Leftists attempt censoring Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010

The leftists are now attempting to censor the God-Emperor out of existence. Since physically removing him has not turned out to be a trivial task, removing his influence digitally is the next step. The good leftists naturally start with children.

Just how silly are they? This is where the tax dollars are going. To pay teachers who Photoshop Trump slogans and thought police Trump quotes. Schools are turning out to be more and more like indoctrination centers by the day.
Congress needs to SHUT down all federal funding for any school that engages in violation of the rights of any child in the school, AND any school that promotes a socialist, politically correct agenda that rewrites our country's history OR misstates any part of OUR UNIQUE culture. It is time our schools became REAL TRUTHFUL education centers instead of liberal socialist indoctrination centers. Time to pull any liberal indoctrination centers accreditation and give all of the students a real test in REAL history, REAL economics, REAL sociology, AND REAL Physical science.

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