Legalization of Marijuana

Well if cannabis can actually stop the growth of cancer tumors, then why isn't the American Cancer Society all over this? All the years that they have raised money through their charity, you would think they would fund a scientific research team to work on serums to test on cancer patients.

They're working on it... and so is Big Pharma. They want to corral the positive effects in a manner that they can capitalize on. What good would it do them to prove marijuana cures cancer if they can't corner the market on it?

So, what I'm reading and correct me if I'm wrong, Big Pharma and ACS are looking for a big payday when their are actually folks out there suffering? I mean if they could first provide results as proof then wouldn't they capitalize on it? And I don't mean results on lab animals. Actually cancer patients.
Uh, bullshit.

Being stoned is just like being drunk, people drive slower and lose depth perception.

The documentary about drugs with comedian Robin Williams (not a bigtime conservative) showed the effects of driving after using marijuana, cocaine and meth. All 3 were bad drivers on the road course for different reasons because each drug affects your brain and heart rate differently.

You asswipes will claim anything to push your fucked up agenda.

Testing to see if someone is high is harder than drunk. And neither should be driving...

About 12 years ago they tested some people driving on pot and none of them drove worse on pot, and some drove better.
Keele Medical they produce those bogus "doctors" seen pushing bogus drugs and creams late night on TV? :badgrin:

You're a fucking idiot with marijuana brain damage.

Shocking some potheads claim otherwise via some blog.

Next, you'll be using that man love boy organization proof that pedophiles aren't bad people. :eusa_whistle:

Shocking that you dismiss the verifiable research done at the Keele University Medical School and published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Schizophrenia Research as the ramblings of some blog.

Don't tell me, I know. The research isn't worth a fuck unless it comports to your preconceived notions, right?

You're STILL a moron, GB, and you continue to prove it with every post you make.
Hold it, you cannot click on them and read them. Marijuana is even misspelled on one of them.

Why it was misspelled, I'm not quite sure.
Spelling marijuana with an h in place of the j is not mis-spelling. It is an alternate spelling, typically used by British writers (et al) to emulate the h sound as in the Latin pronunciation, e.g., juana.

Thanks..Makes sense. I hope the additional links I posted for you worked out.
More substance use is not better.

banning or outlawing a popular substance or culture only drives it underground. Keeping it legal or in the open allows better observation and control.

So then by that "logic", we should immediately legalize rape & murder.
We're talkin'-about......

.....not crime. Don't be so fuckin' "conservative".




You Santorum-fans are tooooooooo-obvious.
Yes, they're both idiots and annoying. TM with her spelling errors and Mr. Shitman with his endless cartoons/videos. Mr. Shitman is sucking bandwidth away from some homeless shelter's website in Seattle.

Does Mr. Shitman realize he is a running joke on this board?

That's half the entertainment him and Truthmatters...Both from the same idiot village.
Shocking some potheads claim otherwise via some blog.

Next, you'll be using that man love boy organization proof that pedophiles aren't bad people. :eusa_whistle:

Shocking that you dismiss the verifiable research done at the Keele University Medical School and published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Schizophrenia Research as the ramblings of some blog.

Don't tell me, I know. The research isn't worth a fuck unless it comports to your preconceived notions, right?

You're STILL a moron, GB, and you continue to prove it with every post you make.



......THAT'S an AWARD WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
1) Drug war is a waste of time...its lost. Long gone
2) If you believe in less gov't intrusion then you in no way can be against the legalization of pot. What one does in their own house is no business of any one else's...if you are for less gov't that is.
3) Legalization would help create jobs. People could grow it. People could sell it. Businesses could be created
4) Morals and capitalism dont mix. Never have. Never will. Look at what happens on wall street. Talk about corruption and illegal actions.

.....And.....Allowing The Marketplace......



Well if cannabis can actually stop the growth of cancer tumors, then why isn't the American Cancer Society all over this? All the years that they have raised money through their charity, you would think they would fund a scientific research team to work on serums to test on cancer patients.

They're working on it... and so is Big Pharma. They want to corral the positive effects in a manner that they can capitalize on. What good would it do them to prove marijuana cures cancer if they can't corner the market on it?

So, what I'm reading and correct me if I'm wrong, Big Pharma and ACS are looking for a big payday when their are actually folks out there suffering? I mean if they could first provide results as proof then wouldn't they capitalize on it? And I don't mean results on lab animals. Actually cancer patients.

The ACS supports further trials and has no financial stake in their outcome. Big Pharma, on the other hand, only wants trials in which their synthesized compounds are used, because only with THOSE products can they make any money.

And if you think Merck or any of the others give a fuck about people suffering you should probably think again. Look at the damage they have done to people with the last 20 years worth of pharmaceutical products. They don't care about people, and their lawsuit payouts are considered a normal expense of 'doing business'.
OK rational answer...God instructed Adam and Eve not to eat from one tree, everything else was ok. But Eve went ahead and ate one anyway and convinced Adam it was ok, just because The Serpent told Eve not to worry, that it was ok. Of course God found out. Now, God is law of the land and has created a perfect world.
Save your fairy-tales for Sunday.

We're trying to be rational, here.



Did you even read GuyPinestra question? He brought up God and Eve? Thanks for playing though.

Check yourself.

I was responding to SuMar.​
I've been 'lighting up' for almost 45 years, and I've been asking this same question for that same amount of time.

And now we see why GuyPinestra is the cop-hating epic asshole that he is... Police officers enforce the law, and little "internet tough-Guy" here doesn't like the laws.

.....Much like the cops who've.......

......BEEN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ame=]LEAP Endorses California Cannabis Legalization - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Steve Finlay of LEAP Canada: Legalize Marijuana and Grow the Economy 1/3 - YouTube[/ame]​
They're working on it... and so is Big Pharma. They want to corral the positive effects in a manner that they can capitalize on. What good would it do them to prove marijuana cures cancer if they can't corner the market on it?

So, what I'm reading and correct me if I'm wrong, Big Pharma and ACS are looking for a big payday when their are actually folks out there suffering? I mean if they could first provide results as proof then wouldn't they capitalize on it? And I don't mean results on lab animals. Actually cancer patients.

The ACS supports further trials and has no financial stake in their outcome. Big Pharma, on the other hand, only wants trials in which their synthesized compounds are used, because only with THOSE products can they make any money.

And if you think Merck or any of the others give a fuck about people suffering you should probably think again. Look at the damage they have done to people with the last 20 years worth of pharmaceutical products. They don't care about people, and their lawsuit payouts are considered a normal expense of 'doing business'.

I get that pharmaceutical companies don't really care about folks suffering, but on the other hand, the possibility of actually curing cancer or hence treating it with positive results would be a major breakthrough not to mention very lucrative. Look what Viagra done for Pfizer? Wish I could have been on the low end of purchasing stock before Viagra hit the scene.
no one has ever died from smoking pot

being put in jail for pot is more dngerous to ypur health than smoking pot

legalize or decriminalize already

Nobody may have died directly from pot, but under the influence, marijuana has been shown to degrade short-term memory, concentration, judgment, and coordination at complex tasks including driving. Which ultimately can cause accident, injury or even death.

then let's make cell phones, video games and TV illegal too

Boy, if this doesn't explain everything. Shaman-the-stupid here uses comedians for his source of information. And he fries his brain.

No wonder he's a mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumbling buffoon of an idiot in every post he makes. Anyone thinks comedians are a good source of information for policy debate needs to go on ignore (ove that feature - not having to see the idiot ramblings of people like this).

At least I don't have to bump into him in heaven.

Oh.....I'd bet-the-bank on that one.....seeing-as-how you'll be......

"...a-mouldering in the grave."!!!!


[ame=]The Hearse Song (the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out) Performed by Harley Poe - YouTube[/ame]​

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