Lesbian mom in a LTR leading a Boy Scout troop?

I seem to recall homosexual activists taunting the Boy Scouts during the 2000 Democratic National Convention and went on to protest at 36 Boy Scout offices...

just sayin...
But that is not what all the science says on the subject.

Are you saying the Boy Scouts teach lies in place of sceince to our kids?
This has already gone to the Supreme Court and yes, the scouts can discriminate against gays and Atheists.

My son was an Eagle Scout and went all the way from Cub Scout to Eagle. It is a National requirement that leaders must believe in God and be heterosexual. Most troops I dealt with had a "don't ask ...don't tell" policy. I was an atheist and nobody ever asked my personal beliefs.

Scouts days of discrimination are numbered
This has already gone to the Supreme Court and yes, the scouts can discriminate against gays and Atheists.

My son was an Eagle Scout and went all the way from Cub Scout to Eagle. It is a National requirement that leaders must believe in God and be heterosexual. Most troops I dealt with had a "don't ask ...don't tell" policy. I was an atheist and nobody ever asked my personal beliefs.

Scouts days of discrimination are numbered

Democrats lower the boom on Boy Scouts..

Great campaign slogan for the next election..:lol:
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How is being homosexual immoral?

It isn't. Being gay isn't immoral. Having sex with someone who is already in a committed relationship is immoral. Adultery is immoral. Consensual adult sexuality is not immoral. The Cub Scout leader was in a monogamous relationship for 19 years. Boy Scouts is a discriminatory organization. Discrimination is immoral.
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CHOOSING to be a sexuualy deviant pervert is immoral......Hence, she got the boot.

choosing to be an idiot is sad.
So, quit choosing to be an idiot, del.......It's as simple as that.

It's all about choices, buddy boy!

i was talking to a guy about this and he had a pretty good take on it.

he said most of the gay men he knew had lots of money, nice clothes, traveled extensively, were good chefs, etc etc, but he just couldn't bring himself to choose to fuck a guy.
How is being homosexual immoral?

It isn't. Being gay isn't immoral. Having sex with someone who is already in a committed relationship is immoral. Adultery is immoral. Consensual adult sexuality is not immoral. The Cub Scout leader was in a monogamous relationship for 19 years. Boy Scouts is a discriminatory organization. Discrimination is immoral.
Noooooo, it's a christian based organization that instill morals.

Choosing to be a sexually deviant pervert is straight up immoral. Therefore, they rightfully booted her perverted ass.

Right on BSA!....Gotta look out for the kids, and keep the deviants away from them. Bad things can and do happen.....Better safe then sorry.
Why don't gays just start their own scout-like organization?

Why do they continue to want to belong to an organization that obviously doesn't want them?
How is being homosexual immoral?

It isn't. Being gay isn't immoral. Having sex with someone who is already in a committed relationship is immoral. Adultery is immoral. Consensual adult sexuality is not immoral. The Cub Scout leader was in a monogamous relationship for 19 years. Boy Scouts is a discriminatory organization. Discrimination is immoral.
Noooooo, it's a christian based organization that instill morals.

Choosing to be a sexually deviant pervert is straight up immoral. Therefore, they rightfully booted her perverted ass.

Right on BSA!....Gotta look out for the kids, and keep the deviants away from them. Bad things can and do happen.....Better safe then sorry.

no, it isn't.
How is being homosexual immoral?

It isn't. Being gay isn't immoral. Having sex with someone who is already in a committed relationship is immoral. Adultery is immoral. Consensual adult sexuality is not immoral. The Cub Scout leader was in a monogamous relationship for 19 years. Boy Scouts is a discriminatory organization. Discrimination is immoral.

You may want to read this...just for the heck of it..


Homosexuality and Gay Liberation:
Alternate Lifestyle Or Immorality?

Homosexuality, Gay Liberation|Immoral or Alternate Lifestyle?
choosing to be an idiot is sad.
So, quit choosing to be an idiot, del.......It's as simple as that.

It's all about choices, buddy boy!

i was talking to a guy about this and he had a pretty good take on it.

he said most of the gay men he knew had lots of money, nice clothes, traveled extensively, were good chefs, etc etc, but he just couldn't bring himself to choose to fuck a guy.
I was talking to a guy who said you should shake your friends hand for choosing not ram his dick up a toxic waste dump.......Definitely saved himself from a few of the diseases that run rampant in the deviant pervert community.

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