Legal to eat pets - Thank the NRA

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Stephen Colbert butchers the NRA for killing bill that banned the eating of puppies and kittens

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On last night’s episode of The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert went after the National Rifle Association for its role in killing a Pennsylvania bill that banned the breeding of cats and dogs for meat.

“The kitten-coddlers out there don’t want you to eat your pets,” he began. “‘That’s illegal,’ they say. But not everywhere — you can have a dog for dinner in Pennsylvania thanks to the NRA.”

Colbert then cut to a clip from WPVI, in which the reporter said, “this all started after a small number of butcher shops in Pennsylvania started selling dog and cat meat. In response, House Bill 1750, designed to outlaw the human consumption of household pets was quickly put together. But the NRA opposed the bill, and it never got voted on.”

“We did it!” Colbert shouted. “It’s still legal in Pennsylvania to serve cat and dog meat! So you’re safe for now, White Castle.”

“Now, I don’t always agree with the NRA, but I do. Especially about why this bill had to die,” he said, before cutting back to WPVI, which stated the reason the bill was killed was that an amendment was added to ban live pigeon shooting.

“Now, I imagine that shooting a pigeon on the ground might seem like shooting fish in a barrel,” Colbert said. “But there’s a big difference — fish don’t scream.”

“According to the NRA’s website, banning the time-honored tradition of shooting captive pigeons ‘might begin the slide down a slippery slope,’ and ‘the next stop will be regulated shooting grounds.’ That’s right, in order to protect their right to kill birds, the NRA defeated the anti-pet-eating bill.”

“It’s a hard, but noble sacrifice,” Colbert continued. “But dogs and cats must die, in order that the pigeons may die too.”

See video at the link.
Well, I have never eaten dog or cat, at least not yet. But I have eaten horse, and it was quite good. All mammals are edible with proper safeguards.
The post indicates a couple of things, First of all it's true that the radical left get's it's news from the comedy channel. The second thing is that they are so ignorant that they really think the NRA makes or vetoes laws in a freaking blue state or anywhere else.
The NRA spends many millions of dollars seeing that we do not have rational gun laws in this nation. They have done much harm to the nation.
Obama ate a dog FFS!!!

Yes, because, at the age of 11, he lived in a country where it was accepted and customary.

Now the NRA wants to make it an accepted practice in the US.

THINK it through, Frank.

How SPECIEST of the OP.

It's legal to eat ranched animals such as cattle and sheep. Why are some animals considered sacred cats and dogs?

It's also RACIST as in many developing countries, eating cats and dogs is quite common. As Obama has opened our borders, why should these illegal immigrants be denied their Ingredients of Choice for cooking their favorite dishes?
How SPECIEST of the OP.

It's legal to eat ranched animals such as cattle and sheep. Why are some animals considered sacred cats and dogs?

It's also RACIST as in many developing countries, eating cats and dogs is quite common. As Obama has opened our borders, why should these illegal immigrants be denied their Ingredients of Choice for cooking their favorite dishes?
Our borders were closed until Obama was elected? Even the head of FOX news called to say that you`re not very bright. What`s that tell you?
Some idiot added an amendment to the bill that would have banned shooting live pigeons. That's why.
I`ll assume you have no idea what a "pigeon shoot" is.
Support HB 1750 or SB 510 to End Barbaric Live Pigeon Shoots Humane PA

Pigeon Shoots are Pennsylvania s Shame

They have been trying to pass this without success for 25 years, they added it in to the other bill, and got the other bill canned.

How is this the NRA's fault again?

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