Lets fund jobs in infrastructure, science and r&d


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
You whine a lot about how more and more Americans are going on welfare. Well, maybe it is because there's few jobs for them? Why not instead of giving people welfare and funding more wars...Maybe we could fund infrastructure, science and r&d????? Add in reforming education to give us the advantage.

Imagine what this country could do if we focused on this instead of the rest of the world.
-Newer bridges
-Paved roads...no more pot holes!
-10-15 more nuclear plants within the next decade.
-dozens of more dams
-tens of gw of solar and wind power! Lets renew the renewable credit!
-A policy favoring American businesses over businesses from china.
-A tax break for innovators and new American businesses
-Double the budget for nasa, nws, noaa, etc. America needs brain power!!! Imagine, the worlds we could find and the advancement of our species.
-Education reform. 22nd in the world for science and math? We must do better.

We as a country if we wish to remain a great power must start dreaming and thinking about our own country. The people that want no government or investment really don't have any right to bitch about our economy or the downfall of this country. It looks really silly.

Funny how they bitch about using russian rockets, but then turn around to say we shouldn't invest in our own. Makes them look stupid and destroys their case.

Weird how they bitch about the economy but don't want to invest. lol, lol, lol....

time to start thinking like a super power or give it up!
Let's pay down our $18 trillion plus debt....
That,sounds good to me....
Then maybe we can go on a spending spree.
We never see where the funding is supposed to come from....
It's easy to say let's spend on this and that and all may be good ideas...
But I never see where the money comes from...
Except maybe making the rich pay their fair share....
Whatever that is supposed to mean.
The big spenders never have an answer for that one.
You whine a lot about how more and more Americans are going on welfare. Well, maybe it is because there's few jobs for them? Why not instead of giving people welfare and funding more wars...Maybe we could fund infrastructure, science and r&d????? Add in reforming education to give us the advantage.

Imagine what this country could do if we focused on this instead of the rest of the world.
-Newer bridges
-Paved roads...no more pot holes!
-10-15 more nuclear plants within the next decade.
-dozens of more dams
-tens of gw of solar and wind power! Lets renew the renewable credit!
-A policy favoring American businesses over businesses from china.
-A tax break for innovators and new American businesses
-Double the budget for nasa, nws, noaa, etc. America needs brain power!!! Imagine, the worlds we could find and the advancement of our species.
-Education reform. 22nd in the world for science and math? We must do better.

We as a country if we wish to remain a great power must start dreaming and thinking about our own country. The people that want no government or investment really don't have any right to bitch about our economy or the downfall of this country. It looks really silly.

Funny how they bitch about using russian rockets, but then turn around to say we shouldn't invest in our own. Makes them look stupid and destroys their case.

Weird how they bitch about the economy but don't want to invest. lol, lol, lol....

time to start thinking like a super power or give it up!

The US Federal government took in 800 billion dollars in revenue in the last quarter.

I wonder, how many bridges can be built and how many roads paved, nuke plants built... with that
800 B I L L I O N DOLLARS...?

None... because they still spent 160 billion dollars in deficit.

There's not going to be any bridges built, no roads paved... no nuke plants built, as long as the socialists are allowed to participate in US Governance. And that includes the Republican Progressives.

We're looking at the end of the Republic folks... there's no saving this nation.

We have tolerated the intolerable for FAR too long. We were in deep shit in 2008.

But the Left elected an individual who began his first term, by spending MORE IN DEFICIT, than the entire federal budget of 1997. Which he repeated in his second year and his third, fourth and fifth years...

That would be BAD, if the nation was united around in the singular goal of balancing the US Federal Budget.

But the nation is in DENIAL... Suffering a perverse collective delusion. All sense of reason is lost to at least 30% of the population; they have no means to understand what has happened and no desire to find the means to understand.

The US is broke... the party is OVER.

All we're waiting on now, is for the engine to seize... the lubricant is gone and it's going to seize.

And all objectivity; the only means, if such still exists, to save the nation, is lost.

It's all 'do for me or piss off', now.
You whine a lot about how more and more Americans are going on welfare. Well, maybe it is because there's few jobs for them? Why not instead of giving people welfare and funding more wars...Maybe we could fund infrastructure, science and r&d????? Add in reforming education to give us the advantage.

Imagine what this country could do if we focused on this instead of the rest of the world.
-Newer bridges
-Paved roads...no more pot holes!
-10-15 more nuclear plants within the next decade.
-dozens of more dams
-tens of gw of solar and wind power! Lets renew the renewable credit!
-A policy favoring American businesses over businesses from china.
-A tax break for innovators and new American businesses
-Double the budget for nasa, nws, noaa, etc. America needs brain power!!! Imagine, the worlds we could find and the advancement of our species.
-Education reform. 22nd in the world for science and math? We must do better.

We as a country if we wish to remain a great power must start dreaming and thinking about our own country. The people that want no government or investment really don't have any right to bitch about our economy or the downfall of this country. It looks really silly.

Funny how they bitch about using russian rockets, but then turn around to say we shouldn't invest in our own. Makes them look stupid and destroys their case.

Weird how they bitch about the economy but don't want to invest. lol, lol, lol....

time to start thinking like a super power or give it up!

The US Federal government took in 800 billion dollars in revenue in the last quarter.

I wonder, how many bridges can be built and how many roads paved, nuke plants built... with that
800 B I L L I O N DOLLARS...?

None... because they still spent 160 billion dollars in deficit.

There's not going to be any bridges built, no roads paved... no nuke plants built, as long as the socialists are allowed to participate in US Governance. And that includes the Republican Progressives.

We're looking at the end of the Republic folks... there's no saving this nation.

We have tolerated the intolerable for FAR too long. We were in deep shit in 2008.

But the Left elected an individual who began his first term, by spending MORE IN DEFICIT, than the entire federal budget of 1997. Which he repeated in his second year and his third, fourth and fifth years...

That would be BAD, if the nation was united around in the singular goal of balancing the US Federal Budget.

But the nation is in DENIAL... Suffering a perverse collective delusion. All sense of reason is lost to at least 30% of the population; they have no means to understand what has happened and no desire to find the means to understand.

The US is broke... the party is OVER.

All we're waiting on now, is for the engine to seize... the lubricant is gone and it's going to seize.

And all objectivity; the only means, if such still exists, to save the nation, is lost.

It's all 'do for me or piss off', now.

I have seen reports going back a few months or maybe more then a few months that the Federal government has taken in record amounts
of revenue and spending more then they were taking in.....

How does this make sense ?

And we have Americans who want us to spend more?

There are millions of technical jobs going begging in this nation because of the lack of trained people. Our community colleges were established for precisely that reason. However the costs of that education have increased at a faster rate than entry level wages. And there is the factor of spending 20 years in a craft, at work, and discovering that your skill have become outdated. We need not only to make community colleges either free, or much less costly than today. Both for those entering the workforce, and those already there.
There are millions of technical jobs going begging in this nation because of the lack of trained people. Our community colleges were established for precisely that reason. However the costs of that education have increased at a faster rate than entry level wages. And there is the factor of spending 20 years in a craft, at work, and discovering that your skill have become outdated. We need not only to make community colleges either free, or much less costly than today. Both for those entering the workforce, and those already there.

If it isn't the super rich, well, the republicans just don't give a shit. Sadly, they're very messed up on this issue. I think we should freeze the cost of college at todays rate for a decade.

We can use local tax dollars to expand and maintain them.
We've been trying to put people to work building a goddamn pipeline but Semi-Negro will have none of it.
Thank God that Black Man isn't as ignorant as you...
Shut the fuck up, Brotch. :slap:

Who the fuck are you to cherry-pick which jobs are "jobs"? :dunno:
I'm one of those Black guys who are infinitely smarter than you, therefore,unlike you I don't suffer from PE when someone offers jobs that will make my environment inhabitable.

People like you did have a purpose at one time, however today's society requires some sign of intelligence.
We've been trying to put people to work building a goddamn pipeline but Semi-Negro will have none of it.
Thank God that Black Man isn't as ignorant as you...
Shut the fuck up, Brotch. :slap:

Who the fuck are you to cherry-pick which jobs are "jobs"? :dunno:
I'm one of those Black guys who are infinitely smarter than you, therefore,unlike you I don't suffer from PE when someone offers jobs that will make my environment inhabitable.

People like you did have a purpose at one time, however today's society requires some sign of intelligence.
The Brotch has spoken. :bow2:

We've been trying to put people to work building a goddamn pipeline but Semi-Negro will have none of it.
Thank God that Black Man isn't as ignorant as you...
Shut the fuck up, Brotch. :slap:

Who the fuck are you to cherry-pick which jobs are "jobs"? :dunno:
I'm one of those Black guys who are infinitely smarter than you, therefore,unlike you I don't suffer from PE when someone offers jobs that will make my environment inhabitable.

People like you did have a purpose at one time, however today's society requires some sign of intelligence.
The Brotch has spoken. :bow2:


Why aren't I surprised at your inability at higher level discourse...

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