Let's Compare Public vrs Private Sector


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible). The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand theiur business to meet the demand.

2. The public sectors innovation is pathetic, while the private sector is racing along at ever increasing acceleration. Look around at the government tools and process still in place today.
a. Our beauracracies were basically designed along a model designed by Bismark in the 19th century,
b. we still have yellow buses taking kids to school made almost exactly the same way as they made them in 1960,
c. schools still use the teacher to classroom environment when things can be done online as well and teachers have to strictly follow educational plans laid out years ago,
d. our space program doesnt even have a space vehicle in place anymore, so there the government has actually reverted to zilch,
e. policing methods still rely on brutality to enforce the laws and local governments still finance a large part of their budgets with traffic fines.
f. We still rely on the interstate higway system that is crumbling as we speak and not designed to last more than 60 years in many specific cases,
g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.

Realizing this kind of thing is why socialism and state centric solutions are not respected as being advocated for their service to the people of this country but to instead serve the interests of beuracrats, unions and criminal syndicates that profit from an outdated government pursuing inefficient and wasteful policies.


EDIT: But to be fair, there are some things that today only the government can do well, such as providing standards, a court system, and strategic defense of our nation, for example.

But one day I think even these functions may become either irrelevant or surpassed by private sector services.
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Isn't that where Burnside showed the true level of his generalship?

Isn't that where Burnside showed the true level of his generalship?

Not just Burnside.

There were four major battles fought in the Fredericksburg vicinity because it was such a strategic defensive position that was at the nexus of sea, rail and road travel.

We had the battle of Fredericksburg, Chancelorsville, Wilderness and Spotsylvania Courthouse, the latter three battles essentially efforts to go around Fredericksburg by crossing the Rappahanock to the west.

Spotsylvania is soaked in American blood, and those men that fought there on BOTH SIDES would regard our government today to be an intolerable interferance into our private lives.
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1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible). The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand theiur business to meet the demand.

2. The public sectors innovation is pathetic, while the private sector is racing along at ever increasing acceleration. Look around at the government tools and process still in place today.
a. Our beauracracies were basically designed along a model designed by Bismark in the 19th century,
b. we still have yellow buses taking kids to school made almost exactly the same way as they made them in 1960,
c. schools still use the teacher to classroom environment when things can be done online as well and teachers have to strictly follow educational plans laid out years ago,
d. our space program doesnt even have a space vehicle in place anymore, so there the government has actually reverted to zilch,
e. policing methods still rely on brutality to enforce the laws and local governments still finance a large part of their budgets with traffic fines.
f. We still rely on the interstate higway system that is crumbling as we speak and not designed to last more than 60 years in many specific cases,
g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.

Realizing this kind of thing is why socialism and state centric solutions are not respected as being advocated for their service to the people of this country but to instead serve the interests of beuracrats, unions and criminal syndicates that profit from an outdated government pursuing inefficient and wasteful policies.


EDIT: But to be fair, there are some things that today only the government can do well, such as providing standards, a court system, and strategic defense of our nation, for example.

But one day I think even these functions may become either irrelevant or surpassed by private sector services.

When Private Sector are in trouble.....they scream for HAND OUTS,and the Government GIVE IT TO THEM!!!!!!!!:cuckoo:
14 trillion dollars could have solved many problems.

What a shame it went instead to the PRIVATE SECTOR, eh?
1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible). The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand theiur business to meet the demand.

2. The public sectors innovation is pathetic, while the private sector is racing along at ever increasing acceleration. Look around at the government tools and process still in place today.
a. Our beauracracies were basically designed along a model designed by Bismark in the 19th century,
b. we still have yellow buses taking kids to school made almost exactly the same way as they made them in 1960,
c. schools still use the teacher to classroom environment when things can be done online as well and teachers have to strictly follow educational plans laid out years ago,
d. our space program doesnt even have a space vehicle in place anymore, so there the government has actually reverted to zilch,
e. policing methods still rely on brutality to enforce the laws and local governments still finance a large part of their budgets with traffic fines.
f. We still rely on the interstate higway system that is crumbling as we speak and not designed to last more than 60 years in many specific cases,
g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.

Realizing this kind of thing is why socialism and state centric solutions are not respected as being advocated for their service to the people of this country but to instead serve the interests of beuracrats, unions and criminal syndicates that profit from an outdated government pursuing inefficient and wasteful policies.


EDIT: But to be fair, there are some things that today only the government can do well, such as providing standards, a court system, and strategic defense of our nation, for example.

But one day I think even these functions may become either irrelevant or surpassed by private sector services.

The only difference between the private sector and public is that if the private sector fails they (usually) go out of business.

Virtually all the problems described have happened in the private sector too.

What this tells us (not to mention those areas where the federal government has been successful) is that it is possible. We just have to change how our government does some of these things.
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1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible).
Depends on which economic school you favor, what you say is true of austerity, and that has been a trainwreck, kenyesism is the opposite and those countries that responded to the recession with big govt spending have recovered.

The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand their business to meet the demand.
when there is no demand, thus there is no hiring, there are even lay offs, which result in weaker demand, which result in layoffs. This "death spiral" is what people mean when they use the word recession, you're saying that the opposite happens, but if it did, we wouldnt be in a recession. Big govt spending, spent in a SMART manner breaks us out of this (hiring people because things need to be done, as opposed to hiring people because it will make the person paying salaries richer).

2. The public sectors innovation is pathetic, while the private sector is racing along at ever increasing acceleration. Look around at the government tools and process still in place today.

a. Our beauracracies were basically designed along a model designed by Bismark in the 19th century,
bureaucracy, if your spell checker cant handle it, put it in google.
but so? a sandwhich is still bread and meat.

b. we still have yellow buses taking kids to school made almost exactly the same way as they made them in 1960,
Short of an overhaul of society where people with children are assigned homes near schools, this will continue.

c. schools still use the teacher to classroom environment when things can be done online as well and teachers have to strictly follow educational plans laid out years ago,
Why would winging it be superior? fail to plan and you plan to fail.

d. our space program doesnt even have a space vehicle in place anymore, so there the government has actually reverted to zilch,
purely the product of republican austerity. remember when bush decided he wanted to go to mars, but instead of paying for it he just made nasa scrap a bunch of other programs?

e. policing methods still rely on brutality to enforce the laws and local governments still finance a large part of their budgets with traffic fines.
hey fair point, civil asset forfeiture is immoral. if rich donors wernt so belligerent about paying their taxes, states could function properly.

f. We still rely on the interstate higway system that is crumbling as we speak and not designed to last more than 60 years in many specific cases,
I35W fell down under bush. we knew it was at risk, but republicans value sticking it to unions more. you would think that republicans would turn a new leaf and value American lives, but when obama was elected, funding infrastructure was a big part of his recovery package, none of the republicans voted for it.

g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.
so which way is it? you want a bunch of fancy toys or a light, lean force? remember the fit that republicans threw when obama got rid of a bunch of tanks?

1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible). The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand theiur business to meet the demand.

2. The public sectors innovation is pathetic, while the private sector is racing along at ever increasing acceleration. Look around at the government tools and process still in place today.
a. Our beauracracies were basically designed along a model designed by Bismark in the 19th century,
b. we still have yellow buses taking kids to school made almost exactly the same way as they made them in 1960,
c. schools still use the teacher to classroom environment when things can be done online as well and teachers have to strictly follow educational plans laid out years ago,
d. our space program doesnt even have a space vehicle in place anymore, so there the government has actually reverted to zilch,
e. policing methods still rely on brutality to enforce the laws and local governments still finance a large part of their budgets with traffic fines.
f. We still rely on the interstate higway system that is crumbling as we speak and not designed to last more than 60 years in many specific cases,
g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.

Realizing this kind of thing is why socialism and state centric solutions are not respected as being advocated for their service to the people of this country but to instead serve the interests of beuracrats, unions and criminal syndicates that profit from an outdated government pursuing inefficient and wasteful policies.


EDIT: But to be fair, there are some things that today only the government can do well, such as providing standards, a court system, and strategic defense of our nation, for example.

But one day I think even these functions may become either irrelevant or surpassed by private sector services.

When Private Sector are in trouble.....they scream for HAND OUTS,and the Government GIVE IT TO THEM!!!!!!!!:cuckoo:

Only if they have bought useful political whores to bail them out.
14 trillion dollars could have solved many problems.

What a shame it went instead to the PRIVATE SECTOR, eh?

I wouldnt call criminal financial syndicates like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs the private sector as so many of them go in and out of the US Treasury and working for the bankster employers.
1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible). The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand theiur business to meet the demand.

2. The public sectors innovation is pathetic, while the private sector is racing along at ever increasing acceleration. Look around at the government tools and process still in place today.
a. Our beauracracies were basically designed along a model designed by Bismark in the 19th century,
b. we still have yellow buses taking kids to school made almost exactly the same way as they made them in 1960,
c. schools still use the teacher to classroom environment when things can be done online as well and teachers have to strictly follow educational plans laid out years ago,
d. our space program doesnt even have a space vehicle in place anymore, so there the government has actually reverted to zilch,
e. policing methods still rely on brutality to enforce the laws and local governments still finance a large part of their budgets with traffic fines.
f. We still rely on the interstate higway system that is crumbling as we speak and not designed to last more than 60 years in many specific cases,
g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.

Realizing this kind of thing is why socialism and state centric solutions are not respected as being advocated for their service to the people of this country but to instead serve the interests of beuracrats, unions and criminal syndicates that profit from an outdated government pursuing inefficient and wasteful policies.


EDIT: But to be fair, there are some things that today only the government can do well, such as providing standards, a court system, and strategic defense of our nation, for example.

But one day I think even these functions may become either irrelevant or surpassed by private sector services.

The only difference between the private sector and public is that if the private sector fails they (usually) go out of business.

Virtually all the problems described have happened in the private sector too.

What this tells us (not to mention those areas where the federal government has been successful) is that it is possible. We just have to change how our government does some of these things.

So you think that most private sector companies still use technology and methods that are forty years out of date like the government does on a routine basis?

Don't forget who Romney turned to when he was running the Olympics in Utah and needed a bailout. The free market? Nope, the government.
1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible).
Depends on which economic school you favor, what you say is true of austerity, and that has been a trainwreck, kenyesism is the opposite and those countries that responded to the recession with big govt spending have recovered.

The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand their business to meet the demand.
when there is no demand, thus there is no hiring, there are even lay offs, which result in weaker demand, which result in layoffs. This "death spiral" is what people mean when they use the word recession, you're saying that the opposite happens, but if it did, we wouldnt be in a recession. Big govt spending, spent in a SMART manner breaks us out of this (hiring people because things need to be done, as opposed to hiring people because it will make the person paying salaries richer).


bureaucracy, if your spell checker cant handle it, put it in google.
but so? a sandwhich is still bread and meat.

Short of an overhaul of society where people with children are assigned homes near schools, this will continue.

Why would winging it be superior? fail to plan and you plan to fail.

purely the product of republican austerity. remember when bush decided he wanted to go to mars, but instead of paying for it he just made nasa scrap a bunch of other programs?

hey fair point, civil asset forfeiture is immoral. if rich donors wernt so belligerent about paying their taxes, states could function properly.

I35W fell down under bush. we knew it was at risk, but republicans value sticking it to unions more. you would think that republicans would turn a new leaf and value American lives, but when obama was elected, funding infrastructure was a big part of his recovery package, none of the republicans voted for it.

g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.
so which way is it? you want a bunch of fancy toys or a light, lean force? remember the fit that republicans threw when obama got rid of a bunch of tanks?


Dear Lord, that post is so full of hyperbole and distortion I dont have time to go into all of it, but one example of your logic is the claim that clean water is provided by municiple water companies is so flawed it is hard to know where to start. It is a semi-public-private monopoly, so listing it as an example of what the government does right assumes that private industry couldnt do the same, which it has done in the past, and it assumes that the monopoly demonstrates somekind of governmental virtue when it is imposed by force.

1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible). The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand theiur business to meet the demand.

2. The public sectors innovation is pathetic, while the private sector is racing along at ever increasing acceleration. Look around at the government tools and process still in place today.
a. Our beauracracies were basically designed along a model designed by Bismark in the 19th century,
b. we still have yellow buses taking kids to school made almost exactly the same way as they made them in 1960,
c. schools still use the teacher to classroom environment when things can be done online as well and teachers have to strictly follow educational plans laid out years ago,
d. our space program doesnt even have a space vehicle in place anymore, so there the government has actually reverted to zilch,
e. policing methods still rely on brutality to enforce the laws and local governments still finance a large part of their budgets with traffic fines.
f. We still rely on the interstate higway system that is crumbling as we speak and not designed to last more than 60 years in many specific cases,
g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.

Realizing this kind of thing is why socialism and state centric solutions are not respected as being advocated for their service to the people of this country but to instead serve the interests of beuracrats, unions and criminal syndicates that profit from an outdated government pursuing inefficient and wasteful policies.


EDIT: But to be fair, there are some things that today only the government can do well, such as providing standards, a court system, and strategic defense of our nation, for example.

But one day I think even these functions may become either irrelevant or surpassed by private sector services.

When Private Sector are in trouble.....they scream for HAND OUTS,and the Government GIVE IT TO THEM!!!!!!!!:cuckoo:

Only if they have bought useful political whores to bail them out.

Trouble was that the Finance Private Sector were the Whores and we all ended up with a dose of THE CLAP.

Incredibly they didn't.......just got paid extra bonuses from our tax.

The average American is a Mug........always remember Jim,where ever Whores are making these sorts of Sums.....A CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED:eusa_hand:

Your Idolization of the Private Sector is why American Society is Fcuked.

Ego's and Greed Jim....ENJOY at your Peril.:D

I'm theliq and I kick :asshole:'s......BIG:Boom2::splat: TIME.

H.I.M. theliq:cool:
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Only if they have bought useful political whores to bail them out.
like dubya?

I wouldnt call criminal financial syndicates like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs the private sector as so many of them go in and out of the US Treasury and working for the bankster employers.
Right, and whenever you hear republicans call for "less regulation", they are asking for their cronies to be allowed to run wild.

So you think that most private sector companies still use technology and methods that are forty years out of date like the government does on a routine basis?
Do you really think this?

Dear Lord, that post is so full of hyperbole and distortion I dont have time to go into all of it, but one example of your logic is the claim that clean water is provided by municiple water companies is so flawed it is hard to know where to start. It is a semi-public-private monopoly, so listing it as an example of what the government does right assumes that private industry couldnt do the same, which it has done in the past, and it assumes that the monopoly demonstrates somekind of governmental virtue when it is imposed by force.
Do we have cheap, clean water? I take it you dont get out of the states much, because you are spoiled rotten.
1. When the public sector is faced with shortages, the public sector resorts to rationaing scarce tax dollars (when trying to be responsible). The Private sector sees the shortage for opportunity to provide resources and they expand theiur business to meet the demand.

2. The public sectors innovation is pathetic, while the private sector is racing along at ever increasing acceleration. Look around at the government tools and process still in place today.
a. Our beauracracies were basically designed along a model designed by Bismark in the 19th century,
b. we still have yellow buses taking kids to school made almost exactly the same way as they made them in 1960,
c. schools still use the teacher to classroom environment when things can be done online as well and teachers have to strictly follow educational plans laid out years ago,
d. our space program doesnt even have a space vehicle in place anymore, so there the government has actually reverted to zilch,
e. policing methods still rely on brutality to enforce the laws and local governments still finance a large part of their budgets with traffic fines.
f. We still rely on the interstate higway system that is crumbling as we speak and not designed to last more than 60 years in many specific cases,
g. our military has improved under GOP governance between spurts of Democratic neglect, but our military system still essentially relies on tanks, planes and big air craft carriers.

Realizing this kind of thing is why socialism and state centric solutions are not respected as being advocated for their service to the people of this country but to instead serve the interests of beuracrats, unions and criminal syndicates that profit from an outdated government pursuing inefficient and wasteful policies.


EDIT: But to be fair, there are some things that today only the government can do well, such as providing standards, a court system, and strategic defense of our nation, for example.

But one day I think even these functions may become either irrelevant or surpassed by private sector services.

The only difference between the private sector and public is that if the private sector fails they (usually) go out of business.

Virtually all the problems described have happened in the private sector too.

What this tells us (not to mention those areas where the federal government has been successful) is that it is possible. We just have to change how our government does some of these things.

So you think that most private sector companies still use technology and methods that are forty years out of date like the government does on a routine basis?


The company I work for has machinery that has been in use since the 50's. So yes.

I think the only difference between the private and public sector is motive. Perhaps not in small business. But I work for a company that employs over 150,000 people in many countries. If you think they do not deal with every one of the bureaucratic issues the government does, you are dreaming.
Technology and lawsuits drive the cost of medical treatment.
MRIs, CAT scan machines, medical labs, and all sorts of new tech adds millions of dollars to the cost of a medical facility. Insurance prices reflect the costs of litigation and in our society litigation cost hundreds of millions of dollars annually. The insurance premium that the average OB doctor pays is over a million dollars a year because our society has made them responsible for anything that might be connected with a birth until the child is 18 years old. OBs pay more for insurance than brain surgeons.

Those are just two of the reasons that medical treatment costs rise so fast in the US.
While I agree that anything the government can do the private sector can do better for less money the government involvement can't be blammed for all of it.
why isnt competition bringing medical device costs down?

wouldnt performing well lower the cost of insurance for medical providers?
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Of the three major surgeries that I have had I probably could have sued for malpractice on two of them. I didn't but I did place objections to the customer service department and got som assurance that the matter would be looked into so at least I am sure that the doctor knows that if anyone is injured like I was he could lose his license or face a law suit. In two of these surgeries I was under the care of a specialist who was rated as "top in his field" - I figure everyone can have a bad day.
The insurance prices are based on the field you are in - not the lack of litigation you may have. It is an overall risk assessment for the field.

There is no real competition in the production of medical devices. They are not "mass produced" but taylored to the specific needs of the clinic or hospital. They are very expensive because of materials and the quality of labor involved. The lack of demand for these machines keeps the prices high and the demand just high enough to keep the one or two manufacturers in business.
The only difference between the private sector and public is that if the private sector fails they (usually) go out of business.

Virtually all the problems described have happened in the private sector too.

What this tells us (not to mention those areas where the federal government has been successful) is that it is possible. We just have to change how our government does some of these things.

So you think that most private sector companies still use technology and methods that are forty years out of date like the government does on a routine basis?


The company I work for has machinery that has been in use since the 50's. So yes.

So you are comparing low-end private industry to all the government at every level?

Why not compare it to Apple, or IBM, or GE, or any of a number of successful businesses that engage in major innovation year after year? I dont see a comparable level of innovation in any part of the government outside the DoD.

I think the only difference between the private and public sector is motive. Perhaps not in small business. But I work for a company that employs over 150,000 people in many countries. If you think they do not deal with every one of the bureaucratic issues the government does, you are dreaming.

No, I agree that they do face such issues, but they are not the majority of businesses and they still work better than government that is lately infamous for not being able to stay in the black.

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