Leon Cooperman fears bear market if Elizabeth Warren wins: ‘They won’t open the stock market’

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
That's should be it for the Fauxahontas, for that matter any of the ANTI-CORPORATION, BIG BUSINESS DemonRATS and WATCH your 401k and retirement funds lose half or more of their value...... This alone should persuade you people who like money NOT to vote these communists into office!

Hedge fund titan Leon Cooperman said he’s concerned about a move to the left in the political landscape, which could harm the economy and the stock market.

“There’s unquestionably a shift to the left in this country,” Cooperman said at the Delivering Alpha conference presented by CNBC and Institutional Investor. “They won’t open the stock market if Elizabeth Warren is the next president,” he joked.

“You don’t make the poor people rich by making rich people poor,” Cooperman said. “The Democratic Party seems to be leaning towards the left on policies, which is very harmful for the economy. I don’t like the shift to the left.”

They’ll open the market if Warren wins, it will just be “a hell of a lot lower,” Cooperman later said on CNBC. “It would be a bear market and they go on for a year and go down 25%,” Cooperman said.

Warren, a Massachusetts senator, has been moving up in the crowded Democratic presidential field, polling only second to former Vice President Joe Biden in a new NBC/WSJ poll. She has been a champion of the left wing for her bank bashing and wealth tax proposals.

(Excerpt) Read more at cnbc.com ...
It boggles that the Democrats still have not figured out why they lost in 2016. It was basic over-promising what they would give the American people.

Our budget is currently a record $4-trillion/year. But if Warren is elected it could jump to $36-trillion/year, a 900% increase. It's impossible, you would have to raise taxes on every American by $1,000,000.

IOW - it's pie in the sky promise-making, nothing but hot air and lies. Fortunately, the average voter (anyone over 30 and not educated in today's schools) can actually do math.

And for the poor people who actually believe the government can just print as much money as it wants - that is how Venezuela became a landfill war zone. If you do not understand the U.S. is the Central Bank of the World, and that such inflation as Warren would impose would ruin our currency overnight - then you need to go back to school.
Like it or not, American prosperity has been linked to it's stock market for nearly the last 100 years. That is why President Trump wants it to be robust. Warren has no clue, she just wants to bash banks (just like she did with Wells Fargo) and corporations to teach them a lesson. Who cares if the the stock market tanks 50%? Hey that doesn't matter anyway because Fake-a-Hontas is going to make everything FREE!!!!!

I find it laughable that the emerging candidate for Democrats is a proven fraud, completely unlike-able and also completely clueless on how economics in America works. Hey DEMS good look with that one! :21:
Warren is more or less following the AOC, America sucks, philosophy of socialism first. I prefer Trump's America first approach. I also like the healthcare I have and the balance of my investments.

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