Leaked Memo II: McConnell Tea Party Bitch Boy


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Leaked Memo: Top Tea Party Group Says Mitch McConnell Opposed the Stimulus Because It Leaned on Him

Another GOP memo leaked - Early in the stimulus battle, we learned that Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell was learning towards letting Senate Republicans 'vote their conscience,' code words for an unwillingness to lead. Our campaign team was able, with just several hours notice, to mobilize a grassroots firestorm that systematically shut down every phone line in the Leader's offices, both in Washington, DC, and in Kentucky. This unreported story resulted in a very strong Senate Republican Leadership position opposing the trillion-dollar stimulus bill and a surprisingly unified opposition in the Senate.

That was from Freedom Works (Koch Bros.)
This is true. Many Republicans only put up the "appearance" of opposition. Democrats do the same.
But Kibbe's account contradicts the conventional narrative that McConnell from the start wanted Senate Republicans to oppose the stimulus package—and it undermines McConnell's contention (which he deploys regularly on the campaign trail these days) that he has been a consistent conservative opponent of Obama.
This is not "painful" for Tea Partiers in fact it's just the opposite. It's encouraging.

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