"Law" Lets I.R.S. Seize Accounts on Suspicion, No Crime Required

Is trying to get rid of slavery and tyranny anarchism?

Are we using the English definitions of those words? Because I don't think you are.

You do the math

noun \ˈtir-ə-nē\
: cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others

: a government in which all power belongs to one person : the rule or authority of a tyrant

plural tyr·an·nies

Full Definition of TYRANNY
: oppressive power <every form of tyranny over the mind of man — Thomas Jefferson>; especially : oppressive power exerted by government <the tyranny of a police state>

noun \ˈslā-v(ə-)rē\
: the state of being a slave

: the practice of owning slaves

Full Definition of SLAVERY
: drudgery, toil
: submission to a dominating influence
We don't have one person with all the power. People aren't 'slaves'. So get a little more specific as to what you're claiming to fight. And how its not anarchy.
We don't have one person with all the power. People aren't 'slaves'. So get a little more specific as to what you're claiming to fight. And how its not anarchy.
From a Constitutional (1787) we now have a tyranny and Americans are slaves.

Now well, I am aware that some people are members of cults and they have no problem living in that setting. So if you have been conditioned to be a slave them the present conditions in the US are not a problem to you.

From a Constitutional (1787) we now have a tyranny and Americans are slaves.

Says who?

Now well, I am aware that some people are members of cults and they have no problem living in that setting. So if you have been conditioned to be a slave them the present conditions in the US are not a problem to you.

Or....some people don't take your ability to type a claim as indisputable proof that your claim must be true.

Why don't you make your argument factually and we can discuss it.
America Has Entered a New Level of Tyranny
By Dave Hodges

The Common Sense Show

November 25, 2013

Information is gathered for a purpose. We attend school, gain knowledge and acquire employment. We gather knowledge about someone we are dating and then make a decision about the future of the relationship. When the government is gathering information on us which goes beyond the basic census information, then we should be asking a lot of questions along the lines of “When will the surveillance gathering being conducted by the NSA turn into outright persecution”?

It is amazing how many Americans have never heard of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Under the NDAA, a person can be snatched off the street without cause, not allowed access to an attorney, held indefinitely, never charged with a crime and never released. An NSA identified enemy of the state could presumably be murdered and who would know?

From a Constitutional (1787) we now have a tyranny and Americans are slaves.

Says who?

Now well, I am aware that some people are members of cults and they have no problem living in that setting. So if you have been conditioned to be a slave them the present conditions in the US are not a problem to you.

Or....some people don't take your ability to type a claim as indisputable proof that your claim must be true.

Why don't you make your argument factually and we can discuss it.

Those who are lucid. see post #26.

Those who are lucid. see post #26.

And those who are lucid are those who just happen to agree with you, huh?

Have you ever heard of the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy? You may want to look into it.
From a Constitutional (1787) we now have a tyranny and Americans are slaves.

Says who?

Now well, I am aware that some people are members of cults and they have no problem living in that setting. So if you have been conditioned to be a slave them the present conditions in the US are not a problem to you.

Or....some people don't take your ability to type a claim as indisputable proof that your claim must be true.

Why don't you make your argument factually and we can discuss it.
Because he has no facts to support his 'argument.'
“America Has Entered a New Level of Tyranny
By Dave Hodges”


Subjective, hyperbolic opinions do not constitute 'facts.'

“It is amazing how many Americans have never heard of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Under the NDAA, a person can be snatched off the street without cause, not allowed access to an attorney, held indefinitely, never charged with a crime and never released.”

It is amazing how wrong and ignorant many demagogues can be.
The NDAA possesses no such provision, and authorizes no such action. Citizens cannot be detained by government authorities absent due process even if designated to be an "enemy combatant" (Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004)).

In addition, acts of Congress are presumed to be Constitutional until the Supreme Court rules otherwise (see, e.g., US v. Morrison (2000)). That some might think or believe a law is un-Constitutional, or might violate their civil liberties, does not render that law in fact un-Constitutional (Clapper v. Amnesty International (2013)).
Those who are lucid. see post #26.

And those who are lucid are those who just happen to agree with you, huh?

Have you ever heard of the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy? You may want to look into it.

Have you heard George Santayana's aphorism:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"?

You may want to look into it.


It sounds like you are projecting.

If your claims had value, you could argue and demonstrate the value. Instead you've simply declared the value, and then posted link to people who agree with you. That's not a compelling argument. But in fact a series of logical fallacies. Which doesn't denote a particularly valuable claim.

Try again. Make your case for why we have 'tyranny' and why Americans are 'slaves'. If your argument is good, it will stand. If it isn't, you'll type the same claim again and demand we accept it as valid based on your ability to type.
From a Constitutional (1787) we now have a tyranny and Americans are slaves.

Says who?

Now well, I am aware that some people are members of cults and they have no problem living in that setting. So if you have been conditioned to be a slave them the present conditions in the US are not a problem to you.

Or....some people don't take your ability to type a claim as indisputable proof that your claim must be true.

Why don't you make your argument factually and we can discuss it.
Because he has no facts to support his 'argument.'

The article provided an excellent factual background which you have chosen to ignore. What 's your agenda?


Have you even read your article? If so, tell us why it works.

Present your argument.

What 's your agenda?

A conversation. And its like pulling teeth to get you to simply tell us what you believe and why you believe it. Or to back those claims up with reasoned arguments and evidence.

If you don't know why you believe as you believe, just say so. If you do know, then by all means share that with us. And offer us reasonable arguments to support those beliefs.

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