Left wing gun haters learn the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns from the start...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The vast majority of pandemic gun buyers have been new gun buyers......and many of them are former anti-gun left wingers, who suddenly realized that guns can be used to keep themselves and their families safe....

They have learned some things too.....that the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns......

Yeah, who knew?

Well.....those who support the 2nd Amendment and have been fighting the anti-gun extremists have known that anti-gun extremists have to lie in order to get their anti-gun agenda approved by uninformed Americans....

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friendā€™s father owns a gun range near me and she said heā€™s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know theyā€™re liberals?

ā€œTheyā€™re shocked to discover they canā€™t just walk out of the store with a gun.ā€

Weā€™ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadnā€™t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country ā€” as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media ā€” is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friendā€™s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. Itā€™s where I taught my son to shoot and where Iā€™ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, heā€™s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasnā€™t done business like this since the days of Obama.

As the owner of an indoor shooting range and gun store here in California these past 14 years we have never experienced such a huge demand for firearms and ammunition ā€“ even higher than the famous Obama rush of 2012/2013.
While itā€™s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television.

We tried to look at just who the new firearm purchasers were and we believe that more than 60% of these individuals were first time buyers. I canā€™t describe the amount of fear in my staff as we had the buyers show proof of safe handling as part of the purchase process as required by law. You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers. It was truly frightening. We had to keep stopping the process to give quick safety lessons. We are adding many more basic classes in the coming weeks and encouraged these buyers to please attend. We hope they do.
This isnā€™t hard to believe. As a gun-owner who formerly abhorred the Second Amendment, I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid. They just donā€™t realize theyā€™re projecting their own stupidity onto law-abiding gun owners.

They imagine that we gun owners are just a bunch of yahoos out here combing our mullets, waving our guns around to look sexy while we look for anything or anyone to shoot at any time. They have no respect for the power of a weapon and treat them accordingly, which is what Bouslog is witnessing firsthand at his range. We gun owners, of course, take safety, care and precautions quite seriously. These are ingrained in the culture of gun ownership.
And more from the story.....

Bouslog says itā€™s a bridge too far for the people who have been told their whole lives that itā€™s easier to get a gun than an abortion.

More than a dozen of these buyers (men and women) actually thought that since they filled out and signed everything, they could just walk out and go home with the firearm. Several actually said they saw how easy it was to buy a gun on TV and why did they have to fill out all these forms.
The majority of these first timers lost their minds when we went through the Ammo Law requirements. Most used language not normally heard, even in a gun range. We pointed out that since no one working here voted for these laws, then maybe they might know someone who did. And, maybe they should go back and talk to those people and tell them to re-think their position on firearms ā€“ we were trying to be nice.

Most were VERY vocal about why it takes 10 days minimum (sometimes longer if the DOJ is backed up) to take their property home with them. They ask why do I need to wait 10 days if I need the protection today or tomorrow? We pointed out again that no one working here voted in support of that law.

They really went crazy when we told them that for each firearm they had to do the same amount of paperwork and they could only purchase ONE handgun every 30 days. Again, we didnā€™t [vote] for that law.

We had people cuss at us and stomp out when we explained that secondary identification had to be part of the paperwork, as they felt insulted that what they had wasnā€™t good enough. We have a number of Yelp reviews calling us names and other things about how bad we are
The vast majority of pandemic gun buyers have been new gun buyers......and many of them are former anti-gun left wingers, who suddenly realized that guns can be used to keep themselves and their families safe....

They have learned some things too.....that the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns......

Yeah, who knew?

Well.....those who support the 2nd Amendment and have been fighting the anti-gun extremists have known that anti-gun extremists have to lie in order to get their anti-gun agenda approved by uninformed Americans....

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friendā€™s father owns a gun range near me and she said heā€™s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know theyā€™re liberals?

ā€œTheyā€™re shocked to discover they canā€™t just walk out of the store with a gun.ā€

Weā€™ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadnā€™t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country ā€” as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media ā€” is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friendā€™s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. Itā€™s where I taught my son to shoot and where Iā€™ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, heā€™s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasnā€™t done business like this since the days of Obama.

As the owner of an indoor shooting range and gun store here in California these past 14 years we have never experienced such a huge demand for firearms and ammunition ā€“ even higher than the famous Obama rush of 2012/2013.
While itā€™s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television.

We tried to look at just who the new firearm purchasers were and we believe that more than 60% of these individuals were first time buyers. I canā€™t describe the amount of fear in my staff as we had the buyers show proof of safe handling as part of the purchase process as required by law. You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers. It was truly frightening. We had to keep stopping the process to give quick safety lessons. We are adding many more basic classes in the coming weeks and encouraged these buyers to please attend. We hope they do.
This isnā€™t hard to believe. As a gun-owner who formerly abhorred the Second Amendment, I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid. They just donā€™t realize theyā€™re projecting their own stupidity onto law-abiding gun owners.

They imagine that we gun owners are just a bunch of yahoos out here combing our mullets, waving our guns around to look sexy while we look for anything or anyone to shoot at any time. They have no respect for the power of a weapon and treat them accordingly, which is what Bouslog is witnessing firsthand at his range. We gun owners, of course, take safety, care and precautions quite seriously. These are ingrained in the culture of gun ownership.

This is interesting:

I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid

Kinda dumb too. So you are saying that anti-gun people are pro-smart people. Cool, I don't agree or disagree. There are stupid gun owners and stupid anti-gun people. Your obsession with the latter which often causes these rants of yours are goofy.

There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns". As you should know by now, the vast majority of NRA members want universal BG checks. There's nothing about that which should frighten you into buying more guns or worrying about liberal gray shirts banging on your door in the middle of the night.

Grow up and release your death grip just a tad.

The vast majority of pandemic gun buyers have been new gun buyers......and many of them are former anti-gun left wingers, who suddenly realized that guns can be used to keep themselves and their families safe....

They have learned some things too.....that the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns......

Yeah, who knew?

Well.....those who support the 2nd Amendment and have been fighting the anti-gun extremists have known that anti-gun extremists have to lie in order to get their anti-gun agenda approved by uninformed Americans....

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friendā€™s father owns a gun range near me and she said heā€™s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know theyā€™re liberals?

ā€œTheyā€™re shocked to discover they canā€™t just walk out of the store with a gun.ā€

Weā€™ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadnā€™t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country ā€” as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media ā€” is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friendā€™s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. Itā€™s where I taught my son to shoot and where Iā€™ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, heā€™s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasnā€™t done business like this since the days of Obama.

As the owner of an indoor shooting range and gun store here in California these past 14 years we have never experienced such a huge demand for firearms and ammunition ā€“ even higher than the famous Obama rush of 2012/2013.
While itā€™s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television.

We tried to look at just who the new firearm purchasers were and we believe that more than 60% of these individuals were first time buyers. I canā€™t describe the amount of fear in my staff as we had the buyers show proof of safe handling as part of the purchase process as required by law. You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers. It was truly frightening. We had to keep stopping the process to give quick safety lessons. We are adding many more basic classes in the coming weeks and encouraged these buyers to please attend. We hope they do.
This isnā€™t hard to believe. As a gun-owner who formerly abhorred the Second Amendment, I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid. They just donā€™t realize theyā€™re projecting their own stupidity onto law-abiding gun owners.

They imagine that we gun owners are just a bunch of yahoos out here combing our mullets, waving our guns around to look sexy while we look for anything or anyone to shoot at any time. They have no respect for the power of a weapon and treat them accordingly, which is what Bouslog is witnessing firsthand at his range. We gun owners, of course, take safety, care and precautions quite seriously. These are ingrained in the culture of gun ownership.

This is interesting:

I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid

Kinda dumb too. So you are saying that anti-gun people are pro-smart people. Cool, I don't agree or disagree. There are stupid gun owners and stupid anti-gun people. Your obsession with the latter which often causes these rants of yours are goofy.

There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns". As you should know by now, the vast majority of NRA members want universal BG checks. There's nothing about that which should frighten you into buying more guns or worrying about liberal gray shirts banging on your door in the middle of the night.

Grow up and release your death grip just a tad.


As you know, and then go on to pretend you don't understand, the people who answer those poll questions are uninformed about the issues around Universal Background Checks....we have been over this over and over with you and you pretend to still not understand, because you want to make it harder for normal people to own guns. And, I think it likely you want to ban and confiscate them and you hide behind the "I support the 2nd Amendment but want every single piece of red tape and legal peril created to catch and punish legal gun owners..." B.S.........

And.........since every single one of the democrat party candidates for President has supported confiscation of the most popular rifle in the country, even putting the guy who wants to go door to door and confiscating them as the guy in charge of that operation......we know what you want, and we know you will go about it one gun, magazeine, bullet and piece of equipment at a time until all of it is banned and confiscated...

Sell your lies to one of the uninformed Americans ...we know who you are, we know what you want.
The vast majority of pandemic gun buyers have been new gun buyers......and many of them are former anti-gun left wingers, who suddenly realized that guns can be used to keep themselves and their families safe....

They have learned some things too.....that the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns......

Yeah, who knew?

Well.....those who support the 2nd Amendment and have been fighting the anti-gun extremists have known that anti-gun extremists have to lie in order to get their anti-gun agenda approved by uninformed Americans....

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friendā€™s father owns a gun range near me and she said heā€™s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know theyā€™re liberals?

ā€œTheyā€™re shocked to discover they canā€™t just walk out of the store with a gun.ā€

Weā€™ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadnā€™t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country ā€” as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media ā€” is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friendā€™s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. Itā€™s where I taught my son to shoot and where Iā€™ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, heā€™s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasnā€™t done business like this since the days of Obama.

As the owner of an indoor shooting range and gun store here in California these past 14 years we have never experienced such a huge demand for firearms and ammunition ā€“ even higher than the famous Obama rush of 2012/2013.
While itā€™s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television.

We tried to look at just who the new firearm purchasers were and we believe that more than 60% of these individuals were first time buyers. I canā€™t describe the amount of fear in my staff as we had the buyers show proof of safe handling as part of the purchase process as required by law. You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers. It was truly frightening. We had to keep stopping the process to give quick safety lessons. We are adding many more basic classes in the coming weeks and encouraged these buyers to please attend. We hope they do.
This isnā€™t hard to believe. As a gun-owner who formerly abhorred the Second Amendment, I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid. They just donā€™t realize theyā€™re projecting their own stupidity onto law-abiding gun owners.

They imagine that we gun owners are just a bunch of yahoos out here combing our mullets, waving our guns around to look sexy while we look for anything or anyone to shoot at any time. They have no respect for the power of a weapon and treat them accordingly, which is what Bouslog is witnessing firsthand at his range. We gun owners, of course, take safety, care and precautions quite seriously. These are ingrained in the culture of gun ownership.

This is interesting:

I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid

Kinda dumb too. So you are saying that anti-gun people are pro-smart people. Cool, I don't agree or disagree. There are stupid gun owners and stupid anti-gun people. Your obsession with the latter which often causes these rants of yours are goofy.

There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns". As you should know by now, the vast majority of NRA members want universal BG checks. There's nothing about that which should frighten you into buying more guns or worrying about liberal gray shirts banging on your door in the middle of the night.

Grow up and release your death grip just a tad.


As you know, and then go on to pretend you don't understand, the people who answer those poll questions are uninformed about the issues around Universal Background Checks....we have been over this over and over with you and you pretend to still not understand, because you want to make it harder for normal people to own guns. And, I think it likely you want to ban and confiscate them and you hide behind the "I support the 2nd Amendment but want every single piece of red tape and legal peril created to catch and punish legal gun owners..." B.S.........

And.........since every single one of the democrat party candidates for President has supported confiscation of the most popular rifle in the country, even putting the guy who wants to go door to door and confiscating them as the guy in charge of that operation......we know what you want, and we know you will go about it one gun, magazeine, bullet and piece of equipment at a time until all of it is banned and confiscated...

Sell your lies to one of the uninformed Americans ...we know who you are, we know what you want.

Oh for the love of God. Beto dropped off the planet after he suggested grabbing AK's. Even if we end up with another assault-style weapons ban and truly universal background checks, NOBODY is gonna be out there demanding that you turn yours in.

Please stop being afraid. It isn't healthy :itsok:
The vast majority of pandemic gun buyers have been new gun buyers......and many of them are former anti-gun left wingers, who suddenly realized that guns can be used to keep themselves and their families safe....

They have learned some things too.....that the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns......

Yeah, who knew?

Well.....those who support the 2nd Amendment and have been fighting the anti-gun extremists have known that anti-gun extremists have to lie in order to get their anti-gun agenda approved by uninformed Americans....

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friendā€™s father owns a gun range near me and she said heā€™s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know theyā€™re liberals?

ā€œTheyā€™re shocked to discover they canā€™t just walk out of the store with a gun.ā€

Weā€™ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadnā€™t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country ā€” as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media ā€” is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friendā€™s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. Itā€™s where I taught my son to shoot and where Iā€™ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, heā€™s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasnā€™t done business like this since the days of Obama.

As the owner of an indoor shooting range and gun store here in California these past 14 years we have never experienced such a huge demand for firearms and ammunition ā€“ even higher than the famous Obama rush of 2012/2013.
While itā€™s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television.

We tried to look at just who the new firearm purchasers were and we believe that more than 60% of these individuals were first time buyers. I canā€™t describe the amount of fear in my staff as we had the buyers show proof of safe handling as part of the purchase process as required by law. You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers. It was truly frightening. We had to keep stopping the process to give quick safety lessons. We are adding many more basic classes in the coming weeks and encouraged these buyers to please attend. We hope they do.
This isnā€™t hard to believe. As a gun-owner who formerly abhorred the Second Amendment, I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid. They just donā€™t realize theyā€™re projecting their own stupidity onto law-abiding gun owners.

They imagine that we gun owners are just a bunch of yahoos out here combing our mullets, waving our guns around to look sexy while we look for anything or anyone to shoot at any time. They have no respect for the power of a weapon and treat them accordingly, which is what Bouslog is witnessing firsthand at his range. We gun owners, of course, take safety, care and precautions quite seriously. These are ingrained in the culture of gun ownership.

This is interesting:

I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid

Kinda dumb too. So you are saying that anti-gun people are pro-smart people. Cool, I don't agree or disagree. There are stupid gun owners and stupid anti-gun people. Your obsession with the latter which often causes these rants of yours are goofy.

There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns". As you should know by now, the vast majority of NRA members want universal BG checks. There's nothing about that which should frighten you into buying more guns or worrying about liberal gray shirts banging on your door in the middle of the night.

Grow up and release your death grip just a tad.


As you know, and then go on to pretend you don't understand, the people who answer those poll questions are uninformed about the issues around Universal Background Checks....we have been over this over and over with you and you pretend to still not understand, because you want to make it harder for normal people to own guns. And, I think it likely you want to ban and confiscate them and you hide behind the "I support the 2nd Amendment but want every single piece of red tape and legal peril created to catch and punish legal gun owners..." B.S.........

And.........since every single one of the democrat party candidates for President has supported confiscation of the most popular rifle in the country, even putting the guy who wants to go door to door and confiscating them as the guy in charge of that operation......we know what you want, and we know you will go about it one gun, magazeine, bullet and piece of equipment at a time until all of it is banned and confiscated...

Sell your lies to one of the uninformed Americans ...we know who you are, we know what you want.

Oh for the love of God. Beto dropped off the planet after he suggested grabbing AK's. Even if we end up with another assault-style weapons ban and truly universal background checks, NOBODY is gonna be out there demanding that you turn yours in.

Please stop being afraid. It isn't healthy :itsok:

No....they will pass the laws at the local and state level...one gun model at a time, and they rely on friendly, left wing, anti-gun judges on the Federal circuit to say the bans and confiscation are Constitutional.....then, when you call the police for a loud party next door, or get stopped for a traffic ticket, they will run your name......if they see you have a banned rifle, they will arrest you and confiscate it......ruining your life without having to go door to door........

You are a liar, you want guns banned, and you reveal it with your posts......
As a lifelong gun owner, hunter, trainer, etc, it is hard to imagine that you used to "abhor" the second amendment. For that matter, it is hard to imagine anyone over 30 that dislikes the second amendment. Well intentioned post, though I would not have chosen a gun website and Red State to make the point. Your personal examples are much better. Interesting about the neophytes making his personnel nervous. Totally understandable. From experience, I can tell you that 15 hillbillies with semi-automatic (some automatic) assault styled weapons online and swaggering around away from the firing line fully loaded (that know so much about weapons, they've lost all respect for them) at a private outdoor range is even more disturbing to an experienced range master. Amateurs can be taught, starting in the show room. Hillbillies will be hillbillies, and I recommend you quickly leave such a range, glad you had nothing to do with it's operation.
The vast majority of pandemic gun buyers have been new gun buyers......and many of them are former anti-gun left wingers, who suddenly realized that guns can be used to keep themselves and their families safe....

They have learned some things too.....that the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns......

Yeah, who knew?

Well.....those who support the 2nd Amendment and have been fighting the anti-gun extremists have known that anti-gun extremists have to lie in order to get their anti-gun agenda approved by uninformed Americans....

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friendā€™s father owns a gun range near me and she said heā€™s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know theyā€™re liberals?

ā€œTheyā€™re shocked to discover they canā€™t just walk out of the store with a gun.ā€

Weā€™ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadnā€™t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country ā€” as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media ā€” is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friendā€™s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. Itā€™s where I taught my son to shoot and where Iā€™ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, heā€™s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasnā€™t done business like this since the days of Obama.

As the owner of an indoor shooting range and gun store here in California these past 14 years we have never experienced such a huge demand for firearms and ammunition ā€“ even higher than the famous Obama rush of 2012/2013.
While itā€™s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television.

We tried to look at just who the new firearm purchasers were and we believe that more than 60% of these individuals were first time buyers. I canā€™t describe the amount of fear in my staff as we had the buyers show proof of safe handling as part of the purchase process as required by law. You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers. It was truly frightening. We had to keep stopping the process to give quick safety lessons. We are adding many more basic classes in the coming weeks and encouraged these buyers to please attend. We hope they do.
This isnā€™t hard to believe. As a gun-owner who formerly abhorred the Second Amendment, I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid. They just donā€™t realize theyā€™re projecting their own stupidity onto law-abiding gun owners.

They imagine that we gun owners are just a bunch of yahoos out here combing our mullets, waving our guns around to look sexy while we look for anything or anyone to shoot at any time. They have no respect for the power of a weapon and treat them accordingly, which is what Bouslog is witnessing firsthand at his range. We gun owners, of course, take safety, care and precautions quite seriously. These are ingrained in the culture of gun ownership.

This is interesting:

I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid

Kinda dumb too. So you are saying that anti-gun people are pro-smart people. Cool, I don't agree or disagree. There are stupid gun owners and stupid anti-gun people. Your obsession with the latter which often causes these rants of yours are goofy.

There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns". As you should know by now, the vast majority of NRA members want universal BG checks. There's nothing about that which should frighten you into buying more guns or worrying about liberal gray shirts banging on your door in the middle of the night.

Grow up and release your death grip just a tad.


As you know, and then go on to pretend you don't understand, the people who answer those poll questions are uninformed about the issues around Universal Background Checks....we have been over this over and over with you and you pretend to still not understand, because you want to make it harder for normal people to own guns. And, I think it likely you want to ban and confiscate them and you hide behind the "I support the 2nd Amendment but want every single piece of red tape and legal peril created to catch and punish legal gun owners..." B.S.........

And.........since every single one of the democrat party candidates for President has supported confiscation of the most popular rifle in the country, even putting the guy who wants to go door to door and confiscating them as the guy in charge of that operation......we know what you want, and we know you will go about it one gun, magazeine, bullet and piece of equipment at a time until all of it is banned and confiscated...

Sell your lies to one of the uninformed Americans ...we know who you are, we know what you want.

Oh for the love of God. Beto dropped off the planet after he suggested grabbing AK's. Even if we end up with another assault-style weapons ban and truly universal background checks, NOBODY is gonna be out there demanding that you turn yours in.

Please stop being afraid. It isn't healthy :itsok:

No....they will pass the laws at the local and state level...one gun model at a time, and they rely on friendly, left wing, anti-gun judges on the Federal circuit to say the bans and confiscation are Constitutional.....then, when you call the police for a loud party next door, or get stopped for a traffic ticket, they will run your name......if they see you have a banned rifle, they will arrest you and confiscate it......ruining your life without having to go door to door........

You are a liar, you want guns banned, and you reveal it with your posts......

Dude, you've gone off the edge. Bunker up with your arsenal and 100 cases of canned meat.
Then start shooting people approaching your house who look suspicious. :rolleyes:

The vast majority of pandemic gun buyers have been new gun buyers......and many of them are former anti-gun left wingers, who suddenly realized that guns can be used to keep themselves and their families safe....

They have learned some things too.....that the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns......

Yeah, who knew?

Well.....those who support the 2nd Amendment and have been fighting the anti-gun extremists have known that anti-gun extremists have to lie in order to get their anti-gun agenda approved by uninformed Americans....

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friendā€™s father owns a gun range near me and she said heā€™s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know theyā€™re liberals?

ā€œTheyā€™re shocked to discover they canā€™t just walk out of the store with a gun.ā€

Weā€™ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadnā€™t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country ā€” as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media ā€” is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friendā€™s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. Itā€™s where I taught my son to shoot and where Iā€™ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, heā€™s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasnā€™t done business like this since the days of Obama.

As the owner of an indoor shooting range and gun store here in California these past 14 years we have never experienced such a huge demand for firearms and ammunition ā€“ even higher than the famous Obama rush of 2012/2013.
While itā€™s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television.

We tried to look at just who the new firearm purchasers were and we believe that more than 60% of these individuals were first time buyers. I canā€™t describe the amount of fear in my staff as we had the buyers show proof of safe handling as part of the purchase process as required by law. You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers. It was truly frightening. We had to keep stopping the process to give quick safety lessons. We are adding many more basic classes in the coming weeks and encouraged these buyers to please attend. We hope they do.
This isnā€™t hard to believe. As a gun-owner who formerly abhorred the Second Amendment, I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid. They just donā€™t realize theyā€™re projecting their own stupidity onto law-abiding gun owners.

They imagine that we gun owners are just a bunch of yahoos out here combing our mullets, waving our guns around to look sexy while we look for anything or anyone to shoot at any time. They have no respect for the power of a weapon and treat them accordingly, which is what Bouslog is witnessing firsthand at his range. We gun owners, of course, take safety, care and precautions quite seriously. These are ingrained in the culture of gun ownership.

This is interesting:

I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid

Kinda dumb too. So you are saying that anti-gun people are pro-smart people. Cool, I don't agree or disagree. There are stupid gun owners and stupid anti-gun people. Your obsession with the latter which often causes these rants of yours are goofy.

There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns". As you should know by now, the vast majority of NRA members want universal BG checks. There's nothing about that which should frighten you into buying more guns or worrying about liberal gray shirts banging on your door in the middle of the night.

Grow up and release your death grip just a tad.


As you know, and then go on to pretend you don't understand, the people who answer those poll questions are uninformed about the issues around Universal Background Checks....we have been over this over and over with you and you pretend to still not understand, because you want to make it harder for normal people to own guns. And, I think it likely you want to ban and confiscate them and you hide behind the "I support the 2nd Amendment but want every single piece of red tape and legal peril created to catch and punish legal gun owners..." B.S.........

And.........since every single one of the democrat party candidates for President has supported confiscation of the most popular rifle in the country, even putting the guy who wants to go door to door and confiscating them as the guy in charge of that operation......we know what you want, and we know you will go about it one gun, magazeine, bullet and piece of equipment at a time until all of it is banned and confiscated...

Sell your lies to one of the uninformed Americans ...we know who you are, we know what you want.

Oh for the love of God. Beto dropped off the planet after he suggested grabbing AK's. Even if we end up with another assault-style weapons ban and truly universal background checks, NOBODY is gonna be out there demanding that you turn yours in.

Please stop being afraid. It isn't healthy :itsok:

No....they will pass the laws at the local and state level...one gun model at a time, and they rely on friendly, left wing, anti-gun judges on the Federal circuit to say the bans and confiscation are Constitutional.....then, when you call the police for a loud party next door, or get stopped for a traffic ticket, they will run your name......if they see you have a banned rifle, they will arrest you and confiscate it......ruining your life without having to go door to door........

You are a liar, you want guns banned, and you reveal it with your posts......

No one is going to do anything of the sort. The 2nd Amendment will not be overturned, there will be no one showing up at your door wanting to confiscate your guns. Law abiding citizens should (and will) always have the right to bear arms. Asking for sensible gun control laws and limiting the amount of damage one gun can do isn't infringing on your right to bear arms. I certainly don't want to see guns banned. That would be anti-American. But I also don't want to see people that have no business being near a firearm being able to get their hands on one.

Gun ownership has been steadily declining for a decade or two now. Younger generations don't see it as necessary, or ahbor it outright. That is why I'm firmly convinced that guns are more likely to become irrelevant before they are banned.
I'd relax and enjoy your freedom to own and operate your firearms.
There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns".

DNC Vice Chair Publicly Demands Repeal of the 2nd Amendment
The Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation of the Democratic National Committee has called for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson on Tuesday issued a four-word tweet as she shared a link to a New York Times op-ed written by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens that advocated for the Second Amendmentā€™s repeal.

ā€œRepeal the Second Amendment,ā€ she tweeted.

Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed.

The survey also showed that a majority of Democrats, 82 percent, are in favor of banning semi-automatic weapons, which include handguns as well as rifles.


Democrats are evenly split on banning all handguns (including revolvers) except those carried by law enforcement.

You need to acknowledge the falseness of your claim now.

But you won't.
There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns".

DNC Vice Chair Publicly Demands Repeal of the 2nd Amendment
The Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation of the Democratic National Committee has called for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson on Tuesday issued a four-word tweet as she shared a link to a New York Times op-ed written by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens that advocated for the Second Amendmentā€™s repeal.

ā€œRepeal the Second Amendment,ā€ she tweeted.

Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed.

The survey also showed that a majority of Democrats, 82 percent, are in favor of banning semi-automatic weapons, which include handguns as well as rifles.


Democrats are evenly split on banning all handguns (including revolvers) except those carried by law enforcement.

You need to acknowledge the falseness of your claim now.

But you won't.

Where did I say there was nobody who wants to repeal the second amendment and start grabbing guns? They're out there no doubt. There is also no doubt that those people are on the fringes and will never get their way.

Please stop being afraid of the fringes.
There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns".

DNC Vice Chair Publicly Demands Repeal of the 2nd Amendment
The Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation of the Democratic National Committee has called for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson on Tuesday issued a four-word tweet as she shared a link to a New York Times op-ed written by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens that advocated for the Second Amendmentā€™s repeal.

ā€œRepeal the Second Amendment,ā€ she tweeted.

Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed.

The survey also showed that a majority of Democrats, 82 percent, are in favor of banning semi-automatic weapons, which include handguns as well as rifles.


Democrats are evenly split on banning all handguns (including revolvers) except those carried by law enforcement.

You need to acknowledge the falseness of your claim now.

But you won't.

Where did I say there was nobody who wants to repeal the second amendment and start grabbing guns? They're out there no doubt. There is also no doubt that those people are on the fringes and will never get their way.

Please stop being afraid of the fringes.
A third of Democrats who want to abolish the 2A isn't "very few". They aren't "fringe".

82% of Democrats who want to ban semi-auto weapons are not "very few". They aren't "fringe".

Stop lying. But you can't do that, either.
There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns".

DNC Vice Chair Publicly Demands Repeal of the 2nd Amendment
The Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation of the Democratic National Committee has called for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson on Tuesday issued a four-word tweet as she shared a link to a New York Times op-ed written by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens that advocated for the Second Amendmentā€™s repeal.

ā€œRepeal the Second Amendment,ā€ she tweeted.

Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed.

The survey also showed that a majority of Democrats, 82 percent, are in favor of banning semi-automatic weapons, which include handguns as well as rifles.


Democrats are evenly split on banning all handguns (including revolvers) except those carried by law enforcement.

You need to acknowledge the falseness of your claim now.

But you won't.

Where did I say there was nobody who wants to repeal the second amendment and start grabbing guns? They're out there no doubt. There is also no doubt that those people are on the fringes and will never get their way.

Please stop being afraid of the fringes.
A third of Democrats who want to abolish the 2A isn't "very few". They aren't "fringe".

82% of Democrats who want to ban semi-auto weapons are not "very few". They aren't "fringe".

Stop lying. But you can't do that, either.

You are being deceptive and dishonest. Please cut it out with the knee-jerk ASSumptions. You have NOTHING to worry about.

Support for an assault weapons ban is stronger among Democrats, at 86 percent, based on the poll. Forty-six percent of Republicans and 58 percent of independents said they are in favor of a ban.

An overwhelming 90 percent of Americans support requiring criminal background checks on all gun buyers, based on the poll. The support is statistically equal between Democrats and Republicans.
There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns".

DNC Vice Chair Publicly Demands Repeal of the 2nd Amendment
The Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation of the Democratic National Committee has called for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson on Tuesday issued a four-word tweet as she shared a link to a New York Times op-ed written by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens that advocated for the Second Amendmentā€™s repeal.

ā€œRepeal the Second Amendment,ā€ she tweeted.

Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed.

The survey also showed that a majority of Democrats, 82 percent, are in favor of banning semi-automatic weapons, which include handguns as well as rifles.


Democrats are evenly split on banning all handguns (including revolvers) except those carried by law enforcement.

You need to acknowledge the falseness of your claim now.

But you won't.

Where did I say there was nobody who wants to repeal the second amendment and start grabbing guns? They're out there no doubt. There is also no doubt that those people are on the fringes and will never get their way.

Please stop being afraid of the fringes.
A third of Democrats who want to abolish the 2A isn't "very few". They aren't "fringe".

82% of Democrats who want to ban semi-auto weapons are not "very few". They aren't "fringe".

Stop lying. But you can't do that, either.

You are being deceptive and dishonest. Please cut it out with the knee-jerk ASSumptions. You have NOTHING to worry about.

Support for an assault weapons ban is stronger among Democrats, at 86 percent, based on the poll. Forty-six percent of Republicans and 58 percent of independents said they are in favor of a ban.

An overwhelming 90 percent of Americans support requiring criminal background checks on all gun buyers, based on the poll. The support is statistically equal between Democrats and Republicans.

And again....using uninformed people to answer dishonest poll questions does not give you support for your lies.....

They don't know your agena or what you really want to do, and the poll question is essentially a lie since it doesn't fill out the issues around the question.

Using people who don't know the truth to give you power to violate their rights is why we don't trust what you say.....you are lying.....you are vile.
The vast majority of pandemic gun buyers have been new gun buyers......and many of them are former anti-gun left wingers, who suddenly realized that guns can be used to keep themselves and their families safe....

They have learned some things too.....that the anti-gun extremists have been lying about guns......

Yeah, who knew?

Well.....those who support the 2nd Amendment and have been fighting the anti-gun extremists have known that anti-gun extremists have to lie in order to get their anti-gun agenda approved by uninformed Americans....

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friendā€™s father owns a gun range near me and she said heā€™s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks.

How does he know theyā€™re liberals?

ā€œTheyā€™re shocked to discover they canā€™t just walk out of the store with a gun.ā€

Weā€™ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I hadnā€™t considered some of the tangential effects of the phenomenon until I spoke to my friend. Not only are many liberals suddenly learning to love their Second Amendment rights, many of them are finding out that the gun control narrative in this country ā€” as repeated loudly and often by Hollywood and the mainstream media ā€” is a complete lie.

So, I contacted my friendā€™s father to ask about what he is seeing personally at his own range these days. Gregg Bouslog runs On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, CA. Itā€™s where I taught my son to shoot and where Iā€™ll teach my daughter once the chaos lifts. He says that while others are stuck at home while the economy grinds to a halt, heā€™s been working nonstop at the range as the applications for background checks and permits are stacking up daily. Bouslog claims he hasnā€™t done business like this since the days of Obama.

As the owner of an indoor shooting range and gun store here in California these past 14 years we have never experienced such a huge demand for firearms and ammunition ā€“ even higher than the famous Obama rush of 2012/2013.
While itā€™s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television.

We tried to look at just who the new firearm purchasers were and we believe that more than 60% of these individuals were first time buyers. I canā€™t describe the amount of fear in my staff as we had the buyers show proof of safe handling as part of the purchase process as required by law. You have never seen so many barrels pointed at sales staff and other customers. It was truly frightening. We had to keep stopping the process to give quick safety lessons. We are adding many more basic classes in the coming weeks and encouraged these buyers to please attend. We hope they do.
This isnā€™t hard to believe. As a gun-owner who formerly abhorred the Second Amendment, I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid. They just donā€™t realize theyā€™re projecting their own stupidity onto law-abiding gun owners.

They imagine that we gun owners are just a bunch of yahoos out here combing our mullets, waving our guns around to look sexy while we look for anything or anyone to shoot at any time. They have no respect for the power of a weapon and treat them accordingly, which is what Bouslog is witnessing firsthand at his range. We gun owners, of course, take safety, care and precautions quite seriously. These are ingrained in the culture of gun ownership.

This is interesting:

I can personally testify to the fact that most people who believe they are anti-gun are actually just anti-stupid

Kinda dumb too. So you are saying that anti-gun people are pro-smart people. Cool, I don't agree or disagree. There are stupid gun owners and stupid anti-gun people. Your obsession with the latter which often causes these rants of yours are goofy.

There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns". As you should know by now, the vast majority of NRA members want universal BG checks. There's nothing about that which should frighten you into buying more guns or worrying about liberal gray shirts banging on your door in the middle of the night.

Grow up and release your death grip just a tad.


As you know, and then go on to pretend you don't understand, the people who answer those poll questions are uninformed about the issues around Universal Background Checks....we have been over this over and over with you and you pretend to still not understand, because you want to make it harder for normal people to own guns. And, I think it likely you want to ban and confiscate them and you hide behind the "I support the 2nd Amendment but want every single piece of red tape and legal peril created to catch and punish legal gun owners..." B.S.........

And.........since every single one of the democrat party candidates for President has supported confiscation of the most popular rifle in the country, even putting the guy who wants to go door to door and confiscating them as the guy in charge of that operation......we know what you want, and we know you will go about it one gun, magazeine, bullet and piece of equipment at a time until all of it is banned and confiscated...

Sell your lies to one of the uninformed Americans ...we know who you are, we know what you want.

Oh for the love of God. Beto dropped off the planet after he suggested grabbing AK's. Even if we end up with another assault-style weapons ban and truly universal background checks, NOBODY is gonna be out there demanding that you turn yours in.

Please stop being afraid. It isn't healthy :itsok:

No....they will pass the laws at the local and state level...one gun model at a time, and they rely on friendly, left wing, anti-gun judges on the Federal circuit to say the bans and confiscation are Constitutional.....then, when you call the police for a loud party next door, or get stopped for a traffic ticket, they will run your name......if they see you have a banned rifle, they will arrest you and confiscate it......ruining your life without having to go door to door........

You are a liar, you want guns banned, and you reveal it with your posts......

No one is going to do anything of the sort. The 2nd Amendment will not be overturned, there will be no one showing up at your door wanting to confiscate your guns. Law abiding citizens should (and will) always have the right to bear arms. Asking for sensible gun control laws and limiting the amount of damage one gun can do isn't infringing on your right to bear arms. I certainly don't want to see guns banned. That would be anti-American. But I also don't want to see people that have no business being near a firearm being able to get their hands on one.

Gun ownership has been steadily declining for a decade or two now. Younger generations don't see it as necessary, or ahbor it outright. That is why I'm firmly convinced that guns are more likely to become irrelevant before they are banned.
I'd relax and enjoy your freedom to own and operate your firearms.

Actually, no....and now with the virus, people are starting to realize that democrats will shut down the police and release criminals regardless of the danger....

UPDATED: Correcting Gun Control false claims about "Americaā€™s unique gun violence problem" and "How to Reduce Shootings" - Crime Prevention Research Center

ā€œ32% of households have gunsā€

In another example of bias, the Times claims that only 32% of American households own guns. That number comes from the General Social Survey (GSS), but it is an outlier. A March 2018 poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal estimates that 47% of households own guns, with another 3% declining to answer. A Monmouth University Poll on March 2-5, 2018 asked: ā€œDo you or anyone in your household own a gun, rifle, or pistol?ā€ With 46% saying ā€œyesā€ and another 7% unsure or refusing to answer, it is quite plausible that half of all households own guns.
There are very few people out there who are "anti-second amendment" or who want to "grab your guns".

DNC Vice Chair Publicly Demands Repeal of the 2nd Amendment
The Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation of the Democratic National Committee has called for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson on Tuesday issued a four-word tweet as she shared a link to a New York Times op-ed written by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens that advocated for the Second Amendmentā€™s repeal.

ā€œRepeal the Second Amendment,ā€ she tweeted.

Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed.

The survey also showed that a majority of Democrats, 82 percent, are in favor of banning semi-automatic weapons, which include handguns as well as rifles.


Democrats are evenly split on banning all handguns (including revolvers) except those carried by law enforcement.

You need to acknowledge the falseness of your claim now.

But you won't.

Where did I say there was nobody who wants to repeal the second amendment and start grabbing guns? They're out there no doubt. There is also no doubt that those people are on the fringes and will never get their way.

Please stop being afraid of the fringes.
A third of Democrats who want to abolish the 2A isn't "very few". They aren't "fringe".

82% of Democrats who want to ban semi-auto weapons are not "very few". They aren't "fringe".

Stop lying. But you can't do that, either.

You are being deceptive and dishonest. Please cut it out with the knee-jerk ASSumptions. You have NOTHING to worry about.

Support for an assault weapons ban is stronger among Democrats, at 86 percent, based on the poll. Forty-six percent of Republicans and 58 percent of independents said they are in favor of a ban.

An overwhelming 90 percent of Americans support requiring criminal background checks on all gun buyers, based on the poll. The support is statistically equal between Democrats and Republicans.

And again....using uninformed people to answer dishonest poll questions does not give you support for your lies.....

They don't know your agena or what you really want to do, and the poll question is essentially a lie since it doesn't fill out the issues around the question.

Using people who don't know the truth to give you power to violate their rights is why we don't trust what you say.....you are lying.....you are vile.

Translation: People are idiots. Only I am informed enough to have an opinion! :rolleyes-41:

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