Lefties Sign Petition To Ban Talking Politics And Religion In Public [VIDEO]...

Fox News Kills.

Many people have let it happen. Before my dad passed away he and I had a lot of discussions. He would stay riled up watching shit news. I was there with him for six months, talk about a roll-a-coaster. At the end of my time there he said one day, "Sis these meds are making me crazy I want to get off of them". I mean there is no doubt he was going to die the doctors gave him six to ten days because he was bleeding internally and they could not get it stopped. Got the bleeding stopped with herbs but all the drugs they had him on were affecting his thought process. When he would get on a rant after watching shit tv I told him I wasn't going to talk to him with him ranting. Once he calmed down I explained some of the truth to him about a lot of the issues the tv rants were lying about. I told him 'look dad I'll got get some photos and information for you as to what is transpiring, he said, "no I believe you". He was in shock when he started to learned the truth. A few days later is when he decided the doctors drugs had to be as limited as possible. He lived for a year longer than the doctors had given him and died with peace in his heart.
Dad never watched anything on Fox. I did pay a little bit of attention to which stations it was as we do not have tv reception here where we live; but had heard a lot of the controversy about who's left, who's right, etc...

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