Zone1 Lessons from History?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It has often been said that history repeats itself, but I wonder how many people actually believe that. There seem to be few historical references on this forum, particularly from the Progressive side. Do they not think that there are any historical parallels to our current state of affairs? If you think there are, please list them.

Here are some of mine:
1. Decline of the Roman Empire (Decadence)
2. French Revolution (Corruption)
3. Decline of the British Empire (Endless Wars)
4. Russian Revolution (Dictatorship)
5. Fall of the Soviet Union (Communist Ideology)

Care to discuss?
It has often been said that history repeats itself, but I wonder how many people actually believe that. There seem to be few historical references on this forum, particularly from the Progressive side. Do they not think that there are any historical parallels to our current state of affairs? If you think there are, please list them.

Here are some of mine:
1. Decline of the Roman Empire (Decadence)
2. French Revolution (Corruption)
3. Decline of the British Empire (Endless Wars)
4. Russian Revolution (Dictatorship)
5. Fall of the Soviet Union (Communist Ideology)

Care to discuss?

Never let leftists take control of your country...since 1917 it has always ended in mass murder and genocide.
It has often been said that history repeats itself, but I wonder how many people actually believe that. There seem to be few historical references on this forum, particularly from the Progressive side. Do they not think that there are any historical parallels to our current state of affairs? If you think there are, please list them.

Here are some of mine:
1. Decline of the Roman Empire (Decadence)
2. French Revolution (Corruption)
3. Decline of the British Empire (Endless Wars)
4. Russian Revolution (Dictatorship)
5. Fall of the Soviet Union (Communist Ideology)

Care to discuss?
Rise of Adolf Hitler, an ultra-nationalist and populist. He told Germans they were special among nations and they were getting a raw deal from foreign countries. He also said there was a group within Germany that weren't 'true' Germans and they needed to be dealt with. He used violence in an attempt to overthrow the duly elected gov't.
Rise of Adolf Hitler, an ultra-nationalist and populist. He told Germans they were special among nations and they were getting a raw deal from foreign countries. He also said there was a group within Germany that weren't 'true' Germans and they needed to be dealt with. He used violence in an attempt to overthrow the duly elected gov't.
Interesting metaphor, but what events are in parallel? Are you trying to compare the Reichstag Fire with the so-called Jan. 6 "Insurrection?" Isn't that a stretch, even for you?
Rise of Adolf Hitler, an ultra-nationalist and populist. He told Germans they were special among nations and they were getting a raw deal from foreign countries. He also said there was a group within Germany that weren't 'true' Germans and they needed to be dealt with. He used violence in an attempt to overthrow the duly elected gov't.

Wow....the childish comparison based on nothing........

You are a fool....trying to compare the short riot at the capitol led by the FBI, blm and antifa as if they were actual national socialists......

Are you really this blind and stupid?

As the democrats actually use false charges to arrest the opposition leader, sell the government to the chinese through the biden family, open the border in order to get votes, while the cartels bring in children to be slaves and sex slaves, and the cartels bring in the Chinese poison of fentanyl.............

You really are a foolish human being and example of what we are up against....
It has often been said that history repeats itself, but I wonder how many people actually believe that. There seem to be few historical references on this forum, particularly from the Progressive side. Do they not think that there are any historical parallels to our current state of affairs? If you think there are, please list them.

Here are some of mine:
1. Decline of the Roman Empire (Decadence)
2. French Revolution (Corruption)
3. Decline of the British Empire (Endless Wars)
4. Russian Revolution (Dictatorship)
5. Fall of the Soviet Union (Communist Ideology)

Care to discuss?
The Way to Perdition Is Patrician

All five caused by hereditary power, which puts inferior people in superior positions. Histwhorians are flunkies of the heiristocracy, so their slanted histories are what repeat. Therefore they should not be some kind of lesson plan for not repeating the decadence. One of the silliest is Toynbee's theory that it is an inevitable process, somehow just like childhood, maturity, and senility in humans.

Imagine if pro athletes somehow got the right to pass on their positions to their sons. That's really how overreaching and destructive this is, but the parasites also inherit mind-control, so we are programmed to believe in this absurdity.

Like all previous civilizations, soon pro sports would become a joke and have to be disbanded. If you believe in birth privileges, the joke's on you.
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And yet the democrats used fake charges, turned into fake felonies to arrest the opposition leader.......and you think the republicans are the issue?
No, I think the issue is people like you, people who believe their side could never do anything wrong so the system must be broken.
No, I think the issue is people like you, people who believe their side could never do anything wrong so the system must be broken.

Who said I don't think the republicans are idiots....

The evil party is the democrat party, the party that just this week created false charges to arrest Trump......charges that had were

1) at best, misdemeanors

2) statute of limitations for the state level crime had run out after 2 years

3) even with the fake bump to federal charges, which no one else would do, those charges ran out after 5 years

4) both left and right legal experts say these charges are bullshit......and they are never brought against people because they are bullshit......
Who said I don't think the republicans are idiots....

The evil party is the democrat party, the party that just this week created false charges to arrest Trump......charges that had were

1) at best, misdemeanors

2) statute of limitations for the state level crime had run out after 2 years

3) even with the fake bump to federal charges, which no one else would do, those charges ran out after 5 years

4) both left and right legal experts say these charges are bullshit......and they are never brought against people because they are bullshit......
Thanks for proving my point. People like you, people who believe lies about elections and the law. Even Fox News knew they were lies but had to pander to their audience and repeat the lies over and over.
I was going to stick my nose in this one, but to be honest alang is doing just fine.

Honestly, there are far more historical precedents supporting the idea that the right wing is taking us down a destructive path than there are for the left, and if I had unlimited time and energy, I could list them off. What for, though? It doesn't take long to be here to realize that there probably isn't an expert alive or dead that could come on here, post the absolute truth of this issue or that, without immediately being roasted and "debunked" by the close-minded people who probably need to hear the experts' dose of reality the most. A thousand posts of name-calling later, the real information is lost.

I'm a historian and former teacher, so when I think of something, I'll come in and respond to one or two threads, after which I inevitably get called either a Communist idiot or a Trumpian kook, depending on what I just posted. So what good would it do to keep trying? I bet there are others with the same perspective as well; the dynamics of this site reward constant repetition over reality or education, and I just can't spend all day tilting at those particular windmills.

So there's your answer: History tells us that it is our current right wing, following a path of extreme populist nationalism, that threatens to undermine and destroy our nation in favor of an autocracy, but no, I'm not going to tell you why. Stop reading and watching propaganda, lose the conspiracy theories in favor of what can be proven in court, open your mind up to the possibility that you are being intentionally misled, and figure it out for yourselves.

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