Left wing MSNBC media representing the Left wing FoxNews media representing the Right


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell need to be call on their lying left wing immigration rhetoric. Calling anyone that oppose illegal immigration anti-immigrant and anti-immigration. Calling illegal immigration just plain immigration. Illegal immigrants just plain immigrants. There is a big difference in the definitions. Americans are not anti-immigrant or anti-immigration, but anti-illegal immigration and anti-illegal immigrant. It it rudely offensive to label Americans racist if they oppose illegal immigration and oppose Illegal Aliens in this country illegally with offensive and untrue accusations. Shame on Chris and Lawrence. It makes Americans doubt their credible of anything they may report on.

Illegitimate aliens, unauthorized aliens, undocumented aliens, non-resident aliens are all political correct. Chris and Lawrence are not politically correct. Resident aliens are used numerous times in the old testament and the old testament and is clearly defined as obedient to the laws of the land in which they reside. Is GOD offensive and racist?

A human being can be “illegal” the adjective. Describing a the status of a person who enters the country illegally. Not the noun as a person, animal, place or thing.

Left wing MSNBC media representing the Right wing FoxNews media representing the Right. Both are liars.

No only are they illegal but they are also ignorant.
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Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell need to be call on their lying left wing immigration rhetoric. Calling anyone that oppose illegal immigration anti-immigrant and anti-immigration. Calling illegal immigration just plain immigration. Illegal immigrants just plain immigrants. There is a big difference in the definitions. Americans are not anti-immigrant or anti-immigration, but anti-illegal immigration and anti-illegal immigrant. It it rudely offensive to label Americans racist if they oppose illegal immigration and oppose Illegal Aliens in this country illegally with offensive and untrue accusations. Shame on Chris and Lawrence. It makes Americans doubt their credible of anything they may report on.

Illegitimate aliens, unauthorized aliens, undocumented aliens, non-resident aliens are all political correct. Chris and Lawrence are not politically correct. Resident aliens are used numerous times in the old testament and the old testament and is clearly defined as obedient to the laws of the land in which they reside. Is GOD offensive and racist?

A human being can be “illegal” the adjective. Describing a the status of a person who enters the country illegally. Not the noun as a person, animal, place or thing.

Left wing MSNBC media representing the Left wing FoxNews media representing the Right. Both are liars.

No only are they illegal but they are also ignorant.
With every thread, post and make believe point you people think you're making, you just keep fading farther and farther from planet earth. Did you drink a pint of Black Velvet before posting that non-sensical blather?

You are so far out in fantasyland, that Fox is now to your left, ideologically. Even they realized you're kind of lunacy, is bad for business. That's why they dumped Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. And now, the new and up-coming leaders of the republican party are starting to distance themselves from you people...

...you might recognize their comments just happen to be relevant to the OP?
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a Republican presidential prospect for 2016, finally acknowledged the obvious, calling his GOP the “stupid party.” And Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, another Republican up-and-comer, signed on to a bipartisan plan for immigration reform that included a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, what the GOP’s nativist wing has long derided as “amnesty.”
So, I guess it's not entirely a left wing thing?

Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell need to be call on their lying left wing immigration rhetoric. Calling anyone that oppose illegal immigration anti-immigrant and anti-immigration. Calling illegal immigration just plain immigration. Illegal immigrants just plain immigrants. There is a big difference in the definitions. Americans are not anti-immigrant or anti-immigration, but anti-illegal immigration and anti-illegal immigrant. It it rudely offensive to label Americans racist if they oppose illegal immigration and oppose Illegal Aliens in this country illegally with offensive and untrue accusations. Shame on Chris and Lawrence. It makes Americans doubt their credible of anything they may report on.

Illegitimate aliens, unauthorized aliens, undocumented aliens, non-resident aliens are all political correct. Chris and Lawrence are not politically correct. Resident aliens are used numerous times in the old testament and the old testament and is clearly defined as obedient to the laws of the land in which they reside. Is GOD offensive and racist?

A human being can be “illegal” the adjective. Describing a the status of a person who enters the country illegally. Not the noun as a person, animal, place or thing.

Left wing MSNBC media representing the Left wing FoxNews media representing the Right. Both are liars.

No only are they illegal but they are also ignorant.
With every thread, post and make believe point you people think you're making, you just keep fading farther and farther from planet earth. Did you drink a pint of Black Velvet before posting that non-sensical blather?

You are so far out in fantasyland, that Fox is now to your left, ideologically. Even they realized you're kind of lunacy, is bad for business. That's why they dumped Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. And now, the new and up-coming leaders of the republican party are starting to distance themselves from you people...

...you might recognize their comments just happen to be relevant to the OP?
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a Republican presidential prospect for 2016, finally acknowledged the obvious, calling his GOP the “stupid party.” And Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, another Republican up-and-comer, signed on to a bipartisan plan for immigration reform that included a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, what the GOP’s nativist wing has long derided as “amnesty.”
So, I guess it's not entirely a left wing thing?

Far from an entirely a right wing thing. Right wing village idiot cannot recognize a typo error. Don't have an answer so you nit pick.:eusa_hand:
Typo inspector. You can waste your time attacking my typos, if that is all you got, but not mine, I've got immigration to discuss.
I will admit, I did have an immigration issue once. Back in the early '90's, my roomate was a Kiwi who had an INS agent as a drinking buddy. And one day, that agent deliberately tweaked my pot plant and killed it before any buds had developed. When I questioned my roomate about it, he said the guy simply fell on it one night coming back from the bar. I think he just reached down and broke the stem so he wouldn't have to "badge" his buddy, who, BTW, was in the country legally.

What he did to that poor little plant was mean! Just mean, man. Now it's moot. I haven't smoked a joint in over 17 years.

Other than that, un-documented workers are the least of my concerns. I'm more worried about the foreigners at the other end of the economic tree. The ones in the board rooms of BP and other multi-national companies that have hijacked our government for their own benefit.
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Far from an entirely a right wing thing. Right wing village idiot cannot recognize a typo error. Don't have an answer so you nit pick.:eusa_hand:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of your OP, that this is a "left wing" thing? And who is the "right wing village idiot" you are referring to? And finally, what is the question, I don't have an answer to?

All I did, was provide comments from two right wing leaders that have come out and publically agreed with liberal policies towards immigration reform. Which, pretty much, shoots down the point of your OP, providing you ARE actually trying to pin this on the left.

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