Less than Half paying Obamacare Premiums

Less than Half paying Obamacare Premiums

And many Dems in Congress taking a public stand against O`Care. They're veerry nervous, They know their numbers are up.


"Massachusetts representative Stephen Lynch isn’t just worried about the negative impact Obamacare will have on his party’s performance this fall — he also thinks its worst effects on our health-care system are still to come. Lynch, who voted against the Affordable Care Act in 2010, warned that the situation is “going to hit the fan” when the law’s delayed provisions go into effect down the road.

“There are parts of Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, that were postponed because they are unpalatable,” he told the Boston Herald. The “Cadillac tax” that goes into effect in a few years and taxes employer health plans over a certain value, he said, will be “the first time in this country’s history that we have actually taxed health care.”

"Repeal is now impossible, he says, because of the number of Americans who’ve signed up for the law’s exchanges. Democrats will take big political hits on the law this fall anyway, Lynch said.

“We will lose seats in the House,” he said. “I am fairly certain of that based on the poll numbers that are coming out from the more experienced pollsters down there, and I think we may lose the Senate.”

Dem Congressman on Obamacare: The Worst Is Yet to Come, It's 'Going to Hit the Fan' | National Review Online
you sure think highly of your self ... its comical at best ... we are trying to raise the minimum wage ... republicans are blocking it forcing people to stay on food stamps forcing people to stay on medicaid ... that's a starter. a real easy one to point out ... but I realize you and thought are strangers ... there are more reasons

Guess what happens when businesses are FORCED to pay their employees more money. If you said that "hours are cut" or "folks are laid off" then you are correct. Guess what happens when companies are FORCED to pay higher costs for medical insurance. If you said that "folks are laid off" or "hours are cut to part time standards" then you are correct. See how that works? When you create a culture of government-reliance then you end up with a society full of folks who are reliant on government.
You are exhibiting the R fallacy:

smartening up chumps.

Trying to aid your declared enemy.

And not considering the alternatives such as, "Let them die, let them die, let them die"

A 12 step program might be needed.
The liberal response.....

"See.We told you this is a success story of historical proportions"...

The success for the Democrats may be in setting up and developing these enrollment systems
to manage undocumented workers and citizens for immigration reform, and
integrating former inmates back into society as working productive citizens --
for at risk populations who NEED a secure system of tracking credits for education, labor or restitution
if we are going to have a fair policy on amnesty where people earn their
rights by proportional restitution if they violated any laws on labor or immigrations, while others remain free if they follow the laws.

Millions of dollars developing these systems do not need to be wasted on
law abiding citizens tracking insurance and personal info if they've committed no crimes.

But the same concept could be used to manage the
immigration and prison populations, require and track restitution to taxpayers owed for costs and consequences of violations,
and use THOSE resources to fund and manage health care services for more of the public
INSTEAD of imposing the cost of public resources or loss liberties on lawabiding citizens.
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Who else is standing up and speaking out among the Democrats?

The main names I've seen in the media are
Joe Manchin of W.Virginia and Stephen Lynch who voted against ACA from the start.

I was going to write to them about relegating the ACA system to the Democrat Party
to reformat it into something even the party members agree to BEFORE expecting
anyone else to participate voluntarily. and only mandate parts that all people
and parties agree to as federal policy, if any.

The only people I could imagine requiring registration with the federal govt are people who have committed crimes, were convicted, and owe restitution to taxpayers; so it makes sense to track their credits through some local, state or federal system, as agreed upon.

Less than Half paying Obamacare Premiums

And many Dems in Congress taking a public stand against O`Care. They're veerry nervous, They know their numbers are up.


"Massachusetts representative Stephen Lynch isn’t just worried about the negative impact Obamacare will have on his party’s performance this fall — he also thinks its worst effects on our health-care system are still to come. Lynch, who voted against the Affordable Care Act in 2010, warned that the situation is “going to hit the fan” when the law’s delayed provisions go into effect down the road.

“There are parts of Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, that were postponed because they are unpalatable,” he told the Boston Herald. The “Cadillac tax” that goes into effect in a few years and taxes employer health plans over a certain value, he said, will be “the first time in this country’s history that we have actually taxed health care.”

"Repeal is now impossible, he says, because of the number of Americans who’ve signed up for the law’s exchanges. Democrats will take big political hits on the law this fall anyway, Lynch said.

“We will lose seats in the House,” he said. “I am fairly certain of that based on the poll numbers that are coming out from the more experienced pollsters down there, and I think we may lose the Senate.”

Dem Congressman on Obamacare: The Worst Is Yet to Come, It's 'Going to Hit the Fan' | National Review Online
I would not place much trust in the ability of the electorate to learn from its mistakes. Take the anti-smoking campaign. When the 50% reduction in tobacco use happened under Bill Clinton the only thing he said was that there had been a reduction of fatal heart attacks of 50,000 a year. There was no mention of fewer deaths from cancer or lung disease and no net death reduction was mentioned by any government official.
This is why I mainly just sit back and watch. The fools who take to hard line of a side on something that is already law but has not had time to make it or fail are the suckers. There has been almost no good news for Obama and Dems on Obamacare and with the 8 million number Obama and Dems took it and went with it because they have nothing else.

Dems, be scared... If these numbers are wrong and Government starts fining people and forcing them to pay you might not win an election again in your lifetime.

You guys are taking a big gamble on creating a welfare vote... What you might find is all your doing is pissing off people who already voted for you.
Obamscam has been a bait and switch to get more people on the government dole and how many they hurt (so far 6million has lost their policies they already had) is of no bother to them

what can we do the people fell for it...

I've never seen a party or a President intentionally set out to hurt the people they represent...it' been awful to live under

Five million were dropped and the left snickered and made fun saying that number was such a small percentage that is was nothing to bother talking about.

When it was reported that almost seven million signed up it was deemed a huge success.... And the left said this with a straight face....

you just can't make this stuff up.
When the employer mandate kicks in- tens of millions will lose their plans. Today is as good as it gets for smug Obamacrats.....enjoy it while you can- the bad news hasn't even started yet. :lol:
When the employer mandate kicks in- tens of millions will lose their plans. Today is as good as it gets for smug Obamacrats.....enjoy it while you can- the bad news hasn't even started yet. :lol:

Here are five members in Congress who will regret voting for it all...

Incumbents in Trouble

Among the seats with an incumbent running, these are the five that are most in danger of flipping parties. They are all currently held by Democrats.
86% chance
of losing seat

64% chance
of losing seat

54% chance
of losing seat

50% chance
of losing seat

47% chance
of losing seat

Mary L.
[34% chance of reelection ]







North Carolina

Who Will Win The Senate? ? The Upshot Senate Forecasts ?*NYTimes.com April 22, 2014
Dear Rozman: I am still at the beginning, trying to explain to liberals
"which liberties were lost when the ACA was passed."

They don't even get the loss of freedom over choice of paying for health care.
That has ALREADY OCCURRED and they don't get that, it's some abstract level
where they imagine the good is greater, and the money is already being saved now.

So somehow the fines and mandates aren't a loss of liberty "we used to have."

Roz If I can't even explain THAT part to liberals, how can we explain things
that haven't happened yet. This part HAS happened and they don't see anything was lost.

What barrier in concept or perception is CAUSING this?
Can we please address that FIRST? Won't that solve all the other issues
if we can get past this barrier that makes them think no choices were lost?

The most I can equate it to, is when prolife people don't think banning abortion is
infringing on any choices or freedoms because murder is not a choice to begin with.

Or when conservatives and Constitutionalists did not see that imposing the Iraq War and costing innocent civilians in Iraq was undue collective punishment for nothing they did wrong. They were just as much victims of the oppressive govt, so why were they dying. Somehow it was justified or "OKAY" to OVERRIDE "due process" and punish people out of symbolic response to attacks they didn't do directly.
No "due process" no "redress of grievances" just blind political agenda that discounted all other arguments in opposition, where the end goal justified the means.

The Republicans would justify this away as nonexistent or "expendable" losses in war.
And very few could open their minds to treat these people as equally victims
and not deserving to lose their rights, freedoms, life and liberty for the wrongs of others
ESPECIALLY without any "due process" that Constitutionalists normally rail about.

Maybe it is something LIKE that? where they just don't think "these people" count as equal with valid objections and grievances?

The Republicans did this to justify backing the Iraq War that hurt innocent civilians
as collateral damage and collective punishment directed at other people not them.

Now Democrats and liberals are justifying depriving lawabiding citizens in American of simple freedom of choice we had before, because of some perceived greater good or savings that overrides the loss of liberty as not counting in the equation. is this correct?

is THIS where it is coming from? a backlash from Iraq War political arguments and Bush?
some act of "collective punishment" where the people deprived of rights and petitioning/protesting
"aren't counted as equal or valid" as how people were treated in opposition to the Iraq War
but are blamed as "part of the problem" and why it is justified to "run right over them"

Obamscam has been a bait and switch to get more people on the government dole and how many they hurt (so far 6million has lost their policies they already had) is of no bother to them

what can we do the people fell for it...

I've never seen a party or a President intentionally set out to hurt the people they represent...it' been awful to live under

Five million were dropped and the left snickered and made fun saying that number was such a small percentage that is was nothing to bother talking about.

When it was reported that almost seven million signed up it was deemed a huge success.... And the left said this with a straight face....

you just can't make this stuff up.
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When the employer mandate kicks in- tens of millions will lose their plans. Today is as good as it gets for smug Obamacrats.....enjoy it while you can- the bad news hasn't even started yet. :lol:
A very simple point.

Healthcare is a service industry.

The costs of any service is overwhelmingly direct and indirect labor costs.

We will therefore get richer by increasing unemployment is the Obamacare argument

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