Legal Abortion Means Lower Crime Rates


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia
Since about half of abortion are to black women, that is obvious. You're a racist btw.
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia
Since about half of abortion are to black women, that is obvious. You're a racist btw.
Since about half of abortion are to black women, that is obvious. You're a racist btw.

You're projecting, btw.
O0 is a racist mother fucker...Surprised he didn't call them SUPER PREDATORS as the Hildebeast did!!!
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia
Since about half of abortion are to black women, that is obvious. You're a racist btw.
Since about half of abortion are to black women, that is obvious. You're a racist btw.

You're projecting, btw.
We are not arguing.
Freakonomics pointed this out several years ago.
As the first legal abortion generation hit the 18-24 y.o. high crime age, the crime rate dropped.
Makes perfect sense because it jibes with the incidence of fatherless boys.
It keeps coming back to kids being raised by both parents.
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia

Less abortions and the Crime Act of 1994 had a huge effect.
I saw a sci-fi movie where people were locked away for "future crlme" but apparently liberals agree with the concept of killing babies for "future crime.'
Thread raises a valid point.

Legal and free-on-demand abortion certainly would reduce the birth rate for Democrat thieves and liars. Not that they burden the prison system with their Obamajudge free passes.....
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia
Of course! Since most abortions are from nonwhites....:) Makes perfect sense. I am all for abortion because its nonwhites having them and I am all for eugenics.
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia
So you agree with Margaret Sanger about ridding the world of the human weeds?
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia

So unemployment Spurs the economy and now killing baby's lowers crime?


How about technology, 3 strike rules, cops getting smarter?

Rudy Giuliani lower crime, and it had nothing to do with the number of abortions. It just seems like another study looking for statistics which line up a certain way, and then some brainiac makes assumptions as to why. And surprise, surprise, the reason as to why, just happen to align with the agenda, or social views of the people doing the study..
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia

Less abortions and the Crime Act of 1994 had a huge effect.
Because you democrats put a record number of minorities in jail. Ready to run on that?
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia
I have read this theory, and even if it IS true, does that make it ethical?

As a hypothetical, we have the movie and short story, Minority Report. Is that sort of thing ethical, even if it is efficacious?

Or even the early 20th century's knowledge of genetics, and the idea of eugenics in human societies. Look at what it lead to, the holocaust and planned parenthood.

While we can now argue about the benefits that Planned Parenthood today may offer to women, when it was founded, there really can't be a lot of debate about what it's true purpose was.

Was that ethical? Was that moral?

So that is the warning we have today, to retain our humanity.
What if it's true...

Greater access to abortion may have reduced America’s crime rate

"May 24, 2019

"Crime rates in the U.S. have fallen by about half since the early 1990s.

"A new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research finds that legalized abortion following the Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 accounts for 45% of the decline in crime rates over the past three decades.

"The paper’s authors, Stanford University economist John Donohue and University of Chicago economist Steve Levitt, take new data and run nearly the same model they used in their influential — and controversial — 2001 analysis published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, where they first suggested an association between abortion and crime."

New research linking abortion and crime reduction resurfaces old debate

Is it reasonable to hypothesize fewer children born into an environment that puts them at a higher risk of committing crime will constitute a net gain for society?

It would seem logical to believe unwanted children or those whose parents are unable to support them are likelier to become criminals.

Critics of the theory argue the correlations between births and crime don't account for confounding factors like reduced drug use, demographic changes and population densities.

Legalized abortion and crime effect - Wikipedia

Less abortions and the Crime Act of 1994 had a huge effect.
Because you democrats put a record number of minorities in jail. Ready to run on that?

Do you know anything about the Crime Act of 1994? I doubt it. I think all violent criminals should be behind bars, don't you??
It wasn’t always this way. The prison population began to grow in the 1970s, when politicians from both parties used fear and thinly veiled racial rhetoric to push increasingly punitive policies. Nixon started this trend, declaring a “war on drugs” and justifying it with speeches about being “tough on crime.” But the prison population truly exploded during President Ronald Reagan’s administration. When Reagan took office in 1980, the total prison population was 329,000, and when he left office eight years later, the prison population had essentially doubled, to 627,000. This staggering rise in incarceration hit communities of color hardest: They were disproportionately incarcerated then and remain so today.

Incarceration grew both at the federal and state level, but most of the growth was in the states, which house the vast majority of the nation’s prisoners. The number of prisoners grew in every state — blue, red, urban, and rural. In Texas, for example, the state incarceration rate quadrupled: In 1978, the state incarcerated 182 people for every 100,000 residents. By 2003, that figure was 710.

These changes were spurred in part by laws like the 1994 Crime Bill, which gave states money to perpetuate policies that bred bloated prisons. In fact, while it received little attention, the rise of mass incarceration was a phenomenon that has affected the entire country for four decades.
The History of Mass Incarceration
Note the graft , started to come down during the Obama years.
Democrats think dismembering black babies will reduce crime Wow

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