Law Professor: Loretta Lynch did not violate legal ethics in meeting with Bill Clinton

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months
Bill knew Lynch's plane was about to land. He instructed his staff to WAIT until Lynch's plane had landed. Bill then boarded Lynch's plane and the two of them had a 'private' conversation' lasting for thirty minutes.
Lynch claims they only talked about their families FOR THIRTY MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!
Ya fucking RIGHT!

Why does Lynch have a "plane" in the first place?

It's the 21st century, Caveman.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

I call Bullshit. It is completely inappropriate for her to meet privately with the husband of a person who is the subject of an FBI investigation. There is an overwhelming appearance of impropriety in this case. Don't believe me? If this were a Republican ex POTUS meeting with a US attorney who served under him while his wife was under investigation it would be front page news, and every Dem on the planet would be demanding her resignation.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

what was the "STERNER TONE"----with bill Clinton----in my view they are both responsible for that which BOTH DID

Nope, Bill Clinton is not a public servant, and therefore did nothing wrong. It's all on her and she should be fired or resign, and get violently raped by the press.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

I call Bullshit. It is completely inappropriate for her to meet privately with the husband of a person who is the subject of an FBI investigation. There is an overwhelming appearance of impropriety in this case. Don't believe me? If this were a Republican ex POTUS meeting with a US attorney who served under him while his wife was under investigation it would be front page news, and every Dem on the planet would be demanding her resignation.
Are you a Law Professor?
This admin makes the Nixon, Haldeman, Ehrlichman bunch look like choir boys.

They got Capone for process crimes.
They got Nixon for process crimes. (Hilldog was part of it)
They got Bill for process crimes.
They spared Reagan, but got him dead to right, on process crimes.

Hillary has been warned, over and over. Every press leak has been warning. You can tell that by the choice of source. Leaks to WaPo were warning. Parading Gucifes on NBC was warning. HuffPost regular writing the word indictment over and over was warning. That's why I am convinced she's in deep shit, not because chihuahua barks from the right. If the email and Foundation things were confined to Breitbart or Fox, it would end up on the trash heap with Vince Foster. But leftist are bending backwards to try to get her save some shred of legacy and dignity (if she ever had any) and she just can't help herself.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.

what was the "STERNER TONE"----with bill Clinton----in my view they are both responsible for that which BOTH DID

Nope, Bill Clinton is not a public servant, and therefore did nothing wrong. It's all on her and she should be fired or resign, and get violently raped by the press.

both are responsible----BILL is a public servant for LIFE
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.
IMHO if mrs. clinton is not indicted, the 240 year experiment in a Democratic Republic is toast. Whenever the lies over rules the truth the country is doomed.

There is absolutely ZERO chance she will be indicted. I guarantee it, and if she is indicted I will erase my account here. There is a small chance the FBI will recommend indictment.
Regarding a recent airport meeting with Bill Clinton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch does not need to recuse herself from Hillary Clinton's email investigation, a law professor said:

From the standpoint of legal ethics, Lynch did nothing wrong, said New York University law school professor Stephen Gillers. Gillers said he didn't think the attorney general needed to recuse herself from overseeing the email probe. But Gillers took a sterner tone with Bill Clinton.

Bipartisan Disapproval Follows Bill Clinton's Meeting With Loretta Lynch

This represents a major blow to fake-scandal peddling right wing nuts and the minority of butt-hurt Bernie supporters who lost the primaries.
^ Another paid- DNC poster
IMHO if mrs. clinton is not indicted, the 240 year experiment in a Democratic Republic is toast. Whenever the lies over rules the truth the country is doomed.

There is absolutely ZERO chance she will be indicted. I guarantee it, and if she is indicted I will erase my account here. There is a small chance the FBI will recommend indictment.

If she gets indicted, don't erase your account. Especially then we'll need you here. :D
IMHO if mrs. clinton is not indicted, the 240 year experiment in a Democratic Republic is toast. Whenever the lies over rules the truth the country is doomed.

There is absolutely ZERO chance she will be indicted. I guarantee it, and if she is indicted I will erase my account here. There is a small chance the FBI will recommend indictment.

If this happens please pick a better avatar when you come back...
This is the same prof that has been making excuses for the Clinton's for decades now. He just happens to pop up whenever any impropriety happens to be about the Clinton's.
IMHO if mrs. clinton is not indicted, the 240 year experiment in a Democratic Republic is toast. Whenever the lies over rules the truth the country is doomed.

There is absolutely ZERO chance she will be indicted. I guarantee it, and if she is indicted I will erase my account here. There is a small chance the FBI will recommend indictment.

If this happens please pick a better avatar when you come back...

Now my feelings are don't like my avatar?
This admin makes the Nixon, Haldeman, Ehrlichman bunch look like choir boys.

It doesn't come close to the Iran Contra pardons.

Nor the pardon of Marc Rich.

You're saying that pardon was worse than the pardoning of Richard Nixon? lol

Yep, and not only me.

Fifteen years ago this month, on Jan. 20, 2001, his last day in office, Bill Clinton issued a pardon for international fugitive Marc Rich. It would become perhaps the most condemned official act of Clinton’s political career. A New York Times editorial called it “a shocking abuse of presidential power.” The usually Clinton-friendly New Republic noted it “is often mentioned as Exhibit A of Clintonian sliminess.”

Congressman Barney Frank added, “It was a real betrayal by Bill Clinton of all who had been strongly supportive of him to do something this unjustified. It was contemptuous.”

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