Zone1 Lawsuit alleges Harvard gives preferential treatment to legacy admissions, who are ‘overwhelmingly’ White


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
This caught me by surprise. I knew certain things were going to occur however I thought the lawsuits would be by non-minorities complaining that universities are still letting in "too many Black people" and discriminating in favor of Blacks in direct violation of SCOTUS's latest ruling.

This will be interesting to see how it things play out.

CNN - Three minority advocacy groups are suing Harvard University’s governing body, accusing the school of discrimination by giving preferential treatment to children of wealthy donors and alumni, and are citing the recent US Supreme Court ruling that gutted affirmative action to bolster their lawsuit.​
The lawsuit, filed by the Lawyers for Civil Rights group on behalf of the Chica Project, the African Community Economic Development of New England, and the Greater Boston Latino Network, alleges the students who receive that preferential treatment are “overwhelmingly White,” and make up as much as 15% of admitted students.​
“This preferential treatment has nothing to do with an applicant’s merit. Instead, it is an unfair and unearned benefit that is conferred solely based on the family that the applicant is born into,” Lawyers for Civil Rights said in a news release. “This custom, pattern, and practice is exclusionary and discriminatory. It severely disadvantages and harms applicants of color.”​
The lawsuit comes less than a week after the Supreme Court gutted affirmative action in college admissions, ruling schools can no longer take race into consideration as a specific basis for accepting a candidate.​
The lawsuit cited that ruling and quoted the Supreme Court’s majority, which said, “College admissions are zero-sum, and a benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former at the expense of the latter.”​
This made me laugh out loud. These Universities are stuck with an HIV dick up their asses. The legacy students come from donors and alumni who support the Universities with generous donations and more fees and tuitions then any ten poor minorities can bring. No money. No school.

Or, they can snuffle and virtue signal into failure. They can admit high school drop outs and hand out fake degrees from third rate professors. Even today the reputations of the Ivy League isn't what it once was. Stop legacy admissions and Harvard will be selling off its campus.
This made me laugh out loud. These Universities are stuck with an HIV dick up their asses. The legacy students come from donors and alumni who support the Universities with generous donations and more fees and tuitions then any ten poor minorities can bring. No money. No school.

Or, they can snuffle and virtue signal into failure. They can admit high school drop outs and hand out fake degrees from third rate professors. Even today the reputations of the Ivy League isn't what it once was. Stop legacy admissions and Harvard will be selling off its campus.
Strange how you didn't mention the constitutionality and just the money.

I thought it was about the constitution
The problem is that a lot of elite schools like Yale solicit contributions and make their money from selling admissions to top alumni.

Its definitely one of the big revenue streams in running their business.

Personally, I have no interest in this at all, my parents didn't make any donation when I went to school.

The problem is that a lot of elite schools like Yale solicit contributions and make their money from selling admissions to top alumni.

Its definitely one of the big revenue streams in running their business.

Personally, I have no interest in this at all, my parents didn't make any donation when I went to school.

These big universities would not exist if not for alums and donations.

Solving this is simple. Black alums and donors should legacy their kids in. After all weren't they brilliant enough to parlay their education into millions? No. Too bad.
This caught me by surprise. I knew certain things were going to occur however I thought the lawsuits would be by non-minorities complaining that universities are still letting in "too many Black people" and discriminating in favor of Blacks in direct violation of SCOTUS's latest ruling.

This will be interesting to see how it things play out.

CNN - Three minority advocacy groups are suing Harvard University’s governing body, accusing the school of discrimination by giving preferential treatment to children of wealthy donors and alumni, and are citing the recent US Supreme Court ruling that gutted affirmative action to bolster their lawsuit.​
The lawsuit, filed by the Lawyers for Civil Rights group on behalf of the Chica Project, the African Community Economic Development of New England, and the Greater Boston Latino Network, alleges the students who receive that preferential treatment are “overwhelmingly White,” and make up as much as 15% of admitted students.​
“This preferential treatment has nothing to do with an applicant’s merit. Instead, it is an unfair and unearned benefit that is conferred solely based on the family that the applicant is born into,” Lawyers for Civil Rights said in a news release. “This custom, pattern, and practice is exclusionary and discriminatory. It severely disadvantages and harms applicants of color.”​
The lawsuit comes less than a week after the Supreme Court gutted affirmative action in college admissions, ruling schools can no longer take race into consideration as a specific basis for accepting a candidate.​
The lawsuit cited that ruling and quoted the Supreme Court’s majority, which said, “College admissions are zero-sum, and a benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former at the expense of the latter.”​
Im all for putting a stop to that. Its time to only allow people in college who earned the right to be there. No more free rides for dummies.
These big universities would not exist if not for alums and donations.

Solving this is simple. Black alums and donors should legacy their kids in. After all weren't they brilliant enough to parlay their education into millions? No. Too bad.

They do have black colleges, though some are going bankrupt from lack of support from their own communities. Paul Quinn in Dallas was the last one I know of near here. Black alumni don't give two shits about their own people; it's Whitey's job to save them all.
This made me laugh out loud. These Universities are stuck with an HIV dick up their asses. The legacy students come from donors and alumni who support the Universities with generous donations and more fees and tuitions then any ten poor minorities can bring. No money. No school.

Or, they can snuffle and virtue signal into failure. They can admit high school drop outs and hand out fake degrees from third rate professors. Even today the reputations of the Ivy League isn't what it once was. Stop legacy admissions and Harvard will be selling off its campus.

So by that logic, why have standards at all.

Whoever writes out the biggest check to Harvard or Yale gets the golden ticket of a Harvard Degree.

That's kind of messed up, yo!
What's the old saying:

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive!"

deceived when they failed to accept the best and brightest in favor of ethnic diversity....Then to add insult to injury they deceived again by choosing one larger less bright minority ethnic group over the smaller, brighter one.

Deserves has everything to do with it.....Let them fight.
This caught me by surprise. I knew certain things were going to occur however I thought the lawsuits would be by non-minorities complaining that universities are still letting in "too many Black people" and discriminating in favor of Blacks in direct violation of SCOTUS's latest ruling.

This will be interesting to see how it things play out.

CNN - Three minority advocacy groups are suing Harvard University’s governing body, accusing the school of discrimination by giving preferential treatment to children of wealthy donors and alumni, and are citing the recent US Supreme Court ruling that gutted affirmative action to bolster their lawsuit.​
The lawsuit, filed by the Lawyers for Civil Rights group on behalf of the Chica Project, the African Community Economic Development of New England, and the Greater Boston Latino Network, alleges the students who receive that preferential treatment are “overwhelmingly White,” and make up as much as 15% of admitted students.​
“This preferential treatment has nothing to do with an applicant’s merit. Instead, it is an unfair and unearned benefit that is conferred solely based on the family that the applicant is born into,” Lawyers for Civil Rights said in a news release. “This custom, pattern, and practice is exclusionary and discriminatory. It severely disadvantages and harms applicants of color.”​
The lawsuit comes less than a week after the Supreme Court gutted affirmative action in college admissions, ruling schools can no longer take race into consideration as a specific basis for accepting a candidate.​
The lawsuit cited that ruling and quoted the Supreme Court’s majority, which said, “College admissions are zero-sum, and a benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former at the expense of the latter.”​

They are correct. The minority groups, that is.

If the colleges take federal money, hmmmm......this has legs it would seem. Of course if they are like Hillsdale and take no federal money, they are free to do as they like.

This will be fascinating.
One might consider economic discrimination as quite different from racial, ethnic, sexual or religious.
The legacy admissions are a vestige of a situation that no longer exists.

In addition to being kind to alumni, there was actually a good reason for legacy admissions. It used to be that academic failure (attrition) was a significant problem at the top schools, especially in the Freshman year. As a silly reference point, recall that Professor Kingsford cautioned incoming Harvard Law students that one in three of them would fail to graduate. Academic attrition was a real "thing." Same in undergrad. Often, it was a problem with the students simply not being able to live with the academic rigor of the elite schools.

So the children of Alumni, who would have a parent preparing them in advance and guiding them through these difficult times, would be much more likely to survive the first year, and to ultimately graduate. Hence, they were the best candidates to succeed.

But now, academic attrition is a thing of the past. If you are admitted and you are not a total fuck-up, you will graduate, invariably in four years. This is because academic rigor has been washed away, along with the meritocracy of admissions. What good is it to accept POC's if they are going to fail and not graduate? So grading has been relaxed, bullshit majors have been introduced, and when a student seems ready to fail, there are ways of improving the final grade so s/he can proceed to the next level without delay.

Hence, the academic justification of legacy admissions is gone.

Nevertheless, these bullshit lawsuits will inevitably fail. Not all discrimination is illegal, even if it disproportionately impacts Blacks. Consider...

If a certain "elite" school decided to base its acceptance purely on, say, IQ, the percentage of "Black" applicants who would be accepted would be approximately zero. It is a statistical certainty. The reason is simply this: The necessary baseline would be an IQ that is at least two standard deviations above the mean, which means that only (approx.) 2-1/2% of the general population would qualify. But American Blacks have IQ's that are a full standard deviation below the mean of the general population. That means that an American Black person would have to be three standard deviations above the Black mean. Accordingly, only 0.15% of Blacks would have that level out of six hundred.

THIS is why Blacks are under-represented in fields where there is no substitute for high intelligence; it's not racial discrimination. It is intellectual discrimination, which is perfectly legal.
So by that logic, why have standards at all.

Whoever writes out the biggest check to Harvard or Yale gets the golden ticket of a Harvard Degree.

That's kind of messed up, yo!
Yet that is precisely the way it is. Although, those who can write the biggest check normally have a decent background education since those families value education.

This young womans statement is about a racist comment I have seen in a while and she claims to be a liberal.
Her statement is an insult to all my black teachers who achieved their educations before affirmative action.

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