Leftist vigilantes are sending a message to all of us: You are no longer free


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014

Even the leftist New York times calls it vigilantism, because what is happening to this dentist is beyond the lines even for them.

But don't expect the Times to stand up very long to the extemists. They will cave, just like the others and start reporting this story favorable to the vigilantes.

We are all on notice now that if we do or say anything that offends the extremist left, they will end our careers, threaten us with death, and even threaten our families.

I'm not sure how we got to this bad place, and I don't know if there's a fix for it.
The Great White Hunter has my sympathy

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How many lives have the left destroyed? I mean not counting the lives lost in liberal cities to hopelessness, poverty, crimes, to wrecked families of minorities, and then there are the public destruction if innocent lives like George Zimmerman, Darren Wilson, and now this dentist.

Progressives are the worst human scum in the world.
This Dentist will ride this wave of easily justifiable outrage out and be fine. If this teaches him and other assholes like him a lesson, then the world will be better off for it.
This Dentist will ride this wave of easily justifiable outrage out and be fine. If this teaches him and other assholes like him a lesson, then the world will be better off for it.

What lesson is that? The lesson that leftists are the scum of the earth? Probably he knew that already.
The lesson that people don't tolerate assholes. Maybe you'll learn that lesson one day too.
This Dentist will ride this wave of easily justifiable outrage out and be fine. If this teaches him and other assholes like him a lesson, then the world will be better off for it.

What lesson is that? The lesson that leftists are the scum of the earth? Probably he knew that already.
The lesson that people don't tolerate assholes. Maybe you'll learn that lesson one day too.

How is he an asshole? Asshole.
This Dentist will ride this wave of easily justifiable outrage out and be fine. If this teaches him and other assholes like him a lesson, then the world will be better off for it.

What lesson is that? The lesson that leftists are the scum of the earth? Probably he knew that already.
The lesson that people don't tolerate assholes. Maybe you'll learn that lesson one day too.

How is he an asshole? Asshole.
For trophy hunting species whose populations have been decimated by humankind because it gets his dick hard. Lions still exist only because of massive ongoing conservation efforts that help protect them from assholes like this Dentist.
This Dentist will ride this wave of easily justifiable outrage out and be fine. If this teaches him and other assholes like him a lesson, then the world will be better off for it.

What lesson is that? The lesson that leftists are the scum of the earth? Probably he knew that already.
The lesson that people don't tolerate assholes. Maybe you'll learn that lesson one day too.

How is he an asshole? Asshole.
Assholes always suffer from a little dick complex. Thats why they hunt for no reason...... Asshole.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.

Even the leftist New York times calls it vigilantism, because what is happening to this dentist is beyond the lines even for them.

But don't expect the Times to stand up very long to the extemists. They will cave, just like the others and start reporting this story favorable to the vigilantes.

We are all on notice now that if we do or say anything that offends the extremist left, they will end our careers, threaten us with death, and even threaten our families.

I'm not sure how we got to this bad place, and I don't know if there's a fix for it.

Ah yes, the self deputized, PC thought cops.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
How in the world did you relate those 2 entirely different issues? You must be a rightard.
The life of endangered species are protected by the law, and breaking that law has harsh penalties.

The life of unborn is legal to kill without consequences.

It is the death cult left that made this happen.

Next stop, they will legalize killing infants and the elderly.
I just checked...yup, I am still free. Boy that was close.
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
How in the world did you relate those 2 entirely different issues? You must be a rightard.
The life of endangered species are protected by the law, and breaking that law has harsh penalties.

The life of unborn is legal to kill without consequences.

It is the death cult left that made this happen.

Next stop, they will legalize killing infants and the elderly.
That is about the dumbest comparison I have ever heard. What does a lion have to do with a baby being aborted? Was the lion aborted or something?
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Abortion is not 'murder.'

Planned Parenthood's practices were legal and ethical.

You and others on the right succeed in only making yourselves look ignorant, extreme, and ridiculous.
This Dentist will ride this wave of easily justifiable outrage out and be fine. If this teaches him and other assholes like him a lesson, then the world will be better off for it.

What lesson is that? The lesson that leftists are the scum of the earth? Probably he knew that already.
The lesson that people don't tolerate assholes. Maybe you'll learn that lesson one day too.

How is he an asshole? Asshole.
For trophy hunting species whose populations have been decimated by humankind because it gets his dick hard. Lions still exist only because of massive ongoing conservation efforts that help protect them from assholes like this Dentist.

You mean those hunters that pay exorbitant prices to take an animal that needs to be culled? And the money goes to conserving the very same animals?
Those guys?
Millions of unborn babies have been murdered in the womb, and sold for their body parts, and the leftist scum don't even bat an eye.

ONE lion killed in a hunt, and the left goes insane.

What does that have to do with what that asshole did?

Everything is now acceptable because abortion is legal?
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This Dentist will ride this wave of easily justifiable outrage out and be fine. If this teaches him and other assholes like him a lesson, then the world will be better off for it.

What lesson is that? The lesson that leftists are the scum of the earth? Probably he knew that already.
The lesson that people don't tolerate assholes. Maybe you'll learn that lesson one day too.

How is he an asshole? Asshole.
For trophy hunting species whose populations have been decimated by humankind because it gets his dick hard. Lions still exist only because of massive ongoing conservation efforts that help protect them from assholes like this Dentist.

You mean those hunters that pay exorbitant prices to take an animal that needs to be culled? And the money goes to conserving the very same animals?
Those guys?
Yes those guys with little dicks that need something to feel manly about so they have to pay for it. I would be more impressed if they fought the lion with their barehands.
This Dentist will ride this wave of easily justifiable outrage out and be fine. If this teaches him and other assholes like him a lesson, then the world will be better off for it.

What lesson is that? The lesson that leftists are the scum of the earth? Probably he knew that already.
The lesson that people don't tolerate assholes. Maybe you'll learn that lesson one day too.

How is he an asshole? Asshole.
For trophy hunting species whose populations have been decimated by humankind because it gets his dick hard. Lions still exist only because of massive ongoing conservation efforts that help protect them from assholes like this Dentist.

You mean those hunters that pay exorbitant prices to take an animal that needs to be culled? And the money goes to conserving the very same animals?
Those guys?
You're right this dentist did a great job conserving Cecil's life. And after all Lions, a threatened species, certainly need to be culled.


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