for millions of years???

In a SINGLE safe depository about the size of a football field.. And the vast MAJORITY of the spent fuel COULD be recycled and will cease to be a radiation in much less than 10,000 yrs. CAN be passivated in lead glass casing and be impervious to the elements.

Takes 0.7 ounces of nuclear fuel to run your home for a year.. If we can safely handle the MOUNTAIN of toxic waste from Electric Cars and Battery stations for renewables --- (which are toxic for LONGER than nuclear waste) ---- we can handle your 0.7 ounces..

You are dreaming ...

anti-nuke "scientist" have already admitted that their stance against nuclear was fear based and not fact based.
short answer is ---- that steam and water is extremely corrosive and toxic. Rots out the sream plants, prone to blowouts, and the effluent is reinjected into the ground some distance from the active well.. read the link and continue there ---- Kay?

You referenced a blowout. No different than claiming that the Deepwater Horizon is what happens during oil and gas drilling…sure it HAPPENS…it just isn't the usual outcome.
short answer is ---- that steam and water is extremely corrosive and toxic. Rots out the sream plants, prone to blowouts, and the effluent is reinjected into the ground some distance from the active well.. read the link and continue there ---- Kay?

You referenced a blowout. No different than claiming that the Deepwater Horizon is what happens during oil and gas drilling…sure it HAPPENS…it just isn't the usual outcome.

That's fair... So hows cum Geothermal is on the Clean green alternative list if you are excusing it's problems by comparing it to latest and greatest OIL drilling disaster. It's a dirty drilling operation. With blowouts, and rotting equipment, and effluent problems. It ain't even renewable since the heat in the drill sites peter out after a few years. And you gotta drill again.

Which BTW --- led to innovations in Geothermal drilling that were the PROTOTYPE for fracking operations. How many eco-Frauds pushing this are aware that we learned the basis of fracking from geothermal exploration? How would they "feel" about learning the similiarities to fracking? :lol: :eusa_shhh:

I like it --- as far as it goes in availability.. I'm not opposing it if properly sited (which EXCLUDES siting it in Hawaii for example on the edge of a rain forest). But it doesn't belong on a list of Clean Green "RENEWABLES"....
Paper Mill

Clean coal technologies are not bad, and new research into biomass fuels promises to be rewarding.

Living it 'rough' off the land doesn't sound simple --- however, you could move to Australia.

Do you realize how much paper is being saved annually now thanks to email?

Thinking is good.


Nuclear????? :eek: Nuclear is no choice! Where is your radioactive waste for millions of years???

Nuclear's great...Until it isn't and whole regions are uninhabitable for thousands of years. Most of Europe gets its' electricity from nuclear. With no issues so far. Knock on wood.

Biggest problem with nuclear fission is you need a continuous source of water so they tend to be put in stupid places like the ocean shore as happened in Japan. But it's not like Japan's seismicly active or prone to being hit by tsunamis or anything...;)
Anyone else puzzled by Matthew? So aware of science while simultaneously being a dumbass racist. That's an unusual combination.
while we're at it, lets cut off our nose to spite our face

We were able to make the huge leap to horseless carriages but its different now. Those disgusting photos of then-president George Bush with his tongue down the throat of an oil sheik and the FACT that a Muslim Arab oil sheik controls the propaganda network for the GObP/Repubs/t-potties is proof that big money, big oil will never allow us to move forward.

so, do I understand this: lets all agree to give up our cheapest fuel source because we don't want to see Obama's tongue down some sheiks throat?
and we should agree to this even if we are cutting our own throats and livelihoods.
Anyone else puzzled by Matthew? So aware of science while simultaneously being a dumbass racist. That's an unusual combination.

I'm puzzled by you thinking that Matthew is aware of science? Cut and paste parrots aren't necessarily even sentient.
Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Excellent! Profitable companies will soon be on sale.
I love it when idiots trade stocks. Makes it easier to make money.
Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Nuclear????? :eek: Nuclear is no choice! Where is your radioactive waste for millions of years???

The highly radioactive stuff breaks down fairly quickly.
Reprocess the rest to refuel the reactors.
Yeah, and in Great Britain they are discovering that windmills worth millions of pounds are only producing ten or more per month - when the wind blows and not too hard at that.

You're right. If there's a problem, run away. That's what the right is all about. Why try to save this planet for their children when all they care about is money?

America just doesn't have the balls to lead in the area of energy. We need to depend on the rest of the civilized world to do this for us because we can't. Not as long as really stupid rw's vote for scum Republicans/t-potties.

America just doesn't have the balls to lead in the area of energy.

We do lead. Our fracking revolution has even allowed us to reduce our CO2 emissions.
America just doesn't have the balls to lead in the area of energy.

We do lead. Our fracking revolution has even allowed us to reduce our CO2 emissions.

American drilling and production technology is not only world class but its world leading. One of the few industries we have left,with perhaps no peers. No coincidence that the government isn't involved much, except to slow things down and make the application of those technologies more expensive.

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