

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Far too many times in this section of USMB whites decide they can tell us as blacks how they know more about being black than we do. That our opinions on things are not based on observation study and fact finding, instead we were told things. Of course the usual outcome us expected. Seems the only way to have a decent discussion in this section is to lie and say what we face is because of our own failure. We cannot tell the truth.


White fragility.
"Usually, signs of whitesplaining include a condescending tone and a paternalistic assumption that a person of color doesn’t know enough to accurately articulate their own experience.

The term doesn’t apply to every instance when a white person talks about racism, just like mansplaining doesn’t apply to every instance when a man talks about gender oppression. But whitesplaining is a result of the power white people hold as part of the dominant culture in the US. So recognizingwhen it’s happening is one of the everyday ways you can help dismantle the oppressive system of white supremacy.

Like with other forms of privileged explaining, including mansplaining, people who whitesplain have been conditioned to believe that they’re somehow more qualified to speak about a marginalized group than a person who belongs to that group.

That’s why there’s no equivalent like “blacksplaining.” When a Black person talks about race with a white person, they don’t have the same institutional power as a white person who belongs to the dominant culture.

And that’s the problem with whitesplaining. It’s not just harmlessly discussing racism, but implicitly acting on racist ideas that say that people of color are ignorant and wrong, even about their own experiences."

6 Ways Well-Intentioned People Whitesplain Racism (And Why They Need to Stop)
I got blacksplained what "niggaitis" one day.

That's when you eat too much and don't wanna work afterwards.
Another racist troll thread. Sometimes I almost think some of the black racists that post here are actually white supremist trying to make blacks look bad.

Guess this is an example of whitesplaining.
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:uhoh3:Ah yes. Another I am Black- Bow to my Anger article. This is the civil rights issue of the century: well meaning white people who don't see people as black and white. THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
Far too many times in this section of USMB whites decide they can tell us as blacks how they know more about being black than we do. That our opinions on things are not based on observation study and fact finding, instead we were told things. Of course the usual outcome us expected. Seems the only way to have a decent discussion in this section is to lie and say what we face is because of our own failure. We cannot tell the truth.


White fragility.
"Usually, signs of whitesplaining include a condescending tone and a paternalistic assumption that a person of color doesn’t know enough to accurately articulate their own experience.

The term doesn’t apply to every instance when a white person talks about racism, just like mansplaining doesn’t apply to every instance when a man talks about gender oppression. But whitesplaining is a result of the power white people hold as part of the dominant culture in the US. So recognizingwhen it’s happening is one of the everyday ways you can help dismantle the oppressive system of white supremacy.

Like with other forms of privileged explaining, including mansplaining, people who whitesplain have been conditioned to believe that they’re somehow more qualified to speak about a marginalized group than a person who belongs to that group.

That’s why there’s no equivalent like “blacksplaining.” When a Black person talks about race with a white person, they don’t have the same institutional power as a white person who belongs to the dominant culture.

And that’s the problem with whitesplaining. It’s not just harmlessly discussing racism, but implicitly acting on racist ideas that say that people of color are ignorant and wrong, even about their own experiences."

6 Ways Well-Intentioned People Whitesplain Racism (And Why They Need to Stop)
I am so glad that God allowed my to use my God given gifts and White Privilege to not be a victim of liberalism and not stay in poverty. Idiots like the OP, who MUST stay a victim, then doesn't have the abilities needed to be successful in the United States, white liberals put barriers in his way, so will continue to be a "Hole" in society thus taking from US. Here is a person of color who also used "White Privilege" <SARCASM>, his God given gifts and moved away from COLOR..

I keep showing this video, but typical of the worthless liberals(redundant statement) they just wont learn from it..
Far too many times in this section of USMB whites decide they can tell us as blacks how they know more about being black than we do. That our opinions on things are not based on observation study and fact finding, instead we were told things. Of course the usual outcome us expected. Seems the only way to have a decent discussion in this section is to lie and say what we face is because of our own failure. We cannot tell the truth.


White fragility.
"Usually, signs of whitesplaining include a condescending tone and a paternalistic assumption that a person of color doesn’t know enough to accurately articulate their own experience.

The term doesn’t apply to every instance when a white person talks about racism, just like mansplaining doesn’t apply to every instance when a man talks about gender oppression. But whitesplaining is a result of the power white people hold as part of the dominant culture in the US. So recognizingwhen it’s happening is one of the everyday ways you can help dismantle the oppressive system of white supremacy.

Like with other forms of privileged explaining, including mansplaining, people who whitesplain have been conditioned to believe that they’re somehow more qualified to speak about a marginalized group than a person who belongs to that group.

That’s why there’s no equivalent like “blacksplaining.” When a Black person talks about race with a white person, they don’t have the same institutional power as a white person who belongs to the dominant culture.

And that’s the problem with whitesplaining. It’s not just harmlessly discussing racism, but implicitly acting on racist ideas that say that people of color are ignorant and wrong, even about their own experiences."

6 Ways Well-Intentioned People Whitesplain Racism (And Why They Need to Stop)
You start a dumb thread because I said that I'm worried that blacks don't get enough schooling in Africa and don't take school seriously enough here in the US? :cuckoo:
:uhoh3:Ah yes. Another I am Black- Bow to my Anger article. This is the civil rights issue of the century: well meaning white people who don't see people as black and white. THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
I have to admit, it took me awhile to figure out why saying "I don't think of you as black" got the author pissed off.
I thought it was an enlightening article, though, since I'm one of those well meaning but not so enlightened crackers.
:uhoh3:Ah yes. Another I am Black- Bow to my Anger article. This is the civil rights issue of the century: well meaning white people who don't see people as black and white. THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
I have to admit, it took me awhile to figure out why saying "I don't think of you as black" got the author pissed off.
I thought it was an enlightening article, though, since I'm one of those well meaning but not so enlightened crackers.
Good for you. I hope I am wrong in my certainty that your enlightenment will never be enough to overcome your whiteness.
Far too many times in this section of USMB whites decide they can tell us as blacks how they know more about being black than we do. That our opinions on things are not based on observation study and fact finding, instead we were told things. Of course the usual outcome us expected. Seems the only way to have a decent discussion in this section is to lie and say what we face is because of our own failure. We cannot tell the truth.


White fragility.
"Usually, signs of whitesplaining include a condescending tone and a paternalistic assumption that a person of color doesn’t know enough to accurately articulate their own experience.

The term doesn’t apply to every instance when a white person talks about racism, just like mansplaining doesn’t apply to every instance when a man talks about gender oppression. But whitesplaining is a result of the power white people hold as part of the dominant culture in the US. So recognizingwhen it’s happening is one of the everyday ways you can help dismantle the oppressive system of white supremacy.

Like with other forms of privileged explaining, including mansplaining, people who whitesplain have been conditioned to believe that they’re somehow more qualified to speak about a marginalized group than a person who belongs to that group.

That’s why there’s no equivalent like “blacksplaining.” When a Black person talks about race with a white person, they don’t have the same institutional power as a white person who belongs to the dominant culture.

And that’s the problem with whitesplaining. It’s not just harmlessly discussing racism, but implicitly acting on racist ideas that say that people of color are ignorant and wrong, even about their own experiences."

6 Ways Well-Intentioned People Whitesplain Racism (And Why They Need to Stop)

Meh, we are getting Blacksplained at every single day here, in the media, and on TV. Buck up buttercup.
:uhoh3:Ah yes. Another I am Black- Bow to my Anger article. This is the civil rights issue of the century: well meaning white people who don't see people as black and white. THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
I have to admit, it took me awhile to figure out why saying "I don't think of you as black" got the author pissed off.
I thought it was an enlightening article, though, since I'm one of those well meaning but not so enlightened crackers.
Good for you. I hope I am wrong in my certainty that your enlightenment will never be enough to overcome your whiteness.
I'm not trying to overcome anything except I try not to be unfair.
:uhoh3:Ah yes. Another I am Black- Bow to my Anger article. This is the civil rights issue of the century: well meaning white people who don't see people as black and white. THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
I have to admit, it took me awhile to figure out why saying "I don't think of you as black" got the author pissed off.
I thought it was an enlightening article, though, since I'm one of those well meaning but not so enlightened crackers.
Good for you. I hope I am wrong in my certainty that your enlightenment will never be enough to overcome your whiteness.
I'm not trying to overcome anything except I try not to be unfair.
I was being facetious. Seriously now, how is it unfair to treat black people that same as you treat any other color people?
:uhoh3:Ah yes. Another I am Black- Bow to my Anger article. This is the civil rights issue of the century: well meaning white people who don't see people as black and white. THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
I have to admit, it took me awhile to figure out why saying "I don't think of you as black" got the author pissed off.
I thought it was an enlightening article, though, since I'm one of those well meaning but not so enlightened crackers.
Good for you. I hope I am wrong in my certainty that your enlightenment will never be enough to overcome your whiteness.
I'm not trying to overcome anything except I try not to be unfair.
I was being facetious. Seriously now, how is it unfair to treat black people that same as you treat any other color people?
It's not. But I don't say "Compost, I don't think of you as white," as a compliment.
:uhoh3:Ah yes. Another I am Black- Bow to my Anger article. This is the civil rights issue of the century: well meaning white people who don't see people as black and white. THEY MUST BE STOPPED!
I have to admit, it took me awhile to figure out why saying "I don't think of you as black" got the author pissed off.
I thought it was an enlightening article, though, since I'm one of those well meaning but not so enlightened crackers.
Good for you. I hope I am wrong in my certainty that your enlightenment will never be enough to overcome your whiteness.
I'm not trying to overcome anything except I try not to be unfair.
I was being facetious. Seriously now, how is it unfair to treat black people that same as you treat any other color people?
It's not. But I don't say "Compost, I don't think of you as white," as a compliment.

There are many things people say to each other that are not compliments. If I say to you, "gosh Old Lady you look great! Did you lose weight?" The implication is that you looked bad before, therefore it was not a compliment.

Shall we get butt hurt over all accidental insults?

Or are the rules different for certain categories of people? That is what the article's author is saying. That doesn't sound fair.
I have to admit, it took me awhile to figure out why saying "I don't think of you as black" got the author pissed off.
I thought it was an enlightening article, though, since I'm one of those well meaning but not so enlightened crackers.
Good for you. I hope I am wrong in my certainty that your enlightenment will never be enough to overcome your whiteness.
I'm not trying to overcome anything except I try not to be unfair.
I was being facetious. Seriously now, how is it unfair to treat black people that same as you treat any other color people?
It's not. But I don't say "Compost, I don't think of you as white," as a compliment.

There are many things people say to each other that are not compliments. If I say to you, "gosh Old Lady you look great! Did you lose weight?" The implication is that you looked bad before, therefore it was not a compliment.

Shall we get butt hurt over all accidental insults?

Or are the rules different for certain categories of people? That is what the article's author is saying. That doesn't sound fair.

No has not what the author is saying. But you aren't expected to understand.
Good for you. I hope I am wrong in my certainty that your enlightenment will never be enough to overcome your whiteness.
I'm not trying to overcome anything except I try not to be unfair.
I was being facetious. Seriously now, how is it unfair to treat black people that same as you treat any other color people?
It's not. But I don't say "Compost, I don't think of you as white," as a compliment.

There are many things people say to each other that are not compliments. If I say to you, "gosh Old Lady you look great! Did you lose weight?" The implication is that you looked bad before, therefore it was not a compliment.

Shall we get butt hurt over all accidental insults?

Or are the rules different for certain categories of people? That is what the article's author is saying. That doesn't sound fair.

No has not what the author is saying. But you aren't expected to understand.
Nice attitude! And I'll bet you wonder why people aren't falling all over themselves to do your will. LOL
I'm not trying to overcome anything except I try not to be unfair.
I was being facetious. Seriously now, how is it unfair to treat black people that same as you treat any other color people?
It's not. But I don't say "Compost, I don't think of you as white," as a compliment.

There are many things people say to each other that are not compliments. If I say to you, "gosh Old Lady you look great! Did you lose weight?" The implication is that you looked bad before, therefore it was not a compliment.

Shall we get butt hurt over all accidental insults?

Or are the rules different for certain categories of people? That is what the article's author is saying. That doesn't sound fair.

No has not what the author is saying. But you aren't expected to understand.
Nice attitude! And I'll bet you wonder why people aren't falling all over themselves to do your will. LOL

My attitude is tremendous. That's why people love me who don't have problems with racism.
I was being facetious. Seriously now, how is it unfair to treat black people that same as you treat any other color people?
It's not. But I don't say "Compost, I don't think of you as white," as a compliment.

There are many things people say to each other that are not compliments. If I say to you, "gosh Old Lady you look great! Did you lose weight?" The implication is that you looked bad before, therefore it was not a compliment.

Shall we get butt hurt over all accidental insults?

Or are the rules different for certain categories of people? That is what the article's author is saying. That doesn't sound fair.

No has not what the author is saying. But you aren't expected to understand.
Nice attitude! And I'll bet you wonder why people aren't falling all over themselves to do your will. LOL

My attitude is tremendous. That's why people love me who don't have problems with racism.
Uh huh. Enjoy your perpetual outrage.

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