Let us see what Netanyahu does


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News
Well we know that Obama will not do anything but point fingers.

Obama will do his best to kick this can down the road.

Yea, we know Obama won't send troops into the West Bank to start killing thousands of Palestinians. Of course, last time I checked, it wasn't our fucking job to kill Palestinians. Maybe we should just let the Israelis deal with this. :cuckoo:
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Both gave statements but I'm curious...what do you think Obama SHOULD do about 3 boys dead over seas?

And for the record what do you believe Netanyahu will do? And if he doesnt is that a sign of being weak?
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Here we go again.

The Zionuts and the fucktards have a tendency to forget history.

They forget that in 1925 the Zionuts decided to carved out a Jewish State in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestinian Arabs were already residing there.

Menachen Begin and the Stern gang terrorized the Palestinian Arabs and the British.

The Palestinian Holocaust is what provoked the 09/11 attacks.

But the Zionuts and the American Likudnicks choose to ignore the fact . They know that they completely and totally control US domestic politics so they have nothing to fear.

Even Hillary Clinton thinks Obama is ineffectual and hopeless, so who really cares what stupid cliches drop out of his mouth?

Netanyahu always means business and will take the correct response severely punishing the murderers and their terrorists backers.
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Both gave statements but I'm curious...what do you think Obama SHOULD do about 3 boys dead over seas?

And for the record what do you believe Netanyahu will do? And if he doesnt is that a sign of being weak?

Obabble should pledge intel support to root out those involved. Netanyahu should then kill them and any and all connected with them.
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News
Why not wait to find out the FBI's opinion concerning which side abducted and murdered the three teens?

"One of the teens, 16-year-old Naftali Frenkel, had dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship and his family is from Brooklyn, N.Y.

FBI Director James Comey said the agency launched an investigation into the kidnapping as soon they went missing, since one of them is an American citizen."

Israeli PM Calls Killers of Three Israeli Teens 'Human Animals' - ABC News
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Here we go again.

The Zionuts and the fucktards have a tendency to forget history.

They forget that in 1925 the Zionuts decided to carved out a Jewish State in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestinian Arabs were already residing there.

Menachen Begin and the Stern gang terrorized the Palestinian Arabs and the British.

The Palestinian Holocaust is what provoked the 09/11 attacks.

But the Zionuts and the American Likudnicks choose to ignore the fact . They know that they completely and totally control US domestic politics so they have nothing to fear.


Most Palestinian land remains in Jordan, fomerly known as Transjordan; the Israelis have been forced to kick their butts a few times.
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Here we go again.

The Zionuts and the fucktards have a tendency to forget history.

They forget that in 1925 the Zionuts decided to carved out a Jewish State in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestinian Arabs were already residing there.

Menachen Begin and the Stern gang terrorized the Palestinian Arabs and the British.

The Palestinian Holocaust is what provoked the 09/11 attacks.

But the Zionuts and the American Likudnicks choose to ignore the fact . They know that they completely and totally control US domestic politics so they have nothing to fear.

When 650,000 Jews were given the green light to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, crimes like three murdered teens in 2014 were guaranteed.

And it was set in motion long before 1948:

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East.

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Both gave statements but I'm curious...what do you think Obama SHOULD do about 3 boys dead over seas?

And for the record what do you believe Netanyahu will do? And if he doesnt is that a sign of being weak?

Obabble should pledge intel support to root out those involved. Netanyahu should then kill them and any and all connected with them.

Since the FBI is on this that means Obama is doing just what you suggested he should, I bet now since hes doing what you said he should you are against it, right?
Well we know that Obama will not do anything but point fingers.

Obama will do his best to kick this can down the road.

Yea, we know Obama won't send troops into the West Bank to start killing thousands of Palestinians. Of course, last time I checked, it wasn't our fucking job to kill Palestinians. Maybe we should just let the Israelis deal with this. :cuckoo:

Who said anything about sending in troops?

Talk about cuckoo
Both gave statements but I'm curious...what do you think Obama SHOULD do about 3 boys dead over seas?

And for the record what do you believe Netanyahu will do? And if he doesnt is that a sign of being weak?

Obabble should pledge intel support to root out those involved. Netanyahu should then kill them and any and all connected with them.

Since the FBI is on this that means Obama is doing just what you suggested he should, I bet now since hes doing what you said he should you are against it, right?

So this racist far left Obama drone confirms my earlier comments despite their programmed propaganda.
Obabble made a statement...

"President Obama called the killings of the teens a "senseless act of terror."

"As a father, I cannot imagine the indescribable pain that the parents of these teenage boys are experiencing," he said in a statement. "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms this senseless act of terror against innocent youth."

I think Netanyahu will do a tad more.

Netanyahu vows 'Hamas will pay' after bodies of 3 kidnapped Israeli teens found | Fox News

Here we go again.

The Zionuts and the fucktards have a tendency to forget history.

They forget that in 1925 the Zionuts decided to carved out a Jewish State in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestinian Arabs were already residing there.

Menachen Begin and the Stern gang terrorized the Palestinian Arabs and the British.

The Palestinian Holocaust is what provoked the 09/11 attacks.

But the Zionuts and the American Likudnicks choose to ignore the fact . They know that they completely and totally control US domestic politics so they have nothing to fear.

When 650,000 Jews were given the green light to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, crimes like three murdered teens in 2014 were guaranteed.

And it was set in motion long before 1948:

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East.

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

And Jordan kept Palestinian teritory:

Since Biblical times, under the Ottomans and under the British mandate, the country now called "Palestine" always included the area now occupied by Israel (including the "West Bank"), Gaza and Jordan. In order to satisfy the branch of the Hashemites that was left without a kingdom, the British drew a few lines on the map and granted the entire area east of the Jordan River -- close to 80% of mandated Palestine -- as a kingdom to Abdullah. The Jewish homeland, promised in the Balfour Declaration by the same British, was reduced to a mere one-fifth of its original size. Transjordan (as the new country was called), an artificial state with an alien ruling dynasty, attained its independence from Britain in 1946.

F L A M E : Jordan: Is it or is it not Palestine?

History of Palestine and Palestinians
Here we go again.

The Zionuts and the fucktards have a tendency to forget history.

They forget that in 1925 the Zionuts decided to carved out a Jewish State in Palestine notwithstanding the fact that Palestinian Arabs were already residing there.

Menachen Begin and the Stern gang terrorized the Palestinian Arabs and the British.

The Palestinian Holocaust is what provoked the 09/11 attacks.

But the Zionuts and the American Likudnicks choose to ignore the fact . They know that they completely and totally control US domestic politics so they have nothing to fear.

When 650,000 Jews were given the green light to inflict their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948, crimes like three murdered teens in 2014 were guaranteed.

And it was set in motion long before 1948:

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East.

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

And Jordan kept Palestinian teritory:

Since Biblical times, under the Ottomans and under the British mandate, the country now called "Palestine" always included the area now occupied by Israel (including the "West Bank"), Gaza and Jordan. In order to satisfy the branch of the Hashemites that was left without a kingdom, the British drew a few lines on the map and granted the entire area east of the Jordan River -- close to 80% of mandated Palestine -- as a kingdom to Abdullah. The Jewish homeland, promised in the Balfour Declaration by the same British, was reduced to a mere one-fifth of its original size. Transjordan (as the new country was called), an artificial state with an alien ruling dynasty, attained its independence from Britain in 1946.

F L A M E : Jordan: Is it or is it not Palestine?

History of Palestine and Palestinians
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Muslims living between the River and the sea. Every Jew has a vote to determine those who writes the laws she lives under. Only a fraction of all Muslims have the same right. It seems Israel is conflicted between being a Jewish state or a democratic state.
Both gave statements but I'm curious...what do you think Obama SHOULD do about 3 boys dead over seas?

And for the record what do you believe Netanyahu will do? And if he doesnt is that a sign of being weak?

Obabble should pledge intel support to root out those involved. Netanyahu should then kill them and any and all connected with them.

Since the FBI is on this that means Obama is doing just what you suggested he should, I bet now since hes doing what you said he should you are against it, right?

I'm all for it and more...look how the FBI did in Benghazi. BeBe ain't gonna wait that long.
Obabble should pledge intel support to root out those involved. Netanyahu should then kill them and any and all connected with them.

Since the FBI is on this that means Obama is doing just what you suggested he should, I bet now since hes doing what you said he should you are against it, right?

I'm all for it and more...look how the FBI did in Benghazi. BeBe ain't gonna wait that long.

You're right..I can guarantee you that Bibi has called in his top military commanders and right at this very moment they are planning what will be a significant retaliatory response.

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