Legal adult suspended from school for having legal sex

Knew noomi would support it but if it had been an 18 year old girl doing straight porn she would be a victim and it was basically rape
In front of a camera.

So, an 18 year old high school student was suspended from school after it became known he was making gay pr0n on the side. His mother supports his career choices because… Florida. The school says that learning was disrupted when other students learned about sidline; which happens to be true. Dan Savage and the Safe School Czar could not be reached for comment.
I am generally with the school on this one. Making pr0n is a sleazy, and often dangerous business. Having one kid doing normalizes it, and makes it more acceptable for other kids to get into that lifestyle. Not to mention encouraging irresponsible sex generally, which is why STD rates are increasing.
High school kids making professional pr0n; mainly because skeezy older gay dudes are buying it. Thank you, forty years of progressive moral decline.

What I wanna know is who discovered it, and what was their excuse for being on such a site in the first place? :)
If the school is so foolish as to bring this adult porn film star into a classroom of children, then it's up to the parents to take their own action. Start taking the children out of that school and demand transfers.

If he's an "adult" treat him like one.
I think he should be kicked out of school. For one thing, it 'normalizes' this activity and sets up a example for other kids. Another consideration is that some of the other kids will think this is something they'd like to participate in, kids being rebellious and liking to challenge the status quo. They are too young to realize how such an activity might harm them emotionally or negatively affect their future. In the old days, pregnant students were banned from school, but I don't agree with that. For one thing, only the girl was banned, not the father, so it was completely unfair. Also, a romantic and sexual relationship between two students that results in pregnancy is something very, very different than porn films being done by one of the school's students.

Doing porn films, as high school student? This is very dangerous activity, dangerous to you mentally and dangerous physically. It lowers the bar way too low as far as reasonable behavior for anyone who is not an adult, and putting this kid in the same environment as other kids where he might influence them? It is not an intelligent thing to do. The kid making the porn videos may be an adult, but the vast majority of the kids he would be interacting with at school are not.

I agree, making porn is not normal. It is, however, none of your fucking business. If you don't like his job, don't watch his moves.

Excuse me? I didn't say anything about his 'job,' and I didn't say anything about watching or not watching 'his' movies. Nothing. The question I addressed was the type of influence he would have with the rest of the students at the school, and I addressed whether making pornography was reasonable behavior for someone who is not yet an adult. Where do you get off attacking me that way? I did not make it my 'business' in any way, and I find your post extremely irrational and offensive. Are you just too dense to understand the very simple points I made?

He is an adult.

I think he should be kicked out of school. For one thing, it 'normalizes' this activity and sets up a example for other kids. Another consideration is that some of the other kids will think this is something they'd like to participate in, kids being rebellious and liking to challenge the status quo. They are too young to realize how such an activity might harm them emotionally or negatively affect their future. In the old days, pregnant students were banned from school, but I don't agree with that. For one thing, only the girl was banned, not the father, so it was completely unfair. Also, a romantic and sexual relationship between two students that results in pregnancy is something very, very different than porn films being done by one of the school's students.

Doing porn films, as high school student? This is very dangerous activity, dangerous to you mentally and dangerous physically. It lowers the bar way too low as far as reasonable behavior for anyone who is not an adult, and putting this kid in the same environment as other kids where he might influence them? It is not an intelligent thing to do. The kid making the porn videos may be an adult, but the vast majority of the kids he would be interacting with at school are not.

I agree, making porn is not normal. It is, however, none of your fucking business. If you don't like his job, don't watch his moves.

Is making porn legal in Florida?
Florida took over porn from California when California regulated it out of the state. California finally got so liberal, that it forced porn out of the state!

There is no right for porn stars to have access to children, even by example. Of course this adult should have been expelled. Without question.
If the school is so foolish as to bring this adult porn film star into a classroom of children, then it's up to the parents to take their own action. Start taking the children out of that school and demand transfers.

If he's an "adult" treat him like one.'ll blow out an ACL if you keep jerking your knee like that!
I addressed whether making pornography was reasonable behavior for someone who is not yet an adult.
He is an adult.

He is 18 years old... he can vote, he can go risk his life serving our country in the military, he can move out of his home to go live where ever he wants, he can be sent to prison as an adult if he commits crimes.
If he's an adult, what's he doing in a classroom of children? There's adult school, send him there.
Would you be totally cool with your kids going to school with classmates who made porn videos and teachers who were prostitutes in their spare time
I think every child has classmates their parents would prefer weren't at the same school or in the same peer group.

Would you be cool with your kids going to school with drug users? Bullies? Gangsters? Sexually promiscuous teens? Welcome to public schooling, where your kid learns to work and socialize with a diverse group of people many of whom can have less than desirable influences. We can't kick out every classmate we don't want our kid to have.
If he's an adult, what's he doing in a classroom of children? There's adult school, send him there.

Most people turn 18 during their senior year of high school. Should they have been kicked out?

Most? That's odd... when I was in school, "most" people turning 18 before graduation flunked a grade.

"Most" graduates were 17.

Is failure becoming the norm? That'd certainly explain a lot.
If he's an adult, what's he doing in a classroom of children? There's adult school, send him there.

Most people turn 18 during their senior year of high school. Should they have been kicked out?

Most? That's odd... when I was in school, "most" people turning 18 before graduation flunked a grade.

"Most" graduates were 17.

Is failure becoming the norm? That'd certainly explain a lot.

Lots of kids in the graduating year born in December...honestly though, you HAD to go full douche tard, didn't you? Is it in the by laws?
If he's an adult, what's he doing in a classroom of children? There's adult school, send him there.

Most people turn 18 during their senior year of high school. Should they have been kicked out?

Most? That's odd... when I was in school, "most" people turning 18 before graduation flunked a grade.

"Most" graduates were 17.

Is failure becoming the norm? That'd certainly explain a lot.

Anyone born in September will go to kindergarten 5 years later, starting in Sept. That means that anyone born between Sept and the following May will turn 18 during their senior year. I was born in Feb. I turned 18 in Feb of my senior year.

I guess it depends on when the cutoff is for a given state.

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