Less than 30% think Republican congress will be more productive

Will Republican congress be more productive?

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Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
“Will the GOP-controlled Congress be more productive than the Democrat-controlled one?” Nearly 71 percent of respondents answered “No,” with only 29 percent expressing confidence in the new Congressional group.

Overall response:

Breakdown and more details at link.

Interesting to see the differences between urban and rural.

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

Additionally, every time Obama has tried to work with congress, the Rs have shout him down. Why would we think that will change?
And all the while it was the Democrat Reid who was holding everything up. Why do you not mention that ole luddy? A little bit of honesty go's a lot further than your constant silliness.
The GOP has a few problems, the Big One is the Tea Party and then of course the Dems.
I'm kinda concerned about their approach to funding the much needed infrastructure repairs. Quite a few Republicans want to raise the gas tax but the leadership doesn't want to do that. It'll be interesting what the GOP's solution will be for funding such a program..
I have read that several GOP governors want to raise the gas tax as they realize the infrastructure is crumbling. The US ranks somewhere in the mid-to-high 30's worldwide regarding the shape of our highways. That doesn't sit well for being competitive on the world stage for US businesses. The US also ranks in the high 30's regarding the safety of our highways regarding highway deaths per capita.
In other words, something seriously has to be done. Unfortunately, political games will be played out and nothing to not enough will be accomplished to make the US infrastructure competitive with the world who is catching up to or passing the US.
All of this gridlock is killing this country.
“Will the GOP-controlled Congress be more productive than the Democrat-controlled one?” Nearly 71 percent of respondents answered “No,” with only 29 percent expressing confidence in the new Congressional group.

Overall response:

Breakdown and more details at link.

Interesting to see the differences between urban and rural.

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

Additionally, every time Obama has tried to work with congress, the Rs have shout him down. Why would we think that will change?

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

So they'll continue to be productive then. Good.
“Will the GOP-controlled Congress be more productive than the Democrat-controlled one?” Nearly 71 percent of respondents answered “No,” with only 29 percent expressing confidence in the new Congressional group.

Overall response:

Breakdown and more details at link.

Interesting to see the differences between urban and rural.

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

Additionally, every time Obama has tried to work with congress, the Rs have shout him down. Why would we think that will change?

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

So they'll continue to be productive then. Good.

You have a good point.

They did say they would not do their job, would not "legislate" so, to them, being the Do Nothings is indeed "productive".
What's wrong with the republicans is the fact that they only have only one goal; cut, slash and burn. You can't lead a first or even a second world country this way.

A good party would seek to add jobs and rebuild our place in science and education. Slashing isn't going to do any of this.
And all the while it was the Democrat Reid who was holding everything up. Why do you not mention that ole luddy? A little bit of honesty go's a lot further than your constant silliness.

Reid only held up bills he knew wouldn't make it past the Senate and certainly not by Obama.........if Republicans would start passing bills that benefit the country and not just the 1%, maybe Reid wouldn't need to hold them up.
The GOP has a few problems, the Big One is the Tea Party and then of course the Dems.
I'm kinda concerned about their approach to funding the much needed infrastructure repairs. Quite a few Republicans want to raise the gas tax but the leadership doesn't want to do that. It'll be interesting what the GOP's solution will be for funding such a program..
I have read that several GOP governors want to raise the gas tax as they realize the infrastructure is crumbling. The US ranks somewhere in the mid-to-high 30's worldwide regarding the shape of our highways. That doesn't sit well for being competitive on the world stage for US businesses. The US also ranks in the high 30's regarding the safety of our highways regarding highway deaths per capita.
In other words, something seriously has to be done. Unfortunately, political games will be played out and nothing to not enough will be accomplished to make the US infrastructure competitive with the world who is catching up to or passing the US.
All of this gridlock is killing this country.

The same could be said about science and education. This country needs to get rid of the democrats in their games, but all the tea party has, that has taken over most of the gop is to slash, cut and burn. Not a good plan or replacement for the dems.

Leadership is about fixing and advancing the country you're attempting to lead.
“Will the GOP-controlled Congress be more productive than the Democrat-controlled one?” Nearly 71 percent of respondents answered “No,” with only 29 percent expressing confidence in the new Congressional group.

Overall response:

Breakdown and more details at link.

Interesting to see the differences between urban and rural.

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

Additionally, every time Obama has tried to work with congress, the Rs have shout him down. Why would we think that will change?

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

So they'll continue to be productive then. Good.

I think the word "Obstinate" is a better choice.
Republicans need to sidestep Obama's obstructionism

Thank God they haven't had the power.....we'd be in a world of hurt, to put it nicely.

A Republican/teepotty in the WH would be disastrous.

We would lose all the jobs and economic growth Obama has gotten for us and we would be in several new ground wars immediately.
Republicans need to sidestep Obama's obstructionism

Thank God they haven't had the power.....we'd be in a world of hurt, to put it nicely.

A Republican/teepotty in the WH would be disastrous.

We would lose all the jobs and economic growth Obama has gotten for us and we would be in several new ground wars immediately.

With a tea party win we'd see the noaa, fda, fcc, faa, nws, nhc, jpl, nasa, infrastructure, investment in science, investment in r&d be slashed to the bone. Yes, it would be highly disastrous for our rank in this world and I'd have to consider as a cruz could make me vote democrat.

I'd have to hold my nose as I don't like a lot of their social issues and race whining, but the above outweighs those two issues.
“Will the GOP-controlled Congress be more productive than the Democrat-controlled one?” Nearly 71 percent of respondents answered “No,” with only 29 percent expressing confidence in the new Congressional group.

Overall response:

Breakdown and more details at link.

Interesting to see the differences between urban and rural.

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

Additionally, every time Obama has tried to work with congress, the Rs have shout him down. Why would we think that will change?

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

So they'll continue to be productive then. Good.

You have a good point.

They did say they would not do their job, would not "legislate" so, to them, being the Do Nothings is indeed "productive".

They did say they would not do their job, would not "legislate"

They said that? Where? Link?
What's wrong with the republicans is the fact that they only have only one goal; cut, slash and burn. You can't lead a first or even a second world country this way.

A good party would seek to add jobs and rebuild our place in science and education. Slashing isn't going to do any of this.

they only have only one goal; cut, slash and burn.

If it means cutting, slashing and burning liberal bad ideas, that is a great goal.
“Will the GOP-controlled Congress be more productive than the Democrat-controlled one?” Nearly 71 percent of respondents answered “No,” with only 29 percent expressing confidence in the new Congressional group.

Overall response:

Breakdown and more details at link.

Interesting to see the differences between urban and rural.

Bottom line is that the Rs said they would work against this president and that's what their history has been. Why would we think they would suddenly change?

Additionally, every time Obama has tried to work with congress, the Rs have shout him down. Why would we think that will change?

I read the link:

We conducted a survey which posed the following question: “Will the GOP-controlled Congress be more productive than the Democrat-controlled one?” Nearly 71 percent of respondents answered “No,” with only 29 percent expressing confidence in the new Congressional group.

My only problem with this is that Will Hagle, who wrote the article, did not say which polling firm conducted the survey, how large the survey group was, what the MoE is and the time-frame and exact geography where the survey was taken. I can certainly imagine values like this being correct and also the reasons that Will Hagle gave for why the numbers look the way they do, but would very much like to see the internals.

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