Businesses Do Not Create Jobs


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Businesses Do Not Create Jobs
Thursday 11 November 2010

by: Dave Johnson

Businesses do not create jobs. In fact, the way our economy is structured the incentive is for businesses to get rid of as many jobs as they can.

Demand Creates Jobs

A job is created when demand for goods or services is greater than the existing ability to provide them. When there is a demand, people will see the need and fill it. Either someone will start filling the demand alone, or form a new business to fill it or an existing provider of the good or service will add employees as needed. (Actually a job can be created by a business, a government, a non-profit organization or just a person doing the job, depending on the nature of the good or service that is required.)
t r u t h o u t | Businesses Do Not Create Jobs
Pretty much.
Although I think many major corporations are running low on their "Most Valuable assets" ie employees to lay off to raise stock prices and managment bonuses.
Businesses do not create jobs. In fact, the way our economy is structured the incentive is for businesses to get rid of as many jobs as they can.

Yeah, I know several businesspeople who can not WAIT to shrink the size of their business and get rid of more people.

There's nothing like making less money, as an incentive to be in business.
Well...this is kinda dumb.
Demand creates businesses to fill the demand which creates jobs.

So you can have all the demand you want - without a business to produce the product - you don't have didly.
The thread title is incomplete:

Businesses Do Not Create Jobs When the Government sucks all of the oxygen out of the private sector, raises taxes, and creates massive new regulations and bureaucracies with which to further burden said businesses.
Well...this is kinda dumb.
Demand creates businesses to fill the demand which creates jobs.

So you can have all the demand you want - without a business to produce the product - you don't have didly.

That is exactly what I was thinking...

Cant satisfy demand w/o buisinesses and employees to fill said demand.

:cuckoo: Try again
The thread title is incomplete:

Businesses Do Not Create Jobs When the Government sucks all of the oxygen out of the private sector, raises taxes, and creates massive new regulations and bureaucracies with which to further burden said businesses.

and causes them to go abroad where taxes and regulations are'nt so outrageous.
The thread title is incomplete:

Businesses Do Not Create Jobs When the Government sucks all of the oxygen out of the private sector, raises taxes, and creates massive new regulations and bureaucracies with which to further burden said businesses.

The federal government has not raised taxes and the regulations are the same ones in place for a decade. So what was the excuse before now? In fact, the same regulations were in place in the roaring 90's and taxes were higher. Explain that.

If businesses are feeling pinched by higher taxes, fees, etc., it is the states who are trying to increase their own revenue because of business downturns because nobody's spending.
Under the current climate, the OP is quite correct. Business have been encouraged to embrace the concept of "synergy". In other words, bigger companies buy out smaller ones and get rid of "redundant" employees. They are replaced by either:
Consultants - With no benefits or ability to be tenured.
Near shore - Low pay no benefits.
Off Shore - Low pay no benefits.
Under the current climate, the OP is quite correct. Business have been encouraged to embrace the concept of "synergy". In other words, bigger companies buy out smaller ones and get rid of "redundant" employees. They are replaced by either:
Consultants - With no benefits or ability to be tenured.
Near shore - Low pay no benefits.
Off Shore - Low pay no benefits.

The OP would be correct without those factors.

From a simple perspective the origination of business enterprise is demand coupled with means to satisfy that demand. Businesses seldom succeed on a business model like Field of Dreams. Businesses respond to the rising prices caused by increased demand and add capacity accordingly. To meet demand.

On a similar note nearly everybody agrees that the main factor preventing businesses from expanding today and adding employees is a lack of demand.
The thread title is incomplete:

Businesses Do Not Create Jobs When the Government sucks all of the oxygen out of the private sector, raises taxes, and creates massive new regulations and bureaucracies with which to further burden said businesses.

The federal government has not raised taxes and the regulations are the same ones in place for a decade. So what was the excuse before now? In fact, the same regulations were in place in the roaring 90's and taxes were higher. Explain that.

If businesses are feeling pinched by higher taxes, fees, etc., it is the states who are trying to increase their own revenue because of business downturns because nobody's spending.

Bullshit. Obamacare took a job creation class that was already on its back and kept it there. That and the threat of massive new energy taxes and environmental regulation have put the breaks on anyone expanding.
The thread title is incomplete:

Businesses Do Not Create Jobs When the Government sucks all of the oxygen out of the private sector, raises taxes, and creates massive new regulations and bureaucracies with which to further burden said businesses.

The federal government has not raised taxes and the regulations are the same ones in place for a decade. So what was the excuse before now? In fact, the same regulations were in place in the roaring 90's and taxes were higher. Explain that.

If businesses are feeling pinched by higher taxes, fees, etc., it is the states who are trying to increase their own revenue because of business downturns because nobody's spending.

Bullshit. Obamacare took a job creation class that was already on its back and kept it there. That and the threat of massive new energy taxes and environmental regulation have put the breaks on anyone expanding.

but there haven't been any new energy taxes or regulations. Duh!
The federal government has not raised taxes and the regulations are the same ones in place for a decade. So what was the excuse before now? In fact, the same regulations were in place in the roaring 90's and taxes were higher. Explain that.

I can't believe I'm responding to this, but here goes....In the 90's the the Repubs forced Billy to balance the budget...and there was a boom...the balanced budget lowered interest rates, which balanced out the higher taxes...And those regulations from years ago, are what brought the housing market down today...see, if you do something now, it may cause bad things to happen in the future...Only problem is that now our Pres is doubling down instead of trying something different from the last three years...Yes...W. got the ball rolling...Is this thread for real? hahaha
The federal government has not raised taxes and the regulations are the same ones in place for a decade. So what was the excuse before now? In fact, the same regulations were in place in the roaring 90's and taxes were higher. Explain that.

If businesses are feeling pinched by higher taxes, fees, etc., it is the states who are trying to increase their own revenue because of business downturns because nobody's spending.

Bullshit. Obamacare took a job creation class that was already on its back and kept it there. That and the threat of massive new energy taxes and environmental regulation have put the breaks on anyone expanding.

but there haven't been any new energy taxes or regulations. Duh!

They were all but certain except for the events of November 2nd. Nobody makes business plans not knowing where and when government will kneecap them next.
they were never all but certain, you are imagining boogey men.
Cap and trade has been dead since Copenhagen and Obama signed on for more offshore drilling weeks before the BP spill. And Obama has always been a huge supporter of allegedly clean coal.
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Businesses don't creat jobs when liberals in power loot their investments and risks.
There will be permanent 10% unemployment in this country as long as the most anti-business administration in the last 80 years is in charge.

There will be permanent 10% unemployment in this country until the Walrus King ascends the slopes of Mt Sasquach and eats the three virgin brides.

I have a magic whistle that keeps bison away, you want to buy it?

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