Let get the truth about South Africa

the whites were disarmed, now they're being exterminated.

Lefties love it.

None of that is happening.
You're a liar and a defender of genocide.

'You could hear the bones breaking' - South Africa haunted by racially charged murders

No you are the liar. And there are no statements by me whereby I am supporting genocide.

I'm tired of people like you doing this. You will get reported each time you continue telling this lie.
It will be entertaining to watch Africa turn back the hands of time...
Funny how damaging it is to blame others that don't look like you for your own frailties....
I guess they must blame the white devil...it's in their hearts and souls...how sad...

But the OP wouldn't recognize the truth if it slapped her in the head...

It's amazing the depths to which you racists will stoop.

How much did these white farmers pay the blacks they took the land from?

So you maintain genocide is okay if the ones targeted aren't on their own land?

Using that measuring stick, we can start killing the occupants of every single refugee camp in the world.

Also every black who owns land in the US.

And every Indian on a reservation that wasn't created on their ancestral land....the Cherokee, the Sioux and the Navajo for sure....

Your response makes no sense.

There is no white genocide in South Africa. You don't get to ignore 80 years if history then tell someone how they support genocide for pointing it out.

Liar. Yes, there is white genocide.

"..the firebrand leader of South Africa’s radical left...has called on his followers to “retake the land” from whites.

"In 2012 President Jacob Zuma sang a struggle-era song containing the words “shoot the farmer, shoot the Boer”.

"“We’re being hunted,” said Pauli, a 43-year-old farmer who declined to give her surname."

“They (black people) truly think that we have stolen the country from them,” Limpopo-based farmer Gerhardus Harmse told AFP."

In reality, the blacks who are killing the white people never owned the land. The land was owned by a handful of wealthy blacks...and the blacks currently raiding and murdering and raping white people never owned a thing there, nor did their ancestors.

A S. African resident chimes in:

"...the chieftains particularly in KwaZulu Natal were the original owners, not the ordinary people. If land is expropriated then there will be a “how long is a piece of string situation?” Zulus took land from Xhosas etc. The San and Khoisan peoples possessed the land as hunter gatherers before the pastoralists."

'You could hear the bones breaking' - South Africa haunted by racially charged murders

"Every day after picking up her eight-year-old son from school, the Johannesburg mum-of-two takes a different route home, eyes on the rear-view mirror. Her 20-month-old toddler sits in his car seat behind her, where he can easily be grabbed at a moment’s notice.

"That’s because Ms Day-Fourie doesn’t want her son, in the event of an attack, to be trapped by his seatbelt, dragged along outside of the car and killed — as happened to a four-year-old boy whose parents and sister were forced out of their car by three armed men in nearby Boksburg, just 30 minutes away."

"In Centurion, an hour’s drive away, a two-year-old was shot in the head during an attempted carjacking earlier this year."

‘It is a very, very violent country’
the whites were disarmed, now they're being exterminated.

Lefties love it.

None of that is happening.
You're a liar and a defender of genocide.

'You could hear the bones breaking' - South Africa haunted by racially charged murders

No you are the liar. And there are no statements by me whereby I am supporting genocide.

I'm tired of people like you doing this. You will get reported each time you continue telling this lie.
----------------------------- so , you are also against Freedom of Speech eh IM2 ??
the whites were disarmed, now they're being exterminated.

Lefties love it.

None of that is happening.
You're a liar and a defender of genocide.

'You could hear the bones breaking' - South Africa haunted by racially charged murders

No you are the liar. And there are no statements by me whereby I am supporting genocide.

I'm tired of people like you doing this. You will get reported each time you continue telling this lie.
----------------------------- so , you are also against Freedom of Speech eh IM2 ??
---------------------------------------------- I say that you just can't hang IM2 and i think that thats funny IM2 !!
the whites were disarmed, now they're being exterminated.

Lefties love it.

None of that is happening.
You're a liar and a defender of genocide.

'You could hear the bones breaking' - South Africa haunted by racially charged murders

No you are the liar. And there are no statements by me whereby I am supporting genocide.

I'm tired of people like you doing this. You will get reported each time you continue telling this lie.
You lie and support genocide when you deny and justify it.

The fact that you deny..and yet justify it...shows that you know you are lying. Why should you justify genocide if it isn't happening?
'south africa' is very violent , probably one of the most violent places in the world . Farmers are tortured and murdered and most of them are White , descendants of good hard working people . Get rid of them and you just might starve IM2 .
"The couple, who had lived in the area for 20 years, were tied up, stabbed, and tortured with a blowtorch for several hours.
"The masked men stuffed a plastic bag down Mrs Howarth’s throat, and attempted to strangle her husband with a bag around his neck.

"The couple were bundled into their own truck, still in their pyjamas, and driven to a roadside where they were shot. Mrs Howarth, 64, a former pharmaceutical company executive, was shot twice in the head. Mr Lynn, 66, was shot in the neck.

"Miraculously he survived, and managed to flag down a passer-by early on Sunday morning. Mrs Howarth, who police said was “unrecognisable” from her injuries, had multiple skull fractures, gunshot wounds and “horrific” burns to her breasts."

I'm sure that white woman deserved it because someone else once owned the land they bought.

‘The horror experienced is almost incomprehensible’
"64-year-old Nicci Simpson was tortured with a power drill during an attack involving three men at her home on a farm in the Vaal area, about two hours drive from Johannesburg.

"When paramedics arrived, they found three dead dogs, and the woman lying in a pool of blood, spokesman Russel Meiring told News24. “They used a drill to torture her,” police spokesman Lungelo Dlamini said.

"Official statistics on farm attacks are non-existent, due to what human rights groups have described as a “cover-up” by the notoriously corrupt — and potentially complicit — South African government."

^^^this is how pieces of shit like IMwhatever and the disgusting rag the HuffPo can get away with saying "they aren't really being hunted, tortured and killed." It's the same sort of bs that allows them to say stupid things like "the US has a higher infant mortality rate than Ethiopia!" yeah..because Ethiopia doesn't keep records of dead babies.

It's intentional. Disgusting people doing the disgusting things they do to facilitate murder, rape and torture.

IM2 probably has undoubtedly done his bit to reduce the white population..via murder and rape.

‘The horror experienced is almost incomprehensible’
"In total, between 1998 and the end of 2016, 1848 people have been murdered in farm attacks — 1187 farmers, 490 family members, 147 farm employees, and 24 people who happened to be visiting the farm at the time.

"While South Africa has one of the highest rates of violent crime anywhere in the world, the attacks on white farmers are no ordinary crimes."

“The well-known ‘blood sisters’ from the South African company Crimescene-cleanup have rightly indicated that, in their experience, farm tortures are by far the most horrific acts of violence in South Africa,” the report said.

“They are of the opinion that the term ‘farm murders’ is misleading and that the terms ‘farm terror’ and ‘farm tortures’ are more suitable.”

‘The horror experienced is almost incomprehensible’

How much did these white farmers pay the blacks they took the land from?

So you maintain genocide is okay if the ones targeted aren't on their own land?

Using that measuring stick, we can start killing the occupants of every single refugee camp in the world.

Also every black who owns land in the US.

And every Indian on a reservation that wasn't created on their ancestral land....the Cherokee, the Sioux and the Navajo for sure....

Your response makes no sense.

There is no white genocide in South Africa. You don't get to ignore 80 years if history then tell someone how they support genocide for pointing it out.

Liar. Yes, there is white genocide.

"..the firebrand leader of South Africa’s radical left...has called on his followers to “retake the land” from whites.

"In 2012 President Jacob Zuma sang a struggle-era song containing the words “shoot the farmer, shoot the Boer”.

"“We’re being hunted,” said Pauli, a 43-year-old farmer who declined to give her surname."

“They (black people) truly think that we have stolen the country from them,” Limpopo-based farmer Gerhardus Harmse told AFP."

In reality, the blacks who are killing the white people never owned the land. The land was owned by a handful of wealthy blacks...and the blacks currently raiding and murdering and raping white people never owned a thing there, nor did their ancestors.

A S. African resident chimes in:

"...the chieftains particularly in KwaZulu Natal were the original owners, not the ordinary people. If land is expropriated then there will be a “how long is a piece of string situation?” Zulus took land from Xhosas etc. The San and Khoisan peoples possessed the land as hunter gatherers before the pastoralists."

'You could hear the bones breaking' - South Africa haunted by racially charged murders

"Every day after picking up her eight-year-old son from school, the Johannesburg mum-of-two takes a different route home, eyes on the rear-view mirror. Her 20-month-old toddler sits in his car seat behind her, where he can easily be grabbed at a moment’s notice.

"That’s because Ms Day-Fourie doesn’t want her son, in the event of an attack, to be trapped by his seatbelt, dragged along outside of the car and killed — as happened to a four-year-old boy whose parents and sister were forced out of their car by three armed men in nearby Boksburg, just 30 minutes away."

"In Centurion, an hour’s drive away, a two-year-old was shot in the head during an attempted carjacking earlier this year."

‘It is a very, very violent country’

Jacob Zuma is not president. of South Africa. There is no white genocide there. You are here as a member of the alt right spreading lies..

In their reporting, the alt-right portrays white South Africans as facing patterns of marginalization and violence which constitute a unique threat to their very existence as a people. In a video titled “Why White People?” Southern tries to explain why she has decided to focus on whites when violent crime is a problem faced by all South Africans. White people in South Africa face “actual discrimination,” she asserts, “and not in the SJW sense” of minorities in North America (Social Justice Warrior or SJW is a pejorative and dismissive alt-right term for left-wing activist). In Nilsson’s documentary The Boer Project, South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment program — its affirmative action policies meant to address centuries of racial segregation and oppression — is referred to as “reverse apartheid.” Multiple segments linger on “white refugee camps,” as if the vast black shanty towns and slums did not also exist.

As for the violent crimes against white farmers, which are described in meticulously grisly, horrifying detail, the alt-right insists on characterizing them in terms of genocide and ethnic cleansing, suggesting that political forces are deliberately deploying violence to force white people off of their land — people tell Hopkins that within fifty to seventy years there will be no more white people in South Africa. The alt-right speculates that somebody must be training and funding the killers, and they suggest the possible complicity of the South African government, the African National Congress (ANC), and/or the police forces, who may be providing the murderers with “tacit support.”

One possible motive for the farm murders, the audience is intended to believe, is to advance the land redistribution agenda of the ANC, which threatens to eat away at the concentration of land under white control. Southern, appalled by the idea of taking away someone’s land based on their “skin color,” features a couple of interviews with black political representatives on this topic, including the ANC and Black First Land First, an outspoken yet marginal group whose sole function seems to be to defend the Guptas and the Zuma faction of the ANC. Southern later describes how in order to meet with these organizations she had to pretend to be a “self-hating SJW white person.”

The real target of the alt-right, however, is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a populist left-wing party led by former ANC Youth leader Julius Malema, whose menacing image is featured prominently in most of these videos, along with images of EFF members singing and dancing in their characteristic red jumpsuits at political rallies. Not only is Malema a communist, we are warned, but the EFF is “inciting a new generation of young, disenfranchised black South Africans to fight back with violence.”

The central piece of evidence leveled against the EFF is their continued use of a popular anti-apartheid era protest song “Ayesaba Amagwala” which features lyrics typically translated as “Kill the boer, kill the farmer.” Afrikaner groups have complained that the song constitutes hate speech, but the song’s proponents have insisted that this interpretation is “vulgarized,” and that the lyrics target the system of apartheid, not white people.

Searching for white genocide in South Africa

You are dealing with a man who knows the facts. You don't get to keep lying.

How much did these white farmers pay the blacks they took the land from?

So you maintain genocide is okay if the ones targeted aren't on their own land?

Using that measuring stick, we can start killing the occupants of every single refugee camp in the world.

Also every black who owns land in the US.

And every Indian on a reservation that wasn't created on their ancestral land....the Cherokee, the Sioux and the Navajo for sure....

Your response makes no sense.

There is no white genocide in South Africa. You don't get to ignore 80 years if history then tell someone how they support genocide for pointing it out.

Liar. Yes, there is white genocide.

"..the firebrand leader of South Africa’s radical left...has called on his followers to “retake the land” from whites.

"In 2012 President Jacob Zuma sang a struggle-era song containing the words “shoot the farmer, shoot the Boer”.

"“We’re being hunted,” said Pauli, a 43-year-old farmer who declined to give her surname."

“They (black people) truly think that we have stolen the country from them,” Limpopo-based farmer Gerhardus Harmse told AFP."

In reality, the blacks who are killing the white people never owned the land. The land was owned by a handful of wealthy blacks...and the blacks currently raiding and murdering and raping white people never owned a thing there, nor did their ancestors.

A S. African resident chimes in:

"...the chieftains particularly in KwaZulu Natal were the original owners, not the ordinary people. If land is expropriated then there will be a “how long is a piece of string situation?” Zulus took land from Xhosas etc. The San and Khoisan peoples possessed the land as hunter gatherers before the pastoralists."

'You could hear the bones breaking' - South Africa haunted by racially charged murders

"Every day after picking up her eight-year-old son from school, the Johannesburg mum-of-two takes a different route home, eyes on the rear-view mirror. Her 20-month-old toddler sits in his car seat behind her, where he can easily be grabbed at a moment’s notice.

"That’s because Ms Day-Fourie doesn’t want her son, in the event of an attack, to be trapped by his seatbelt, dragged along outside of the car and killed — as happened to a four-year-old boy whose parents and sister were forced out of their car by three armed men in nearby Boksburg, just 30 minutes away."

"In Centurion, an hour’s drive away, a two-year-old was shot in the head during an attempted carjacking earlier this year."

‘It is a very, very violent country’

Jacob Zuma is not president. of South Africa. There is no white genocide there. You are here as a member of the alt right spreading lies..

In their reporting, the alt-right portrays white South Africans as facing patterns of marginalization and violence which constitute a unique threat to their very existence as a people. In a video titled “Why White People?” Southern tries to explain why she has decided to focus on whites when violent crime is a problem faced by all South Africans. White people in South Africa face “actual discrimination,” she asserts, “and not in the SJW sense” of minorities in North America (Social Justice Warrior or SJW is a pejorative and dismissive alt-right term for left-wing activist). In Nilsson’s documentary The Boer Project, South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment program — its affirmative action policies meant to address centuries of racial segregation and oppression — is referred to as “reverse apartheid.” Multiple segments linger on “white refugee camps,” as if the vast black shanty towns and slums did not also exist.

As for the violent crimes against white farmers, which are described in meticulously grisly, horrifying detail, the alt-right insists on characterizing them in terms of genocide and ethnic cleansing, suggesting that political forces are deliberately deploying violence to force white people off of their land — people tell Hopkins that within fifty to seventy years there will be no more white people in South Africa. The alt-right speculates that somebody must be training and funding the killers, and they suggest the possible complicity of the South African government, the African National Congress (ANC), and/or the police forces, who may be providing the murderers with “tacit support.”

One possible motive for the farm murders, the audience is intended to believe, is to advance the land redistribution agenda of the ANC, which threatens to eat away at the concentration of land under white control. Southern, appalled by the idea of taking away someone’s land based on their “skin color,” features a couple of interviews with black political representatives on this topic, including the ANC and Black First Land First, an outspoken yet marginal group whose sole function seems to be to defend the Guptas and the Zuma faction of the ANC. Southern later describes how in order to meet with these organizations she had to pretend to be a “self-hating SJW white person.”

The real target of the alt-right, however, is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a populist left-wing party led by former ANC Youth leader Julius Malema, whose menacing image is featured prominently in most of these videos, along with images of EFF members singing and dancing in their characteristic red jumpsuits at political rallies. Not only is Malema a communist, we are warned, but the EFF is “inciting a new generation of young, disenfranchised black South Africans to fight back with violence.”

The central piece of evidence leveled against the EFF is their continued use of a popular anti-apartheid era protest song “Ayesaba Amagwala” which features lyrics typically translated as “Kill the boer, kill the farmer.” Afrikaner groups have complained that the song constitutes hate speech, but the song’s proponents have insisted that this interpretation is “vulgarized,” and that the lyrics target the system of apartheid, not white people.

Searching for white genocide in South Africa

You are dealing with a man who knows the facts. You don't get to keep lying.

^^^Justifying the torture, rape and murder of whites by people who sing songs about killing white farmers.
"In total, between 1998 and the end of 2016, 1848 people have been murdered in farm attacks — 1187 farmers, 490 family members, 147 farm employees, and 24 people who happened to be visiting the farm at the time.

"While South Africa has one of the highest rates of violent crime anywhere in the world, the attacks on white farmers are no ordinary crimes."

“The well-known ‘blood sisters’ from the South African company Crimescene-cleanup have rightly indicated that, in their experience, farm tortures are by far the most horrific acts of violence in South Africa,” the report said.

“They are of the opinion that the term ‘farm murders’ is misleading and that the terms ‘farm terror’ and ‘farm tortures’ are more suitable.”

‘The horror experienced is almost incomprehensible’

So let me ask you this question:

Where in the hell do you get genocide out of an average of 102 murders per year?

South Africa's Police Service says 74 people were murdered on farms between April 2016 and March 2017, up from 58 in the previous year. '

Here we see that in one year 74 farmers got murdered. The year before that 58. How does this support the claim of white genocide?

"There were 19,016 murders in South Africa in 2016-17, according to the police.

I said there is no white genocide. Because there isn't.

Are SA whites really being killed ‘like flies’? Why Steve Hofmeyr is wrong

South African musician Steve Hofmeyr has claimed that the number of white South Africans killed by blacks would fill a soccer stadium, that white Afrikaners are being killed "like flies" and that a white farmer is murdered every five days. But the claims are incorrect and grossly exaggerated. In fact, whites are less likely to be murdered than any other race group.

“Whites are far less likely to be murdered than their black or coloured counterparts,” Lizette Lancaster, who manages the Institute for Security Studies crime and justice hub, told Africa Check. This is supported by an analysis of a national sample of 1,378 murder dockets conducted by police in 2009. In 86.9% of the cases, the victims were Africans. Whites accounted for 1.8% of the cases (although whites make up 8.85% of the population).

According to Lancaster official police statistics show that between April 1994 and March 2012 a total of 361 015 people were murdered in South Africa. Applying the 1.8% figure, it would mean that roughly 6,498 whites have been murdered since April 1994.

Even if there were some variation on the 1.8% figure, the number of white murder victims would still fail to come anywhere close to filling a soccer stadium. The fact is that whites are less likely to be murdered than any other race in South Africa. The current murder rate of white South Africans is also equivalent to, or lower than, murder rates for whites
recorded between 1979 and 1991.

Are SA whites really being killed ‘like flies’? Why Steve Hofmeyr is wrong

Again, you are dealing with a man who knows the facts. You do not get to keep lying.


1 Introduction

Post-apartheid South Africa faces a variety of challenges that emanated from the injustices caused by apartheid. One of the earliest challenges faced by the first democratically elected government was how to address the unequal distribution of land in the country. The South African government has shown commitment to eradicate the inequalities and injustices of the past and has initiated a comprehensive land reform programme with a strong constitutional basis - a programme which has to date not been concluded - a programme consisting of three pillars namely: restitution, land redistribution and tenure security.

The constitutional basis for the land restitution programme is found in section 25(7) of the Constitution,
[1] which states that:

A person or community dispossessed of property after 19 June 1913 as a result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices is entitled, to the extent provided by an Act of Parliament, either to restitution of that property or to equitable redress.

Similarly, section 25(5) of the Constitution introduced the second pillar of land reform, which is commonly referred to as the land redistribution programme. In terms of this section the state is under the constitutional duty to take "reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to foster conditions which enable citizens to gain access to land on an equitable basis".

Finally, tenure security is addressed through section 25(6) of the Constitution which states that:

A person or community whose tenure of land is legally insecure as a result of past racially discriminatory laws or practices is entitled, to the extent provided by an Act of Parliament, either to tenure which is legally secure or to comparable redress.

The rest.

The Historical Context of Land Reform in South Africa and Early Policies [2014] PER 20
How much did these white farmers pay the blacks they took the land from?

So you maintain genocide is okay if the ones targeted aren't on their own land?

Using that measuring stick, we can start killing the occupants of every single refugee camp in the world.

Also every black who owns land in the US.

And every Indian on a reservation that wasn't created on their ancestral land....the Cherokee, the Sioux and the Navajo for sure....

Your response makes no sense.

There is no white genocide in South Africa. You don't get to ignore 80 years if history then tell someone how they support genocide for pointing it out.

Liar. Yes, there is white genocide.

"..the firebrand leader of South Africa’s radical left...has called on his followers to “retake the land” from whites.

"In 2012 President Jacob Zuma sang a struggle-era song containing the words “shoot the farmer, shoot the Boer”.

"“We’re being hunted,” said Pauli, a 43-year-old farmer who declined to give her surname."

“They (black people) truly think that we have stolen the country from them,” Limpopo-based farmer Gerhardus Harmse told AFP."

In reality, the blacks who are killing the white people never owned the land. The land was owned by a handful of wealthy blacks...and the blacks currently raiding and murdering and raping white people never owned a thing there, nor did their ancestors.

A S. African resident chimes in:

"...the chieftains particularly in KwaZulu Natal were the original owners, not the ordinary people. If land is expropriated then there will be a “how long is a piece of string situation?” Zulus took land from Xhosas etc. The San and Khoisan peoples possessed the land as hunter gatherers before the pastoralists."

'You could hear the bones breaking' - South Africa haunted by racially charged murders

"Every day after picking up her eight-year-old son from school, the Johannesburg mum-of-two takes a different route home, eyes on the rear-view mirror. Her 20-month-old toddler sits in his car seat behind her, where he can easily be grabbed at a moment’s notice.

"That’s because Ms Day-Fourie doesn’t want her son, in the event of an attack, to be trapped by his seatbelt, dragged along outside of the car and killed — as happened to a four-year-old boy whose parents and sister were forced out of their car by three armed men in nearby Boksburg, just 30 minutes away."

"In Centurion, an hour’s drive away, a two-year-old was shot in the head during an attempted carjacking earlier this year."

‘It is a very, very violent country’

Jacob Zuma is not president. of South Africa. There is no white genocide there. You are here as a member of the alt right spreading lies..

In their reporting, the alt-right portrays white South Africans as facing patterns of marginalization and violence which constitute a unique threat to their very existence as a people. In a video titled “Why White People?” Southern tries to explain why she has decided to focus on whites when violent crime is a problem faced by all South Africans. White people in South Africa face “actual discrimination,” she asserts, “and not in the SJW sense” of minorities in North America (Social Justice Warrior or SJW is a pejorative and dismissive alt-right term for left-wing activist). In Nilsson’s documentary The Boer Project, South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment program — its affirmative action policies meant to address centuries of racial segregation and oppression — is referred to as “reverse apartheid.” Multiple segments linger on “white refugee camps,” as if the vast black shanty towns and slums did not also exist.

As for the violent crimes against white farmers, which are described in meticulously grisly, horrifying detail, the alt-right insists on characterizing them in terms of genocide and ethnic cleansing, suggesting that political forces are deliberately deploying violence to force white people off of their land — people tell Hopkins that within fifty to seventy years there will be no more white people in South Africa. The alt-right speculates that somebody must be training and funding the killers, and they suggest the possible complicity of the South African government, the African National Congress (ANC), and/or the police forces, who may be providing the murderers with “tacit support.”

One possible motive for the farm murders, the audience is intended to believe, is to advance the land redistribution agenda of the ANC, which threatens to eat away at the concentration of land under white control. Southern, appalled by the idea of taking away someone’s land based on their “skin color,” features a couple of interviews with black political representatives on this topic, including the ANC and Black First Land First, an outspoken yet marginal group whose sole function seems to be to defend the Guptas and the Zuma faction of the ANC. Southern later describes how in order to meet with these organizations she had to pretend to be a “self-hating SJW white person.”

The real target of the alt-right, however, is the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a populist left-wing party led by former ANC Youth leader Julius Malema, whose menacing image is featured prominently in most of these videos, along with images of EFF members singing and dancing in their characteristic red jumpsuits at political rallies. Not only is Malema a communist, we are warned, but the EFF is “inciting a new generation of young, disenfranchised black South Africans to fight back with violence.”

The central piece of evidence leveled against the EFF is their continued use of a popular anti-apartheid era protest song “Ayesaba Amagwala” which features lyrics typically translated as “Kill the boer, kill the farmer.” Afrikaner groups have complained that the song constitutes hate speech, but the song’s proponents have insisted that this interpretation is “vulgarized,” and that the lyrics target the system of apartheid, not white people.

Searching for white genocide in South Africa

You are dealing with a man who knows the facts. You don't get to keep lying.

^^^Justifying the torture, rape and murder of whites by people who sing songs about killing white farmers.
-------------------------------------------------------- Well the smart white farmers are getting out if they can . I hear of a few going to Israel . Some want to go to Australia and to the USA and with TRUMP in place they might get to come to the USA KGirl .

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