Let tax cuts expire and raise taxes; asap


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Don’t trust Reich WingNuts. They cannot be trusted. Obama, don’t compromise. You are being set up to fail if you extend the tax cuts. And in 2012 they will step in and raise taxes and fix the economy.

Bush”s tax cuts sent us into the worse recession since the great depression. When Obama took office we were losing 800,000 jobs a month and the largest deficit in history. Let the tax cuts expire and then raise every one’s taxes accordingly. Pay down the deficit and create jobs and cut unnecessary spending.

Proof is in 8 years of Bush’s spending and tax cuts.
--Cutting taxes do no create jobs and revenue.
--Seniors are not spending at all.
--Small business are not hiring and not borrowing in spite of ---Bush’s tax cuts. Every day small business are laying off people and closing their doors.
Programs and services are be cut or scaled down, causing job lose and revenue lost.
---Deficit growing. Poverty growing. Services and programs for the poor and seniors being cut. We are headed of a full fledged depression.

JESUS know what he was talking about when he said; “Pay your %#$ taxes and shut the @#$@ up.”

Republicans has a history of repeating mistakes. But this is a deliberate one. Do the math, Obama.

Raise everyone’s taxes and if it means we all bleed a little, so be it. We will be a healthier economy because of it.

Extend the tax cuts and we extend the deficit.

“Majority may fall into grievous error and trample truth and justice. Therefore, sometimes it is the patriot's duty to oppose the will of the majority for the sake of what is good and right and true.”
Roger Sherman (1721-1793)

“Roll up your sleeves, America. This may hurt a little but this too will pass.”
If you are going to post screeds like this, at least have the decency to include a link to the original source or cite the author.
If these tax cuts for the wealthy do produce what the Rs claim then why while they were in place did the economy take such a header into the dirt.

The failed ideas of the right keep failing throughout history and they right just keeps licking them off and trying again.

Guess who you are killing by continuing to tout completely failed ideas?

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