Legal adult suspended from school for having legal sex

I went to public schools in five different states (dad army) and in every single one 99% of the kids in the same class were of the same age that would graduate them at age 18.

There was always a few exceptions for kids that either skipped or failed grades, but 18 is the norm and these posters who are in here claiming otherwise are either delusional or liars.
Most people turn 18 during their senior year of high school. Should they have been kicked out?

Most? That's odd... when I was in school, "most" people turning 18 before graduation flunked a grade.

"Most" graduates were 17.

Is failure becoming the norm? That'd certainly explain a lot.

Anyone born in September will go to kindergarten 5 years later, starting in Sept. That means that anyone born between Sept and the following May will turn 18 during their senior year. I was born in Feb. I turned 18 in Feb of my senior year.

I guess it depends on when the cutoff is for a given state.

Don't confuse the issue with facts.
Most? That's odd... when I was in school, "most" people turning 18 before graduation flunked a grade.

"Most" graduates were 17.

Is failure becoming the norm? That'd certainly explain a lot.

Anyone born in September will go to kindergarten 5 years later, starting in Sept. That means that anyone born between Sept and the following May will turn 18 during their senior year. I was born in Feb. I turned 18 in Feb of my senior year.

I guess it depends on when the cutoff is for a given state.

Don't confuse the issue with facts.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Next time I'll just say that they are disgusting and immoral.
If he's an adult, what's he doing in a classroom of children? There's adult school, send him there.

Most people turn 18 during their senior year of high school. Should they have been kicked out?

Most? That's odd... when I was in school, "most" people turning 18 before graduation flunked a grade.

"Most" graduates were 17.

Is failure becoming the norm? That'd certainly explain a lot.

My brother graduated at 18. He did not repeat any grades.

I'd have to check to be sure (and do not care enough to do so), but I think ANYONE born between January and graduation day will turn 18 in his/her senior year.
The degenerate is the age of adulthood, so the school ought to be able to kick his gaping ass out without explanation.
I went to public schools in five different states (dad army) and in every single one 99% of the kids in the same class were of the same age that would graduate them at age 18.

There was always a few exceptions for kids that either skipped or failed grades, but 18 is the norm and these posters who are in here claiming otherwise are either delusional or liars.

Only 5? At least you had the ability to put down some roots.
Good. They graduated at 18. This does not confer a right to attend school past 18. There is no right of an adult porn star to attend school with other minors. Which is why the adult was expelled. The school relented and allowed him back in but not based on some right he had to attend.
Though those under 18 are considered legal minors (and thus "children") common-sense says otherwise. We don't allow "children" to drive cars or enlist in the military yet "children" can in fact do both those things at 16 and 17 respectfully. Just because you're 18 or older doesn't mean you're an adult in a class of children. Chances are, you're actually no more than a year higher/lower than your classmates.
Just because you're 18 or older doesn't mean you're an adult in a class of children. Chances are, you're actually no more than a year higher/lower than your classmates.

You make a compelling case for preventing 18 year olds from making porn.
Not sure what kind of porn he was doing, whether solo-on-cam and charging as seems popular nowadays, or actual on-cam sex. Either way though, how Florida legislates that might be in question. What's legal in one state isn't usually legal across the board. And Florida is very conservative especially on gay issues. Academic arguements though since the school didn't cite the porn as reason.
Well, it is a little harder to get outraged about something that's already been resolved.

Maybe you should learn the difference between contempt and outrage. If I was the conservative hack I would be outraged that a kid is making gay porn, not heaping scorn on a system that reacts to bad publicity by doing the right thing instead of just doing it right in the first place.

I don't know if there is much of a difference between "contempt" and "outrage", particularly when it's posted on the internet.

I'm fairly sure that you and I agree on the particulars of this - that what the guy did in his free time, that broke no laws, was none of the school's fucking business, and they had no justification to suspend him.

But we "won" this one already.

Is there a fucking mouse in your pocket? We didn't win anything, that kid lost when he got suspended. The fact that they backed off didn't erase the suspension, and it didn't magically get him back the time he lost in school. It also doesn't change the fact that this wen from a non issue to an international story simply because a bunch of ass covering prudes over reacted to something that was none of their fucking business in the first place.

Until the government stops poking its nose into what people do everyone, even you, are losers.

Just a side note, your contempt for everyone who is not you is pretty obvious here, I guess that means my posts outrage you. Either that, or you aren't as smart or as divorced from emotions as you want people to believe.
I think he should be kicked out of school. For one thing, it 'normalizes' this activity and sets up a example for other kids. Another consideration is that some of the other kids will think this is something they'd like to participate in, kids being rebellious and liking to challenge the status quo. They are too young to realize how such an activity might harm them emotionally or negatively affect their future. In the old days, pregnant students were banned from school, but I don't agree with that. For one thing, only the girl was banned, not the father, so it was completely unfair. Also, a romantic and sexual relationship between two students that results in pregnancy is something very, very different than porn films being done by one of the school's students.

Doing porn films, as high school student? This is very dangerous activity, dangerous to you mentally and dangerous physically. It lowers the bar way too low as far as reasonable behavior for anyone who is not an adult, and putting this kid in the same environment as other kids where he might influence them? It is not an intelligent thing to do. The kid making the porn videos may be an adult, but the vast majority of the kids he would be interacting with at school are not.

I agree, making porn is not normal. It is, however, none of your fucking business. If you don't like his job, don't watch his moves.

Is making porn legal in Florida?

Making porn is legal everywhere in this country, even in the places that try to make it illegal.
If he's an adult, what's he doing in a classroom of children? There's adult school, send him there.

Most people turn 18 during their senior year of high school. Should they have been kicked out?

Most? That's odd... when I was in school, "most" people turning 18 before graduation flunked a grade.

"Most" graduates were 17.

Is failure becoming the norm? That'd certainly explain a lot.

You could also start school a year earlier than most kids do now.
Most people turn 18 during their senior year of high school. Should they have been kicked out?

Most? That's odd... when I was in school, "most" people turning 18 before graduation flunked a grade.

"Most" graduates were 17.

Is failure becoming the norm? That'd certainly explain a lot.

Anyone born in September will go to kindergarten 5 years later, starting in Sept. That means that anyone born between Sept and the following May will turn 18 during their senior year. I was born in Feb. I turned 18 in Feb of my senior year.

I guess it depends on when the cutoff is for a given state.

When us old fogies went to school you could start if you turned 5 before the end of the year, now you can't actually start until you are already 5. There are kids now that turn 18 in their junior year even though they haven't had any problems in school.
Maybe you should learn the difference between contempt and outrage. If I was the conservative hack I would be outraged that a kid is making gay porn, not heaping scorn on a system that reacts to bad publicity by doing the right thing instead of just doing it right in the first place.

I don't know if there is much of a difference between "contempt" and "outrage", particularly when it's posted on the internet.

I'm fairly sure that you and I agree on the particulars of this - that what the guy did in his free time, that broke no laws, was none of the school's fucking business, and they had no justification to suspend him.

But we "won" this one already.

Is there a fucking mouse in your pocket? We didn't win anything, that kid lost when he got suspended. The fact that they backed off didn't erase the suspension, and it didn't magically get him back the time he lost in school. It also doesn't change the fact that this wen from a non issue to an international story simply because a bunch of ass covering prudes over reacted to something that was none of their fucking business in the first place.

Until the government stops poking its nose into what people do everyone, even you, are losers.

Just a side note, your contempt for everyone who is not you is pretty obvious here, I guess that means my posts outrage you. Either that, or you aren't as smart or as divorced from emotions as you want people to believe.

I may come off a little arrogant, sarcastic and snarky, but I wouldn't say I hold many people in "contempt", not even on this message board.

The people on this board that I actually have contempt for, I generally don't respond to.
"Making porn isn't normal."

How do you define "normal?" How are you defining porn for that matter? What level of recognition of porn as art should take place before it's legitmized? See it in museums or federally supported instutions. Done. So how isn't it normal? You realize don't you pornography dates back to every other artisitic expression right? First photograph ever may have been innocent, but I'll bet that very same day nudes were being taken. And great historical artists have painted nudes as well. Are those porn? If not, why not?
"Making porn isn't normal."

How do you define "normal?" How are you defining porn for that matter? What level of recognition of porn as art should take place before it's legitmized? See it in museums or federally supported instutions. Done. So how isn't it normal? You realize don't you pornography dates back to every other artisitic expression right? First photograph ever may have been innocent, but I'll bet that very same day nudes were being taken. And great historical artists have painted nudes as well. Are those porn? If not, why not?

I define normal the any dictionary does. By that standard, posing for a portrait, fully clothed, is not normal, even if it is art.
Think a lot of the reason porn gets such a bad rap in the US is for much of its infancy it was illegal thus unregulated and run by organized crime. Now that it's legal and regulated and run by corporations instead of crime syndicates (tries to keep a straight face but fails heh,) it's much safer.

It's still fornication and thus against the Bible, but if you try argueing without the Bible's objection you'll fail as there's no scientific evidence making pornography is objectively harmful. I think what's going on instead is people who don't know much about the history of pornography only know whatever they see on the new, or hear abuot in religious or other anti-porn circles. So they're only hearing the worst-case stuff in other words and making a judgement call on inadequate evidence.

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